Update by Christ Michael
By Christ Michael thru Candace
Oct 16, 2010 - 3:27:10 PM

Update by CM

Thru Candace

Also inclusion of the First Paper of the Urantia Book, The Universal Father
(  Go to: www.urantia.org to read the paper )

Hello beloveds, Christ Michael here for the long needed update, Candace has been pushy about it.     Ye ones wish this of course even if she sometimes posts our plans minus the channeling, she still receives the information.


Now recently I worked with Hazel, about your oneness with me you MUST demonstrate. It is time to be doing that 24/7 even though you may be ignored.  Show the way. Cut down the use of your automobiles, find out where you are wasteful or stuck in materialism and cut it back and let people KNOW why. There is so much you could be doing besides wishing for Stasis.


American’s response to the Gulf of Mexico disaster was nothing less than completely dishonorable to God and the mother planet. So be it, I guess.   The density grows and it is difficult for us to work against it.


As Esu said recently thru Adam the new levels of “acceptance” grow lower and lower, as at what point will you all rebel against the beast?  We are NOT seeing evidence yet, in almost any place on earth, but in particular the so called “advanced” western nations.


Ye all are born, even the robotics knowing something of Godness and yet there is no movement in that direction.  Well enough on that sad topic, ye all want to know what the Mother is doing.

Well, it seems, as Candace likes to joke, it will become necessary for a Caesarian section to deliver this child of God on to this planet.  A mighty wake up call and we are trying to do our best in this, but the density almost seems to grow 2 steps back for every step forward. In other words there is NOT progress.  At least one step backwards for every 2 steps forward is progress.


We have to “fight” this constantly with injections of light. So such it is on a backward world like this one.  As has been covered we are going with the axis SHIFT.  Candace posted on this recently. The first few days went well, and I was pleased, and then everything just “froze up” so to speak.  We have been increasing the energies heavily trying to “loosen up” the matter so it will move.  We need a bigger change to get man’s attention. This is on going and we shortly think the axis will move again for us. We want a bigger more sudden movement for the attention of such.


What is going on Arkansas so many are asking? Well, it’s the New Madrid, which is expanding into old fault lines.  Not a situation of pumping or fracting for gas.  The Gulf of Mexico situation is terrible.  There is oil in most of it, and clearly visible if your controllers would  let the pictures be posted from airplanes.


Link to one image: Shocking aerial photo of shoreline in Orange Beach, AL near Florida border

So much oil and natural gas have come forth that the pressure is equalizing and the risk thus down somewhat on that long fissure line we have spoken of before. That is why the blowout has not yet occurred.   But this does not mean it is over.  Have you ones any idea exactly how much oil and gas came out of those underground caverns that caused this equalization? (Candace: It’s still coming, this does not mean it is stopped, it means the pressure is less.)  It is not even in your number system within your understanding.


The GOM is now at least 50% oil and the currents are not working correctly for several reasons.  Europe and the eastern coast of the United States are not going to have those warm currents thru the coming winter.  Man has deliberately brought on his own ice age cometh again.  While the blowout was NOT intentional, everything there after WAS.  The thugs do know their science in that regard and they know they have created a climate changing event and that was in fact their purpose.  (Candace: The above statement on the weather does NOT imply we are going to have winter.)


Now, back to the axis shift.  We are hoping for a much larger one, up to one degree at least this time in a single movement.  This may take a bit more time to set up, but we are playing “catch up” here.  Man must be awakened before stasis to what he has done.


We are still going to require the mini stasis we have spoken of.  It will happen still with the GOM incident, because we must get in there and remove those pent up gasses. We must also remove the huge buildup of oil.  We have huge tanker ships here that you can hardly image as to size, that will remove this oil and liquid gases during the mini stasis.


The animal life in the whole of the gulf is all but dead.  This huge collection must not be allowed into the general circulation of this world, it is too much.  It is actually good this is building ONLY in the gulf and the natural circuits are thus broken.


