1HappyKelly's blog that started the group

Have you ever heard of the Triangles Meditation?

Posted by 1HappyKelly on May 31, 2011 at 3:24pm in Meditation
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This is a great meditation that I am looking forward to trying. I thought I would share in case any of you would like to meditate in groups of three... not necessary to live close together or meditate at the same time, which is nice because we live in all kinds of time zones, lol.


The Work of Triangles
The service of Triangles is aiding the development of right human relations throughout the world. A knowledge and understanding of the relationship between energy and thought is of definite value in this work. The work of Triangles is directing energy by the power of thought. In Triangles we use the focused power of thought to invoke and direct into humanity the energies of light and goodwill -- energies desperately needed in our world today. It is a deeply scientific work, but fundamentally simple. Invocation, prayer or aspiration, meditation -- it matters not which word you use -- by means of these three methods, spiritual energies are tapped and brought into activity.
The steady impact of right thought, thought qualified by the energy of goodwill, is having a definite stimulating and healing effect upon the consciousness of humanity. In addition a vast reservoir or pool of goodwill energy is being created which is drawn upon by workers for humanity all over the planet.
Any individual can join with two others who believe in the power of creative thought to form a triangle. This triangle, when linked in with the worldwide Network of Light and Goodwill, can be a practical expression of the potency of thought and a contribution to the effort to develop right relations among all humanity.
How to Create a Triangle
Find two other people to link with you each day in thought, for a few moments of creative meditation. There is a unique potency in this triple relationship. According to all the World Scriptures, God works as a Trinity, and you can do the same in your own sphere, finding two other people of like mind to form a triangle of light and spiritual interplay. Each of the two can also, in their turn, do the same and thus a great network of light and spiritual power can spread over the world. Through it the Forces of Light will be able to work and you, in your own place, will have aided and helped.
How to do the Work
The Triangles work is simple. It need take only a few minutes to perform and can be fitted into the most crowded program. Each day members sit quietly for a few moments, in whatever part of the world they each may be, and link mentally with the other members of their triangle, or triangles. They invoke the energies of light and goodwill, visualize these energies as circulating through the three focal points and pouring outward through the network of triangles that envelops the world. At the same time they undertake to repeat the Great Invocation, thus helping to form a channel for the down pouring of light and love into the body of humanity. It is not necessary to synchronize the time at which the work is done, for once triangles are built in mental substance, they can be ‘brought alive’ when any one member does the work
Science of the Mind
The wise and skillful use of thought energy in service is not for most people an automatic process. It calls for effort and discipline and for an understanding of the principles on which the creative use of the mind can be based. The following statements indicate some of the fundamentals of this science of the mind.

1). Thought is creative as it builds by the formulation, development and clarification of ideas. It is communicative as the mind projects the ‘thoughtform’ to its destination.

2). Creative thought building requires a calm and stable emotional consciousness, a mind that can maintain focus and concentration on an idea or theme without interruption or distraction and physical conditions that permit both to be achieved.

3). Purity of motive is needed for this work. This is not a counsel of perfection; but the purpose for doing the work must be one of impersonal, selfless service for the benefit and upliftment of the whole human family.

4). The mind must be united with the heart in creative spiritual service. The Christ said ‘As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,’ and if the thinker works without a heart open to the flow of love, the thought will lack the magnetism needed for it to achieve its objectives.

5). There are many ways of thinking a subject through in order to clarify and develop it. But effort should be made to penetrate behind outer appearances to search for meaning, for significances, for relationships with other ideas or streams of thought, to look for causes and not at effects. The attempt to do this lead the thinker to reflect on that which is not of the nature of the form, and this can lead to contemplation, which is the source of inspiration and illumination.

6). The thinker should at some stage lift the consciousness to the soul -- the Christ consciousness within us -- and, reflecting in the light of the soul, link in thought with the spiritual Hierarchy, the Custodians of the Plan. In this way we will help to build the link between the mind of God and the minds of men and women, and through this channel, the Plan can be helped to precipitate into human consciousness. We can also invoke the flow of light and love and the will-to-good through this channel into the minds and hearts of all.

