Fly Boy's Posts (1)

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Part of SaLuSa's message from last Friday March 13

This is my first post. I'm a brand new member. I feel blessed to be apart of this community. Thank you:-)I wanted to share the last three main paragraphs from SaLuSa's message last week from Mike Quinsey.Each one of you is playing a major part in bringing the Light to Earth, far more than you would immediately realise. We hear you question whether you could do more as you feel you have much to offer, but realise that your abilities are known to us and we are pleased with what you are doing now. Simply keep the Light shining out brightly and we could not ask a lot more from you. When you consider the number of Lightworkers doing their bit to bring the New Age in, have no doubt that your future is assured. If you are called to carry out extra tasks, that is because you are considered as some of those souls with the necessary experience and knowledge to do so. Also bear in mind that once matters really get underway, there will be more than enough to go round and keep you all engaged. We know your attributes and what you do best, so there will be no square pegs in round holes. Rejoice, the real work will soon begin and all that you have been waiting for will gradually come into being.Set your sight upon all that is good and wholesome, and if you are assailed by the dark Ones see them in the Light and simply go on your way. There is no need to engage in arguments, so simply make your point and move on. Prove to yourself that you have the confidence to handle whatever is presented to you, and do not give way to provocation. Some will say that is easier done than said, but you have to be prepared for whatever situations confronts you. Succumbing to the energies of fear results in the lowering of your vibrations, and the dark Ones will feed upon them. Call upon any source of Light that appeals to you in such circumstances, and know that you will be helped. You have more souls walking your path with you than you can possibly imagine.The Galactic Federation is being given more of a free hand to deal with matters that come up. Hitherto, we have been strictly under the command of the Hierarchy that has been responsible for the great plan for your return to the Light. As we have mentioned on more than one occasion, we are mostly operating with our cloaks of invisibility in place. We have not placed ourselves at risk of causing an incident, as it could involve innocent victims. We do not seek confrontation with the dark Ones, and would rather take avoiding action to keep the peace. We could otherwise perfectly well handle any problems, as we have advanced protection that you have no idea of at present. It is only used as a last resort as we are not looking to destroy the dark Ones, but protect you from them.If you would like to view the whole message, here is the link. to you all,
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