Posted by Asmara Dewi on October 29, 2009 at 9:30pm
The most recent ascension symptoms are happening around your head and neck. These include headaches, TMJ (jaw tension, pain and clicking), sore teeth, sore facial bones, tension, pain or a feeling of fullness (something's in there!) in your throat, sinus congestion and painful and very crunchy neck and shoulders. Our brains are changing and there is a lot of energy transforming and moving around in our heads. It seems that our bones are being reshaped.
Another symptom that is going around is fluctuating body temperature. Most common are periods of heating up, but also possible are times when you are suddenly cold. You can feel tired but at the same time you can't relax. And last but not least, being really, really thirsty!
I have found that forceful or deep massage/manipulation can aggravate the symptoms, even bringing on powerful headaches. What helps is gentle energy work like cranial sacral technique. The pressure seems to ease a bit if you open your mouth as wide as is comfortable and breath out forcefully while making a sound (HAAA!). If the area feels inflamed (and it probably will) then using an ice pack is beneficial. Another thing is to get lots of rest, including naps if you can. When lying down to rest or sleep, do some deep breaths (as deep as you can). Try using the Quantum Pause Breath.
1) Breathe in through your nose for a count of about 4. 2) Hold the breath in for a count of about 4. 3) Breathe out through your mouth for about a count of 4. 4) Hold the breath out for a count of about 4.
I find that this will often triggers yawns, which is a releasing of tension.
Going into the wave and using the Golden Mesh to remove what DOESN'T SERVE you is really helpful also.
After that, let the part of you that knows what energy your body needs to flow that energy in and through your body. Notice the color or colors and imagine that color moving through your cells, then molecules, then atoms and finally joining with your waves of light.
Another good thing is to listen to music that you love. Really listen and sing or dance or just breathe with it.
Drink lots of water with a little bit of juice in it. This helps you body absorb the water. Calcium/magnesium supplements and GABA are also helpful.
We are still in a period of waiting and letting our bodies adjust to the New Energy Template. Let yourself rest as much as possible. This is not a time to push hard. Gentle, slow movement is good. Fast hard exercise is not so good. Remember, it is already done! You don't have to hurry up and make it happen. By : Sarah Biermann - Teacher, Intuitive Counselor, Energy Healer, Writer and Artist - Email:
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In 2008, humanity traversed the gap between this reality and the new world in the spirit realm. It was the first step in a change of events that will transform your world. In 2009, the task ahead is to transduce this new reality from the spiritual world into the physical world. The way you will do this is to let go of your attachments to the current realty you are in, and jump or leap into the next one (See Trailers of The Leap Movie here). The way you will let go of this world is to remember that the old reality is nothing more than a simple illusion; just a simple dream to be awakened from.
There have already been several fractures in the fabric of the current reality. These fissures are giving many of you confusing, insightful and exciting peeks into the new reality. These ruptures will multiply and grow and will begin to build a bridge between this old really and the new cycle of creation. This new cycle of creation is similar to the one you are in, but it is pure of heart and present.
Letting go of the old world can be a messy ordeal, but we assure you that there will be no apocalypse. The level of discomfort that you feel will be directly linked to the level of attachment you have to letting it go. Once you let go of any perceptions or thoughts about your world, they cease to exist. They have to. Everything in your reality needs your belief, your energy for it to survive. It is simple as that. If all of humanity came together and simply forgot all the negatives in this world, they would disappear in an instant. We call this the Great Forgetting. The opposite is also true. What you hold in your perceptions will continue to persist in this reality.
What you take with you to this new world is the foundation for what you will create in this new world. Because of this, it is vitally important to stay clear of any feelings of fear and operate from the truth in your heart. Simply forget the things based in fear, lack and suffering. Stay open to the vision of paradise, and fill it with love. Your head might tell you that it is the end of days, but your heart knows that there is something wonderful waiting for you just out ahead. It is up to you to choose what path you take. We hope you choose the path of the heart. Trust your heart. It is your guidepost, your guardian and protector as your reality splinters out in front of you. This is the wild adventure that your soul came here for.
These are the very days that YOU planned to help the collective consciousness let go of the fear of change. This is only a test that you are giving yourself. The fear of change is the only thing between you and the next world. Where you came from was a reality that was constant, but you were bored. Nothing changed. The world you are now in is constantly changing and evolving. Your reality on Earth is constantly vibrating. It is interesting and exciting for you. Many of you can hear this pulsation as the heart beat of the Earth. Your world has always shifted and changed and always will. The Earth needs to shift and change to survive. Change is not to be feared. Change is to be celebrated.
