some notes on the tower


base = pure white/platinum,gold & rainbow ray/celenite

1=pink/rose quartz & kunzite

2=light blue/aquamarine (carrier of rainbow ray)

3=light green/moldavite





8=clear/diamond/diamond lite




12=lite blue/angel light

now we are at that point where we build the cap stone for this tower

cap stone = 4 sides or triangles to make a triangle pyramid cap each triangle is different ,the base is rainbow/Kyanite.the three sides are ,aragonite, flourite and lumarian quartz there also is a stone of peace within this

Obi wan Kenobi
the cap stone to our triangle tower build prep notes (a temporary data base)

Posted by Obi wan Kenobi on September 21, 2011 at 4:08pm in Triangles Meditation Group
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blue kyanite=kieberr

The Kaiburr crystal was an ancient Force relic, initially located on the planet Circarpous V, locally known as Mimban. When in its natural location in the Temple of Pomojema on Mimban, the crystal increased a Force-sensitive's power one thousand times over. Among its magnification of abilities were the ability to heal, to further augment a Force-user's connection to the Force, to project Force lightning by those typically unable, and to empower and energize a tired being close in proximity to the crystal. If cut properly, the Kaiburr crystal also worked as a lightsaber crystal.

kaiburr crystal

the kyber crystal looks like a piece of flourite or like this ship

the video below tells all about Kyanite , we are adding this to the tower for many reasons and we do have protection and assistance and guidance and with all our other triangles this should be easy enough
any way we are doing this:(with the rainbow ray)The Rainbow Rays of Spiritual Light

Kyanite is a stone of channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, dream recall, and visualizations. It gives protection during these states. It brings loyalty, honesty and tranquility, and diminishes anger and confusion. Kyanite does not retain negative energy and never needs energetic cleansing. It does align and balance all chakras, often very suddenly. Kyanite can remove energy blockages.

Green Kyanite is particularly good for balancing the heart chakra and maintaining heart balance.

Blue kyanite is associated with the throat chakra and is a boost to meditation.

Black kyanite is also a boost to meditation, and is associated with the root chakra. Black kyanite is also very protective and deflects negativity.

Orange Kyanite is an excellent energy tool that comes primarily from Tanzania..

kyanite, it will align all the chakras, it is particularly good for working with the Second, Svadisthana, Sacral Chakra. It can help us perceive the root of our pleasures and desires and bring Light and creativity to bring them into our lives in a positive manner. Orange Kyanite is a super tool to enhance all types of creativity whether it be in creating art, the way you work with people, or any other place creative thinking is used. Orange Kyanite is said in crystal healing lore to help with sexual problems, bladder, bowel problems, depression, and fertility.

also see:Meanings and Properties. Chakra Healing Stones and Crystals for Spi...

Gemstone Meanings: Meaning of Kyanite for Spiritual Healing, Chakra...

this video tells all about Kyanite
peace love and understanding
happy happy happy joy joy joy

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Obi wan KenobiPermalink Reply by Obi wan Kenobi on September 21, 2011 at 4:35pm

The magic of stones and crystals ,
The Stone and crystal Beings are magical beings. They have been here for aeons, growing within the womb of Mother Earth. Recorded within them are the wisdom and experience of the ages. They know the magic and power of the energy of stillness ... the art of being. I have come to know the experience of listening to the Song of Stones as a co-creation. Two (or more) beings connecting in complete acceptance of one another ... with love. And through this connection a song emerges - a poem, a story, a wisdom, a truth, an idea, a realization ... and it doesn't end there. It happens within the realm of the soul where anything is possible. The stone songs reach us at a personal level, but they are Universal.
Whether you see this as a communication or imagination, inspiration or insanity ... you can still enjoy them. Whether you accept them as truth or fantasy, you can still glean the wisdom from those pieces which touch or move you in some way.
Quartz crystals are what what typically comes to mind when we hear the word crystal. The ancients believed them to be eternally frozen water. I see them as crystallized light. We may think of them as clear, but they come in a variety of color and shapes and sizes.
We, the Earth's children, are in the process of a beautiful creation which is coming together with a rich abundance of colors and textures; sights and sounds. We are not simply living our lives, but we are creating them as we go. The crystal and stone beings are a part of this creation. They are not merely the sparkle and glow to this creation, but they come forth to create with us.

Earths Crystal Locations!!!!


The Crystalline Matrix

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KatjamiPermalink Reply by Katjami on September 21, 2011 at 5:10pm

Seems you left no stone unturned!!

