Update by CM, Esu, etc thru Kibo

okay = this one is an updateBy CM, Esu etc. thru KiboDec 18, 2010 - 1:59:06 PMokay = this one is an update....Almost Midnight Friday Evening, December 17Esu: Are you ready?K: You asked me that once before and i told you i was and nothing happened to be ready for. You have something better now?Esu: You wound me, sir! What’s the matter? I know you have no doubts that this is happening as we speak.K: Announcements and stasis....right. You changed things to include a ministasis for pre-briefings and support which i thought was a great idea, btw, and now You’re saying it might not be necessary. Personally, i’m disappointed. You’re passing up a great opportunity, at least for the ones that would be brought aboard for it. They deserve that and now they’re hangin’ in the breeze waiting to see which way the wind blows on this thing.Esu: AHHH, you thought you might be one of those and now you feel cheated?K: i dare to dream. So sue me. Either way, go or no go, now nobody’s going. I know it’s not my call and not my place to say i expect this or that because it ain’t up to me, but still....ah well, i guess You guys got things well in hand enough to say what’s what and i’m sure You have your reasons. At this stage of the game, all i can do is be there and hope i’m dressed for the occasion in whatever way, shape, fashion or form it takes. I don’t have to remind You that I still have great expectations for what’s left of this year.Esu: There are promises to keep and they are being and will be kept. You are simply going to have to trust in the process as it flows and in Our choices as to the direction of that flow. Progress is not an issue nor is it a problem. Things are very much on track and so many have been removed from their points of blockage that we’ve had to readjust for the increased speed of the effects that We have desired and intended to make manifest.We are saving the most obvious and public ones for last and would like to be able to do so openly and it is towards this end that we are working at this moment. Through a planned series of specific events that will fall like dominoes in a row, We fully expect to have created circumstances that will prove our existence, as well as our benevolent intentions and spiritual agenda according to the Will of Christ Michael in the universe of His own making, which is one with the Will of First Source and Center.[note* At this point CM comes in with some others and they discuss how best to present the particulars of what needs to be said as precisely as possible...me? I’m just waiting like a good boy until they get back to me...hey; I’ve got nothing better to do than this, y’know?] = 2222 hrs cst.Group statement: 2233 hrs cstMany people talk about disclosure. Many feel that disclosure alone is enough to blow the lid off of whatever they feel the problem that needs to be disclosed may be. The truth of the matter is that disclosure is just the tip of the iceberg. Disclosure is just the opening of the lid. It is the causal reactions to such opening that must be measured in order to determine the resulting effects which shall be causes in themselves; hence Esu’s dominoes statement.We know that many are eagerly awaiting some form of UFO disclosure. However, what is being prepared for you is yet another attempt at making us look like an invading force of bad guys intent on dominating the planet and putting the U.S. government, [which is not a government at all, but a corporation of thieves, prostitutes, drug dealers, child pimps, Khazars, Zionists and Satanists],in the false light and hope of being viewed as the last bastion of defense for the freedom of the world. Nothing could be further from the truth of the matter.Ashtar’s show of numbers over Mexico was simply a test of the American Broadcast System, which wholly succeeded in its duty to systematically squelch all knowledge of an event so huge that, on truly civilized planets, it would have been a worldwide event to be shown to everyone, in order for the peoples of the planet to decide as a whole, how they would greet these visitors = in love and light, or fear and darkness. Yet even this freewill choice is desperately imprisoned away from your sight, as far as possible....and therein lies the rub for ye dark ones that remain.What WE are witnessing now, or rather, have been witnessing these past few weeks, are your desperate efforts to create a reactionary spin on every action that WE take and while WE have left you with no time or opportunity to plan anything in advance and since WE are carefully monitoring your plans that were already made and manipulating and controlling them to our own advantage so that they come to naught towards your own ends; Still, it behooves us to inform you that this most explosive matter concerning Our existence here in fact, rests entirely in Our hands as to the methods and outcomes and timing and you no longer have the people or resources to do as you have done in the past. Suffice it to say that your squelching days are over.WE are now in the process of serving OUR interests, as well as the interests of the many that have prayed to The God of Their Heart in Light and Love and Hope for True and Divine Justice and the end to the global tyranny that has been forced upon them, with or without their consent and/or knowledge = upon you corporate criminals and corrupt moneychangers that give paper in exchange for gold that is not yours to have or keep. You have reaped where you have not sown and called yourselves gods and have acted what you thought was the part. Now WE are going to show you how TRUE GODS ACT!CM: I AM but one of many Creator Sons and many are here right now to help out and pitch in and lend a hand and a heart. There is much joy in the heavens as WE reach this one, last, final act that will ring the death knell for all the vanity of power temporal that you hold so dear. WE are ripping the lid off, letting the light out. The Dragon of Light is free and unchained so that it may act! The Lion roars! The Gryphon soars! The Unicorn receives again its wings! It is all let loose and is upon you! The united power of the heavens and the earth, dearest Gaia, are now one and acts against you! It is done!You will not and cannot react fast enough to cover all that is upon you. You have fought for all that you are worth and you are spent and exhausted. WE see it. Deny it all you like but you can no longer provide enough of a front to prove otherwise.Please surrender quietly and with honor, like humans should and not like dying rabid dogs that demand to be put down so that they may be put out of their misery. There is still a chance for you, but if you insist, make no mistake....WE WILL OBLIGE!That is all for now. Thank you for taking this message.K: Wait a minute! I assume there are going to be announcements soon...but i have to ask...with or without ministasis? Whether i’m there or not, doesn’t matter, but is it a done deal or what?Esu: Why is that so important to you? Don’t you think that if WE have people coming up, WE can do that with or without stasis?K: You’ve been too timid to land for that. That would take mass sightings. It’s all well and good with me if you want to do it that way. I assume that you guys already have that all figured out if such is the case. I just want to know what to expect...fair warning and all that.....y’know.CM: This should preclude the need for it and give US more time for formal announcements and should actually help gain the cooperation of the peoples in preparation for the main stasis, which is still necessary and will be done when all are prepared...and no - WE will not wait on anyone to be considered prepared. If someone is of the mind to stall for some reason, that would just be a symptom of why their destination is what it is and would just go anyway when it is time. They’re prepared, just, most likely, not too happy about it. There is still a deadline and benchmarks that go with that and these cannot be stretched, changed or altered in any way. Gaia will ascend and those that ascend with her will be ready. Will that do or do you want to hold out and bug US for something more definite that you already know WE’re not going to give you for obvious reasons?K: *sigh* naaah.....i guess that’ll do. You’ll forgive me if I’m looking for something definitive to happen any day now and for, at least announcements to begin in earnest most definitely before the end of the year...and preferably with room to spare on that? Today is fine with me....Esu: As well you should. Stay aware and stand in your light and let your heart lead you. Your mind will follow your heart which in turn will follow your spirit which rests in THE ONE as well as in Christ Michael Aton.With that WE will take leave of you for this message. Know that WE reach out to all, but can only touch and hold those who reach back.Once We have grasped each other, WE will not let go...but if ye ones let go, of your own freewill and accord, what can WE do, but keep our hands outstretched waiting upon your return?RETURN TO US, ALL YE ONES THAT HAVE LET GO OF YOUR FATHER’S HAND THAT WE MAY WALK TOGETHER INTO THE GLORIOUS FUTURE THAT AWAITS AND THE WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL DIVINE DIALOGUES THAT ARE TO COME!WE LEAVE YOU WITH LOVE AND LIGHT AND TRUTH WITHIN YOU AND UPON YOU!IN I AMI AM--------------------------------------------------------------------------------All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

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