Each of you can observe this on your satellite images.  Storms coming in from the Caribbean are turning around and heading back to sea before they enter the Gulf.  They are not moving up the coast of the United States as they should.  You see dear ones, not only are we talking the circulating currents of water in the Gulf, but the currents of the storms.  They are inter twined.  You should be where you can find ears to hear, stating this and showing people. (Candace: Tropical Weather : Weather Underground has a chart near the lower part of the page, where you can select different zones in the tropics.  Select infrared and animation to see the flows.  I have watched several storms now that did not enter the Gulf and instead angled over cuba and back out into the mid area of the Atlantic Ocean. )


Now to our thugs:  We are going to remove all of you during the mini stasis, in every facet of your control.  The “elected” offices, the appointed offices, the Media, many corporate chairmen and the like. We will also removed those in the sex trades and related debauchery.   The numbers will be quite large.  We have replacements in place for after the mini stasis, but I will not detail how at this point.  We ARE going to give the people as best an education as we have time about who we are.

We will be also as the disasters occur, be removing those in the specific areas of disaster, that are leaving the planet for all the reasons we have detailed before.  Some of the younger souls will experience their “resurrection” and be removed to the mansion worlds.  Many, as we have stated before are leaving to the “new planet” that has been prepared.


Candace:  Recently I was re reading sections of the Urantia Book, and came across this statement, about moving populations to replacement planets. Page 582, Paper 51: (582.3) While there is this dematerializing technique for preparing the Adams for transit from Jerusem to the evolutionary worlds, there is no equivalent method for taking them away from such worlds unless the entire planet is to be emptied, in which event emergency installation of the dematerialization technique is made for the entire salvable population. If some physical catastrophe should doom the planetary residence of an evolving race, the Melchizedeks and the Life Carriers would install the technique of dematerialization for all survivors, and by seraphic transport these beings would be carried away to the new world prepared for their continuing existence. The evolution of a human race, once initiated on a world of space, must proceed quite independently of the physical survival of that planet, but during the evolutionary ages it is not otherwise intended that a Planetary Adam or Eve shall leave their chosen world.


The PJ’s also discuss that the planet will be emptied and cleansed and there is a new planet prepared.  Just to back up what we have been posting.  Those from the higher realms of Nebadon, as mentioned above, the Melchizedeks, Life Carriers come to a planet that is to be either lost, or emptied for a time,  many years in advance to prepare those of God for the event.  By “survivors” above, it means those that are adjuster in-dwelt.  It is mentioned several times that people must make their decisions so they can be prepared to be evacuated.


In the case of massive nuclear detonations, people have to be dematerialized, as they can’t get down close to the planet, and so only adjuster in dwelt folks are removed.  They have only 15 minutes to empty the planet.  Often times the bodies are not prepared, but the soul still goes.  In cases of more time, like am impending pole reversal,  they can get closer and take people in a beam, but many don’t survive this physically either, if not prepared in advance.  In these cases more people and animals are removed in their bodies however.  This new planet of which we speak, was prepared with the idea this planet would be emptied.  They take NO criminals to new worlds.
The  planet is not going to be fully emptied under our current plans,  because of the stasis, and returning peoples after such.  But for new readers, this planet is very overpopulated and many people are going to MOVE, a lot of them. Some by loosing their bodies and incarnating elsewhere, others by direct removal to this new planet, other planets and also just aboard craft for long periods of time if there are no other places for these still living ones. They can be given much education before their normal passage from life.  We have many people here with craft from material/physical worlds, because this IS a physical planet. Sadly, our thugs created the “rapture” story which seems to be around the evacuation, and for unknown reasons, christians in particular seem to think at the time of the rapture their physical bodies go to heaven. NOT SO. These bodies do not work on the architectural worlds.

Christ Michael:  And, during the disasters that are coming forth, we will assist in the feeding of the people of earth before the big stasis, so there is not suffering from lack of food.  This will be a short period.  It will be a benevolent period where people will see “God” in action.


Now, as to the recent October 13 date where it was put out there would be world wide showings, ask yourself this question. DID WE state this, or was it the dark ones?  A few craft were shown, some of our comrades decided to do this, such as the ones over New York city, but this was NOT our plan.  In fact the dark are happy for it, for to them, it shows we aren’t “real” since we didn’t show.   Or they make it look like we put out false information when the show and tell does not happen.  Notice there was a goodly deal of dark ones also suggesting it would be Operation Blue Beam.  There were in fact “blue beams” seen.  They were not our “blue beams.”  Operation Blue  Beam will not happen on my watch.


