GraceWatcher's Posts (25)

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The Gift of Presense

In my experience I have come to discover that everything happens for us, not to us. What we resist persists and what we fight gets stronger and we usually don't notice how much allegiance we have to this tiresome cycle. Sweeping our fears and uninvestigated thoughts under "feel good" rugs may work for a little while, but if you are lucky ~ this little while doesn't do it anymore. There is a moment in ones life stream where the essence of "enough" is heard loud and clear. Disillusionment arises because once love has tasted itself, it settles for nothing less but itself, and love doesn't judge, postpone or separate. Love simply is. Love is this moment as it is.

I am honored to have the opportunity to effortlessly look into your eyes and tell you as clearly as language allows, that you are this love. You are what you've been looking for. You are the "Home" that you seek. You are the awareness that is effortlessly the only presence there is. You are the space which holds all stories including the one of who you think you are. Your willingness to be your infinitely open hearted self is your gift to all that appears in you. You are the gift of Presence. And it doesn't stop there, cause only you have the choice to take a sincere look and see for yourself if it's true.
When light beings come together as presence I wouldn't be surprised if toning, dancing, energy work, chanting, laughter, and joy arise to celebrate the ever deepening realization of this One that is, with effortless ease. For this is the moment to celebrate.

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A Tree With Many Branches

The world is filled with individuals. Not simply individual people, but unique things, experiences, and thoughts. Thus, the idea of achieving oneness, or connectedness with all things, can seem improbable or even impossible. We are surrounded by an astounding diversity of perception that might be called distractions on the path to oneness. But oneness does not mean same-ness, nor does it seek to homogenize the universe. Instead, oneness is an opportunity to see diversity as the palette of colors from which the universe is painted. It is also a powerful method of dispelling loneliness, despair, isolation, and the feeling that you are all alone because, when you are one, you are not only in the universe, but also the universe is within you.

The cause of so much loneliness and so many feelings of separation is simply that too often we fail to understand the interrelationship of all living things. Each of us is an indispensable part of the universe and all life has emerged from the same vital energy and material elements. We breath the same air, eat the same food, drink the same water, and traverse the same emotional paths. What blocks our ascendancy into oneness with creation, what acts as the barrier, is self-importance, the desire to accumulate, egocentricity, and consciousness of the body. Yet common factors unite us all. We thrive in security, in peace, in times of abundance, and when we accept that all living things are dependant on other living things. Oneness is an expression of an ever-lasting relationship that can awaken and fulfill because comprehending your part of universal unity can free you from the limitations of isolation.

Existence grows upward and outward like a tree, with each of us representing individual blossoms on humanity's branch, and nature represented by innumerable branches. We diverge as we grow, but remain parts of a united whole. Achieving oneness means stretching out your consciousness with humility to accept and be lovingly accepted by the great stock of diversity which makes up that whole.

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Instrument of Light

We are, at our innermost core, instruments of the Divine...

And the Divine is the Absolute: the total potential realms of all that is Light and Dark...

We are unique creatures in the secret Essence of this unending expanse because not only are we the living instruments of all possible reflections along with their corresponding intonations, but we may know that we "sing " these colors; we may realize these Timeless Songs of Living Light have their secret origin in the very center of our being...

The Peace of God is the Song of all of His Spheres: It is the music they intone as they spin and spread themselves throughout His universe...

Each orb of cold, dark dense matter -- or radiant light-streaming sun pulsates to the rhythm of its own heart; each sounding out its unique song until these tones merge as variegated hues of light scribed upon the perfectly white pages of the Book of Life... All as one they sing the celestial notes of a harmony such as is heard only by Angels on High... Nevertheless, these same Eternal Chords sound in us... and therein call to us to lend ourselves to their transforming intonations...

Listen! The sounds of Love will make you their instrument and pour Peace through you like a breath of fresh air passes through the waiting flute... But don't try to sing! And fear not the presence of sharps and flats or even the passing tone of some sweet whole note of joy...

For the One Who sings has composed this entire Symphony for you...

Just wake up... Open -up: let yourself be played!

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Loving Awareness

You don’t have to change anybody; you just have to love them”. In relationships, when the other person doesn’t fit into your model of how heaven would be, you don’t have to play God. You just have to love individual differences and appreciate them the way they are. Because love is the most powerful medicine.

The key is that you aren’t even doing it manipulatively: “I love you, now change.” You’re looking at another being, just the way they are, and saying, “Let me appreciate God’s perfection.” You lost the key? Great. You forgot to pick up the laundry? Right. If each of us is separate, and yet each of us is part of the whole, but we got lost a little bit into dualism and we’re finding our way back out, every time we’re in the presence of unconditional love, we remember. And when we remember, we open. And when we open, the light pours through us.

If you became a person who could love unconditionally, everyone you love would flower before your very eyes. Every way you look would be light. That’s one of the fringe benefits of this method. It’s breathtaking. At every level.

I have a practice in which I say to myself, I am loving awareness.” To begin, I focus my attention in the middle of my chest, on the heart-mind. I may take a few deep breaths into my diaphragm to help me identify with it. I breathe in love and breathe out love. I watch all of the thoughts that create the stuff of my mind, and I love everything, love everything I can be aware of. I just love, just love, just love.

I love you. No matter how rotten you are, I love you because you are part of the manifestation of God. In that heart-mind I’m not Paul Jones, I’m not GraceWatcher — those are both roles. I look at those roles from that deeper “I.” In the heart-mind I’m not identified with my roles. They’re like costumes or uniforms hanging in a closet. “I am a reader,” “I am a teacher,” “I am a yogi,” “I am a man,” “I am a singer” — those are all roles.

All I am is loving awareness. I am loving awareness. It means that wherever I look, anything that touches my awareness will be loved by me. That loving awareness is the most fundamental “I.” Loving awareness witnesses the incarnation from a plane of consciousness different from the plane that we live on as egos, though it completely contains and interpenetrates everyday experience.

When I wake up in the morning, I’m aware of the air, the fan on my ceiling, I’ve got to love them. I am loving awareness. But if I’m an ego, I’m judging everything as it relates to my own survival. The air might give me a cold that will turn into pneumonia. I’m always afraid of something in the world that I have to defend myself against. If I’m identified with my ego, the ego is frightened silly, because the ego knows that it’s going to end at death. But if I merge with love, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Love neutralizes fear.

Awareness and love, loving awareness, is the soul. This practice of I am loving awareness turns you inward toward the soul. If you dive deep enough into your soul, you will come to God. In Greek it’s called agape, God love. Martin Luther King, Jr., said about this agape, this higher love: “It’s an overflowing love which is purely spontaneous, unmotivated, groundless and creative … the love of God operating in the human heart.”

When you can accept that kind of love, you can give that love. You can give love to all you perceive, all the time. I am loving awareness. You can be aware of your eyes seeing, your ears hearing, your skin feeling, and your mind producing thoughts, thought after thought after thought. Thoughts are terribly seductive, but you don’t have to identify with them. You identify not with the thoughts, but with the awareness of the thoughts. To bring loving awareness to everything you turn your awareness to is to be love. This moment is love. I am loving awareness.

