Telepathic MessagesUI"">:Peter | Last Updated: May 21, 2010 - 9:41:23 AM |
CM addresses all of us "almostCreator Sons." By CM thru Peter |
y 21, 2010
(translated from german - original is at the end)
Beloveds, this is Michael, your Father and Brother. One day rest, and the world looks quite different again. Even a Creator Son like me canbe exhausted ["exhausted" in the original german is kind of a game ofwords, meaning something like "over-creating"-Peter], if just for amoment until the actual events need my total attention again.
This update is directed towards you, beloveds, towards you, who are nearly in the role of a Creator Son yourselves, compared to yourpossibilities and abilities. You carry, so to speak, nearly as muchresponsibility over this ascension process as do I. And so you feel theexhaustion laying like a rock on your chests, hindering your breathing.
Well, this is according to my plan, and you are a great part of this divine plan, as you are here, mortals amongst mortals. Beloveds, Ithought about your stance to the speed of unfolding events; what Kibo iswriting, many of you think and feel, my precious ones, and I know thatwhat will follow you will not want to hear.
It was you, who wanted to be here. You even asked me to let you go. You wanted to achieve your part in the ascension with motherearth, and it was you, who knew that it would not be a walk in the park -after all, many of you spent countless lives on this planet, and shouldbe aware of the predominant unfavorable circumstances here.
Did you forget all of this? Yes, you did, as this is and has been always the case when a soul incarnates in a mortal body, and so it isnot only natural to not remember, but also necessary for the experienceand eventually for the crucial step, which has to be made out of freewill.
Beloveds, you have to live as you would be alone, as there would be no me. So, Kibo, where is the room for proof here, since if Iexist or not, does not really matter for you here on earth. YOU AREHERE, AND SO YOU ARE HERE.
Adapt yourselves to do this all alone. When you stood before me, asking me to let you go to Urantia, do you really believe you would havehumiliated yourselves that much, as to know that one day you would notbe able to sort things out without our help? You would have looked at mecontemptuously, and you would have said: what, are you crazy, that iswhy we are going there, to fulfill your work and to make sure, that youare released to be a comfortable seated observer, being present as yourbeloved planet ascends, renewed by your own children.
Your suffering, dear ones, is the program. There were many mistakes to be done, and you did them all. You all are Agondonters, but you arethe last of their kind, and you will free yourselves from thissituation. Agondonters are often described as mortals which believe inGod, without having proof for His existence. Well, how could this bepossible since God is in everything and everybody? There is enoughproof, look around, no, the nature of Agondonters is to freethemselves of their own limitation, without God's help, out of your ownpower and own faith, that is why only the strongest souls can beAgondonters.
Did you hear this, children, only the strongest souls are incarnated here, only the strongest can master a task like this, and only thestrongest want to master it without help - do you find yourselves inthis? How do you think you would have reacted, if I would have told you:don't you worry, for whenever you get stuck, I will intervene, to clearyour path so it is without wrong tracks and detours. I will always giveyou what you need to make your lives as comfortable as possible?
Believe me, that is what I said. But it was you, giving me to understand that I should better drop it, that you would not be babieswho need Daddy's protection, just let us do, you said, and let uspleasantly surprise you, beloved father. This is our present to you, wewill forget you to remember you with our own power.
Truly, only the strongest of the souls are able for such devotion, and you made me proud to be your father. You wanted to be born onUrantia, like me, you wanted to live with mortals, like me, withall the mortal duties and mortal troubles, and you wanted toleave this planet with the indelible knowing to go back to your father,like me.
To invest oneself into the spiritual path does not mean to not invest yourselves into the worldly life as well. There is nothing unholy aboutthat. There is a saying: look up to the stars but keep your feet on theground. Believe me when I say, that it is not in your nature to staretransfigured up to heaven, while continuously stepping into dog-poop.Now you stand in the dirt, up to your armpits, and you will have tocleanse yourselves before you enter the temple.
You might want to say, We didn't know that it would be as terrible, but do not forget, only the strongest souls got my permission to go, andthe strongest will be challenged strongly, it is the strongest, whodelve the deepest into anything, it is the strongest who devotethemselves completely, and it is the strongest, who have the strongestfaith. But how could one earn this than through the biggest andseemingly most insoluble problems.
You are the strongest, and you would be offended if I would handle you especially delicately, and so you asked me not to intervene. Then:we say that we don't need help, because we know deep in our hearts thateventually we will get help - is a human way of thinking which does notexist in heaven. Self-deception is only possible here, not on the otherside.
Can you slowly grasp what is to be done, after I told you everything here? You are the ascension, you are the ones who had togo that deep into separation to integrate yourselves again. Solve etcoagula, the one is mutually dependent on the other, without solutionthere is no bonding, without bonding no solution, without hate there isno love, and without darkness there is no light. This is how a 3rddimensional world of duality is constructed.
Duality in an advanced state shows it's ugly face on purpose - to enable the observer to overcome it. The sentence: help yourself andtherefore God will help you, is not entirely correct, it should be: helpyourself and therefore you help God.
Agondonters, my dear friends, are the closest to God, they are an experiment which could not have been more successful, because in a 3Dworld there cannot be faith without doubt. You just have to take thislast hurdle, to accept yourselves in your failure, to love yourselvesfor it. Accepting one's own failure is the highest a mortal can placebefore me - and I will accept this gift as no other.
