Anthony Ramos's Posts (1)

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Being Rich by Being Poor

Hello again my fellow friends in love and light. Today I wish to speak on a subject that I have once again been pushed to speak on by the forces of light. This subject being the misunderstanding of the ones who people look upon as being poverty stricken, going through difficult times, or just being not as lucky as most people.I often hear many people say negative and ill-conceived things about those who must live in and go through unfortunate circumstances.The truth is that these unlucky souls are in fact the strongest, most wise, courageous, loving, and kind people on Earth. You may ask "How"?! Well all of the traits that I just mentioned, carry with them more power than any Earthly and materialistic commodities a person may have. These Ego-driven souls that envision themselves as being more important, holding a higher status, being wealthier, have better looks, or even just them thinking they have a superior personality are in reality the "poorest" souls amongst humanity.When people go through hardships and pain, what is gleaned from those situations is a wealth of experience. What these enduring people do with this experience is what truly makes them rich at heart. When something negative happens to you, you have the choice of being bitter, spiteful, angry, and depressed....Or you can make the supremely beneficial choice and use "love" as your life-raft to float you out of the seas of despair. I know I touched on a bit of this subject yesterday, however It's germane to tonight's discussion. Anyways, being in a state of anger and depression does NOTHING whatsoever for you but ultimately shorten your life and just further steep you in your bog of misery.Just think my friends, if you've been through a multitude of bad situations and challenges and were able to overcome them...Then when these situations may pop back in your lives, you know what to do, you are able to keep a clear mind, you know the result and therefore are able to choose the highest road to safely weather the storm of negativity. When you've overcome so much in life, there's very little that can keep you down. In a way these well-worn souls use their past experience of struggle and pain as a force-field that perturbs all the evils of life away. Are you all beginning to understand the point I'm trying to make my dearest friends?The poverty-stricken and less well off individuals should rightly be honored, and I mean those ones that keep positivity and joy in their heart while going through the trials and tribulations of life. These amazing humans are indeed wealthy, wealthier than any billionaires out there. These people are brimming with the riches of LOVE. As I always state, love is the most powerful force in the universe. I'm sure you are starting to understand what I mean by all the examples and uses of love I've addressed in my past messages. If through your life's struggles you lose everything....Oh my precious friends, you truly haven't! You can never lose the love you carry with you, as it forms arms of divine security that will catch and keep you from falling. Always remember...The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry lifetime after lifetime. Go in love and light my beloved ones. I love you all unconditionally, for we are all one. :)One with you,— Anthony Ramos
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