The calendar date you say that is in 2012 is a revolutionary milestone of the spirit. Once you let go of your fear of change, the ancient prophesies will not be something to fear, but to relish in! This is a huge and innovative step in which you can evolve into living masters in the physical reality. It is a historic breakthrough in which you will bind together the peaceful and constant world, from which you came, with the beautiful, shifting, diverse reality of the material world of Earth and your solar system. You are the pioneers of this significant and momentous time. It will manifest what you intended. It is simple . . . let go, don't fear, and listen to you heart. And Join in on the Great Forgetting. It is all going to be OK! ~ The Star Elders
A message from The Star Elders channeled by Aluna Joy Yaxk'in Sunday, 21 June, 2009 The Center of the Sun is the Home of Aluna Joy and theStar Elders!
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Can you feel it here? There is a sweet energy in this place. It's a sweet energy... something that is heartfelt, not mind-felt. Questions have sometimes been asked, "Kryon, do you know where you are?" Oh, yes. I'm at a place where I'm saying goodbye to many minds and many faces at the moment. Some feel they may not see me again [speaking of this being the last channeling in Moscow for the seminar]. However, they really don't understand. They would connect my partner's channelling to me, never understanding that I walk with each one of them. I am not an entity to be worshipped. I am an energy of home. I've been with you from the beginning, since the first breath, and I'll continue until the last breath. That's the connection that each one of you has with God while on Earth. There will be some teaching today, but the real teaching is the question: How big can you open your hearts? How much can you really receive? Can you leave differently than you came.There is a big shift at hand. Yesterday we spoke of it and we concentrated on a portion of it that was consciousness. We spoke of the question of if the shift was for everyone or was it for a few. We spoke of Human choice. We gave you the metaphor of moving from the spiritual winter to spiritual summer, and we showed you that the shift is happening everywhere. We also told you it's up to the Human Beings to open the door and go outside. It's a metaphor that means that the Human Being can accept it or not. This means that the shift is happening, but humanity has the choice to see it or not. Nowhere is this more evident than in what I'm going to discuss next.We have hinted at something now for 20 years. DNA is changing. I'm going to concentrate again on this, and it is the reason I'm here. DNA is changing in a way that's going to be mysterious to some since it will enable processes in the Human body that you didn't even know you had. However, these processes will not be activated unless there is consciousness involved, doing it.Human BiologyI must speak about biology. I don't want to be too complex, but I must explain it to those who do not fully understand. One of the most complex shifts of this new energy is taking place within your chemistry. It is a real shift, and a real change. Your DNA is complex. It has three billion parts in it, yet less than five percent of it creates tens of thousands of genes that are the instruction sets for the Human body. Ninety percent of your DNA is totally quantum. But as we said yesterday, these are the quantum instructions that speak to the 3D chemistry in the smaller percentage. So the 3D chemistry in your DNA is not going to appear to change, but what you can do with it will. Think of the less than 10 percent being the engine that makes the genes, and the rest of it as being the instructions to the engine. The instructions are what are changing.This is accomplished through magnetics, one of the most powerful and dynamic forces for life change on your planet. This was hinted at even in the first Kryon transcription in book one. It is what brought the doctor into the fold [Dr. Todd Ovokaitys]. For he read about the magnetic resonances of the parts in the Kryon transcription and realized that I was describing what he had discovered. You have heard that I am the magnetic master. You thought perhaps it had something to do with the grid of the planet? Not really. It has to do with DNA, which is also magnetic, and the life force of the earth.When you rearrange some of the magnetic resonances of the quantum parts of DNA, you activate potential. "Big words, Kryon, but what does it mean?" I'm going to save some of the technical explanations for science sessions, and this is not a science session. I'm going to give you some information that's going to seem unbelievable: Your Human body is perfect, and depending upon the energy of the planet, the instruction set for your DNA changes. You are headed for one of the highest vibratory rates the planet has seen, and it's all part of the shift that I spoke of yesterday. This new vibration begins to change the actual chemistry of cellular structure due to the quantum instructions. Did you ever wonder about the cells of your body? Did you ever think perhaps they don't work well? On a scale of one to 10 for what the Human Being is capable of, right now on the planet, you are a three. The body is capable of a 10. You're about ready to move to a six.Listen to this. The body is capable of so much, but it doesn't do a very good job. Your immune system lets so much disease in! It's tricked by so many viruses and really doesn't do very well. Does that sound like a divine plan to you? Do you ever sit back and say, "Who designed this? The viruses that often appear on the planet seemingly overnight take hold so quickly, and the Human body can't even recognize them. What kind of an immune system is that?" You'd be right to ask that question. The answer? Not a very good one. It's working at 30 percent, that's why.How would you like an immune system that would block almost everything that came in, one that couldn't be tricked by viruses that