





May 1



About Yourself

I like nature and animals I like to show new and interesting things

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

I like old school like Leonardo da Vinci. My mentor was and it is Manly P. Hall

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  • 8113998074?profile=original

  • 4) Sun Storms

    Solar experts from around the world who monitor the sun have made a startling discovery: our sun is in a bit of strife. The energy output of the sun is, like most things in nature, cyclic, and it's supposed to be in the middle of a period of relative stability. However, recent solar storms have been bombarding the Earth with so much radiation energy, it's been knocking out power grids and destroying satellites. This activity is predicted to get worse, and calculations suggest it'll reach its deadly peak sometime in 2012.

    NASA predicts that a terrific solar storm will hit the earth in 2012 which will be 30-50% greater than anything before. I believe that there has been global warming over the past decades but it is related to sunspot activity on the sun, not carbon dioxide emissions. The sun has gotten hotter and that has affected the earth. A massive solar blast from the sun in 2012 could burn up the earth as could a collision with an asteroid or a comet. found this on line,and the solar flares seem to pinpoint to the main factor of 2012,with vibration,frequency,and shift in dimensional shift,from the centre of the galaxy,blessings eve.

  • 8113896299?profile=original

  • fascinating.....are these not the greys called.......Egyptian brothers?   forgot the exact name of them...

  • Orion or Q sector war is still raging and the ancient hatred and hostilities of your people and the light are white hot.....i am told that when this war is over, and nobody really knows when and who will  win, the war would then come to this solar system....and there would be hell to pay ...si vous plais...


  • rev...1   

    capt... Essassara....i believe is how it is spelled...verified by commander sanni

  • i met a lady on FB who told me that she was a descendant of Lord Ashtar....this 35 yo white woman lives in NMexico and is name Captain Essassha, sp?,  she is a good friend to Commander Sanni E Ceto...zeta reticulan hybrid A....and friend to the friendless...gringo joe

  • i loved reading the bio of MP Hall....i look at him as a white mason and ascended master...walk in i would imagine...or wanderer....brilliant man....

    passed the book on to Jannice Fadely a brilliant lady in her own right a personal friend living in Oregon and a Tomeran (Egyptian) Kabaalist of the first order...   joe

  • 8113989288?profile=original

  • dear (A), i thought you needed a bit of cheering up today,as i felt your energy across the land and seas,we all have our monents of this sometime(including myself) but i let me inner child shine forth with some witt,laughter,and music,and then my energy shines forth once again.the other night,i had a visit from my husbands identical twin brother(who was a still born,)decided was not what his soul needed i guess,and stayed in spirit,(i have seen him before,on other visits over the years,he watches over my hubby,and the other night,he said this to me very direct,It Is About time,You Came To Terms With The Creator,so you see,dear A,we have our 3D moments,including myself,Cheer Up,let yourself shine through,OK,and have a very blessed day today,love,light,blessings eve.

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Alfred commented on Krishna Kalki's blog post Mars Coverup Exposed: Planet Mars is being populated by Scientists and prepared as a SURVIVAL COLONY
"Well Rav i wander when someone it will say something about that..
Well sad but true.."
Jan 29, 2012
Alfred replied to Ricardo's discussion How will be the earth after 2012
"If we continue to be like before soon will be empty.."
Jan 29, 2012
Alfred replied to Anasthun's discussion Seeing the veil dissolve with your OWN EYES.
"HAHAHA that was a good one...
For me The Veil it is no more.."
Jan 29, 2012
Alfred replied to turtles's discussion what is your strongest....
"Well i think i will be a beam of light soon and all of this it will not matter any more.."
Jan 29, 2012

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"Beloved brothers and sisters......
Have a nice weekend..........
가을대반격 and Base Attack.........Arrest...War........
Thanks............take care.........."
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