This is a compilation of research I have been gathering regarding Jupiter, which gained my attention with an explosion a few days ago. I wondered what it would mean for us energetically, what sort of ripple effect this would cause. In esoteric astrology, we are all interconnected with the celestial bodies, they weren't the "gods" as depicted in myth, they are energetic relays for Source (in a broad sense)... and each has their own flavour, tone, frequency etc.... so what does this explosion on Jupiter mean for us?
I haven't come to any definative conclusions yet, but this is some fascinating data that I have gathered so far, I will continue to add to it as I learn more. I have only added partial information here, the entirety of the links should be read to glean the entire picture.
HEEHEE- You'll like this video :)
JUPITER - Organizer of Functions
The real significance of the great astrological symbol, Jupiter, will be fathomed by those who understand the deepest and most universal implications contained in the terms: organic function. The idea of "function" is closely related to ideas of unfoldment, of development and of growth. Even when used in algebra, the word conveys these same dynamic meanings. Always, function stands as the opposite, but even more as the complement, of the concept of structure. Structure refers to Saturn; function to Jupiter. The former is static and relatively permanent; the latter, dynamic and unfolding. The contents of the structure are symbolized astrologically by the Moon; the substance of the function, by Mercury.
Jupiter complements Saturn. Function, in order to be organic, must be contained within and related to structure. Thus Jupiter cannot be understood apart from Saturn. To attempt to do so, as the astrologer often does, is to miss the central point in an interpretation of the Jupiter factor. One may say, loosely speaking, that function determines form; but here the term "function" is misapplied. Purpose, rather, is what determines form; and form in turn determines function. Purpose is the Sun — or rather "The Heart of the Sun"; form, Saturn; function, Jupiter.
It is the solar purpose which initiates the cycle of manifestation. Before there is systolic and diastolic motion of the heart, there is a solar outpouring of light and a stirring up of the lunar "Waters". It is the solar Will which emanates and projects the purpose of the organism-to-be, in answer to a cosmic need conditioned by a past yet unfulfilled. This purpose becomes a pattern of organization in operation through and as Saturn, lord of form and structure, lord of bones.
Within that structure, which at first is only a "magic circle" isolating a portion of space and of substance as the field for future development, Jupiter, the organizer of functions, begins to operate. But there can be no organic function, no organism indeed, unless there is first of all a "magic circle", a wall or boundary line, to separate the within from the without. Jupiter — in his first and basic role — can only operate in the within. His work is to organize the substance within the pale, "the faithful"; to keep it coherent, harmonic and glorying in its differences from all that is outside. Thus, in terms of historical development, Jupiter, the High-Priest of the tribal religion, acts within the structure set by Saturn, the Great Ancestor and Leader, the conqueror of the tribal "sacred land".
Organic function means therefore unfoldment within the boundaries or structure of the life-unit: unfoldment of the purpose willed by the Sun. To work out this solar purpose, Saturn projects a structure; Jupiter then begins to differentiate the chaotic materials contained within the Saturnian framework. He gives to each unit of substance its most congenial task, the task which answers best to its need for redemption. As he thus builds a "hierarchy of functions" from the most central to the peripheral units, Jupiter is often called the Hierarch. As he sets a schedule of operation and oversees the work of the many departments, he is also organizer, overseer — and efficiency expert. Finally, in order to be sure that the protective walls of the organism do not give in, and later, that whatever the outer world can contribute to the within may be properly accepted, and the refuse of organic activity may be evacuated, Jupiter is made ruler of the walls and of the gates — of the skin and of the senses.
This work of "organic differentiation" transforms the inchoate chemical elements — which, in the beginning, filled the walled-in space of the organism-to-be — into cells having varied and well-determined functions in terms of the total operation of the organism as a whole. In this work, Jupiter — as always — operates in association with Saturn. Both constitute the imaging power of the solar system, the central will of which is the Sun. Solar will transforms itself into the Saturn-Jupiter imagination. The spiritual Monad — the "Heart of the Sun" — operates through the formative, differentiating and cohesive agencies of Saturn-Jupiter, the Twin-builders of the organic whole. The raw materials they work with are symbolized by the Moon — the unorganized crowd, the public as an inchoate mass, the lymph of the body (mostly sea-water, and therefore still subject to the lunar tidal rhythm).