(Candace: I will let readers that never heard of Operation/Project Blue Beam, do their own research on the web. )


There are quite a few readers of AH that fully expected this big show and tell, and if it was on MY orders, it would have been put out thru Candace.  Enough on that one.

This weekend we are intensifying our efforts  and our activities of the last few days.  The density of matter cannot be suddenly changed, it is a gradual process.  Understand many of you will have intense physical symptoms from this.  Candace is hearing of folks making trips to the hospital over the chest pains that occur.  As the planet shifts to a new axis, this may produce vomiting, vertigo, strange pains and disorientation.  Be prepared.  And once the plates begin to move there are going to be an abundance also of very strange and frightening noises. (Candace: I have twice recently had chest pain with pain down both arms.  I mentioned that before on the front site.)


There were widespread reports on the web last week as this process was gently started of both earth changes and the physical discomforts.  These will be much worse this weekend as the energies are increased and the axis begins to move again.   It will take, once the axis starts to shift,  about 6 to 12 hours to make a whole degree, if we are lucky on that one, and the symptoms of people throughout the world will be huge.  Just be aware of this.  And of course there will be quakes and other disasters.  The changes to date with the axis have weakened many structures and these ones could collapse.  You can expect bridges and building collapse,  sink holes, huge ground fractures and more. And you can expect a sleepy planetary people to go into large fear.  You can expect all sorts of reactions around you and a lot of propaganda may hit the internet.

We wish to accomplish at least 2 degrees total. We are actually about 0.55 to date since  we started over a week ago, in small increments.  The increments must increase in size this time.  You can also expect problems with your reception from satellites, because the reception points are not going to line up.  We can and well move satellites necessary to our announcement process, but we will not move them until during the short stasis.  You can expect your GPS systems to malfunction also.


This is enough for this time.  Be prepared.  And store your own food where you can beloveds, for it is the right thing to do, and the right thing to demonstrate. Many of you have refused this because your DOOM did not happen, but all should always be prepared for the DOOM.

This is a world where the people are going to react very poorly.  Particularly those used to comfort.  Everything they know will be shaken when their earth shakes and they have no preparations for such.  Prepare your own “houses.” For doing such IS of God.  Now, it’s back to work for myself.  You see, Eternal Life is not about living in fuzzy bliss, it’s about work, everyone works!   There is no one who has accomplished eternal life that is not at work.  That is why so many turn it down!  They do not wish to grow themselves, which requires work.   Be in Peace.  I AM Christ Michael Aton.

Candace:  I took to re reading the first papers in the Urantia Book some weeks ago, actually some quite recently as I was recovering my health after the recent microwave attack and the loss of another computer and ensuing problems.  By the way,  I will state here my deep gratitude to all our readers who sent contributions to get me yet another computer!!!!  For without which I cannot do my work and stay in contact with all of you!


Anyway, I have several favorites places there, and was sorting thru them, and decided instead to just post whole papers, those of about the Universal Father, initially.  So I am putting Paper 1 here for your reading. Some of you have yet to even open the Urantia Book and perhaps this will encourage you to take that brave step into the 2000+ page behemoth.  So here we go and I will you decide which parts of this first chapter sing to your own hearts, for even new age has a lot of problems understanding the person of the Universal Father.  Take from www.urantia.org.  I highly suggest purchasing a copy to mark up. Mine is full of such and lots and lots of paper clips too.  For those confused by “universes” the creation did not come into being all at once, and continues to grow, and creations are grouped into “local universes” for management.  Yes the creation IS managed.  There ARE governments.  There are 700,000 universes conceived to date and many more in “outer space” coming into creation. Each has at it’s helm, a Creator Son of God.  We belong to Nebadon, whose Creator Son, is Christ MIchael and who is personally present at this time using a body, for he is spirit, so that he is “visible” to us. 
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