Good day everyone! Salutations, thank you for reading this material, if you are, then you are likely already experimenting with Triangles meditation and I thought I would share what I do when I connect with it in meditation.
Now, Triangles is very, very old and esoteric. By “esoteric” I mean, hidden… it is one of the most powerful symbols you can work with and yet there is not a lot of information widely known, but the information is there if you search for yourself. Use the term “Triangles of Light” in your search bar and you will find a plethora of information from all sorts of sources. There is a lot of information and links in this group too for those who seek knowledge.
Traditionally, in a Triangles meditation you have three people who link together …. Now this part is very interesting because I think Obi, Kat and I fell into this naturally… the first person is “force”, it is the movement, the second person is the “receiver” whom is the vessel for the first person to connect to… and the third person is the “observer”, who gives perception and perpetuates the movement … that sounds complicated, I know… but that is why the triangle is so sacred, it’s actually the symbol of eternal light because the three points continually feed each other into infinity… think of the Triangle as a divine “motor” for Light and energy that never runs out of fuel. Once you create it in real time with your other connectors, you can access it forever because it will always be connected to you unless you decide to delete it.
What Obi Wan did was a bit different from the traditional Triangles, with his guidance (and HIS guidance from other sources, lol), we worked together to build an etheric tower with links to the earth using crystal resonance. Now, you would have to go through this group page to see all how Obi did it and what was done… needless to say we’ve had quite a bit of heavenly assistance, and this build is very powerful and has been used by many Triangle members in meditation and to hook up with astral members of the Hierarchy. There is further information on the Padawans group as well… you don’t have to be an expert at meditation to enter this build, it’s a matter of practice and intention.
Everyone who enters has their own perceptions of the Triangle and tower… there are many crystalline colors and frequencies so you can see all sorts of things, it’s very beautiful … but as I said, it gets easier with practice and a little bit of discipline never hurts either.
I have a meditation group who gather twice a month on new and full moon days, this is when I do most of the Triangle stuff… though I enter it often alone I don’t have much time to myself to really dig into it so I save it up for when I am with my group, usually there are around 10-15 of us so we can build a lot of energy together. As a group, we do a meditation called Twin Hearts by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui, while the group is engaged in this meditation I will quietly build the triangle and form it around the group.
Okay, so step one, when meditating with the group I always smudge with white sage and I also use a resin to “clear the air”… this can be dragons’ blood, frankincense, that sort of thing… I cleanse each member head to toe with white sage, we all really enjoy it … when I am having grounding pain such as foot cramps- white sage clears that up for me. I customarily use an eagle feather to spread it around, but I did use peacock feathers one time, so as always in meditation, use what works for you and what you feel suits you.
We all bring in our own crystals, I’m lucky to know people who love them as much as I do… so we create an altar of sorts… ha ha, I have this thing about hanging out near them… we’ll have a boatload of powerful stones arranged and it will be so strong that I’ll get cramps from being too near them but I will creep back to being next to them… I just adore them all, I don’t have a favorite.
So, cleansed and gathered, we do preparatory exercises directed by GrandMaster Sui … this removes energy blockages and prepares the body for the divine energy it receives. This takes about ten minutes, and then we are ready to meditate with Twin Hearts. (Just a short word on Twin Hearts, I will do a blog presenting it – it connects your heart to your mind and is very powerful) .
While the others are doing their meditation, I will begin doing the twin hearts with them… I open and clean all my chakras and pull energy through my crown and put it into the earth… I am very good at this now… you know you’re doing it right when your body tingles and itches… I feel etheric energy running down me in streams and trickles, depending on the moon phase and solar activity it can be very intense, almost painful… or mellow and soothing. At one point in the meditation you are asked to raise your hands and send energy from them to a vision of earth in front of you… instead of doing that I will place my hands close together and build energy between them… bigger and bigger, I can feel my hands being pushed apart by the force I am creating. I say the Great Invocation in my mind, it is the KEY that opens the doors of the Triangle. I ALWAYS enter through the purple Triangle… it was the first and as a chela of Master R. I know it was destined that the Ray of Transmutation and Alchemy/Magic be the doorway to our build. Personally, I see it as a dark purple crystalline pyramid (remember the movie the Dark Crystal?)…. It is familiar to me, I know I’ve worked with similar pyramids from a past life.