Organic differentiation of itself would not lead to proper organic functioning. Cells, and groups of cells as organs, must be given well-defined works to perform; but these varied types of work must be closely inter-related. The sense of the unity of the organic whole must be ever patent and absolutely compelling to every single cell and organ — lest these units become too separative and self-centered, and thus turn into cancerous formations. This "sense of unity" is religion: that which, etymologically speaking, "binds back" the cells to the constant realization of the unity of the whole.
Thoughts on Jupiter
By Fred A. Pruyn
To try to reach the other shore, as Lord Buddha enjoined us, we need to study the many means that can make this eventful journey a glorious success. I believe that such was the initial raison-d'etre of science: finding out how nature works and contemplating her habits, so as to bring ourselves into harmony with her, and ultimately regain the divine realms. When we study nature, we study the habits of myriads of mutually dependent ensouled beings on as many different spiritual levels -- a view dismissed by the mainstream scientific community, including astronomers.
Still, astronomers realize they have much to learn. Under the heading "Jupiter hot spot makes trouble for theory," NASA recently announced the discovery by the Chandra X-ray Observatory of a pulsating X-ray hot spot in Jupiter's upper atmosphere which overthrows previous theories about how Jupiter's X-rays are produced.
[It] appears at a fixed location near the north magnetic pole of Jupiter. Bright infrared and ultraviolet emissions have also been detected from this region in the past. The X-rays were observed to pulsate with a period of 45 minutes, . . .
. . . At the large distances required for the source of the ions -- at least 30 times the radius of Jupiter -- spacecraft measurements have shown that there are not nearly enough energetic oxygen and sulfur ions to account for the observed X-ray emission.
Scientists speculate that one possible source is heavy ions captured from the solar wind. Such conjectures may eventually evolve into a solid scientific theory, but one oblivious to the larger spiritual background. After all, spiritual realms cannot be detected by any physical apparatus.
Can theosophy help fill this gap? I believe it can. In The Mahatma Letters we find fascinating material on Jupiter. Speaking of a shifting of the entire solar system, the Mahatma writes that
no astronomer will perceive it telescopically, until Jupiter and some other planets, whose little luminous points hide now from our sight millions upon millions of stars (all but some 5000 or 6000) -- will suddenly let us have a peep at a few of the Raja-Suns they are now hiding. There is such a king-star right behind Jupiter, that no mortal physical eye has ever seen during this, our Round. Could it be so perceived it would appear, through the best telescope with a power of multiplying its diameter ten thousand times, -- still a small dimensionless point, thrown into the shadow by the brightness of any planet; nevertheless -- this world is thousands of times larger than Jupiter. The violent disturbance of its atmosphere and even its red spot that so intrigues science lately, are due -- (1) to that shifting and (2) to the influence of that Raja-Star. In its present position in space imperceptibly small though it be -- the metallic substances of which it is mainly composed are expanding and gradually transforming themselves into aeriform fluids -- the state of our own earth and its six sister globes before the first Round -- and becoming part of its atmosphere. -- Letter 23b
This raja-star "behind" Jupiter is, I believe, an encompassing, enveloping, and nurturing being on a higher level of existence. Could the pulsating X-rays be a highly energetic stream or flow reflecting spiritual and psychological energy pumped through by the heartbeat of Jupiter's companion? Again, the great Red Spot may perhaps function as a channel of instreaming and outgoing forces from this star. Perhaps it corresponds to the crown on the human head, or to the junction point of the umbilical cord of an unborn child?
Looking at Jupiter as a very large and powerful infant, we see it consuming a great many asteroids and comets. Certainly Shoemaker-Levy 9's splash into Jupiter in 1994 left science with many questions. At the site of the crash a mysterious black spot appeared, which soon swelled to twice the size of the earth. For days it remained the most prominent feature on Jupiter, taking months to disappear. When the "impact bruises" can be seen months later, although heavy winds scour Jupiter, then the current theory of the atmosphere on Jupiter needs to be reviewed. According to Master KH:
Your science has a theory, I believe, that if the earth were suddenly placed in extremely cold regions -- for instance where it would exchange places with Jupiter -- all our seas and rivers would be suddenly transformed into solid mountains; the air, -- or rather a portion of the aeriform substances which compose it -- would be metamorphosed from their state of invisible fluid owing to the absence of heat into liquids (which now exist on Jupiter, but of which men have no idea on earth). Realize, or try to imagine the reverse condition, and it will be that of Jupiter at the present moment. -- Letter 23b
Ultimately scientists cannot yet explain these phenomena because they are not equipped to study nature on planes of existence imperceptible to our physical senses. But occultism offers such an explanation. High initiates are said to be able to experience life on other planets directly, however incredible this may seem. After all, time and distance are illusions. When we look at a star, we touch that star, only our terrestrial consciousness is not able to go further than observation.
