TelepathicMessagesUI"">:Others | Last Updated: May 21, 2010 - 10:02:07 AM |
Two Messages by Ray on Earth Changes By Ray May 21, 2010 - 9:37:43 AM | |
I'm a little hesitant to reveal this, but I have been asked too by our divine ones.
During a meditation today I felt the presence of the one I call 'Wisdom'. (That's what he wanted me to call him because he said I'dnever be able to pronounce his name.) He wanted to relate some up comingearth changes dealing with Mother Earth's ascension. He revealed thatthere was to be a very large earthquake well over a 9.0 soon. Thenumbers 10.4 kept flashing in my head, but I so wanted to not believe aquake of that magnitude. He said this quake would take place southwestof Hawaii and it would shake the whole earth, which in turnwould causean 8.8 in the Atlantic Ocean. That there would be Tsunami's throughoutthe Pacific and the Atlantic, at the same time but that time of waveshitting shores would allow for big evacuations to take place.
I just now asked CM if this is what he wants posted. And he gave an affirmative. And reminded me about my doubts of future events by theremembrance of an incident that happened back in 1980. I was havingnightmares back then of crashing a helicopter into a mountain, then morenightmares on top of that of crashing into the sea. Seven months later Ihit a mountain during whiteout conditions, and about five months later Idid a ditching in Cook Inlet. My passengers and I were rescued by theNOAA ship Rainier.
I pray for this world and thank the divineones for our whole life experience.
Love brother Ray
Thu May 20, 2010 5:37 pm
Hello Eve,
I guess I was waiting for what I consider one of the real voices to speak before I went further. Before I begin I just want to say that Inow feel a portion of what folks like you Eve, and Candace, Rubens,Adam, Vince, Kibo, Tanya, Hazel and others have felt being the voice ofour Divine Ones. All of you are surely a blessing to this universe.
Ididn't tell all during my earlier post. Too heavy for one sitting. So,here's some more. The big quake seemed to emanate from over by Tonga inthe southwestern Pacific. I was told or shown it came from an old faultline unknown at present. Giant waves came from this quake that spreadout its force throughout the pacific. Warnings were given for the wholepacific coastline. A few hours later-- a large quake happens in theAtlantic Ridge which also causes very large waves and tsunami warningsthroughout the Atlantic coasts. A thirty mile inland evacuation wasmentioned or high elevation. The big Pacific quake also spawned manyother quakes around the world. I'M told--This is the Divine wakeup callfor the whole world. Many Star Fleet ships will be present to give safeharbor to those in the most dangerous areas, but don't count on amass decloaking all over the world. (Sorry Kibo) There's somethingthere about their energy vibrations only as needed before being shownand also secondary to our Divine Mother Earths transition. As bad asthis all seems, I'm reminded of the alternative that Earth has if itdoesn't ascend with the rest of the universes and I'm for the make-overand not a total redo.
Tonight I sense and feel a series of moderate eq's are on the way. If I'm informed more about the big one-I'll sure post it, but I'm sure CMwill tell us all when the time is right. God Bless and may our Fatherhave mercy upon our souls.
Ray" alt="" height="1" width="1"/>
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