Hello again, my friends. So happy to be able to speak with you today. There definitely seems to be an uplifting change for many. Everything seems to be falling into place. It is lovely to see this happening.
Some of these experiments were conducted by the government and were classified as secret projects/documents. I don't know how they were released to the public. I first read this article from the website www.goldenageofgaia.com. The original source of
Hello ACC members. I would want to know what you think about God in terms of whether God is equal and is same as we are or is God a superior being than us.
At first I thought of God to be superior than us because I was raised in a society which though
On Heavenly Blessings today (March 11, 2014), Suzi Maresca asked Ashira, Commander of the Neptune ((aka Commander of the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies)), what caused the loss of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 and Ashira replied:
We live in a world were almost everyone has access to internet. So, Why don't they create virtual currencies/money and give it to everyone, this way everyone would become equal. No more rich, middle class or the poor. How do they make this paper mone
I've never heard of Ralph Ring before, in this interview he says the space ships have a conscious of their own and also his experiments/equipments were confiscated by the government. He also talks a little bit about how the "bad guys" control our mi
Hello sweet angels of the Mother Earth Gaia. Today, I am going to talk about why the events such as "THE EVENT" do not take place as expected and why they get delayed and what must we do in order to make these kinds of "events" take place on our beau
(My apologies to those who have not been able to watch the vid because youtube keeps removing them and I've to find a new vid and upload it time and again, btw its a 6 min interview, go to youtube and just type in Malala interview on the daily show w
Been here for 27 years and sometimes I feel like I had it enough here on the earth and wanna go back to my REAL home and be there with my twinflame and all; but my heart says never ever give up and be here till my mission is completed. I miss them a
(The Core he was talking about is the 4th major Energy Center of our Human Body ---The Heart Energy Center or the Heart Chakra, in sanskrit its known as the Anahata Chakra.)
Nikola Tesla wanted to give free electricity/energy/power to the humanity wit
Are UFOs real or not? Or a fantasy transformed to fiction? You'll find lot of fake vids and articles about UFOs on the internet and elsewhere. But, I strongly believe that they have always been here. It's just that in the recent past, more number of
Hello Lovely Angels of Mother Gaia (Earth). I'm writing this post because of what's happening between N&S Korea and the US. Here, I'll talk about a simple method by which each and every one of you can use it to prevent the war from taking place.
A youtube link I found in which a few people (well known I guess)) talk about UFOs and their secret technology which the government is hiding from their people. This is just a 4 min (approx.) video.
The full video link can be found here (1.5 hrs) : ht
On the internet and on this website too I find people saying that, "I'm not a LightWorker. I'm a LIGHT WARRIOR. It's my duty to protect and defend the light. I'll fight with those people who don't follow the path of the Light."
I've been reading a lot of funny things being said about LightWorkers on the internet and I would like to clear off a few doubts or wrong beliefs that people hold about LightWorkers.