So in the same spirit as the great Paracelsus approached medicine, I would maintain that in astronomy there should be no strict rules layed down by a few learned men whose heads are full of mechanistic empiricism and the opinions of others. Troubled mankind needs more than the periodic table of Mendeleyev and the laws of Newton. We notice that we cannot reach our supreme goal when we rely on our senses only, nor does a flood of new technological gadgets bring us nearer the "other shore." Indeed, in throwing off our heavy human karma, I wonder if we are helped much by the steadily growing heap of computer data about the stars and planets that are interpreted as though they correspond with rigid terrestial laws and theories. Rather, suffering mankind is in desperate need of spiritual visions that give us back the feeling that we are not surrounded by dull and idle orbs turning around the sun, but by ensouled beings at work for the betterment of life on all planets, not on earth only.
According to the Greek myth, Saturn (Cronus to the Greeks) devoured each of his children as they were born - out of fear (a Saturn keyword) that, as an oracle had predicted, he would be dethroned by one of his sons or because he had promised his Titan brothers that he would leave no progeny. Metaphysically, this myth warns us against devouring (squelching) our creations (including our children) or being devoured by our fears, failures, grief, remorse, guilt (all Saturn keywords), etc. Rhea, Saturn’s wife, was overwhelmed with grief and conspired with her parents, Gaea and Uranus, to hide Jupiter from his father and substitute a huge stone for the newborn, which Saturn immediately swallowed without examination.
Jupiter was raised on the slopes of Mount Ida until he was ready to challenge his father for supremacy. Jupiter conspired with Metis (wisdom), his first wife, who gave Saturn a drink that caused him to regurgitate all of his children and then Jupiter vanquished his father. Jupiter was warned by Gaea and Uranus that he would be dethroned by an offspring of Metis so when she was about to give birth to Athene, Jupiter swallowed Metis (he followed in his father’s footsteps, so to speak). In doing so, he avoided the prophecy and became wisdom himself.
After Jupiter and his older brothers attained their dominions, the Titans – Saturn and his brothers and sisters – began an unsuccessful, ten year war against the Olympians to regain their rulership of the kingdom of Heaven and Earth. Even some astronomy writers refer to Jupiter as the “king” of the planets because it is physically the largest and, astrologically, Jupiter symbolizes largeness (the planet’s Great Red Spot is the largest hurricane in the solar system), greatness, and abundance (it has two huge swarms of asteroids – the Trojans – sharing its orbit and an abundance of moons, which are named after Jupiter’s many lovers, for he was very amorous and unfaithful). Our words “jovial” and “joviality” are derived from Jove, an archaic name for the giant planet.
As governor of the sixth sphere and the sixth ring, Jupiter rules the sixth chakra, the “third eye” of the human body, a point symbolizing wisdom, astral travel, divine thought, spiritual vision, and intuition (all Jupiter keywords). He also rules Thursday by virtue of his governorship of the 1st hour of that day.
The glyph or pictograph of Jupiter is a cross, surmounted with a crescent or semicircle, symbolizing the preeminence of receptivity over the cross of matter and time. Jupiter rules the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, both mutable, bicorporial signs (meaning two-bodied) – Sagittarius is represented by the centaur (half horse, half man) and Pisces is the two tethered fishes. Jupiter rejoices in Sagittarius (which is his principle domicile) because, according to Ptolemy, Jupiter is a diurnal planet so it has a greater affinity with the diurnal sign of Sagittarius than with the nocturnal sign of Pisces (C.P., p. 15 (c. 150 A.D./1976)). The mutable signs are the most changeable but also the most adaptive and seeking of the 12 signs of the zodiac.
