Barron's Discussions (237)

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Curious to see how many people see this post and how many will reply.  I used to be an active member here years ago. No doubt most folk have moved on and are distracted by Facebook and other social media.  Do you still get value from this site?  Is i

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The Prism of Lyra


The Prism of Lyra

by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest.

Revised and updated with new channeling!

The Prism of Lyra is a book that examines the idea of creation in a different light. In contrast to the notion that humans are the result of creation, it explor

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Followed Home Tonight!

Okay, this is a wee bit  "tongue in cheek", but nevertheless, a true potential conspiracy theory for ya!


Tonight i am driving home along our rural/semi-rural road with just one car in front of me and one behind. The driving for the last 10 minutes is

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