UNIFIED GROUP MESSAGE FROM FLEET thru Kibo at AbundantHope.net
October 24, 2012
The time is arriving that the dark has dreaded and that you and we, together, have not just hoped for, but have worked long and hard to achieve. During the course of time between what was and what will be, will be given to you three days of an opportunity to come to the final decision's of your lives.
To serve the will of The One, alone and as it is manifest in His Michael Sons and the Lords of the superuniverses, is the worthiest endeavor that any faith child of Creator Source can undertake. The path to perfection is fraught with delights and terrors that all together, in the end=moment that you stand on the verge of fulfilling your goal, gains you the ultimate and supreme appreciation of the mind of the Paradise Father in the preparation that He has so meticulously laid out for each and every individual free-will, ascending, intelligent faith child of the realm of time and space. We all have our own unique paths to perfection that is just as different as our personalities are from each other, yet we learn to come together as one in the cause of supreme family to aid and assist each other for the sake of each in love and devotion to the One that created and creates all things through Himself and shares of His Self with all that all may return to Him in perfection as creatures of eternal and infinite light, life and love.
The discipline of true liberty is the freedom that we all seek that must be earned in order to fully comprehend and agree with and in The Fathers Will, is not always easy nor so full of hardship that it becomes unendurable. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, but the love of God is the active wisdom that evolves from knowledgeable use. That knowledge can only come from knowing one’s self and knowing God and find them both in each other. It is in the actualization of the inherent values found in that, which automatically binds and bonds all things together as one in The One so that we may not only truthfully say, but truthfully live in being each other, with each other, for the sake of each other.
You have a saying…all for one and one for all, and this is truly our way of life in the Father and Source of all things as He is The One, as He is One, so say we all: All for One and One for All!
It is in this spirit of shared love and devotion that we prepare to meet and be reunited with all of you, that we may reconnect and share the God in all of us as one. We ask that you look forward to meeting us with the same love, peace and joy that we have as we look forward to meeting you.
Much is about to change on your world. Your freedom and abundance and true knowledge are at hand. Give thanks and praise to Creator Source, The Paradise Trinity, Lord Siraya, and Christ Michael Aton for all that has been done and is being done and will be done; and for all that has been given, is being given and will be given, in experience.it is all God. IT IS GOD! There is no other thing existing and IT is what we are and we are all part of What IT Is.
Behold! A new and greater life of understanding is upon you! Be in Joy and be one in joy!
We are you family in the great adventure of Life in God…..and soon, we shall embrace each other, face to face, in love and light, as together, we shall now journey forward and upwards to our promised perfection!
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