From the Desk of GraceWatcher Ministries
Minister Paul E Jones
Sharing the Oneness of God, Religion and Humanity
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understanding Others

Why do you criticize so?  Do you not realize
that what you do not like in another is what you
do not like in yourself?  You are looking at a
mirror image of yourself.  You can say, "but how
is this, I am not like that at all" but it is
what is hidden that you often do not see. 

Everyone in your life is a teacher or a mirror,
even whom you term 'enemies'. 
These people can often be your best friends in
the world of spirit.  They come to help you
learn.  So often you become affronted by what
people say and do, yet they are only showing or
teaching you things you need to know.  If you do
not see this, and learn what is necessary, the
soul will not grow.  It will stay stagnant in the
comfort zone, a wonderful place to be for some,
but not a place where one can grow spiritually.

I was asked the other day of Earth time, "why do
you keep writing about the same things"?  I said
"I write about the same things, but in a
different way because the more the mind sees it,
the more the mind and programming can get the
message and change.  The next time someone hurts
you, makes comment that you do not like, creates
a situation where you feel like running away. 
Ask yourself, why am I reacting?
What is it that I need to look at here?  What a
waste of energy in reacting and running away.

Once the situation is looked at and faced, then
it is finished.  Yes, we may test you a few times
to see if you have learned the lesson or looked
into the mirror properly and gained the message
that was delivered.  But eventually, it will be
no more.  With all that reaction which is fear
and which is negative, if you do not react, the
energy can be used for a higher purpose.
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(Poem) Who

In the blue of the sky, in the green of the forest,
Whose is the hand that has painted the glow?
When the winds were asleep in the womb of the ether,
Who was it roused them and bade them to blow?

He is lost in the heart, in the cavern of Nature,
He is found in the brain where He builds up the thought:
In the pattern and bloom of the flowers He is woven,
In the luminous net of the stars He is caught.

In the strength of a man, in the beauty of woman,
In the laugh of a boy, in the blush of a girl;
The hand that sent Jupiter spinning through heaven,
Spends all its cunning to fashion a curl.

These are His works and His veils and His shadows;
But where is He then? by what name is He known?
Is He Brahma or Vishnu? A man or a woman?
Bodied or bodiless? twin or alone?

We have love for a boy who is dark and resplendent,
A woman is lord of us, naked and fierce.
We have seen Him a-muse on the snow of the mountains,
We have watched Him at work in the heart of the spheres.

We will tell the whole world of His ways and His cunning:
He has rapture of torture and passion and pain;
He delights in our sorrow and drives us to weeping,
Then lures with His joy and His beauty again.

All music is only the sound of His laughter,
All beauty the smile of His passionate bliss;
Our lives are His heart-beats, our rapture the bridal
Of Radha and Krishna, our love is their kiss.

He is strength that is loud in the blare of the trumpets,
And He rides in the car and He strikes in the spears;
He slays without stint and is full of compassion;
He wars for the world and its ultimate years.

In the sweep of the worlds, in the surge of the ages,
Ineffable, mighty, majestic and pure,
Beyond the last pinnacle seized by the thinker
He is throned in His seats that for ever endure.

The Master of man and his infinite Lover,
He is close to our hearts, had we vision to see;
We are blind with our pride and the pomp of our passions,
We are bound in our thoughts where we hold ourselves free.

It is He in the sun who is ageless and deathless,
And into the midnight His shadow is thrown;
When darkness was blind and engulfed within darkness,
He was seated within it immense and alone.
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We Are

We are one.
We are connected.
Each is needed.
Perfect chain.

We are young.
We are progressing.
Each is known.
Perfect wisdom.

We are love.
We are forgiving.
Each is realized.
Perfect harmony.
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Living in Your Future

There was a time when you were happy, when you were in the flow and had success and love in your life. Then something happened and your life changed. There was struggle, disappointment and sorrow. The old ways of doing things no longer worked but the new ways had not yet been revealed to you. You now long for the past and for the happier times you had then. Perhaps if you went back to that time and place you would be happier. Your focus is on some place beyond the present moment, yet it is where every opportunity for creating all that you want resides. The future cannot be any better or different than the present moment because this is where your future begins..

The future you long for does not exist beyond the present moment. Whatever you have had to experience in the past prepared you to create your life at this moment. Whatever occurred in your life in the past represents the lessons you needed to learn. They may have been lessons in appreciation, gratitude or power. You may have needed to become aware of your fears or beliefs or find your source of inner strength. All of these represent your soul lessons that brought you to where you are in this moment. And all of them prepare you for a future that includes the joy, abundance and love you long for..

Your experience is one of growth and movement, as with all things in the Universe you are here to transform, to experience the past and use it to create a new future. Each of you has been experiencing your soul lessons that arise from karma and have been asked to heal them. Each thing that is removed from your life is something you no longer need. You can be happy and successful again in new and different ways. But your energy and attention are required in the present moment if you are to create a future that reflects what you desire..

The joy you experienced in the past is a blessing that will be magnified in the present moment when you allow yourself to consider the possibility of new ways of being. The Universe has unlimited creativity and has a greater awareness of your possibilities than you can imagine. It is your co-creator in the reality of your dreams. Set your intention for joy, abundance, peace, love and success in all that you do. Appreciate the past and its lessons, be grateful for what you had and know that this and more is available to you. This is where you create the future with each step you take from moment to moment. Embrace the present because that is where the future begins... Know joy and peace now and you can create it with each new step on your path!

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Living the Gospel of the Kingdom

I try to represent Christ and his teachings and his presence in the contemporary world. I happen to be from a Biblical background, which I am very thankful for and I happen to be a believer in the use of spiritual gifts in their wider sense. My feeling is that Christ is generally outside the boundaries that we would set for him. In fact much of what I have to say is an attempt to overcome the boundaries that divide people who have an allegiance to Christ.

If you were to get to the bottom of my theology you would find me pretty Catholic in my thinking, but mystical in my living, but my sense of ministry is to judge the lay of the land for your times and shoot where the enemy is. The enemy in our time is not human capacity, or over activism, but the enemy is passivity - the idea that God has done everything and you are essentially left to be a consumer of the grace of God and that the only thing you have to do is find out how to do that and do it regularly. I think this is a terrible mistake and accounts for the withdrawal of active Christians from so many areas of life where they should be present. It also accounts for the lack of spiritual growth,for you can be sure that if you do not act in an advised fashion consistently and resolutely you will not grow spiritually. We all know that Jesus said, (in John 15) ‘without me you can do nothing’. We need to add, ‘if you do nothing, it will be most assuredly without him.’

