Enlightened Journey's Posts (2)

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Our Intentions Today 8-9-12

Our Intentions Today:

At some time in our lives we have all felt lonely, sad, and or depressed. Overwhelming feelings that can be due to changes we are experiencing, or even because of the lack of change we desire in our life's.

These intense feelings can often result in a difficulty to deal with even the basic functions of daily life. Even things like brushing your teeth, hair or putting on clean clothes can just be put off.
So many of us have gone through dramatic changes of recent feeling as if we lost so much, or we may feel that we are stuck in a place where we feel we need change. It can be shocking and painful to say the least.

I want you to know that the best thing to do is acknowledge and recognize what your feelings.
Take the time you need to heal and care for yourself. At times when all stands still and we desire a change it is in this very time that we need to sit in the stillness and discover what is within.
We have, and are all going through these changes together. You will come out on top if you allow the changes to happen and stop resisting and fighting.

Try to keep regular sleeping patterns, if you can't sleep, then try to at least stay in bed for what would be your usual sleeping time. This helps your body to relax and also will stop you expending energy at night time which you will need the following day.

If you want to cry, shout or scream, then do so. But please refrain from injuring or harming yourself when doing so. It is important that we allow ourselves to express our emotions to release them.

Try not to focus on the negative things. Keep a notebook by you, write how you feel and write about things that you are happy with and things you want to change. This is a wonderful way to heal.
Take little steps and make no big decisions until you know that the thoughts of what separated you from the old don’t affect you as much. If something doesn’t feel right then don’t believe it, but consider all as you are conscious now to who you truly are and what surrounds you.

By rushing to get things done, your body becomes contracted, your mind narrows and you miss this divine moments and all that truly matters. With all the hurry and constriction you block the flow of your Loving vibration, causing things to manifest you do not desire and causing delay.

The old is no more, the new is here when you are ready, and it is beautiful on the other side.
You will rise above and you will walk in peace and happiness. You are never alone in this ‘Enlightened Journey” of that I promise you.

Some have been on this journey with me for several months and I know you can see the truth in my words. We are on this journey always together, always as one. There is no separation. Only in the world as we knew it is there separation from true love and wholeness.

Today I rejoice and rise above separation into wholeness. I am One with the universe and the Master of the Universe is within me. I have the service of many unseen Glorious forces at my side. I am Divine and I shine with the radiance of Love and Light. My Soul is gathered and whole. I have the power to create all that I desire. I never walk alone, I am Love and everything around me is touched with Love and nothing can ever take that away. I am invincible. I am part of all that is Sacred and Divine. And So It Is.

With Divine Love and Light, Natalie

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Our Intentions Today


Our Intentions Today:

Today I am conscious and walk in reality separate from the illusions that have been created by the world. There was a day when we were unconsciously walking se

parated from the Truth and the Creator. That is no more. Today we are wiser. We breathe the truth of universal Love.

All the worries that affected us in the past cannot reach our plane of peace and delight, There is a protective shield of light around me that sings the most beautiful song, as we ascend. As we look around we do not see the caucus or feel affected by it. We do not see what use to be as what we lost, we are now above all that. We have gone through the emotions and the struggle of what we use to know, bringing up and out all that held us down, flushing out our systems.

We have been preparing ourselves for a new day. We are lighter, we feel vibrant. We actually walk with the perfume of Glory all around us which leaves the most beautiful scent as we pass illusions. Some even want to know “What is the name of that beautiful scent”? We respond, There are many names, Truth, Love, and Enlightenment.

We are now living in the higher dimensions, we may be grounded in the physical 3rd dimension by our human bodies, but we have and are ascending. We can feel a change in the very air around us, we feel tall and strong, yet soft and flowing. The peace is something we could never have imagined, we have never felt such peace. The thoughts that disturbed us in yesterdays do not even stir today, and there is no room for anything other than this Divine Love and Beautiful Light.

If we put our minds to what we desire and that which is good, we will attain and achieve it today. Our minds are free now of the bondage and control. We are in the company of the most beautiful beings of Light. The truth of our Universe calls us home from inside out. We feel the hand of our Creator, Our Merciful Lord, embrace us in. This is a day to rejoice in.

With Dive Love and Light, Natalie

Words Copyright protected by Natalie Respondi ©2012 Please feel free to share intact with Author acknowledged. Namaste


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