7). The thinker should realize that one is in fact part of a subjectively unified group of thinkers in any creative service work undertaken with the energy of thought. A thinker will contribute to and draw from a group ‘pool of thought.’ By linking in consciousness with this group while working with thought energy, one adds to the value of one’s own and others’ contributions.

8). Thoughtforms should be built with as much care and accuracy as we use to build a house. Just as an architect must take into account design, materials, location, wiring, lighting, heating, plumbing and gear them all to a house that is beautiful, practical, economic and good to live in, so must the creative worker in thought bear in mind the corresponding factors for mental creation. Just as there are millions of poorly designed and built houses in the world, so there are millions of ill thought out and relatively useless thoughtforms. In this process of thoughtform building, the main mental technique is visualization.
Spiritual energy must make its impact upon human minds; these minds are the only available instrument -- in their combined effect -- through which the will of God can be expressed. The place of humanity in the cosmic Plan becomes more vital and apparent when it is realized that one of our main responsibilities is the direction of energy currents from the mental plane, and the creation of that which is desired according to God’s purpose for his creation. Men and women, as a whole, are undergoing evolutionary development in order that they may be become conscientious creators in matter. This involves a realization of the archetypal Plan, a conscious process of willing creation, so that we co-operate with the ideal, work under law and produce that which is in line with the Plan.

Tags: meditation, triangles
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  • Purple is the color of good judgment. It is the color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment. It is said if you surround yourself with purple you will have peace of mind. Purple is a good color to use in meditation.

    Purple has been used to symbolize magic and mystery, as well as royalty. Being the combination of red and blue, the warmest and coolest colors, purple is believed to be the ideal color. Most children love the color purple. Purple is the color most favored by artists. Thursday's color is purple.

    Violet is the color of purpose. Violet is associated with the Crown chakra (This links individual and universal).
    Violet Energy

    Violet is a combination of blue and red. Red is a focusing, dynamic and active energy while blue is cooling, calming and expansive. Violet brings a new dynamic to the expansion of blue and the activity of red. Red brings practicality to the undirected expansiveness of the blue, and allows more creative energy to emerge. For this reason, violet is associated with imagination and inspiration.

    Violet is an important energy for those who use blue and indigo skills in the psychic field. The red in violet offers a grounding effect.
    • The color indigo is the color of intuition and perception and is helpful in opening the third eye. It promotes deep concentration during times of introspection and meditation, helping you achieve deeper levels of consciousness. It is a color which relates to the "New Age" - the ability to use the Higher Mind to see beyond the normal senses with great powers of perception. It relies on intuition rather than gut feeling.

      Indigo is a deep midnight blue. It is a combination of deep blue and violet and holds the attributes of both these colors.

      Service to humanity is one of the strengths of the color indigo. Powerful and dignified, indigo conveys integrity and deep sincerity.

      The color meaning of indigo reflects great devotion, wisdom and justice along with fairness and impartiality. It is a defender of people's rights to the end.

      Structure creates identity and meaning for indigo. In fact an indigo person cannot function without structure - it throws them right off balance. Organization is very important to them and they can be quite inflexible when it comes to order in their lives.

      Indigo loves rituals and traditions, religion and the institutional system, conforming to things that have worked in the past while planning for the future.

      Indigo stimulates right brain or creative activity and helps with spatial skills. It is a dramatic color relating to the world of the theater, which, during times of stress becomes the drama queen, making a mountain out of a molehill!

      The negative color meaning of indigo relates to fanaticism and addiction. Its addiction encompasses everything from a need for recognized qualifications to a need for illegal drugs, from the workaholic to the religious fanatic.

      Indigo can be narrow-minded, intolerant and prejudiced.


    • I love you annaja how are you got any cool dreams to share my dear
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