Of course we must be concerned about works righteousness. I talk a lot about the value of spiritual disciplines but also the danger of using them as if they help us earn our salvation. But it is crucial to realise that grace is not opposed to effort, but to earning. Earning is an attitude, effort is action. Without effort, we would be nowhere. When you read the New Testament you see how astonishingly energetic it is. Paul says, ‘take off the old man, put on the new.’ There is no suggesting that this will be done for you.

As far as the content of what I try to present is concerned it focuses on the gospel of the kingdom of God and becoming a disciple of Jesus in the kingdom of God. SO it doesn't merely have an emphasis on the forgiveness of sins and assurance of heaven as you are apt to find in most evangelical circles. I think that is vital but it is not the whole story. The issue is whole life, other issues are subordinate to that. After all Jesus said, "I came that you might have life to the full," which is more than life beyond death.

Today evangelicals have a real problem with the intellect. They mistrust the intellect. In the US, many Christians see the University as an area where human pride and Satan rule supreme and beyond hope. It has been a major part of my own growth and development that this is a terrible mistake. People like Owen and Edwards saw it as a gift of God and an area of redemption.

That the issue of discipleship is thought of as totally irrelevant to being a Christian which carries over to obedience to Christ’s teaching. The basic question ‘will I obey Christ ’s teaching?’ is rarely taken as a serious issue. For example, to take one of Jesus’ commands, that is relevant to contemporary life, I don’t know of any church that actually teaches a church how to bless people who curse them, yet this is a clear command. And there is plenty of cursing going on, especially on roads! We must remember that Jesus says ‘how can you call me Lord, Lord, but not do the things that I say?’

What you present as the gospel, will determine what you present asdiscipleship. If you present as the gospel what is essentially a theory of the atonement and you say if you accept this theory of the atonement, your sins are forgiven and when you die you will be received into heaven, there is no basis for discipleship.

I ask pastors 'does your gospel have a natural tendency to produce disciples? By disciple I mean someone who is learning from Jesus how to lead their life as he would lead their life if he were in their place. The New Testament defines a disciple as someone who is with Jesus learning how to be more like him.

But if your gospel focuses on the gospel of the kingdom, that we are invited to live in the kingdom of God then the basis for discipleship becomes clear. The new birth should be seen as an entrance into the kingdom of God. John Chapter 3 is not a 'forgiveness of sins' passage but a new life from above passage. Forgiveness from sins is essential - but it is not the whole package. One of the main barriers is that people see the teachings of Christ as laws that they have to obey. They are not. They are expressions of the life that comes to you, through the new birth and is naturally disposed to develop a new kind of person inside.

So when many look at the teachings of Christ, they are demoralised. They say, "I have to do these as I now am?" Of course it's impossible, but if you say instead that this is the sort of person I can become, then they open up and appear as things that are good and not an imposition.

I believe that the greatest gift of Jesus, outside the gift of himself and 'regeneration' is the Sermon on the Mount. But the way most interpret it actually makes it sound like bad news. This extends for example to the Beatitudes. People read: 'Blessed are the Poor' and say, 'oh I've got to become poor in order to be blessed'. This is a total misunderstanding of his teaching. All of his teaching is about the kingdom of God, entering the kingdom of God through faith in him and the process of being transformed so that the kinds of behaviour taught, and indeed the old law, are a natural expression of who we have become.

I didn’t come to understand the kingdom through theologians. I came to the understanding when I was a young Baptist Minister. I noticed that I spent a lot of my time trying to get people to come and hear me, and other ministers did the same. But when I looked at Jesus his problem was getting away from people! So I said there has to be something different here. So I found what every scholar will tell you, that Jesus’ message was the kingdom of God. He proclaimed it, he manifested it and he taught it. When he sent out his disciples, he didn’t send them out to teach (that’s the hard part), but to proclaim and manifest (the easy part!) It was very powerful.

When we look at contemporary expressions of this through for example the Pentecostal Movement, we find that the teaching part never came through. The Sermon on the Mount was never taught and is generally as alien to pentecostals as it often is to everyone else. The proclaiming is weak and the manifestation is thought to be the whole package.

When you look at the Bible you see that the kingdom of God is God acting. It is the range of God ’s effective will. When I pray ‘thy kingdom come, thy will be done’ I am praying first that God’s will may be done in my own life and then around me. This is the open door for his teachings, for it is his effective will that I bless and don’t curse, that I let my yes be yes and my no be no, that I not be motivated by anger and contempt etc … (as outlined in the Sermon on the Mount). So as someone who is living in the kingdom, I am praying that this may become a true expression of who I am by inner transformation. Discipleship is learning how to do that.

The only thing that transforms us spiritually is the action of following Christ. You seek to follow, you fail and you learn. But in order to engage in following, you have to have a clear understanding of life in the kingdom of God; that you are accepted by the grace of God in Jesus and that lays the foundation for as much true doctrine as you can manage and as much manifestation of the Spirit as you can stand.

So many people would like to have guidance from God because obviously if you have a word from God, it’s the best possible thing. But they don’t relate that to life as a whole. Often they want guidance as a way of opting out of the responsibility of making decisions. In the book I point out that one of the main functions of the life in which guidance makes sense is to develop us as people who are capable of making decisions. God may not guide us in an obvious way because he wants us to make decisions based on faith and character. The problem with the What Would Jesus Do (WWJD) movement is that in most cases Jesus would not have to ask the question. He would know. This is what we are expected to grow into.

But having said that God can and does give clear guidance and clear words. We need this, in part because of the need to evaluate the sort of guidance people may wish to impose on us. It is also invaluable especially when there is a manifestation of kingdom gifts. I think the best single contribution of John Wimber is that we should work with God as we minister, and receive from him words, discernment in a communicating process. He would pray, interview, listen and interview again as he helped people. This is incredibly valuable and I believe is his greatest legacy.

You have to regard postmodernism as a mixed bag. It represents the cultural withering in confidence in what was known as the scientific world view. It represents an opening which refused to reduce everything to science. The life of the spirit can be known without waving your hand at maths and physics. The problem is that when postmodernism is pushed in a certain way it is impossible to have any notion of objective truth. This comes home with reference to Scripture. God himself can’t even break through to your cultural forms. That’s pretty tough. This is still a big problem.

Without any access to moral knowledge, you are just left with political correctness. I understand you have institutions here better able to resist political correctness than in America. But in America political correctness is so big, just because there’s no other kind.