destroy life. It wouldn't let them reproduce. Did you know that that is potentially what is in your DNA's abilities? The reason it's 30 percent is the energy of the planet developed to 30 percent. With the addition of intent and free will, Human Beings are going to be able to increase the efficiency of their immune system. They will be able to freely walk among viruses and flus and not catch them. They will seem different than other people. They'll seem like they have some kind of magic protection. You can call it what you want to, but it's because they are participating in the shift, and this is called Human evolution.With their free will, they are calling upon the energy that is theirs. Did you know that this body of yours is designed so that cancer would never, ever get a hold? Yet it's one of the biggest killers of Human Beings! There's a process in cellular structure that is self-diagnostic. It has a medical name in science called apoptosis, but it doesn't seem to work very well. The reason is because it's working at 30 percent. Did you ever wonder why cancer could get such a hold and the body couldn't do a thing about it? How would you like to double the immune system's efficiency? How would you like to see an entire part of the population cancer free? "Kryon, are you telling us that's where we're headed?" You're going to see it in many Humans... and it will be obvious they are different. But a test of their DNA will show that they are just like all the others. This is because you are only measuring the 3D chemistry and not the quantum 90 percent. You will be able to enhance your DNA, and the instructions to the chemistry. The potentials are there for this before 2025. You will see Human Beings who are able, by themselves, to increase their immune systems. "That's unbelievable." Well, if you thought that was unbelievable, the next one will shock you.Your DNA is designed to keep you alive for a long time. It is designed to repair things that are broken and rejuvenate them. Don't you find it odd, Human Being, that even while being at the very top of the evolutionary ladder, a starfish can grow back an arm and you can't? Did you ever think about that? There's something coming you don't expect: The Human Being's ability to grow back limbs that have been lost is next. Now, this may seem to start with chemical enhancement [drugs], but it's going to be something the Human Being is doing through the altering of their DNA. The alteration itself is going to allow some new, enhanced drugs to work on some... and not others. It's going to happen in the next generation. These are potentials only. I'm giving you biological potentials of the shift that is here. These are real changes that you can see, and when you start to hear of these things, remember this night. The science is going to want to claim all the victory and not assign it to Human consciousness at all, so remember that we spoke of it here in this esoteric meeting. Oh, there's more, there's so much more.How would you like to replicate chromosomes without shortening the telomeres? Let me interpret that. How would you like to not age so fast? Aging is a design function of a 30 percent operational system of DNA. Did you ever hear about some of the ancients living a long, long time? Did you think that was a clerical error? "They couldn't have lived that long," many say. "Somebody must have got that wrong in the transcription," they say. What if they did live that long? They did! It was before the vibrations happened on this planet that would take your DNA down to 30 percent.New Energy is HereLet's speak of the new energy system on the planet. There are actually several, but the one I want to talk about has the stewards sitting in this very city. The one you call Peggy, the teacher has discovered a process that is pure energy, and is the toolset that will convert this energy into intent to activate DNA in the way I just told you about. It's the catalyst to push the DNA past the 30 percent level. Do you see how this starts to fit? This increase in efficiency is not going to happen on its own. It's complex, and requires intent, causing vibrational shift. Oh, there's more!"Kryon, if a man or a woman has a damaged heart valve, why doesn't the body fix it?" What a great question. Did you ever ponder that? After all, you replenish your organs all the time. You regenerate the largest organ in the body many times over your lifetime [Human skin]. So why can't you do it to a heart valve? What's wrong with a body that doesn't know that? The answer is that it's operating at 30 percent."You're talking about miracles, Kryon." I'm not. I'm talking about the way the Human body should be. I'll move past this, for it's just too unbelievable, isn't it? So let me just say that when you see these things start to occur, remember you heard it here first, will you? In a spiritual meeting... not a science meeting.Reawakening the Inner ChildThere's going to be the potential of a reawakening of a very important energy, and it's all part of the shift. You need to hear this: Much has been said about this energy that has laid dormant. There are those who have worked on this, but at a 30 percent operational level, the Human body can't develop it. A 60 percent one can and will. Have you ever heard of the Inner Child? You can't define this energy, really, but let me give you the feeling of it. All of you were children at one time, and many of you had normal childhood lives. Go back with me for a moment to when you were six, maybe five. Let me ask you something: What did that feel like? What were you worrying about? What was the drama in your life? There wasn't any! The only thing you worried about was how long you could play or when you had to go to bed. Everything was taken care of, wasn't it? You didn't have to worry about getting money to go to the store for food. You didn't learn about that until later, did you?So there was a time in your life when all there was was love. What a freeing feeling! Can you imagine that right now? How would you like to revisit that feeling