This is one of my favourites that I originally learned from Tao Semko, but I’ve tweaked it a little and you can too.. Enjoy!
This is one of my favourites that I originally learned from Tao Semko, but I’ve tweaked it a little and you can too.. Enjoy!
How do I learn to love my Self? I often get asked. The thing is, its not a thing that happens over night, its a continuous practice of re-wiring your nervous system. By changing your thoughts about how you feel about yourself. How you speak about yourself. To yourself.
That internal conversation that you're continuously keeping. If you're not aware of your inner dialogue, then its maybe time for you to sit down and start listening to your mind. What stories are keeping you up at night? What worries you endless? What do you fear? Through what lenses are you looking?
The only way to change our thoughts is to first become aware of them. By becoming aware of them we can choose what thoughts that we want to think. Rather than being run on our egos autopilot. We can decide what thoughts that we want to think and as such by the law of attraction, we can choose the things that we want to attract into our lives.
“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” Lao Tzu
Starting a daily meditation practice can be a very beneficial practice for anyone that wants to feel better. Most people are terrified of meditation because it means that they have to sit still and quiet for periods of time. Willingly. On top of that, there is the belief that we are meant to quiet our minds. Which for anyone will be very hard and as you might know, anything we resist also persists. So by trying to force our mind to become quiet it tends to become louder and more obnoxious.
The trick is to become the observer. To step back and have a look at yourself. But from the inside. To sit down and become aware of what you are thinking. The easiest way to get started is to become aware of your body. Scan your body head to toe, slowly going through each body part checking how you feel in each part. Cold, warm, discomfort, displeasure, pleasure.. pain? Then check your emotions, how do you feel in the different parts of your body? Where does any discomfort sit?
If you feel that your mind is starting to take you on journeys, find back to the present moment. It might help to focus on your breath, focusing on the sensation of the cooler air entering your nostrils and how it fills up your lungs making your belly extend and then how as you're breathing out, the sensation of the warm air exiting your nostrils.
By focusing on the physical sensations rather than trying to quiet your mind, you become the observer, you're not trying to change anything. You just want to start noticing. How does it feel to be inside of yourself? By allowing anything and everything to be, we surrender to what Is.
Through practice our minds become stronger, by training our minds to hold focus longer. To hold higher quantities of light. All thoughts that are negative or against our higher selves, or against ourselves which means that they have any sort of limiting view point, deprives us of energy. All positive thoughts that support our selves, all self-loving, self-accepting thoughts draws more energy in towards you. You become a magnet. Of positives.
By allowing ourselves to be in the present moment, we allow ourselves to feel just the way we feel without trying to change how we feel or trying to push any feelings away. Instead we are creating the space for ourselves to just be.
Through self-love we find acceptance of others, when we start to accept ourselves we can accept others just the way they are as well. When we continue to find faults within ourselves we will continue to find faults within others. The really eye opening part is that every thought that you think of another is registered by your subconscious as a thought about yourself. Since you are source experiencing yourself, as all is one and I am just another You. So truly what you think about others, is what you will become. Simply because of your choice of focus.
So Much Love,