From the Desk of Anyeot

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Ways to Raise Your Consciousness

Life can be a GIFT or a NIGHTMARE, depending on where you choose to operate from consciously. Practiced regularly, the following 10 tips will assist you in shining your beautiful unique light so brightly that your resulting raised consciousness will be a GIFT to yourself, humanity and the Cosmos.1. Forgive yourself and others. Life is too short to hold on to regrets, grudges, miscommunicatio​ns,​ or disappointments​.​ Free yourself by forgiving and letting go of any negative energy you're holding on to about yourself and/or others. There are many ways to do this. One way is to write down anything you're ready to let go of and ceremonially tear it into small pieces and throw it away as you forgive. You may even choose to verbally forgive anyone you've been resenting. Either way, the process of forgiving yourself and others will result in your feeling light and free, and consequently raise your vibration.2. Practice gratitude and appreciation. Whatever you focus on grows. So, when you focus on every thing in your life you have to feel grateful for and all the wonderful people you appreciate, the universe hands you more to feel grateful about. It's a wonderfully reciprocal consciousness raising process.3. Live each day as though it were your last. If today was your last known day in this lifetime, with what type of people would you surround yourself? What would you say to the people you care about? What personal gifts would you make sure you imparted to humanity and the earth? Live each day as if it was your last, and you will be living in a state of light, love and unconditional contribution.4. Meditate/Pray. You open up a direct link between yourself and the spiritual realm when you meditate and/or pray. Meditation and prayer can be used to bring you closer to your creator energy, raise your vibration, bring you peace, clarity, joy, and connection, as well assist you in experiencing a perfectly balanced state between your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.5. Suspend judgment. This world is laden with judgment, irresponsibilit​y,​ and finger pointing. One judges another to feel less guilty about one's own misgivings. Judgment energy is dense, dark, and heavy. On the other hand, unconditional acceptance is light, free, and accepting. Let go of judging and criticizing yourself and others. Everyone is on a different path, and some appear to be further ahead on their path than others. Neither path is better nor worse than another. Raise your consciousness to one of acceptance.6. View every experience as a GIFT. If you look back at occurrences in your life, you can easily see how even the worst situations you experienced in your life ended up teaching you invaluable lessons and therefore ended up putting you in the perfect place for your continuing development. When you view every experience, the good, the bad, and the ugly as a GIFT, life flows more like a gentle, inspiring breeze.7. Stay consciously aware of all of your thoughts and feelings. Until you raise the consciousness of the entire human race, it is extremely easy to fall back in to all pervasive negative patterns of complaining and feeling like a victim of society and a victim of your life. To stay out of these patterns, check in with yourself your present thoughts and feelings several times a day. When you catch yourself in the Negative zone, don't feel badly about it and beat yourself up. Simply choose to switch your consciousness to one of gratitude and positive thinking. Remain conscious.8. Treat your physical body as your temple. Your body is the only vehicle you've been given for this ride called "LIFE." The better you care for your body by eating a healthy, balanced diet, and by implementing a regular exercise routine, and by giving your body the rest it requires, the more you will experience increased energy, vitality, joy, and freedom. Honor, love, appreciate and take extra good care of your body, and you will be raising your energy and your consciousness.9. View the world through the eyes of a child. Observe a baby or a young child. It won't take you long to notice that young children are constantly totally enthralled by the process of observing and experiencing the wonder and beauty in every single thing, color, texture, and person they meet. They can't get enough! Look at every tree, sunset, cloud, and human being as a child would and you'll be in a constant state of wonder, joy, surprise, acceptance, and enlightenment.10. Give LOVE, LOVE, LOVE from your heart. It's all about love. Do you remember the feeling of being in love for the first time? Why was it so wonderful? That's because love is the highest vibration. Allow yourself to receive love unconditionally​ from others. Give love from your heart unconditionally​ to yourself and others, and you will experience the highest state of consciousness possible.=============================From the Desk of GraceWatcher of SakinelBishop Paul E JonesAIM- GraceWatcherYahoo- GraceWatcherICQ- 10929390MySpace- GraceWatcherFacebook- GraceWatcherTwitter- GraceWatcherSharing the Oneness of God, Religion and HumanityBringing Revival, Renewal and Restoration to all God's PeopleTeaching Ancient Wisdom for TodayBringing Love and Light to
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The Kingdom of God lies within you

There is an awakening of consciousness occurring within humanity. We are part of a small but rapidly growing segment of the population that is awakening. We are amongst the first to develop that inner knowing and who recognize the shift in consciousness that is occurring in the world. Yahweh is guiding you to read this. You have been called: to awaken from the dream and remember who you are and why you were born in order to fulfill the purpose of your existence. Those that are drawn to read this message are the ones ready to enlighten.Go within and become fully conscious of what this means. How does it feel? Does it resonate as being true for you? Go into that feeling, go to its source; follow it to the very core of your being. Read again the first paragraph slowly and if any of it does not feel right or you are not sure, go within and feel that out too. There is a purpose to your existence that is bigger than all the things your mind thinks you need or want. There is a bigger play that you are a part of that your own mind may not even be aware of. This is your moment of realization. This message also serves as an acknowledgment and confirmation of that which you are. That which was, is and will be regardless of your form, name, time or place.One of the last tests those who have already awakened come to is the illusion of already being enlightened. A sense of “I” that identifies with having attained something, knows something or be something. If there is anything to prove, that’s a red flag. If there is superiority, exclusivity or making other groups or ideas “wrong” that’s a red flag too. Thinking you know, or don’t know, is still thinking. Your spirit is already free. Come with me to a place where you are so filled with God’s grace, love, that it permeates every cell of your body. Merge with Yahweh into the pervasive spirit until all resistances wane and your heart may feel the living presence of God within you so strong that tears drip down your cheeks with joy.The Kingdom of Heaven lies within. It’s a state of consciousness where you realize the living presence of God, by any name, within you and around you, everywhere, all the time, every day. The message is to stop ignoring and denying the Divine presence in your life, come back into the garden; you have only to open your heart to receive. Each breath you take is given to you through grace, just be aware of it. The more you look the more you will see. God never left. Most of humanity is still asleep, unaware of the bliss that awaits them. Are you experiencing that bliss? Would you like to? I would love to share this with you. When we all feel this we will create a loving and peaceful world. But first we need you.From the Desk of GraceWatcher of
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Unity and the Divine Plan

The achievement of unity on a global level cannot happen until the supreme value of love is made known to the hearts of people everywhere. This cannot occur as an idea, but must happen as an experience of truth that speaks to the inner knowing, changing a person into one who cannot help but be loving because nothing else seems real, and therefore nothing else is possible. From the place in which we stand today, such a consciousness may seem far away, and yet it is but a slight movement of extension that can allow us as individuals and as a collective humanity to raise our awareness to the plane upon which there is only love, and there is no one who is excluded from it.Many, today, wish for this to happen, for the idea of 'one world' is balm to the soul. We wish for it, and we wait for it, and we help to create it in each moment through our effort to establish the links in thought, word, and deed that such a shift requires. In this lies a great responsibility... For each thought that we think can either forge another link in the chain that connects us with all others, or it can sever us from life. Each word that we speak can either resonate with the vibration of love for all, or it can speak with the voice of separation and division - a voice that permits certain individuals, groups, or peoples to be perceived as essentially different from us.It is not inaccurate to say that the world depends upon each of us, for it does. It depends upon the collective thought process given shape by each individual consciousness, and it requires that each consciousness be infused by something that is outflowing, generous, and concerned for the whole, in order that humanity finally rise to the place in which love becomes possible.It may not happen in a day, a month, a year, or even longer, but the new vibration of love that is sweeping the planet as part of the earth's transition into light shall ultimately have the effect of creating a new vision for the heart of humanity. As part of that vision, what has held a place as the need to dominate, control, or take from others rather than sharing with them, will no longer be a viable way of life. It will no longer be viable because it will no longer make sense in terms of the emerging picture of the human family. This vision lies immediately before us and is no longer light-years away. It is one that God has brought into close-range because it is the earth's time to make this transition into unified consciousness, and it is time for each inhabitant of the earth to become part of a new way of life that shall exceed anything that was thought possible before. This is part of the Divine plan for the emergence of the earth into a sacred planet, and it is part of the plan for the sanctification of the life of humanity - a life that will no longer feel separate from its Divine source and origin.
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Understanding Freedom

