



Spokane, WA


September 29

About Yourself

Hello My lovely and Beautiful Friends, I am Jacob, I am here to help empower ALL Humanity alike as part of the Grand Team of Angels incarnate here as "The Ground Crew" in order to bring ALL Humanity into the Higher Realms.. To assist ALL those actively choosing to return to their Highest (GOD)Self, or the KNOWING of GOD and to their TRUE FEELINGS of one's SOUL HEART(Higher Self). I AM here simply and purely to be "In Service" to Divine Will! -To rid out ALL EVIL from existence as THE ALMIGHTY ONE has claimed Divine Jurisdiction within this Universe and I AM working diligently with our Lord Sananda in research of our fallen / dark brothers fully multidimensionally, with ALL ASPECTS of my BEING in order to assist ALL those "misguided souls" back to the love and light of ALL THAT IS. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE READ MY SCRIBE LINKED HERE: Saving The Lost Children - Guiding The Lost Souls To The Light: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/saving-the-lost-children-guiding-the-lost-souls-to-the-light?xg_source=activity#ixzz2On9AESJ2 "Look upon me and see thyself... feel my love and know thyself... the love and light that YOU ARE, as we are ALL individual expressions of GOD/Spirit/ALL THAT IS!" ~ Jacob I DO NOT want to create "A FOLLOWING" I Shine ALL (THE LIGHT)THAT I AM upon ALL THAT IS, in which case is directly in conflict with what I wish to Truly embody. And so it is my ultimate goal to empower ALL Humanity Alike to Truly "BE" ALL THAT YOU ARE! ONLY THEN can we EVER Truly Change ALL THAT IS! "We cannot ever change the outside world as we perceive it without 1st becoming that which we wish to create from within our own BEINGS, as WITHIN, so THROUGHOUT" ~ Jacob

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

SELF! ~ I feel more and more divine wisdom coming through every dayl I also believe only true wisdom comes from the Highest (GOD)Self level where we ARE ALL ONE! It is my goal to get more people looking within their own BEING for their all the answers they seek, as the Body, or the SELF never lies. I use the body to discern every thought -every emotion -every word I hear and feel. "When one truly "feels" their way through life, one will never be lead astray from Absolute Truth." ~ I AM ARCHANGEL METATRON PLEASE READ FULL SCRIBE/ARTICLE ABOUT FOLLOWING YOUR FEELINGS TO FIND YOUR KNOWING: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/follow-you-r-feelings-to-find-you-r-knowing-the-difference#ixzz2OmyFHvJT My Website with ALL my Scribes Direct From My Higher Self/Archangel Metatron and from Sananda / RA Immanuel available HERE: www.DivineWillpower.com Thank you Lord! Thank you Big Brother! Thank you, Sananda! Thank you, RA IMMANUEL! Thank you for ALL that you do for me and for all the love and light that you shine upon ALL Humanity Alike! Thank you for ALL the inspiration to Truly "BE" ME!

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  • Lol ..


  • Def interested in taking to Sam more and you, how do you know we are from the same soul group? Also, id love to be part of the meditation group.
  • Hi beautifuo being! Thank you for the friendship:))
  • My pleasure Jacob.

    I AM greatful that you accepted my apology.

    And offer of friendship.

    These are crazy times and it is a measure of the men that we can see past our differences.So that we can work towards our mutual common goals.

    There is hope for us all yet.


  • Dear Jacob,

    I apologize for my actions.

    And I forgive you for yours.

    We can both do better.

    And the members of Ashtar Command Crew deserve better from elders of their community.

    Please accept my offer of friendship.

    And let us be a living example of the unity that we preach.


  • I have removed all my comments that did not belong on the otherwise light filled thread that I started for Clifford. I don't think that it was appropriate to place your comments that were about a different Kryon video thread on my thread.
    Those replies should have stayed where they belonged. Please remove the ones you placed
    In response to a different thread, from our celebration of Cliffords return.
    I regret things got carried away.
    I am passionate about not evoking fear and you are passionate about your beliefs. I will stay away
    From your threads in the future.
    Please now remove off topic comments from my thread and we can move on.
  • Thanks brother, I am so glad that I read this today.It is a blessing to keep finding you all.  Brothers it is a joy to know that some of you incarnated already with the Divine Sword. You give me confirmation to know for sure that I come from Maya, I need it to read this. 

  • Hugs_13-2b353984a92999e1ad0f3b95c3798e40.giflove blessings

    Goddess Aphrodite

  • your-the-best-brother-ever.gifHugs, lil sis

    Aniela Michaela Michael

  • love_you_brother.gif

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Divine Willpower replied to Divine Willpower's discussion String Theory In Sacred Geometry Within Gaia's Creation ~ We Shift With Her In Grace
"“What are we, if not individual seeds: a God Seed within all of our hearts as we each unfold throughout the space she carries us. And our imagination is the Sacred Geometry that unfolds in time. ~ Thank you Mother!” ♥ Jacob
Please share your…"
Jan 21, 2016
Divine Willpower posted a discussion
In truth there is only one timeline that is unfolding; one and only one. And whether we split apart in different directions or not, we are always one, held together by our higher selves. And each and every one of those strands are as a shredded…
Jan 7, 2016
Divine Willpower posted a discussion
Hello my lovely and beautiful friends. It is a combination of mind and heart that holds us together as people, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, or in any other race, creed or system of beliefs. No matter what or whomever may attempt to…
Jan 5, 2016
Divine Willpower commented on Meindert Arends's blog post THE ILLUMINED TWIN FLAMES AND RE-UNION 2012-2024 By Judith Kusel
"Wow! Very important and current information!
imperative to our future as Humanity!
Thank you for being who you are! 
Blessings of Love and Adoration ♥ Jacob"
Jan 5, 2016

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Thanks............take care.........."
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