Last Updated: May 11, 2010 - 8:23:26 PM |
Hard Headed Kibo challenges the BigCheese By Christ Michael AND Kibo May 11, 2010 - 8:20:17 PM | |
Esu came and explained some stuff and then CM came and that conversation resulted in what you see here.......
i was hard- headed...but i think He expects it sometimes......i hope...
almost like a freakin' interview...
wish i could've gotten a picture.....
here it is...
love and light to all
kibo[no kool-aid in my cup]Dabi
CM: Talk to me. Do you understand the situation as Esu has given it to you?
Kibo: Yes. I...
CM: Continue.
Kibo: I daresay that you don't have much time to do this. I see what they are doing, what they are planning and ican see why there is enough concern to justify the movements that areongoing at present.
CM: Yes, the dark ones are no longer trying to win anything. Their purpose as they see it right now, is to delayand secure the means of mass destruction. They intend, like littlechildren who cannot play with the big boys in their game, to lash out inhatred, fear and disgust. They brought a ball to play with and nowthat ball has been taken away from them and they want to steal the ballback and run home with it, except in their case there is no home to runto. They know this and so would rather grab the ball and destroy it.Their plan is to win through our failure to preserve the great and grandprize of Gaia ascended. This will never happen. They will never touchthe ball again.
Their hold on the media and corporate purse strings is still enough to promote the `alien boogeyman threat' and theyare selling it at bargain prices. The more you fear our coming, themore destruction you will help them cause. They desire to see theirsleeping slaves as being the means of their own destruction. They areon the move and hope that we know not where they are or what they do.But Light is everywhere in creation and there is no where in theuniverse of My own making, where I cannot be or do not know. I travelin and with this vehicle to offer and gain a closer experience with Mycreatures But I AM far more than what they know or what I allow Myselfto be in this vehicle. This they have never understood for they seeonly with one eye and think with their brains and not their minds andhearts. So be it.
We are giving it through all of these, our servants, to spread the word of The Living God, Creator of Nebadon thatthe hunt is on. Prime Creator, ALL THAT IS, SOURCE, THE GOD OF GODS nowdips IT"S hand into the waters and WE are the ripples, the waves thatare the effect of That Cause.
WE ARE COMING FOR YOU. THE LONGEST DAY IS UPON YOU. This is, and this is very important so get it right, this isnot a search and find mission. THIS IS A SEARCH AND DESTROY OPERATION.We are coming for you and WE already have your resources well in hand.WE are hunting you little foxes and WE know where you are and what youare doing. Your so-called hounds of hell have nothing on US. The Hostsof Armies of Legions is coming for you, each of you, all of you. Yourships are gone. Your troops and minions are in disarray and turn uponeach other as WE speak. Even now, you look at each other trying todecide who will move first and fastest to throw the others to the Lions,not wolves, lions. There is nowhere for you to run or hide. Go to thewoods and maybe WE will let the wolves get to you first. Go to thejungles and the trees themselves will bind you. Go to the mountains andtheir caves, your holes in the ground and wait in fear for therumblings of our being here among you will cause them to fall upon you.Where can ye ones go where I AM not already?
The hunt is on, like the hunts of old that you used to enjoy so much...chasing after foxes or naked and frightenedlittle children. Now it is your turn to be hunted and feel that whichyour victims have felt for too long. Right here, right now, you nolonger have to be concerned with where you will go or where you will endup. You have more immediate concerns for WE are upon you.
You can consider this a threat, a promise, an empty promise or blow it off like you have been doing, it matters littleanymore. Suffice it to say: THIS IS A FACT. THE HUNT IS ON. THEPOSSE IS RIDING. THE IG.GI.GI ARE HERE. THE DEADLINE WILL BE REACHEDIN COMPLETE FULFILLMENT BY THE WILL OF SOURCE AND ATON THAT I AM.
Any questions?
Kibo: if what i'm told is true, You better not back up or down, get it done and get it done right and well. Letthe people of Earth know that this is a divine event and leave no doubt.We've been living in doubt for far too long. I mean, you really haveto let them know, everybody, that God is here and this is The Big Eventand it is real. If you can't promise that, then don't bother...that'sall i've got to say about it. You do this, You say this, You stick toit and make it real, otherwise what's the point? We've been doing ourbest and you see where that gets us. We need a miracle for the worldand it ain't right to say all this and not finally give proof. Peopleall over the world are begging for proof of truth. You ready to give itto them, finally?
CM: You're really ticked off about all this, aren't you?
Kibo: yes, yes I Am. This is the same song but a different dance and even if You're going to change the song youhave to clear the floor of everybody that doesn't know the new dancesteps. Up until now it's been all patience and soon and wait and now,and now now...and NOW it's this and I, we, just want it done with inorder to move forward. Sometimes I think even the dark ones just wantthe whole thing decided for them. We are all what we are and we havechosen our sides and it ain't going to get any better and can only getworse. Put them and us out of our misery and get on with it already!