There is freedom all around you. It blows through like a fresh breeze, cleansing the house in which your mind dwells, rippling the curtains as it moves. And a part of you yearns to follow it, to fly out the window, to catch that breeze of freedom and leave the worries and burdens of your life behind.And this you can do. You can climb out of that dusty attic, full of the relics of your childhood, newspapers piled up to the rafters, old toys discarded on the floor, corners piled high with the stones you carry on your adult back.Leave this and step outside on this lovely balcony where the air of freedom blows fresh across the land, down from the hills and out to the sea.Breathe in the beauty of life in this moment, right now. Breathe in the wonder of fresh and new possibility. Smell the air coming from the fertile soil, rich with promise. Smell the salty air blowing off the sea, fresh with adventure. Breathe in the perfumed air coming from the garden, full of the wonder of each perfect rose.All of this is there for you. All of this opens to you. All of this is yours to embrace, simply by stepping out of that attic and out here, outside, into the fresh air of being.Let us then stand here together, enjoying the view and breathing in the freedom of being. Let us embrace this day from the pink-streaked sunrise through to the deep orange and golden sunset, each moment unique and full of beauty.This day is yours to own, to embrace, to inhabit fully.Love it. Love yourself. Love your life. Take a deep breath and open your arms wide, inviting the full force of life to enter you and be one with you now.Give thanks for the blood that flows through your veins and the breath that fills your lungs. What a privilege to be alive!
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Doorways are Opening

Doorways of new thought open upon you and about you as you stand in the mist and amidst change. Doorways thatpresent themselves as a gift you have so sought to receive. Doorways that open and close dimensionally allowing you to see through them from time immortal. Your life in this season of shift will explain and exclaim itself to all levels of you as you finally unwrap the gift of you. For too long you have allowed others to determine your value, to determine your self worth, to determine whether you have a good thought or a bad thought, a good day or a bad day. For too long now you have allowed others to evaluate and re-evaluate who you are and why you are here. You havebeen designed by your deeds, and you have been re-defined by the way others receive said deeds. As you come to a point of explosion in a plane of expansion, it is time to let go of the rope that you have been holding onto. The rope that you think you are, the life that you think you have and allow yourself to free-fall into all that you destined tobe.The doorways of expansion past all previous limitations are there if you allow yourself to see them. Do not be afraid of the future. Do not be afraid of your beauty, of your sexuality, of your dreams, or of your thoughts. Do not be afraid of your world or the darkness in your world. Do not define yourself or the world by the news. The magic of you awaits you. Do not be known by who you were 5 minutes ago, but allow yourself to be designed in a new logistical way, past perimeters, past expectations, past the very past that haunts you. You are a voyager in this life.You are a cell in the body of the Universe. And just like a blood cell in your body, you move all through the body of God and the body of life and light in your life. The journey begins and ends with you. The magic begins and endswith you. No matter how much you read and how much you do, how much you pray ultimately it falls upon how yousee yourself as. Do you see yourself as a beautiful magical creature that you are? Do you see yourself assomeone who is stretched beyond time and space? Or do you see yourself as a mere mortal? If this is all that there is to your life, how are you spending it? Are you spending it being angry or negative or sad? Or areyou spending these golden nuggets of light in loving every minute of you, every inch of you?Re-define who you see yourself as and give that new definition to the dictionary of your cell membranes and cell intelligence. By re-defining this new chapter of light that you are writing, you change the outcome of the world. If you could re-define yourself, how would you want your world to see you? How would you want the people to remember you? If you were to have a vision that contained every person that you have ever crossed paths with, what percentage of that vision would be beautiful, what percentage would be dark, what percentage would be sad, what have you given that you have not received? The universe opens its arms to you and takes you upon its lap. Granting all of your wishes as a kindly rich old uncle. This day is about becoming you.You have allowed yourself to play the role of human for far too long. You have allowed yourself to get lost in the wrappings of humanness and limitations that serve you well as their master. You sit at a crossroads a dimensional flux. In this place of all time / space and possibilities, you will view what has been consuming your time and energy on earth. You will see entire sections of worries, fears, hates and unforgiveness'. You will see arenas of love andgratitude. You will see all of your failings shuffled and categorized throughout all time. You will sup upon them and dance with them for one last time. Then they will leave not to set foot upon the porch of your light, or the landscape of your future from that point forward.The vastness of your presence now makes itself known. No longer can you be a victim. No longer can you have an excuse. No longer can you punish yourself for all the deeds that are done and undone through all space and time. Come forth in all of your glory to be seen, to be felt, to be known. There is no escaping your light. There is no escaping your heart. There is no escaping what you are destined to do by every thought and every action. It is time to believe in yourself, to vote for yourself, and to know that you are the right person for this next level of light.Ask and so it shall be. Ask that every person that you meet, mirror your beauty, mirror your good, mirror your heart, and mirror your love. Ask that every person feel the spirit of love in you. Ask for these gifts that you still do not feel worthy of receiving and they shall be deemed yours for the asking. Know you are precious and you have worked so hard to become this beautiful light that you already are. This time of peace is yours if you so desire it. The universecannot force you to become love, to become peace, to become beauty. It can only allow it to be partaken by you. Open up to receive this. You have asked. You have prayed. You have begged. You have meditated for peace, for love, for beauty, for abundance and here it stands. What shall you do with all of your granted prayers and your granted wishes? What shall you do when everything is fulfilled? Are you tried of asking for it yet? It has accrued as a cornucopia of light. It is now time for you to sup upon it and break bread with all of it that you have prayed for. I leave you with these thoughts.From the Desk of GraceWatcher of
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A Tree With Many Branches

