To those of you who remember 1989, when Tank Man was crushed by the tank.
Greetings, this is Darth Vindex.Does any of you remember when Tank Man was crushed by the tank in 1989 during the Tianamen square uprising?
Greetings, this is Darth Vindex.Does any of you remember when Tank Man was crushed by the tank in 1989 during the Tianamen square uprising?
Now that belief in nuclear weapons is over and that nobody is taking them seriously should people who continue to believe in nukes still be taken seriously?
Read more…IRC is violence. The end goal with all IRC is to target talented persons with the intent to mock them so their self - esteem will be low enough to discourage them from producing. IRC takes its name from the age old liberal tradition of stopping progr
Read more…This post has now been removed because the post contained material that conflicts with facts. My sincere apologies for this.
Read more…We´re all familiar with the moment people suffering from hypothermia experience delusions and think imaginary terrorists and whole swat teams are after themselves. A classic case is that of the famous 2005 meth couple who were star students who died
Read more…I´m totally in favor of banning vaccines not only in all states in America but also in Great Britain and throughout Europe. Opposition to vaccine production because of it´s link with snake oil has grown to such an extent we must now consider enforcin
Read more…Online chat has been talked about a lot lately. Not because of how advanced it but rather because how backward it is technologically in comparison with the typewriter. And I´ve also discovered that today´s internet chat has not reached the extent of
Read more…The reason a global Satanic conspiracy never manifested is because organized Satanism does not exist. No such thing exists on youtube or elsewhere in society.
Why is this so? Because if Satanism had been operating on a global level they´d be rich and
Read more…Should coincidence theorists be regarded as a threat to U.S. interests?
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´This is a message from Babaji. I never existed. I don´t understand all this about me having existed in the past. The guy who did claim I existed was Paramhansa Yogananda. Then others simply followed. Before that people had been talking about a Babaj
Read more…Should the State of Izrael abandon Zionism? Significantly large numbers of Israelis apparently agree with the suggestion that Israel abandon Zionism. The question is whether it should be done quickly or slowly.
If the State of Israel does abandon Zion
Read more…While Corporatism is still considered fashion to over 200 politicians in the U.S. Congress the rest of the world pretty much disagrees. Here is why. Corporatism is for idiots. That´s why. And that is also why the world looks at gmo´s similarly as peo
Read more…Make - believe; ´unable to exist, but produced in such a manner as appears to exist´. Since the term ´make - believe´apparently escapes the attention of most people let me clarify it; make - believe is something created to appear to be real which is
Read more…Should politicians born and residing on U.S. soil be allowed to use the 1st Amendment and the 2nd Amendment to justify saying whatever they want to say?
If those amendments of the Sacred U.S. Constitution do not belong to everybody doesn´t it make sen
Read more…Faith in Presidents and Prime ministers is silly. It´s a bit different than faith in faith healing because the damage which has resulted from faith in Presidents is vastly more than that of any faith healer. Presidencies are mostly Schemes centered a
Read more…According to the Bible Belt, Hell is a real place.
Since some of you are probably from there I´m wondering if any of you could be so kind to inform me where in the Bible Belt selling pieces of Hell would be considered acceptable?
Who in the Bible Belt
Read more…Dear friends and associates on Ashtar Command,
I am asking anybody supposedly knowledgeable about the supposedly existing city of Dresden to be so kind to provide me with proof positive that the city exists in any shape and form.
Especially anybody liv
Read more…It has been frequently claimed that there are two gentlemen whose names go by the titles of Barack H. Obama and George W. Bush. Though it may seem considerably easy at first to provide me with proof positive that Obama and G.W.Bush actually exist - a
Read more…It appears to be the case that the character known famously as David Icke - or Sir Richard Branson as some have concluded is in fact his real name hates Conspiracy Theorists.
I never considered it until this very evening that he actually hates the peo
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