Dripley21's Posts (2)

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Ive been with my boyfriend for three months but ive known him for 5 years and ive been crazy for him for 4, things didnt work out before cause i was insecure and bipolar with my feelings but a few months ago things finally worked out. lately Ive been getting really bored with him, for one he's just not how he used to be.. I find myself talking on  the phone with him and zoning out or hoping he would just hang up, just yesterday I told him I was going to sleep but that was a lie instead I watched a movie, I get annoyed easily, it feels like everything even saying I love you is a routine, last time I hung out with him I was distant and I wasnt really enjoying his touch, like I didnt mind it but it almost felt like a drag, I feel incredibly guilty and confused because this has happened before with him and I pushed him away but later regreted it, maybe im just so bored with life in general I feel he's getting boring aswell, before Id pray to just hear his voice for a few seconds, before all id do was think about him, even recieving a message from him made my heart skip a beat. Ive never felt that way about anyone, in fact hes my first boyfriend and we have absolutely everything in common even the way we talk is the same, butI just feel so bored and its getting frustrated.. please any advice?
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