Bravo, Master Obi Wan!

We are all getting prepared for this.



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DromePermalink Reply by Drome on September 22, 2011 at 12:18pm


Thank you for this information Obi-Wan. :)

I agree with Crystal being Crystalized Light (beings).

So.... ..Kyanite is what I need.

Also; I notice that when you only think at a particular type of stone/crystal, their properties start to work already in your mind. So in fact you don't need to have any crystal at all. These are just recent findings, does anyone have experienced this too?

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Obi wan KenobiPermalink Reply by Obi wan Kenobi on September 22, 2011 at 6:22pm

yes you are correct, they carry a vibration like everything dose, it is true with every thing, it is as though you can channel anything with the mind

when i do these builds, i transmute the stone ,to add it to the etheric ,so it helps to have a personal diety with you in the form of a crystal itself ,i also have other needs in creating the etheric portal for additions to tower and purple triangle, its sorta like a ham radio uses crystals to tune in to a frequency

i love you brother Drome your awesome

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Obi wan KenobiPermalink Reply by Obi wan Kenobi on September 23, 2011 at 3:11am

OK this is what my crystal bible says about Kyanite,

It is excellent for attunement and meditation

It is a tranquilizing and a powerful transmitter and amplifier of high frequency energies

stimulating psychic abilities and the intuition

it has the ability to tune in to the causal level

this stone can help spiritual energies to manifest in thought

connects with spirit guides and instills compasion

grounding spiritual vibrations it brings spiritual integrity and muturation

it facilitates dream recall and promotes healing dreams

it is helpful for those making the transition through death

it instantly aligns the chakras and subtle bodies clearing the pathways and meridians

it restores Qi to the phisical body and its organs

it stabilizes biomagnetic field after clearing and transformation

it dose not hold any negitivity

it never reqiers cleaning

psychologically it encourages one's truth ,cutting through fears and blockages

opening the throat chakra,this stone encourages self-expression and communication

it cuts through ignorance and opens to spiritual and psychological truth

it slices through confusion and dispels blockages,illusions,anger,frustration,and stress

it increases the capacity for logic and linear thought ,stimulates the higher mind,and links into the causal level

spiritually it assist in detachment from an idea of blind fate or implacable karma

it shows the part played by the self in creating causes and the measures required to ballance past

it facilitates the ascension process by drawing the light body down into the physical realm and connecting the higher mind to the highest frequencies

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Obi wan KenobiPermalink Reply by Obi wan Kenobi on September 24, 2011 at 3:35am
we will be waiting on the cap stone as the indigenous tribes of the world wish to participate with us all in harmony at a time of there choosing ,this will be soon about next week some time I believe ,I will let you know, so as we ready for this, like contractors staging for there build. we can meditate on all this when we can .basically the kyanite is the rite stone for this cap and it must be done with care and at rite time (when we all are ready) as one we will place .

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Obi wan KenobiPermalink Reply by Obi wan Kenobi on September 25, 2011 at 7:16pm

RKO Pictures (1997-present logo) by NakedBrotha2007
(RKO) Radio Pictures production logo 1933 by bigdan2337

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R2-D2 ( artoo detoo )Permalink Reply by R2-D2 ( artoo detoo ) on September 28, 2011 at 3:41am
Master Obi ,your friends in the country of India are currently excavating by hand your "Rainbow Aura Crystallized Kyanite" it will be expressed delivered from site immediately upon retrieval to the shop free of charge naturally ,aparently our friends in Utah felt this was best as it is much stronger than soft crumbly kyanite and since this will be a cap stone makes logic to me sorry for the delay

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KatjamiPermalink Reply by Katjami on September 28, 2011 at 4:03am
you are such a busy little bee R2! Love you so much!

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R2-D2 ( artoo detoo )Permalink Reply by R2-D2 ( artoo detoo ) on September 29, 2011 at 2:25am

ok we are ready and set so just need to check on some friends first and i will let you all know when i hope it is tomorrow

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Star FlyerPermalink Reply by Star Flyer on September 29, 2011 at 1:06pm
OK ,Kyanite is self clearing ,how ever, it shall be charged with angelic rainbow ray by (as a universal life minister ,among other things) Obi will create a water sprayer bottel filled with holy water , making use of natural sun light and magnifying reflector generate a rainbow with misted water in a way to bath kyanite crystals in the rainbow that will appear.I have never heard of this before but sounds very cool indeed.