The world is filled with individuals. Not simply individual people, but unique things, experiences, and thoughts. Thus, the idea of achieving oneness, or connectedness with all things, can seem improbable or even impossible. We are surrounded by an astounding diversity of perception that might be called distractions on the path to oneness. But oneness does not mean same-ness, nor does it seek to homogenize the universe. Instead, oneness is an opportunity to see diversity as the palette of colors from which the universe is painted. It is also a powerful method of dispelling loneliness, despair, isolation, and the feeling that you are all alone because, when you are one, you are not only in the universe, but also the universe is within you.The cause of so much loneliness and so many feelings of separation is simply that too often we fail to understand the interrelationship of all living things. Each of us is an indispensable part of the universe and all life has emerged from the same vital energy and material elements. We breath the same air, eat the same food, drink the same water, and traverse the same emotional paths. What blocks our ascendancy into oneness with creation, what acts as the barrier, is self-importance, the desire to accumulate, egocentricity, and consciousness of the body. Yet common factors unite us all. We thrive in security, in peace, in times of abundance, and when we accept that all living things are dependant on other living things. Oneness is an expression of an ever-lasting relationship that can awaken and fulfill because comprehending your part of universal unity can free you from the limitations of isolation.Existence grows upward and outward like a tree, with each of us representing individual blossoms on humanity's branch, and nature represented by innumerable branches. We diverge as we grow, but remain parts of a united whole. Achieving oneness means stretching out your consciousness with humility to accept and be lovingly accepted by the great stock of diversity which makes up that whole.From the Desk of
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Containers of Infinity

We exist in an infinite stream of energy, the divine energy of creation. All of nature is teeming with this infinite energy that we as humans are intricately connected to. However, due to the nature of separation consciousness and the human ego’s insistence that the physical world is the sum total of reality, most people believe that they are cut off from the infinite energy of creation. Since our thoughts and beliefs determine our experience of reality, the infinite universe mirrors a reality of limitation back to us as long as we hold onto limited beliefs and perceptions of separation.Our mental constructs of Self define how much of this infinite stream that we can embody into physical reality, which means the collection of beliefs and attitudes known as our personality is the container in which we hold a minute portion of the infinite energy available to us. If a person’s container is constricted and bound up in thoughts of fear, uncertainty, doubt and lack, it is like trying to contain the infinite stream in a rusty bucket with holes in it.Part of the “problem” is that we have formed a significant portion of our identities with the container personality. We are attached to limiting concepts of self so strongly that it invokes fear to think about upgrading to a new, better container and throwing out the old one. That would mean throwing out old concepts of who we think we are. However, the little discussed fact is that the personality you have cultivated in this lifetime is only the tiniest fraction of who you truly are.Our true identity is the divine stream itself which exists, at a minimum, as a spark of light deep within us. This divine aspect is waiting patiently and lovingly for us to expand our container, our divine chalice so that we may embrace and embody more of the divine being within us.To embody means to make manifest within the body. Embodying divinity requires one to expand their consciousness container and clean out the limiting aspects within it so that it can contain as much of the infinite light of creation as possible. This gradual expansion of the concept of self is a key factor in how far we can develop our ability to hold and radiate this lightIn having a clean, brightly shining container to embody one's divine spirit, the individual transcends the polarized, limiting functions of the ego mind and reorganizes their thought energy in alignment with their True Divine Self in order to become a glorious receptacle of the infinite stream of universal consciousness.Expanding the containerThe idea that who we think we are is only a small facet of our True Self can be rather disconcerting for the ego to accept. When this aspect of our mind is resisting and fighting against change, we can simply tell it to sit quietly off to the side and observe. Once the ego is sufficiently quiet, we can experience our true mind, which is vast, infinite and far more powerful than the “normal” chaos of never ending, conflicting thoughts.This “higher dimensional” level of our minds is where our true self resides. By connecting with our higher dimensional mind, we begin to access the infinite stream of consciousness. The act of simply setting the ego aside and accessing the vastness of our higher mind serves to expand our consciousness container. Every time we remove our focus from the physical world, set the ego aside and access our divine mind, our container is further expanded.We can then take this expanded sense of our true self back out into the world, where it improves every aspect of our daily lives. Things come easier, situations work out for the benefit of everyone involved, life begins to simply flow.Infinite paradoxes in a finite realityOne of the barriers for humans to access our infinite power is the mistaken sense of self as separate and highly individualistic. Even those who believe in reincarnation tend to think that “they” as an individual incarnated in various times and places as part of a linear journey. In actuality, the individual is one small facet of a vastly powerful being that fragmented itself into various incarnations in order to have a significant portion of its consciousness “invested” in physical reality.This fragmentation was a necessary sacrifice in order for us to “infiltrate” physical reality. We could not put the full power, energy and consciousness of our True Self into a single lifetime, because the brain and body of an infant would not be able to accommodate such a vast amount of energy. We also could not simply appear here in our true form, as the local population would either worship and/or kill such a being. Instead, we dispersed our consciousness and energy over many lifetimes, knowing that we could gradually bring it all back together and become the full embodiment of our true selves in this life.Paradoxically, all incarnations within the realm of time and space on Earth exist simultaneously, which means that every bit of spiritual advancement a person makes in this lifetime affects the other lifetimes as well. As one increases their ability to embody their True Self, other incarnations become unnecessary, and the energy that was previously used to maintain them returns to the initiate in the present moment of their primary incarnation. (More details on consciously merging incarnations into one lifetime can be found in the article, “Embracing Pain as a Tool for Self-Transformation.”)Now that the concept of merging all physical reality incarnations into one self has been presented, there is another small mind-bender to address: potential timelines. Within a single lifetime, every possible choice has already been made and experienced. This means that there is “another” version of you that didn’t move to a new town, or who did choose to embark on that life-altering path that “you” did not. While this may seem like a frustrating new situation to worry about, it is actually a source of tremendous energy that we can reclaim.Right now on the planet, people are experiencing the merging of other potential timelines into their current reality. More precisely, they are reclaiming their consciousness and energy that has supported an alternate reality, an alternate timeline where different events occurred.This can be disconcerting and uncomfortable while it is happening, but it is a necessary aspect of the process of transcending the limitations of time. Most people have at least one other major alternate timeline where a key life decision made years in the past branched off two distinct sets of experiences in physical reality. Had you not chosen to move to a different state, get married or divorced, have a baby, etc all those years ago, how would things be different now? If you find yourself thinking about the “other life” you might be living had you made different choices, it is a sign that you are ready to reclaim your energy that is still keeping that timeline in tact.The same process of “reclaiming energy” that is used to transmute self-created limiting thoughtforms can be applied directly to take back our energy that is still maintaining an alternate timeline. The “energy work” technology to accomplish this is quite simple and becomes easier with practice.Conflict of identityAs mentioned, the idea that a person is an aspect of a much greater, more powerful “Higher Self” can be a frightening prospect for the ego. Ego personality wonders who it really is, and if it will really still exist if the personality container is reformatted to incorporate a greater portion of the true power of the vast, multi-dimensional self of which it is a part. Adding the concept of alternate timelines, and alternate egos to address can truly befuddle the ego mind, which is why we simply set it aside when doing energy clearing work.These conundrums are what keep an individual from progressing past a certain point of spiritual enlightenment. The dissolution of the sense of ego self is a form of death, which the ego-self fears above all else. The reality, of course, is that the ego-self has nothing to fear, as it will be included in the greater model of consciousness that is on the other side of the journey back home to our True Self within us.The lessons and experiences of this life are never erased, but the emotional energy that is maintaining a false sense of separation based on those events must be transmuted back into pure energy in order for the initiate to complete their journey home.Once we have an understanding of the process of reclaiming energy that has been “bound up” into thoughtforms of limitation, the work is actually quite simple: Unravel everything that you think is real, because this entire experience of physical reality has been an elaborately crafted illusion, a cosmic playground upon which to have unique and fascinating experiences.Just as we are not the toys we played with as children, we are not the personality that we cultivated in order to have the experiences of physical reality. However, unlike childhood toys, we do not simply discard this personality. We instead expand it further and further, removing all blockages to that expansion, until the container of infinity known as the personality is expanded so thoroughly that the entirety of one’s True Self, the Higher Self can become embodied into physical reality.From the Desk of
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Earthbound- The Pursuit of Conscious Wholeness

