By Johan
Jul 24, 2011 - 4:07:08 PM
Posted to the forum Sunday July 24, AM.
After asking CMAton what allowed to see and report, here is what came to me :
I will copy and paste the part from this morning where this new piece/transmission will be a continutation on that :
Then I was shown a stone walled house, still under contruction, with the big cement blocks as we know them here in the Caribbean, but there were no rods of steel inside them, the corners were left out for later colums that would be poured in concrete, also no steel reinforcement to see.
Something that would go down, the minute a strong wind would pass by. It was put upon my heart that this is what most people have done with their lives. Build many walls, left them unfinished, did not bother putting in steel bars or rods to make it reinforced concrete, when using concrete later, not even using cement in between the blocks and all that lead to the thought that will connect with the teaching on the SOUL AND DIVINE WISDOM CONNECTION, SO BADLY NEEDED TO REINFORCE YOUR INNER STRUCTURES, YOUR LIVES.
The cement missing, the bars to reinforce missing ofcourse make any construction weak and defenseless against any attack of any nature. That compares very well with that most peoples lives have become. No truth, no knowledge, no wisdom, no zeal nor zest or enthousiam, no hunger to know, no positivity left, and ofcourse, THAT THE DARK HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF BIG TIME, SINCE THERE WAS LITTLE OR NO RESISTANCE MET.
Not to repeat that same thing over and over but what has completely missed its aim and understanding, even greately shortened and distorted : Seak first the kingdom of God and his righteousness ..., UB 1569:3 Missing that understanding, that GREAT PROMISE, well, all cement is already out of the equation. Only blocks standing on its other, but no glue to keep it together. That is Soul and Divine Wisdom out of the door, no iron bars to hold the blocks together....
I promised to talk about the Soul and Divine Wisdom that can only come through either cosmic insight, what you do not remember yet, and spiritual discovery, what most of you fail to even have enought HUNGER for, over powered by material distractions, deceivingly dangled as a carot in front of you. Most people do not even appreciate that a soul is actually fathered by a divine spirit for specific purposes and reasons. It is completely ignored that a soul is the part of man that elevates you as human being above the level of the animal world, hence alot of animalistic behavior not worthy of moral standards nor spiritual attainments. If human beings are not even interested in knowing their God and thus not displaying any urge to be like him, how can any Soul and Divine Wisdom be his or her part, or lead him to the re inforced inner structures necessary to stand in any storm, having received and heard all the necessary instructions, advise and protection?
It is my hope that this small teaching makes you think how You make use of that possible souls and divine Wisdom on a daily base, meditation being the first on your list to obtain that goal. Your understanding through experiences will give you more incentive to share that stronger Inner Strenght, that will quickly show on the outside, throught circumstances, hearts desires, knowledge and truth, and a strong desire to be of Service, what will strenghten all the rest even more.
I am sure some will think this is all very well known and merely repetition, but this small five serie information/teaching, what I invite you to look at again, might open your eyes to detail you have not noticed as of yet... as I say with reason if importance. Perhaps detail in your eyes, but if it can bring strenght to your Inner Building, you will be ever so grateful later during and after any storm of significance, as your narrow path up and onwards will surely bring along. As CMAton of Nebadon, your Sovereign, I only wish you the very best, yet urge you to THINK and ACT, as every experience now will lay the cement for more blocks later, and build a reinforced road of souls and divine wisdom from your heart to that of your Creator, wether my Father or myself, and guarantee you progress under all circumstances. And these you will continue to meet for a very long time to come, starting anew very soon now. Are you ready? ''
I gave thanks to CMAton for this mini series of information/teachings and hope they will make you indeed Think and Act ASAP. There seems to be little time left on this level and lots of work ahead so keep it STRONG soul cemented and Divine Wisdom re inforced ...
in Divine Love, Light and Service, Always and All Ways, Johan
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