as an adult? Oh, wouldn't it be freeing? This is the potential of a consciousness working at 60 percent. This is one of the keys to a consciousness that is going to defeat drama and worry. The reemergence of the Inner Child energy is a balance mechanism, so that the Human Being can have a far easier time of it. They can have joy in their lives... a joy that shows, just like that of a child, and it's all part of the shift.What about the Earth?We told you that we would speak even of Gaia [the energy of the planet]. Then Gaia went and spoke about it! [Pepper Lewis speaking earlier in the day] So let us then just validate what Gaia said, for you need to hear this from several sources: Don't worry about what's happening to your planet. What is taking place is a natural occurrence that has been accelerated in time by the shift. It's nothing that you caused. Go ahead and clean up the air and stop depleting the earth's resources... but know that you did not cause what is currently happening.Did you hear that earlier? [Pepper channelled the same thing.] What is happening is a natural cycle of what we would call the water cycle of the planet. It has to do with magnetics and temperature and it occurs every several hundred years, give or take several hundred years. What you're experiencing right now, your own Russian scientists have seen and acknowledged. They say that you are seeing a reoccurrence of a mini-ice cycle, and this is exactly what we have been telling you. It's a time on the planet much like you had in the 1400s and it is upon you again.By itself, it's not life threatening. Oh, indeed you will have more storms. So if you're in a storm area, you'll be more aware, won't you? Perhaps the water level will rise. If you live on the beach, perhaps you'll move. That's just being smart. It's not life threatening if you're smart. But then again, that's free choice, isn't it? And just like we mentioned yesterday, there will be those who will deny it and they'll stand where the storms are, denying that there are storms. Some will perish in the process. They'll stay on the beaches, watch the waters rise, and perish. These are the ones who don't want to see the shift and will not acknowledge what is taking place.The time frame that is geological has sped up on Gaia. It had to, in order for Gaia to vibrate higher. Things are happening faster than the geologists thought they would, bringing you what you have called global warming, which is a climax of a climate situation that always occurs before a cooling cycle. It's normal. You'll see. So again, when scientists discover what's really happening, remember you heard it here in a spiritual meeting about the shift and not in a science meeting. This is information we've been giving you for some time. It starts to outline the attributes of the shift, and it will encompass so much!The Hidden Energy: The search for the God withinThe last one: All of these attributes, including the DNA shift, bring you to an awareness level where you're more willing to search for the God within. "Is that really related to DNA, Kryon?" It is! The quantumness of the parts of your DNA that talk to the chemistry will start to realize that there is more. Many will begin searching for the Higher-Self, and that's when you're going to discover one of the missing pieces. It's something you've always known about, but something you've never given credibility to. I'll tell you what it is. It's an energy that you don't develop yourself. It's an energy that Humans all have, and from the depths of your ignorance, you think it's yours. It can't be. It's too big. It's love.There are mothers in here. I want to take you back, mom, to the birth of your first child. Can you remember that time? Do you remember when the child was given to you to hold for the first time? Do you remember locking eyes with that infant? Can you remember that? Now, would you tell me what that felt like? Just tell me what that felt like! The angels that were standing around the bed were singing, and you could feel it. That's the love of God visiting the two of you with a strength that you could never have generated yourself. Were there any Humans standing with you weeping? Did you know that the ancients were in the room with you? Did you know that your great grandparents were with you there? Did you know they were singing? And you thought you generate that energy all by yourself? You thought somehow all that came right out of your chemistry, didn't you? Well, it didn't. It's one of those magic moments where you meld with the Higher-Self. What is pouring through that door that you've opened is the love of God!It's also what happens when a man and a woman come together in love, when they look at one another and that spark happens of romance. For a little while they look at each other and all they do is sigh. Psychologists will say being in love is a form of temporary insanity. It takes over all cellular structure. You think you generated that yourself, don't you? Well, you didn't. The Kundalini experience is the love of God. When two come together in love, they create more energy than the two of them possibly could create together as Human Beings.There's a missing element, and I tell you about this because this is the love of God in your life. This is available for you to feel with yourself and with your Higher-Self. How would you like to walk around with that? How'd you like to shine with that? Do you think anybody would notice? Oh, they will. They'll say, "Why do you smile so much?" What are you going to tell them? "I've fallen in love with myself!" [Kryon laughter] Be careful, that's not exactly the right answer to give them, but that's the fact! It's all in the DNA. All of it empowering the Human Being.So that is what's going on with the shift. It's not about something that God is doing to you. It's about an enablement that is occurring, allowing you to take charge of the pieces and parts and the energy of your consciousness that you've never had control of before. I'm going to close.Human Being, don't ask how. That's