Striking the right balance between our physical and spiritual aspects is one of the most challenging aspects of existence. We are dual beings by nature, spiritual entities bound to earth by physical bodies. In our lifetimes, we are charged with the duty of nurturing and tending both with equal devotion and love. Yet while both aspects of the self are deserving of honor and respect, there is a tendency for people who are more spiritually focused to ignore, avoid, or dismiss their bodies. Similarly, many individuals are entirely ensconced in the carnal realm and pay no attention to the needs of the soul. In both cases, an adjustment is in order. We are whole only to the degree that we embrace both sides of our beings.If the soul is the inward manifestation of our consciousness, the body is the living, breathing expression of that consciousness. The physical self provides the home in which the spiritual self takes root and flourishes. Just as we must tend to the seed of the soul to ensure that it grows strong, so, too, must we care for the protective shell that is the body to make certain it is capable of playing its role in our development. Though there will no doubt be times in our lives when we feel more comfortable focusing on the spiritual self or the physical self, denying the fundamental importance of one or the other can lead to ill health, emotional distress, and a sense of incompleteness. Both facets of the human experience play a vital role in our well-being.The body and the soul are the yin and yang of our current reality. They are, at this point of human evolution, irreparably bound together, and many spiritual teachers agree that the body is one of the greatest vehicles through which to access the soul. In fact, many believe that our spirit has chosen to be embodied as an essential part of our spiritual development. Consequently, it is the responsibility of each person on the planet to forge a marriage between the two, so that these disparate aspects bring out the best in each other, creating a vibrant, dynamic, and workable whole.From the Desk of
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Christmas- The Birthing of Something New

Christmas can become the opportunity to welcome the message of hope that emanates from the mystery of Christ's birth. Even non-believers perceive something extraordinary and transcendental, something intimate that touches our hearts in this yearly Christian event. It is the festivity that sings of the gift of life. The birth of a child should always be a joyful occurrence".Christmas is the encounter with a new-born baby, wailing in a wretched grotto, how can we not think of all the children who still today, in many regions of the world, are born amidst such poverty? How can we not think of those newborns who have been rejected, not welcomed, those who do not survive because of a lack of care and attention? How can we not think of the families who desire the joy of a child and do not have this hope fulfilled?"Unfortunately, under the drive of a hedonist consumerism, Christmas runs the risk of losing its spiritual meaning, reduced to a mere commercial occasion to buy and exchange gifts. Actually, however, the difficulties, uncertainty, and the economic crisis that many families are living in these months, and which affects all humanity, can truly serve as a stimulus for rediscovering the warmth of the simplicity, friendship, and solidarity that are the typical values of Christmas. Stripped of its materialist and consumerist trappings, Christmas can become the opportunity to welcome, as a personal gift, the message of hope that emanates from the mystery of Christ's birth.Nevertheless, all of this does not suffice to capture the value of this celebration we are preparing for in all its fullness. We know that it celebrates the central event of history: the Incarnation of the Divine Word for the redemption of humanity. ... 'Thus the recurring annual cycle of the mystery of our salvation is renewed that, promised at the beginning and given to the end of time, is destined to last without end.At Christmas, therefore, we do not limit ourselves to commemorating the birth of a great person. We do not celebrate, simply and in the abstract, the mystery of the birth of humanity or, in general, the mystery of life. ... At Christmas we recall something that is quite concrete and important for human beings, something essential to the Christian faith, a truth that St. John summarizes in these few words: 'The Word became flesh': This is a historical fact that St. Luke the evangelist is careful to place in a particular historical context: during the days of the decree of the first census of Caesar Augustus".In the darkness of the night in Bethlehem a great light was lit: the Creator of the universe became flesh, indissolubly and eternally joining himself to human nature, to the point of being 'God from God, light from light' and at the same time truly human. By 'the Word' ... John also intends the 'Meaning'" and "the 'Meaning' that became flesh is not just a general idea inherent in the world; it is a Word addressed to us".The Meaning has power: it is God. A good God who cannot be confused with some being on high and far away who cannot be reached, but God who made Himself our neighbor and who is very near to us", "God reveals Himself to us as a poor 'infant' in order to conquer our pride. ... He made Himself small in order to free us from the human delusion of grandeur that arises from pride; He freely became flesh so that we might be truly free, free to love Him".Christmas is the privileged opportunity to contemplate the meaning and value of our existence. The nearness of this solemnity helps us to reflect, on the one hand, on the dramatic nature of a history in which human beings, wounded by sin, are perennially seeking happiness and a reason for living and dying; on the other hand, it exhorts us to contemplate the merciful goodness of God, who has come to meet humanity that He might communicate the saving Truth to us directly and make us to participate in His friendship and His life".From the Desk of
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Becoming a Beacon of Light

All humans are beings of energy, vibrating at unique and beautiful frequencies. As such, each of us possesses the ability to affect the world in a positive way, simply by using focused meditation to connect with our own environments, our fellow humans, and the Earth. Because it is intention that creates the connection, we all have the potential to act as and to create beacons of light - centers of positive, healing energy that radiates outward, dispelling negativity and spreading joy and well-being. It is more than choosing to maintain a positive attitude. Rather, becoming a beacon of light means embodying qualities of energy that can open up the potential of others and becoming a center of positive change by meditating outward.The process begins by creating environments that are supportive and energizing, but also a sanctuary where those who enter your space can find renewal. That is the seed. To make it blossom, sit in a quiet place and begin breathing deeply, focusing on achieving a clear and calm state of mind. Center yourself and visualize a blanket of warm, positive energy flowing over your hands. When you can perceive the energy shifting and having an effect on the air around you, direct the energy into your body. Finally, release it and let it spiral outward, first into your home, then further into the yard or surrounding homes, then over your entire neighborhood, and through your city, state, and country. Finally, let the gentle vortex of perfect light and perfect love that you have created settle over the entire world. As you send out your loving thoughts, realize that you are the center and the source of the beacon.When you've spread your gift of positive energy as far as it will travel, return your focus to the place from which it originated and take a moment to observe your own feelings. As you take one last deep breath, reflect upon the fact that in brightening your own soul, you have played a positive role in all peoples' spiritual evolution and in blessing your own home, you have also blessed the Earth.From the Desk of
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The Heart of God

