People in the New Age movement now days talk of unconditional light without getting pass the darkness known as Choronzon, or as the late Robert Anton Wilson calls "Chapel Perilous". Choronzon is known as the Abyss that resides in the Da'ath sephirot of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and its number is 333. It was originally conceived of as a demon discovered by magicians Edward Kelly and John Dee. It would later be defined as an obstacle of enlightenment according to Aleister Crowley and his system of Thelema.
So how do we reach the Choronzon(e)? Well, through prolonged periods and practices of disciplinary arts such as magick and/or meditation and yoga, one can actually reach the point of Choronzon or Chapel Perilous where we either try to overcome it, or get subdued by it.