In this group we can share information about oure loving Commander Ashtar. Share photo's or channelings. Information so we realy can connect with him.
Ashtar is love
Ashtar through Arthura
Hello dear ones, I am Ashtar and I am an etherical being. Traveling through the star lines. With the Lightships of the Ashtar Command.
We are traveling with the Light and beyond. Also, we are moving ourselves with the speed of Light. People of the Earth, you will too in your future. Traveling will be easy and smooth, relaxing and really fast. The power that you will use is clean (pure light) energy. The earth will change and purify through the Light and the power of love.Hello dear ones, I am Ashtar and I am an etherical being. Traveling through the star lines. With the Lightships of the Ashtar Command.
So who is Ashtar?
Well I am 7.2 feet long; I have blond hair, blue eyes and full of love. Sometimes I am a little direct. People of the Earth you need that now and then, because most of the time you don't hear us clearly enough. So yes, then we must be a little strong in our Light power. But we also like to play in a loving way with you, because humans are so serious and always thinking about difficulties and that closed your hearts. We like to have open heart contact.
I have been given the command of the Ashtar Command Fleet, but I also have the direction of many other Fleets of the Light from different Star nations of the Galactic Federation. Chief Command is Lord Sananda and his Lightship New Jerusalem is under His leading command. The word Command means: "in command of God”. The greatest and loving power of the universe.
I’m a being of love
Also like my Starbrothers and sisters, we are in this higher resonance, because there is the love we car for. Now We care for you and the planet Earth. So let’s join together for a better future of love. Be part of a unique evolution.
We serve the Lord Sananda and We’re all serving the Father/Mother our God. And the universal law: The Law of One.
We volunteer to the Law of One
The science on earth will soon lift up. Maybe you can't believe this, but it will happen. Things happened this year, for you people of the earth, now in little steps, but it contains big changes for the nearby future. In no time they shall explode to a shape of possibilities into your world. The scientists on earth will receive important solutions for their problems. The missing links are already received on the 4th of July 2012. But there will be more interesting discoveries coming up.
Be alert! Because it go fast, if it starts it goes really fast. In a speed of time you can't understand. Because, your minds can not follow it. Just in a blink of the eye, it will change that quickly. We are involved in this radical fluctuation. We, the People of the Star Nations are guiding this jump of evolution. Nothing will stand between this. As a little snowball starts to roll on the top of a mountain it can't be stopped, till it will end as a very big snowball below at the feet of this mountain. A new vibration is born.
This snowball effect is started already..
How can you contact me? Just call me and I‘ll be there. If you can not hear me, then you have to raise your vibration with loving thoughts. The vibration your in, is very imported. I personally like people who laugh a lot, care about the nature and are creative in searching for positive solutions. We, Star People of the Universe are like that. So, keep the vibration high. My name Ashtar is chosen because this is the planet I lived on a very long time ago and yes it is destroyed. So the connection with earth now is strong. The planet Ashtar lies in another solar system and looked like the planet Ishtar, Venus, at your solar system now. So there are many agreements.
Also, on the planet Venus the energy of love from the Star family of the Kumara's is stationed there. I also have a strong connection with Venus I had my training of the Light there and follow the lessons of the Kumara's and lived there for a long time. The Seven Kumara's created the Seven Holy Temples on Venus. This is a very beautiful Light power of Love; they have brought this to the earth for a long time now. Jesus Christ (Sananda) is one of the Seven Holy Kumara's. Sanat Kumara is also the Logos of Shamballa on Earth (Hollow earth). Beware of the changing in your world. You all become solar (star) people, creatures of the sun. Do you know that the sun is a star? That’s why they call us:
Adonai, I am Ashtar and I have spoken. Greetings of love from the Light, Ashtar.
Share this message with respect in her total form, named by the source and website: Arthura Hector,
© ART-hura/ashtarcommandnederland/united-A-children
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Blessings and thank you for opening this group, Arthura....may Ashtar's Soul Light anchor deeply, clearly and steadily here, radiating throughout this forum in the name of Ashtar Command. \\\*///
Reposting this link to a page at my site, which has some photos of light beings, including Ashtar's light form and energies as he has appeared to me:
Light Beings
This page also has a little bit about my remembering/reconnection with star family of the AC:
Ashtar Command
Much Love to you, Arthura, thank you for BEing here, and for all you do. Love to All,
Joanna&Ashura xx
Ashtar and the Ashtar Command
By Arthura
Ashtar is an ethereal being of Light. The Ashtar Command is part of the Guardian Alliance (AzuriteUniversal Templer Security Team). Ashtar implements the “command” here directly under the leadership of Lord Sananda Kumara. They help mankind and the earth trough this change of consciousness in commission of The SOURCE. These ethereal Angels of the Light can communicate through power of thought and telepathy. Their Light-vessels are ethereal, subtle, mostly we can’tdiscern them because their vibration is too high. They come from another future-dimension, this matrix from above the 4d we cannot perceive from the 3d. They however are able to adapt their frequency and they work in different layers and change according to their resonance, so that they can materialize and suddenly appear and disappear before our eyes. In the Higher dimensions of Light one can make use of Light-vehicles which they “steer” through consciousness and the power off thought, they are one with the energy of the ship/vessel. They are all connected with this lightenergy and the energy-resonance of Ashtar is felt through the whole ship. That’s how they also communicate with each other. They travel through use of zero point-energy, light-energy, solarphotons and the power off thought, are in direct connection with The SOURCE.
Everything is about resonance: sound-energy, shape-energy (holy geometry) and color-energy. The Higher Angels also manifest themselves here on earth through clouds off consciousness, the so called Sylphs. Shamans communicate with the higher consciousness in this manner, because in everything that lives the Divine Spark is present. The sun, the air, the trees and the animals. The resonance-waves work through the morphogenetic fields, which in turn have their own unique vibration. The vessels from the lower dimensions work very differently and cannot rise above the 4d, these have a lower resonance-wave. The earth is passing through a photon-belt see photograph Venus-energy. Photons are light-particles which imbue everything with their high light-frequency. This ensures that everything on earth will vibrate faster and higher: it increases our consciousness. The transition from the “Pisces-era” to the ”Aquarius-era” . The rotation of the earth will start slowing its turning until the earth will come to an energetic standstill around 21-12-2012 and will achieve her Zero-point, all the planets will align and at the same time a light-explosion will take place from the Central Sun, Energetic Ribbon of Light, all the planets will be pierced through their zero-points, the earth will also be lifted up in her Core-crystal through this Ribbon. The earth will start radiating and this light will also penetrate every human being through the chakra’s. From that moment on the earth will rotate differently and the New Earth Energy is born! Read further six pointed star and the new timelines that will create love on earth.
By Arthura Hector
Created by©ART-hura/ AshtarCommandNederland/united-A-children