As you open up and truly become the living heart of God, there is something that you will discover that will change everything. This discovery is that the heart of God, beloved ones, the heart of God only loves. Now at first this may seem no different from all the things that I have said to you, and all the ways I’ve opened you into the truth of only Love. But it is actually very different, because you have made the shift becoming the Real heart of God. Therefore, you are only loving.What this means is that as you touch the world, you are the heart of God loving everything. Remember, the heart of God only loves, and the heart of God knows that in the world of duality, all things are an illusion. Even the stories of good things are no less “stories” than the stories of evil. Therefore, everything is embraced in Love and Love and only Love. As you begin to live this, the duality disappears, and only Love is present, truly seen beyond the dream, experiencing the truth that behind every illusion, there is only the reality of Love.As you become the full awareness of the heart of God you are, then you recognize deep within that there is only “Yes” to everything, because everything is only Love. When you love with eternal Love, with Love that is changeless and limitless, then Love encompasses all opposites and brings them to the center, to the remembrance of the oneness that is all is only Love. In this shift, beloved ones, all judgments disappear. The heart of God only loves and therefore, has no judgments. Without any judgments there cannot be any form of separation. Love is Love, embracing itself. As it does, duality disappears.It is very important that you make this shift and recognize life from the Real, so that you truly gain Real perspective and see the dream of the world for what it is – a dream of resistance to Love by the ego which is resistance personified. A dream of resistance to Love and that resistance personified is the ego.Where does this bring you? Oh, beloved heart, into the truth of embracing, embracing each and every beautiful and precious life, regardless of what it is expressing in the realms of the ego dream. For what does it matter if the ego dream is black or white, of suffering or of happiness born from within duality… Instead, the heart brings only joy, letting every life be lifted into the Real perspective.Oh, beloved ones, how I want you to see that all suffering and pain is the ego’s resistance to Love, that the ego is resistance to Love and that if Love is acknowledged as the truth of your being, then resistance returns you to ego, in whatever form it takes. From the Real, as the heart of God, Love is forever embracing, embracing all things, all beings, all illusion and revealing the one truth within them. Even the projections of the ego mind, of the world that believes in two powers, are created of Love and projected on Love, and Love is their very nature.So even those things that you have received from Me must not be co-opted by the ego and used to bring you into judgment about whether others are hearing them or living them or honoring them, understanding them or resisting them, because when Love is present, it doesn’t matter. The life that is surrendered to Love sees and feels Love in everything and looks beyond the ego’s dream, and feels the substance that is the only truth, and that is the substance of Love.You have called to Me. You have prayed and asked to live beyond the ego dream – to live the truth of Love. I bring this to you in one great awakening shift, and that shift is the shift to the Real, to accepting your truth as the heart of God I Am and experiencing that the heart of God only loves, no matter what appears to be before it in the illusion of the world. All resistance creates duality, creates the existence of something other than this pure Love. Old judgments come from the ego mind, making itself more powerful, giving itself life through your resistance to the truth of only Love.I am asking you to become Real Love, to be lived by the Love that I Am and to recognize that as the heart of God, your purpose is to truly love, to love, to love and only to love. Beloved ones, that is your only true choice. As you love all things equally as the heart of God loves, then the dream of duality will disappear, because it is fed and kept alive by resistance. If resistance is clear, so is the heart. Love is allowed to be the one truth, the Vertical life, expressing itself everywhere in the great hologram of life.In other words, beyond the ego mind there is only the truth of the living heart, and that truth is the giving of Love, period. No matter what. There are no equivocations. No sub-clauses. No lists of when Love is not. There is only the experience of pure and perfect Love washing all Creation in its light, acknowledging the heart of God present everywhere, including as life on Earth.If you will allow the Love you are to live you and to be you, you will discover the most tender experience as you perfectly love all others, unconditionally and without judgment. Beloved ones, I can promise you that if you shift back into duality and use the ego mind to evaluate, you will discover that such resistance to Love takes over your life and you begin to believe the projections of the little mind and to judge them as worthy or not. Should you embrace them with only Love, your Love will totally transform them, awakening the truth that there is only Love.In other words, as you live this life on Earth from the Real as My heart, each thing that comes before you, each experience, each person is revealed to be only Love, behind all illusion, and all illusion is the same to the heart. It is other than only Love.With this new awareness, all the symbols of the world fade and beloved ones, you enter a new life in which that which is Real is ever revealed to you from within the illusion of Earth life. Every moment brings you joy and secondary miracles. The power of unconditional Love brings freedom to all who are touched by God’s heart as you, beloved ones.So all the ways that you have experienced the ego mind – judging others for not doing what you expect, not holding themselves fully accountable or working within the dream of two powers – if you stop and see them as wrong, rather than embracing unconditionally in Love, you empower the separation and not the Love. You empower the dream of the ego.Yet, as you become the heart of God and you love without conditions -- from the Real washing through this whole life, you will discover that the surrendered life allows the use of the ego dream to serve the purposes of freeing all for Love.In other words, if there is someone whom you have judged as unworthy, someone who turns his/her back on this living truth of the unity of Love, if you hold them in such judgment, you create more separation. You multiply the illusion they have created and hold them to the expression of anti-Love. All that is needed from you, the heart of God, is to fully love, to embrace all that they do, even if it is illusion – and let the heart of God I Am experience being Love, being perfect, and experiencing the illusion for what it is. It will disappear in the light of this Love. The heart of God only loves and when it does, the very atoms remember. They rise up beginning in this Now Moment.Dearest ones, let Me use pain as an example. As the heart of God you shall only love all that is, including the illusion of pain -- until all resistance to Love fades and Love becomes its full expression in you, as you and of you. As long as you believe that you should not have pain, you are throwing up a boundary, a resistance to the Vertical and to what is present in this Now Moment. In the fullness of Love, this will either be used for Love or it will transform.If you resist the pain, then you are in ego and most of the time you are in the future, believing that pain will continue and speculating that you cannot survive. Yet, in every moment, if there is only Love, then everything else has permission to transform because this is the alchemical union. It is the pure unconditional Love as it embraces the ego mind, emerging as the truth, emerging as what is Real.If you are fully open to the Vertical as the heart of God, you are ever holding all life within you and loving each particle as perfect Love, that it may know the heart of God that it is. All that kept the ego in place is dissolved. THE HEART OF GOD ONLY LOVES. It loves everything within the illusion.================================From the Desk of GraceWatcher of SakinelRev. Paul E JonesAIM- GraceWatcherYAHOO- GraceWatcherICQ- 10929390MySpace- GraceWatcherFacebook- GraceWatcherTwitter- GraceWatcherSharing the Oneness of God, Religion and
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