"It is time for the awakening instructions to be given so you are aware of the path and process of transmutation. The world is entering on this day a new layer of energetic expansion as the alignment of Sirius brings forth the chord of great changes. The triangular door way of Sirius protected by the archetypes of the Sirian Group of Stars. The influences of these celestial bodies are being awakened.
Sirius, bring forth the chord of great changes. The Triangular door of Sirius, protected by the archetypes of the Sacred Trinities of all religions and of Osiris, Isis and Horus represent the energies of the Sirian Group of Stars. The influence of these celestial bodies are being awakened. This is the Day of Freedom and the Cosmic Awakening of Blue Fire and the appearance of the Sovereign Beings of Light who are creating the streams of energy and waves of power to attend to the breakthrough from dark to light. Welcome to this time and place and in this Now you are brought to a greater alignment with the Central Sun. The Sirian Doorway is the guide to the Central Sun and brings you freedom for you are sovereign beings of Light."
The Sun, Sol, and Ra come together with the Sirian Stars. This point is the point of perfect harmony and balance with the Central strand, the universal chord of creation. Through this point of light, the singularity we see above is where the stream of celestial energies align through the Sirian portal, gateway, stargate and doorway. It allows the coming and movement into this system of transformation energies.
It begins now and through the Summer as Sirius rising in the morning sky we see the rising waters and growing heat. Earth is moving across the threshold into the magnetic field pulsation of the super massive central sun that is called a black hole. The Central Sun radiates out the divine mind expressing itself in the infinite stream of light through the whole dimensional spectrum. The highest concentration of energy is along the path of the galactic ecliptic. It is at this point where the earth is seeing its crossing and alignment
and feeling the ultraviolet light, cosmic rays, gamma rays and concentrated divine power transformation.
When Sirius starts to rise above the Horizon as it can be seen in the early morning before the Sun the earth changes will increase and continue to stream into the earth metamorphic revolutionary, waves and pulsations from the Central Sun. This is the cycle of planetary ascension through the gateway of Sirius the brightest Light in earth's sky and its harmonic. The Sirian stars shine with Red Crimson, Blue Sapphire and in their unification Emerald Green. These are vibrations of power and are guided by the Sacred Blue Fire and the Great White Light.
The Doorway Opens. The beginning of the great shift in the harmonics of the Earth begin with major upheaval, confusion and cataclysm and precede the coming re-construction, stabilization and world peace. Planetary and cosmic events of all humanity effecting every individual is now at the door and the door is opening. There is world crisis that appears to be precipitated by human arrogance, error and evil of past Karma yet it is part of the breakthrough of the sheaths of personality, selfishness and ignorance. Emerging is hope, faith and positive response and development by sovereigns beings of Light and Wayshowers who bring forth clear insight and heart felt intuition to guide their communities into collective telepathic alignment.
The Sirian Doorway opens due to the welling up of magnetic forces that produces effects upon the solar system and are brought about by the higher mind of the Teachers of Light, the non physical beings who guide, teach and are the ancient ones parenting the children in physical reality towards the gateway into the higher consciousness of enlightenment and abundance. These guides are part of the family of light and exist on many levels, planes and relationships. They are the spirits of the earth, the creatures who care for the energies, the stellar beings who live in the universe in present and future time fields and call us to higher destiny, angelic beings who are in higher feeling states of consciousness and protect and serve selflessly the planet and humanity and the Divine celestial and planetary beings who are part of the greater hierarchy. As the Galaxy aligns with the planet earth the polarity will shift due to the pull of the great cosmic center. This will change the orientation and cause intensification of Earth changes with more earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, major weather changes. The physical weather, the mental, emotional and lower astral weather will also be subject to traumatic shifts of polarity resulting in lack of coherence, confusion, fear, anxiety and pain as the impersonal forces of universal change continue to intensify.
In the great cycle of the Sun through the zodiac of constellations the culmination of 250,000 years, or a complete round. Through all religions, cultures and scientific examination the world is following a path that aligns it with destiny. To know why this time is significant is to understand that with all things there is a threshold where there is a passing through the gate. This is the time to pass through the gate and be transformed. It is the rites of passage that require the learning of new skills that have been worked upon, practiced and taught where it is now the time to be tested
and assured of the ability to be initiated.
The passing of the Sun out of the sign Pisces into the sign Aquarius brings the present confusion on a galactic level yet the deeper truth there are cosmic forces of many interlocking triangles in our solar system conditioned through stellar influences. The Sirian Stars connect in profound ways to the emanations of the Great Bear and the pole stars and the Pleiades that ground us into the alignment with the Galaxy
to come.
The Pole stars and the pointers of the Great Bear work with Arcturus who guards the gate to the central sun. It is here the logos and the great being of all humanity find the energies of home through the centering of Vega and Polaris. The creative will force energies of the Central Sun pass through and provide the purpose of being to expand creation through individualization of being into sentient life. The pole star guides the magnetic stream of positive energy to the central sun through the Sirian doorway. The deepest mystery is of the purpose of life which even the highest initiates are not able to communicate not the mystical sacred geometrical structures that are part of the originating pulsations of creation.
As first light comes from the energies of Sirius with love and wisdom of the stellar beings guiding humanity into the gate of evolution it is pushed along by the power of the stream of energies of the central sun. Through selfless service in combination with the awakening humanity love is given through the Sirian Doorway from point of light within the Divine Mind. It is guided to Humanity through the Seven Vital Energies or the prana of substance and the 12 fields or expression of being as understood through the constellations by the Teachers of Light who reside within the Hierarchy of Wisdom of the Ancient Ones who have moved into non-physical unity.
The greater beings are part of our harmonic reality that enjoy the continuity of creation and the path of the stream of being. The larger lives are simply cells, chakras and are bodies within the manifestation. The celestial grand universal infinite being of first source, the stellar energetic teachers of light, the planetary holders of form and creation, the Angelic loving soul forces of evolution, humanity as a collective of spirits energizing life and expansion, the elemental subconscious awareness of unity and foundation and the quantum particularization of texture, tone and vibrations of the microcosm to the pure waves sounding forth pulsating energy are all part of the same holographic paradigm. This paradigm is the enigma of creation and existence that allows for the Divine Mind to operate upon the foundation of the eternal loving heart of the source of all that is.
In context and clarity this is the time of the awakening of the higher mind centers of humanity on its created stream of expansion the point in time and space wherein this change is transmuting old patterns and transcending time, space and expected destiny. The Sirian Stars integrate to bring evolutionary energies from the Central Sun into manifestation in reality within the Solar System through the Sun.