Good day, friends :-) I am participating in an earth meditation on the Lion's Gate portal alignment on August 8 with a link up time of 5:30 local time and invite anyone to join in and assist with the revitalization of the water systems of Gaia, in p
I am the Soul. And also love I am. Above all else I am both will and fixed design. My will is now to lift the lower self into the light divine. This light I am. Therefore, I must descend to where the lower self awaits my co
I have not written a personal blog in a long time now, but I felt that I should communicate to you all as widely as possible and figured you would likely get this notice in your email boxes.
In a nutshell, we are in a very fruitful time, the energy
If the ancient Maya and Egyptian were alive TODAY, they would probably be looking in AWE to our NightSky wandering at the marvelous spectacle that is occurring: The Conjunction of Venus and the Pleiades Con
I cannot embed this video so please follow the link to view for a fascinating look into vortex energy and the earth grids. The video reminded me of some recent crop circles that turned up this month, so I include them for further pondering regarding
Please follow the link to read these chapters for further understanding:
Meditation Triangle Units 2 The Great Invocation 5 How to join the Meditation Triangle Units 6 What is the New Group of World Servers? 7 The Science of the Mind in Short 8 The Sp
Spiritual force in its various grades circulates around the three points of the triangle, eventually becoming the electrical and magnetic funnel or vortex of receptivity that lifts up and simultaneously draws down the needed forces for transmutation
Throughout the writings of HPB and the Tibetan, triangles abound: the Science of Triangles; Upper and lower Triads; the Trinity, triple Logos or Hindu Trimurti; Three Crosses, etc. And always the Law of 1-3-7 confronts us, from Unity to Trip
The body's EMF requires ions in the air through which to flow. The higher the ion count the higher the flow in the EMF. The higher the EMF flow, the higher the energy generation of the cells and the higher the energy of the nerves, which means a corr
The spiritual Phenomenon called the Divine Mother has always been deeply interesting to spiritual seekers. Known to sages and saints throughout history, it is the Divine Mother whom we in the West address as the Holy Spirit and Mother Nature. In Indi
Salutations, dear friends. I wasn't sure if this discussion fit in with the esoteric nature of this group, however if you understand the energy of colors and shape, then perhaps you would see why I would be excited about the bright blue energy seen
"There are different levels of truth: in general, we can say that all depends on what we think is real. We live in a world where everything we see is just a tip of a “quantum-mechanic” iceberg. Things are not made by “things” but by ideas, concepts a
THE BODY OF LIGHT & ZERO POINT MEDICINE Temple of Living Light: The Nature of Embodiment is Light
Sacred Geometry & Colors of The Water Wheel Mandela
Sacred geometry for water, Tube Torus, merkaba for living water, as above-as below, 7-pointed Star Ceremony 3 Circles Inner altar circle-beginning Spirit, holds the intentions, the center, healing Mi
In our chapter on the Life Ether we learned something about what Max Heindel designated "the colorless solar ether" and "solar fluid," and we noted that this solar fluid was visible to etheric sight under several varying