By CM and Johan
Jul 25, 2011 - 12:49:34 PM
Re: Discussion regarding our weekly AH Group Meditation
'' We talked about my Divine Promise, we talked about the changes inside yourself, your lifestyle, your dropping of habits or drives that seem ending somehow and more Higher Energy coming in. This all connects to YOURSELF. With the principle of ONENESS in mind, with the understanding that there is no separation between Celestial Ones, Divinity and yourself, now comes the question: What about you? What do you want to be, to do, to accomplish?
Remember I asked you to clean out your closets, to forgive, to let go, well here we are. I hope you are still standing! And standing in truth! Like mentioned that in the equation of Love your neighbor like yourself, it starts with yourself, do you have any idea where you want to go next? Ever stood still and asked yourself, your Higher Self? Since free will means exactly that nobody makes you do things, that you can choose between options, these options come from your previous souls evolution but soon also from YOUR CREATIVITY, YOUR DREAMS, YOUR VISUALISATIONS ETC.
Some may have rusted their minds in only what they could see or smell, or touch or rationalise. That is old stuff in a new environment of Higher Consciousness. Only desires that are of that nature your heart would do anything to get there, call it passionate, can be taken serious for hearts desires and only these are motioned into existence. The red carpet will always be Service to others, but its important for you to start thinking what it is you seriously want to accomplish. Some of you have made mission statements in order to enter into the AH membership but are these mission statements still standing, still accurate, or have things changed?
Have you given more thought what your heart desires towards Serving really are? In what fields you see yourself operational? Call all of this food for thought, since EVERYTHING IS CHANGING RAPIDLY NOW, and we like to help you being prepared as good as possible. If this is much to digest, then apparently you did not THINK about that enough and have little luxury of time left. Important to know is that you will always have options to chose from, but start your options to work for you, by widen your horizon, by thinking outside of the box, by reaching higher then you even dared or dreamed of, its all your choice.
I have to repeat that in a new environment of Higher Consciousness, the rules change, and you will be instructed and Guided, but with Higher Energy available, START NOW and take a good look at yourself and where you see yourself in the future, STARTING NOW... ''
Johan: As time seem to be flying by so fast, I consider this indeed a very important task at hand and I thanked CMAton for the Inspiration on the go ....
in Divine Love, Light and Service, Always and in All Ways,
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