such a linear question. Don't ask how. Instead, just "be" and begin the intent to create these things in your life. Start a process that will accomplish it just through your intent alone. Intent to start the process actually starts it! We've said this before. There are those who are intellectuals here who want to know the process. And their argument goes like this: "Kryon, you can't expect us to do something so life-changing without understanding the process. We have to know the mechanics of it. We're not going to trust our lives to something that is a mystery in its function." Sounds like a pretty good argument, doesn't it? Well, I've got one back for you. From me to you!What happens today when you're done here? I'll give you the scenario that I think must happen for you to have asked the question. The intellectual goes out and gets in his automobile. Then he gets the manual out and studies the workings of the transmission, every valve, every gear. Then he continues with the manual of the engine, every valve, every gear, every lubricant, before he can ever drive it home. Right? I mean, after all, you would never trust your life to something when you don't know how it works! Or can you?You see? You all do! This may be a silly metaphor, but it's the one I want you to remember. Turn the key and start the engine of intent. Let this journey begin, for there is so much energy created with your conscious mind... a quantum energy that you cannot define or understand. Instead, trust the love, for it is the glue, it is the lubricant of the new energy on this planet. You don't want to hear that, do you, intellectual? For I've just told you that emotion is the key. Get used to it. Open your heart. This is the message of Kryon.I am the lover of humanity. One who knows each one of you. Each one.And so it is.KryonInformation from Kryon, a love-filled and empowering angelic being. Channeled by Lee Carroll
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Humanity is in the midst of an unprecedented shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness. Planetary and celestial events are causing the frequency of vibration to be greatly accelerated within every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth. This shift of vibration is tangibly affecting every man, woman, and child at a cellular level. Even if people do not understand exactly what is happening to them, everyone seems to be aware that something very unusual is taking place in their physical bodies, their emotions, and their thinking processes.People around the world are experiencing all kinds of unusual things due to this accelerated vibration. Millions of people feel like they are in a blender or riding an emotional roller coaster as they go about their daily activities. People are having dramatic mood swings, which are very out of character from their usual behavior patterns. Other people are having abnormal bouts with fear, anxiety, stress, and even panic attacks. I know there are a lot of stressful things taking place in people's lives due to the collapse of the economy, the housing debacle, and the loss of jobs, et cetera, but at some level, this phenomenon is happening to everyone regardless of whether or not they are personally affected by outer-world circumstances.People are experiencing all kinds of unusual physical symptoms, which they have not suffered in the past. Many are having headaches for the first time or painful back problems. Others may not be able to focus their thoughts or their short-term memory may seem to be failing. People are experiencing unexplained flu-like symptoms, allergies, excessive fatigue, sleepiness or insomnia, joint and muscle pain, digestive problems, dizziness or lightheadedness, and every other physical, mental, and emotional malady under the Sun.It is important for all of us to realize that the acceleration process we are going through is a necessary part of the purging and rebirth that needs to take place in order for us to physically manifest the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. Fortunately, the Company of Heaven has revealed important information and given us very powerful tools that will assist us to complete this process quickly with fewer painful symptoms.There are a few very easy things we can do in addition to using the tools and techniques that have been given to us by our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven. We can raise our vibrations by eating more organic raw fruits and vegetables and by drinking pure water. We can also raise our vibrations by listening to uplifting music, thinking positive thoughts, walking in nature, relaxing in water, reading inspirational books, playing, loving, laughing, and anything else that opens our hearts and fills us with joy.As we move through this Ascension process, we must KNOW that it is not the intent of our Father-Mother God for us to stay stuck in the pain and suffering that is being pushed to the surface to be transmuted and transformed into Light. Quite the contrary. It is Their desire that we utilize the precious tools and techniques that They have given to us, so that we can Ascend quickly into the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of harmony and balance. In the higher frequencies into which we are Ascending, we will gratefully experience the vibrant health, eternal youth, abundance, peace, love, and abounding joy that is awaiting each of us.In a previous newsletter I described a vitally important global event that will take place August 15-20, 2009. If you have not read this article, please go to this link and read this information carefully. It is important for all of us to participate in this rare opportunity in whatever way our God Self guides us. The purpose of this Divine Mission is to assist Humanity and ALL Life evolving on Earth to quickly transmute and transcend the surfacing negativity that is causing so much pain and suffering in the lives of people all over the planet.By :Patricia Diane Cota-RoblesPresident of the New Age Study ofHumanity's Purpose, Inc.