Now I ask you once more: find yourselves again. Not in me, find yourselves in yourself and find yourselves in the others, as you are theothers. Thank your brothers for they offered to go so deep into thedark - did you want to do this? Thank them and honor them, without themthere would be nothing to overcome, and you could never find out if Iam or not.
Oh my jewels, the darkest hour is before dawn, the biggest chaos gives birth to calmness, problems only appear insoluble shortly beforetheir solution. If you would want to throw in the towel and give up -well, so be it; if you would want to go on - well so be it then. Butnothing will change the mechanisms of life, hunger does not fill yourstomach and being homesick does not bring you home, a map shows the pathbut you still have to walk it yourselves.
Agondonters overcome their doubts in absence of visible proof, and that is how they prepare the path of this planet. You will becrowning the columns in the halls of the coming universities, eachcolumn standing for a truth being understood out of itself. This is thefoundation of the temple, the steps to the kingdom. Remember, I myselfplaced the cornerstones, and now you are erecting the columns, and theheavens are the roof.
It is nearly done. Christ Michael ( A Heavy Message !!! )
| Last Updated: May 21, 2010 - 8:09:42 AM |
Update #15 By CM thru Hazel May 21, 2010 - 7:53:32 AM | Email this article Printer friendly page |
Update No 15
Christ Michael thru Hazel
Things continue to transpire behind the scenes. We are back in full swing attending to important matters. We arecurrently delving a bit more into media activity and courting somemedia personnel for further co operation.
We have now secured further puppet masters from the number last reported. They are in the basement of theundergrounds facilities giving us some "Hell". You will not begin toimagine how many of these kind exist. We have managed to uncover somecrucial information which we can use to our advantage. We are pushingthem to voluntarily hand themselves over to the people for confession oftheir crimes. This does not seem likely to happen. We shall persevere abit more and if that fails then I am going to ensure that informationis leaked through various media with substantiated proof so that thepopulation can draw their own conclusions.
I have decided that I am going to ensure that announcements occur before stasis one way or the other. How soon beforestasis I have not yet determined. It all depends on these rogues that Ihave in the cellar.
The foundation of our work here is almost complete as best as is allowed given all the circumstances.
I now wish to say more about the state of your markets. Have you ones been following the news? Do you not see thatexactly what we said is unfolding? Did we not give you a prior heads upon this? Well this is just the beginning. There is nothing they can doto stem the collapse which imminently looms. Beloveds, there is so muchfear amongst them. Also some of the puppet masters currentlyincarcerated are the ones that pull the trading strings and they can'tbe found? Yes they are visibly missing and those who rely on theirmandate are floundering just as your markets are currently. This was allpart of our orchestration.
There will be no recovery and that is my divine dictate. This sore is now cankered. We will not allow reprieve.If they do try to find a quick fix we will step in and unfix it. Wewill play musical chairs with them if necessary but they will never getthe seat of financial power again.
Having dealt with the recalcitrant dark puppeteers, I can now fully and profoundly appreciate what my childrenhave been subjected to and it is time to rid this world of their kind. Ihave begun to pull the strings and I want you all to watch this mightycollapse. All is going to tumble to a raging end, to be no more. Theyare "rank" beloved and for me to say that being their Father should saysomething to you. They are well and properly sold to the darkness of theantichrist. I assure you that after I am done with them they will notsee the light of day again, for that is the only extent that they knowthe light.
My team have been able to acquire some assets and cooperation from various sources and shall utilise these resourcesto implement temporary programmes pre stasis that there may be somesemblance of order.
I am afraid dear ones, that my children are in for a very rude awakening. The life that they have created based onfalse notions and ideologies is drawing to a close, as it must.
Do not underestimate what we have accomplished so far. The best of plans must have a solid foundation before executioncan commence.
Further to the update of the earth movement I highlighted to you over the last few messages, please be on extremelyhigh alert now. It can happen at any time between now and your comingMonday. So loud will be the explosions below the mother's level that itwill be felt and heard far and wide. She must have her release. Shecannot bear the pain anymore. I have come for her, know this.
I ask again that you pay careful attention to the message brought by my beloved child on your forum (Ray) who hasprovided details of potentials for the occurrences. He was speciallychosen to bring these details forthwith.
There is not much more I can say at this time but rest assured that it is close to completion. Yes, as I walk yourlands I am now convinced that perhaps I let this go on for too long. Theair is so polluted that you will not even believe me if I am to giveyou the full details. All life is dying a slow death and that is not thereason why I sent you here. I sent you to live and grow though yourexperiences but not to slaves to all that is dark. Yes my little onesthere has been a learning in this for me too. So very soon I am going towhisk you all away from the putrefaction that lies in your midst.
I would like to extend my thanks and love to all you my children who have conscientiously sent light, love andsupport for those in my troops and to me. You have and continue to growin my image. I am well pleased.
This is my promise to you. The days are becoming shorter until stasis will be initiated. I have brought thelight of my presence to you on earth and in a matter of days you willhear and see the power of divine presence. Know then that it has startedand once started will roll with fervour unto completion.
These are my words brought in the light of my being which comes from the Source of All. I AM THAT I AM Christ MichaelAton
Candace: I only saw a short piece by Ray at AHS yesterday and it suggested there may be a really great quake comingin the Pacific near Hawaii, and there is a huge raising of the seafloor, by some 13 inches a day off the Pacific Coast of Australia.
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