CM: Got a lot on your plate?
Kibo: Yeah and i'd like to know if i have to eat it or can i scrap it and come to the table. Just for once, I'd liketo know something for sure. I do this, these writings and I getit....but proof can be...very liberating and i'd like to be free fromthis crap bondage as would many of us who realize our situation. Idon't think it's too much to ask for. We can only do so much under thecircumstances, all co=creating aside. We've been conditioned andscrewed for thousands of years. As far as i'm concerned DivineIntervention is valid, warranted, necessary and should be mandated. Inmy humble little opinion......BOSS. I work for YOU, not vise=versa. Igo by Your Word and Will.
CM: Why do you always argue with ME?
Kibo: Because YOU told me that I have a right to question and speak my piece.
CM: you have not seen progress or results?
Kibo: Yes Sir, I have, Sir. But I've also seen many delays and maneuvering and going by the book while theopponent knows no sense or rules. These are psychotics. Yes, they arestill my brothers and sisters in the great bond of life, but even ESUwould hit back if he had to and You and i both know that their attitudeand defiance of Your Will now makes that necessary considering the shorttime there is left. I believe what You say, but i'd like to know thatthis is an absolute statement and that will need obvious proof.Earthlings need that slap in the face to wake up. If not now, when?Here is the place. There is nothing else to say after all of thesewarnings except to say: watch and see. Then, make sure we all seesomething real we can never forget.
CM: That, I can guarantee. What happens here will never be forgotten. But you want a whirlwind with a voice in itand a burning bush. We don't do that anymore. I will say that proofwill be plentiful and evident for those that are willing to open theireyes and see the truth of it but there will still be those that refuseto wake up and so they will see little proof in it.
Kibo: hey, that's on them. I assume that You're going to give this everything You've got?
CM: Of course. It is already being done as we speak. But live while this transpires, do not just sit and wait andwatch. You will see one way or the other but you all have lives to liveall the way up to the moment of stasis. You will be more infused withpurpose as wave upon wave of changes come so quickly. WE are rootingout the dark from their cracks and crevices and from underneath therocks. We are retrieving them on land, air and sea. WE are cuttingthem off from all resources and bringing them in. Those that capitulatewill be given the chance to resign or change policies. The slightestdeviation will result in their removal from the face of the planet towhere We have very nice accommodations for them as incarcerated guests.Gaia will further institute her changes at a faster pace and your mediawill be able to release itself from the chokehold that it has beensubject to in the past.
Your economies will crumble to dust before your eyes and need I remind you that there will be great loss of life.So have a care towards what you ask for, lest you receive the price ofit for yourself.
Kibo: As long as this crap gets finished I'll live or die with it and just be glad our freedom has been delivered.I'd like to stay but my own plate could kill me anyway, so.....There aretoo many of us that are between a rock and a hard place and we aredepending on You for help and support. We just want to know should weprepare for the long run and expect to be fighting this war for the nextfew days, weeks, months or years, all of the above, none of the above,which of the above? I know You don't deal in definite answers on thatpoint and i get why. I'm just trying to get as definitive a picture as ican for the people that read this stuff.
CM: It is as I have said: THE HUNT IS ON AND IT IS ON, NOW! This is, again, search and destroy, We are mopping up,so to speak and that's really all there is to it. We feel the next fewdays will be very telling and there are no expectations nor anyindication that We will still be fighting this fight come harvest ofthis year. I know that there are concerns and they are being handled toproduce the most benevolent, best possible outcome and that is the wayWe have always operated. It just so happens that the best outcome,right now, demands going on the hunt for these wayward, psychotic darkones and forcing them to sign off and vacate their power and positionsso that your world, and others, may move on. Will that do or are thereother issues that I should indulge you in?
Kibo: [smiling] No, I'm good, just wanted to give it my best shot at getting as much out of you as I could. ThankYou so much for you time, consideration and indulgence and I hope andpray that everything is settled as soon as possible.
CM: It will be, of that I can assure you.
I give My blessing and My seal to this and also upon the heads and hearts, the minds and souls of all of you, mybeloved children who strive so hard to live in love and light in adarkened system of things that is being removed to let Gaia andyourselves shine with a brightness that will be seen across the face ofall creation, a joyful smile upon the face of ALL THAT IS.
I will leave you in the company of Esu...until we speak again on these matters
I AM CHRIST MICHAEL ATON, Big Cheese, Head Honcho and Sovereign God, Ruler and Creator of the Universe of My OwnMaking, Nebadon in Orvonton.
Thanks Boss, appreciate it. I do love you and I'm very glad You love me...boy am i glad........cya
5/11/2010 2317 hrs cst
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