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Once upon a time, a galactic council was called and a mythic call was sent out to countless light beings: the children of the Sun, the angelic winged ones, the Sun runners, the rainbow warriors, and other luminous ones from many star systems. This great circle of light beings gathered from far and wide. At the appointed nexus, the Love of the Spinning Galaxies, the Great Spirit, entered, gracing them all with celestial light and the following words."You are invited to incarnate upon a world where a great transformation will take place, " began the Love of the Spinning Galaxies. "You who respond to this call will go to a place of planetary evolution where the illusions of fear and separation are strong teachers. I am calling those with the needed talents and gifts to act as my emissaries there, to lift and transform the frequencies of planet Earth, simply by embodying and anchoring love's presence there. In this myth, you will be the creators of a new reality, the reality of the golden octave. "The Love of the Spinning Galaxies continued: "On other journeys, each of you has proven to be a “feeling navigator,” able to awaken your consciousness and align your heart to the promptings of pure love and compassionate service. As Sun runners and torch bearers, you have already demonstrated that you will hold the light high. And so, I invite you to incarnate en masse among the tribes of Earth to assist Gaia and all her children in their transformation."It is part of the plan that you will be veiled in forgetting," the Mystery of the Spinning Galaxies went on. "However, as you remember the feeling of childlike innocence and trust, you will become the harmonic leavening in this cycle of initiation for Earth. You will incarnate strategically, often in some of the most vibrationally dense areas on the planet. To some, this illusion of separation from love may create feelings of hopelessness, lack of support, and alienation. But by embracing your humanness, your love will transform the depths of duality, and your light will quicken the many."Your participation on this quest is purely voluntary; however, this transformational shift on Earth is very rare and precious. Should you choose to accept this mission, you will have the opportunity to catalyze and synthesize all that you have been during many incarnations, receiving a rarely offered quantum leap in consciousness. It is up to you to choose how you will dance with Terra Gaia and her children as she completes her ceremony of light."So spoke the Creator, the Light of the Spinning Galaxies. And so it was that the luminous beings who formed the countless alliances, federations, and councils of the faithful of the stars chose to incarnate on planet Earth to assist in this crucial event, the awakening of the planetary dream. There was even a fail-safe process built into the plan to awaken these beings from the illusion of separation and the veil of forgetfulness that is so rife upon Earth. The luminous ones who would journey to Gaia's assistance agreed to spark each other's remembrance. Thus, these starseeded ones were encoded in many ways with sounds, colors, lights, images, words, and symbols -- a vibrational resonance that would assist them in remembering their commitment to the light. It was agreed that these coded clues would appear everywhere: in visionary art and music, in penetrating looks, in speech and feelings -- all creating a deep yearning to awaken and become the embodiment of love.So it is that you, the children of the Sun, are now being bathed in the waters of remembrance, prepared as rainbow warriors to fulfill the promise of the new and ancient myth. By simply anchoring love's presence on Earth, you lovingly draw down the mantle of the gods, sending waves of healing and love throughout Gaia's eagerly receptive body. As you emerge in this time, your gifts awaken and empower others. Utilizing the tools of laughter, song, dance, humor, joy, trust, and love, you are creating the powerful surge of transformation that will transmute the limitations of the old myth of duality and separation, birthing the miracle of unity and peace on Earth.Utilize your gifts on behalf of Gaia. In a supernova of consciousness, Gaia and her children will ascend in robes of light, forming a luminous light body of love, to be reborn among the stars! The mythic call has been sounded. The great quest has begun. Awaken, rainbow warriors, Sun runners, luminous beings from the galactic alliances, federations, and councils! Ancient skywalkers, newly formed in this moment, stand in the beauty and power of your true identity as love's gift to Gaia. Set aside self-doubt. You are the divine child of the Sun! Go where your heart draws you to share your great gifts. Surrender to the magic and the light. The miracle will be manifested on Earth. Remember, we dance and sing here for the One Heart."
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