I'm a firm believe in probiotics and is why I make kefir or sauerkraut. I just read a really great article about the benefits of sauerkraut and wanted to share it with you. For those who've never made sauerkraut there is also a video showing you exac
Is it possible to live without protein? What happens when there is too much or too little protein in the body? What is the best fish protein, and what cheese? What differs animal protein from vegetable protein?
it doesn't matter what it is i always get diarrhea. i tried going vegan but that seemed to make it worse i felt really good but still had diarrhea so now i'm back to eating meat and veggies. i have a burning desire to become vegan again because i don
On the topic of nutrition and taking care of the physical vessel one can find all sorts of advice. Each person finds what resonates for them, and this post is aimed at those vegans/vegetarians (or those considering switching to such a diet) who are w
I have switched over to veganism. I am wondering about different words that mean dairy. I was reading the bread label on my sisters bread (cause I was hungry) now I know that there are ingredients that mean dairy or milk but I am not