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KatjamiPermalink Reply by Katjami on September 29, 2011 at 1:09pm

Hey Wonderful One!

Have an exceptional day.

Love you too much!



Reply by R2-D2 ( artoo detoo ) on October 10, 2011 at 7:57pm
on the full moon, the 13th, or Thursday
will construct my stargate/star flyer/etheric portal whatever?, and also use four mirrors and mag glass to make a triangle light beam using the moon ,with its new light blue and violet light ,with its also elevated platinum rays, focused into a beam and reflected in a triangle shape around my crystal star flyer and such ,so then will build four triangles and assemble them into a triangle pyramid ,and charge with rainbow rays
this triangle pyramid will be the cap stone we put atop our tower at best opp. tune moment
the base of the triangle pyramid will be Crystal Kyanite
the three sides are Orgone,Flourite and Lemarian quarts

any thoughts steve on the frequency ?

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R2-D2 ( artoo detoo )Permalink Reply by R2-D2 ( artoo detoo ) on October 11, 2011 at 2:48am

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R2-D2 ( artoo detoo )Permalink Reply by R2-D2 ( artoo detoo ) on October 11, 2011 at 2:44am

Kyanite gemstone meaning

Orgone vibes: Crystals, Minerals and Gemstones

Lemurian Seed Crystals and Healing

Fluorite crystal: review of its properties and meaning | Metaphysic...

Crystal Dictionary: Kyanite - YouTube

The origins of Lemurian Seed Crystals - YouTube

Orgonite Inventor - How to Make Orgonite - YouTube

1.8" Cubic BlueGreen FLUORITE Crystals w/many Phantoms-Morocco - Yo...

Mobius Coil, Crystal Orgone Orgonite - YouTube

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Obi wan KenobiPermalink Reply by Obi wan Kenobi on October 12, 2011 at 6:39pm

I have my caution tape up around the site

the materials and energies are staged

the rays are at the ready

just cleand all the crystals , stones , and gems for this one I (as a universal life/light, minister/priest that i am so ordained ) made holy water/diamond light & diamond water for this step.

before i build the stargate i will expose them all to the sound vibrations from Steve Pitt and also I was asked to do some dancing rituals so if you like to dance do some dancing today and send it

this is quit the build dear friends

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DromePermalink Reply by Drome on October 12, 2011 at 7:06pm

Joy! :)

I am so happy when reading all this progress!

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Obi wan KenobiPermalink Reply by Obi wan Kenobi on October 13, 2011 at 2:11pm
Raise your vibration, raise the capstone

DAVINCI’s design is of the man-GOD, constructed from the knowledge of Philosophical GEOMETRY, which includes the GOLDEN MEAN, the FIBONACCI SPIRAL, proportions of the GREAT PYRAMID, and the HARMONIC structure of MUSIC, all of which contain the Phi proportions of the PENTAGRAM.

The MISSING CAPSTONE is one-sixteenth of its height, which serves as a musical INTERVAL upon which can be constructed a visual, three-dimensional HARMONIC sequence of the EARTH and the SOLAR SYSTEM, directly related to HUMAN GEOMETRY.

❤ Please see my photo: If SOUND changes, the MATTER changes.

Note: There are amazing similarities between the sacred geometry of the Da Vinci Man, Yin-Yang, Star of David, Tree of Life, Christian Cross, Angels and Kabbalah.

** Please see other photo's in this album (click 'album' top right)

Read more about the above photo at this link:

(Thanks Beacon Heart for putting this photo together for me. Luv ya x)
— with Zack Covell, Daniëlle Zana, Delshaun Knight and Theresa Kate Campbell.
also i was seeing this Djed - Crystalinks

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Obi wan KenobiPermalink Reply by Obi wan Kenobi on October 14, 2011 at 4:28am
we are finished with constructing this cap stone and rite now there are three angels in charge of closing it up at midnight or when they feel like it and the next thing now is to lift it in place by raising our vibrations if i forget to mention to Drome the stone of peace is within this cap as well as all every ones inputs and love energies thank you all so much much love and respect for you all

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Obi wan KenobiPermalink Reply by Obi wan Kenobi on October 22, 2011 at 10:28pm

Your tower is now hooked to the pyramid of the sun

the capstone is up and in place

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1HappyKellyPermalink Reply by 1HappyKelly on October 23, 2011 at 3:13am

Yes! I felt something happening... cannot explain how profound it is and how difficult to keep cohesiveness with 3d right now... amazing, thank you, Obi and all of our helpers.

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