Birugan's Posts (1)

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A friend passed from this world .....

Our friend passed from this physical world yesterday....i had the feeling she had vacated her body on all happened so suddenly and unexpectedly...the blockage in her bowel that was the original site for the cancer had ended up being the place that led to her death. Infection had spread through her body and because of the chemo she was left too weak to fight it. She will be missed by all. A strange thing happened on Saturday as i went to work. i saw something...a sign from Spirit i took it to be...i saw four pelican slowly cruising across the very still mightn't thing that is odd but they were in perfect unison and were perfectly spaced apart all going in the same direction in the shape of a cross...a little further away swimming out of unison was this other just looked so odd that it struck my attention and i couldn't take my eyes off it...i saw the four as Kerry's family including herself as this is how many are in her family...and the other as my son Liam...who was very close to the family...and was quite upset at Kerry's downturn...he went up to see her on the Friday evening...her son Toby was one of his best mates...the erratic nature of the fifth pelican and its place in relation to the other four perfectly described how he was feeling and how the rest of the family was handling Kerry's health crises...they were quite calm and accepting in spite of her imminent departure...the time it took for Kerry to depart seems to be a common time delay to give family time to to come to terms with what was happening...i have seen this recently in one of my friend's sister departing here from her long battle with cancer's like they know that there needs to be time for everyone to catch up before they vacate their physical bodies. After her death she sent me a clear sign ...i had been sending her healing too....we both saw a bittern a strange bird that we had never seen came to us twice once before she died and the day she died and it looked at me...stared at me until i recognised who it was and then it flew away and has never been seen again...i told my friend and he was stoked for he was hoping he would get a sign....well i better go now just want to say though don't let this get you down ...this is what life is ...spiritual beings having a physical is to be lived and loved ...and we all have a time when we vacate this world after experiencing our lessons..they say this is the best place in the universe to learn the quickest because it is so tough ...the lessons that is...but it can be a beautiful experience if we see the bigger Mark
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