I grow the purple pyramid between my hands until it is too big to contain then I place it in front of me and continue growing until it covers the others and the house itself. I know I am doing it right because I can feel it around me… usually about this time is when I will begin to see light shapes around – beings, I believe, maybe other Triangle members. Sometimes if a galactic is present I will feel it in my high heart as a pricking sensation, sooo strong in the Light, it’s unbelievable… if a member of the Hierarchy is around I feel it both in my heart and in my cosmic (angel wing) chakra… if my beloved is around…I feel it in my…. well never mind … You get the point.
I “pull” everyone into the Triangle by building it around them, and because it is my intention and doesn’t harm them… so, while they are meditating on earth healing I am amplifying that “invocation of energy” with the purple triangle. Because the Triangle is tied to the earth, I am assured that the energy we build is going to where it is needed most.
I’ve had interesting experiences in Triangles, I’m sure many of us have… I’m not adept like Katjami and Obi Wan, but I can see how we each add our own flavor to the soup. We don’t need to be adepts to meditate with Triangles, you can build a Triangle of Light with two of your friends or enter the one that we have created using the Great Invocation as your “password”.
One thing that I have learned from my Triangle activity is the art of “allowing”… the act of passively allowing the energy to flow without directing it, pushing it or forcing it…. It’s like letting your body and muscles relax into utter non-movement and calmness. Once I open the “taps” of my chakras, I need only sit back and let the energy flow to where it is supposed to be. I allow my “higher self” to be the driver and I don’t over-think it either, I just turn off the mind chatter and allow the energy to do its thing, trusting in my higher self and in the energy itself … that’s the beauty of intention, you set your intention and walk away, lol…. How simple yet powerful.
So, what’s the point of meditating with Triangles, anyway?
Well, for the earth there is huge payback… the Triangle acts as a funnel for divine light/energy, bringing it down THROUGH you, to Gaia for use in her transformation… think of yours self as an antenna for Source, pulling down God’s radio station for Momma Gaia.
For yourself, it not only cleanses you of negative energy, but it purifies your energy to make it run smoother … like an upgrade for Windows Vista, lol…. You will become more psychic and “tuned in”, you will feel stronger and more vital as the negative thoughtforms and energies leave your body… for me, personally, what this journey has gifted me with is an empathy with Gaia and a connection with Her that goes deeper than words. I FEEL her as a Being, she LOVES us, and to feel that love and know where it is coming from was a profound and moving experience for me. I am reassured completely that there is nothing to fear, I have such strength of purpose and conviction… all that low consciousness talk about the cabal and threats of violence against the earth are soooo tiny when you think of the Great Mother (ps, I define the Great Mother and Divine Mother differently in case you’re wondering) and what she has endured over these past millennia… mankind is ever so arrogant and possessive of the planet when we need to understand that we don’t “own” her, she is a conscious being in her own right and we don’t live “on” her, we are part of her.
So there we have the Triangle Meditation from my point of view, it could change, it has before already, lol… the most important thing to remember about meditation in general is to keep doing it, even if you don’t feel there is a result right away… keep doing it … you will see a change, guaranteed, it’s the nature of the universe that what you concentrate upon grows. If you want to grow your spirit in the Light, by all means join with Triangles and see what you are capable of. The Masters have advised that for every ONE we build they will create a thousand (was it really a thousand, Obi?) … so it’s in our best interests to keep connected, especially to each other… it’s the connections that make the magic, you know.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me or post a query in the Triangles thread and someone will answer. Sending love to the universe, I hope you are all enjoying the wonderful ride called life !