You cannot see it but its there. It is the prison built for yor mind. The Universe is a Hologram. Free your mind.
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  • Breaking the code and freeing people from the invisible walls of slavery is the utmost priority.
  • Welcome everyone :-) lets free some minds ps do not jump sky scrapers lol well not just yet hehe ;-)
  • Great group Tristan~~~Thank you for inviting me my Dear brother~~~
  • oh & don't worry about the vase!

    What vase?

    What's really going to bake your noodle later on is........would you still have broken it?

    .............I'm sorry Neo, you've got the gift but...............

    BUT WE ALL HAVE this GIFT, it's just a matter of coursing our way through this matrix back to our true selves where we can live in peace, create in harmony and love unconditionally.

    Why oh why did I take the blue pill???

    Cappy stay off the chopper, the train's safer!
  • I dont trick people you are living in the trick the question you have to ask yourself is do you want to be a slave a prisoner or do you wanna be free?
  • All belief systems are a form of prison for the mind. But again it comes down to choice you mentioned the train it depends you could not go on the train and live in a prison or you can get onto the train and see how deep the rabbit hole goes. You have many who warn you of false prophets yet you are still following false prophets the real power comes from you not some lie who wears a smile. The universe is a hologram we are all of one conciousness experianceing but there are those who know this who are corrupted by the power of knowing this and it is they who control the planet. The universe's program works on the harmony of chaos yet the pattern on earth is a predictable program which means its not flowing the way it should and if people haven't spotted whats going on thats because their conditioning of the planet is working. The only way is for us to make people aware in order to save them and free their minds.
  • Lol my friend your already in the matrix realiseing what it is, is freedom from it. Media,Religon,education all of whats around you and the universe itself is the matrix. But the matrix that poses a threat is the one created by those who control the government and the system and the things it controls namely the media,Religon, education etc.
  • Nice to see you here Ann :)
  • RIght, exactly right. We are the Morpheus~ You know~
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