The Universal Law of Elimination & our 3rd Eye Activation to Create What Works
The Universal Law of Elimination is the balance.
This Law helps us bring forth the teachings of right alignment, societies that work, and bring away, eliminate, what doesn’t work in the balance.
From our experiences of what doesn’t work, we understand and feel the pain of struggle, hopefully gaining the wisdom and drive to create what does.
My principal guide in 2012, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, said this:
There is no such thing as mistakes.
The only mistake humans make is in judgment,
when they judge themselves or others to be less than,
when they do not see the glory of their own Divinity,
and that is just sad.
Remembering we are whole, every soul design unique, magnificent — the Divine Mother/Father always create perfection — and that we are here to create a planet that works, to lift up our disenfranchised, so all are fed and housed in the inter-connectedness of All.
As Within – the LOVE of the higher realms,
So Without – creation with that LOVE.
Each of us are an integral part of the whole with sacred purpose.
The Arcturians through Daniel Scranton had this to say about our activations:
And for most people, seeing is believing. And so, one way or another you can expect a third eye chakra upgrade for this upcoming June solstice event. We have many, many more upgrades and activations coming, and we are not alone.
We are but one group from one star system who is looking to help humanity raise the level of your consciousness so that you can continue to move forward in your Ascension and help as many others who want to ascend with you as you can.
This is a golden age of enlightenment for those of you who are willing to be in your bodies, to be heart-centered and to be there for your fellow humans, many of whom have never had the level of support in the physical that they need.
That is where you all will continue to step in and be the teachers, the healers, and the guides that they need. That’s what all of the gifts we send to you are ultimately for, and we know that you will use them appropriately because we have seen down all of the timelines, and because we love you and trust you so very much.
Sanat Kumara, the Law of Elimination:
There is room enough in each of us to Love everybody.
Gender equality, balance on Gaia
is knowing our self-LOVE and self-WORTH.