According to the Greek myth, Saturn (Cronus to the Greeks) devoured each of his children as they were born - out of fear (a Saturn keyword) that, as an oracle had predicted, he would be dethroned by one of his sons or because he had promised his Titan brothers that he would leave no progeny. Metaphysically, this myth warns us against devouring (squelching) our creations (including our children) or being devoured by our fears, failures, grief, remorse, guilt (all Saturn keywords), etc. Rhea, Saturn’s wife, was overwhelmed with grief and conspired with her parents, Gaea and Uranus, to hide Jupiter from his father and substitute a huge stone for the newborn, which Saturn immediately swallowed without examination.
Jupiter was raised on the slopes of Mount Ida until he was ready to challenge his father for supremacy. Jupiter conspired with Metis (wisdom), his first wife, who gave Saturn a drink that caused him to regurgitate all of his children and then Jupiter vanquished his father. Jupiter was warned by Gaea and Uranus that he would be dethroned by an offspring of Metis so when she was about to give birth to Athene, Jupiter swallowed Metis (he followed in his father’s footsteps, so to speak). In doing so, he avoided the prophecy and became wisdom himself.
After Jupiter and his older brothers attained their dominions, the Titans – Saturn and his brothers and sisters – began an unsuccessful, ten year war against the Olympians to regain their rulership of the kingdom of Heaven and Earth. Even some astronomy writers refer to Jupiter as the “king” of the planets because it is physically the largest and, astrologically, Jupiter symbolizes largeness (the planet’s Great Red Spot is the largest hurricane in the solar system), greatness, and abundance (it has two huge swarms of asteroids – the Trojans – sharing its orbit and an abundance of moons, which are named after Jupiter’s many lovers, for he was very amorous and unfaithful). Our words “jovial” and “joviality” are derived from Jove, an archaic name for the giant planet.
As governor of the sixth sphere and the sixth ring, Jupiter rules the sixth chakra, the “third eye” of the human body, a point symbolizing wisdom, astral travel, divine thought, spiritual vision, and intuition (all Jupiter keywords). He also rules Thursday by virtue of his governorship of the 1st hour of that day.
The glyph or pictograph of Jupiter is a cross, surmounted with a crescent or semicircle, symbolizing the preeminence of receptivity over the cross of matter and time. Jupiter rules the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, both mutable, bicorporial signs (meaning two-bodied) – Sagittarius is represented by the centaur (half horse, half man) and Pisces is the two tethered fishes. Jupiter rejoices in Sagittarius (which is his principle domicile) because, according to Ptolemy, Jupiter is a diurnal planet so it has a greater affinity with the diurnal sign of Sagittarius than with the nocturnal sign of Pisces (C.P., p. 15 (c. 150 A.D./1976)). The mutable signs are the most changeable but also the most adaptive and seeking of the 12 signs of the zodiac.
Will be looking into it, thanks Andy :) hmmmmm
Using the frequencies Jupiter's EM Field + Shaktipat Vibrations + Solfeggio
MUST SEE!!!!!!!!!
Jupiter sounds.......WOW
Thank you, Andy. I wish I had some more time to investigate, this is something that is curious to me... I wonder if the "tone" of Jupiter changed with this... hmmm... but it does have a history of swallowing celestial bodies... NASA wouldn't give us the real deal, so you need to read between the lines of what they aren't telling us, like why are they publicizing the image on the news.... hmmm.
JUPITER SWALLOWS AN ASTEROID: Around the world, amateur astronomers have been scanning the cloudtops of Jupiter for signs of debris from an explosion witnessed by Dan Peterson and George Hall on Sept. 10th. So far the cloud layer is blank. "Several observers have now obtained excellent images on the second and third rotations after the fireball, and there is nothing new nor distinctive at the impact site," reports John H. Rogers, director of the Jupiter Section of the British Astronomical Association:
The fireball was probably caused by a small asteroid or comet hitting Jupiter. Apparently, the giant planet swallowed the impactor whole.
When fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 hit Jupiter in 1994, each major flash observed by NASA's Galileo spacecraft produced a "bruise," a murky mixture of incinerated comet dust and chemically altered Jovian gas twisting and swirling among the clouds. In July 2009, amateur astromer Anthony Wesley discovered a similar mark thought to be debris from a rogue asteroid crashing into the planet.
So where is the debris this time? Perhaps the impactor was small, packing just enough punch to make a flash, but without leaving much debris. Indeed, studies suggest that Jupiter is frequently struck by relatively small 10-meter-class asteroids. In such cases, minimal debris is to be expected.