



Frankston, Melbourne


December 3

About Yourself

I will be 50 this December I am a kidult so I love to play and experience new things to do with spirituality. Discovering more and more about myself has given me faith and belief in my spiritual gifts so that I may share this knowledge I have from where it came in the 'beginning in my 20's' I did not know or understand how I knew...I used to call it 'The Feeling' or 'A knowing' yet at that age it made no sense. As I grew up it became apparent from others I had a gift I was too scared to exercise for fear of 'being left out' of normal life experiences with my friends. It happened anyway, however through this I discovered 'more of me' and I have always had funny sayings that just made sense to others, having humor mixed with it all but quite profound even to myself....words just came out of my mouth and I would suprise even me. I am of no denomination when it comes to religion, I have faith in christs consciousness, higher consciousness and see everyone in the same or similar light as all else, and never could understand why man separated self until I discovered belief systems and self limiting ways of living life. I could never understand cruelty, still do not, however, I understand they themselves do not know what they are doing so therefore feel quite sad and wished I could change it all, even just a little bit in some way shape or form. I have been doing that unconsciously and consciously all my life, trying to help people, to help themselves. Almost always was hurt by them, but still regardless, I would continue to help anyway until I had nothing left to give. Ultimately my health took me under it's wing and I have been working hard and as true to self as I could possibly understand in order to work 'myself out' and heal me, so I could then help others to heal themselves as well. I just wanted to be 'Pollyanna' and bring love and light to this amazing gorgeous world that I see in so much pain and it hurts me so much to know anothers pain and anguish through my own. It is to say spirituality is a saviour to know one can work on self and become a much brighter and truer happier human being and that we are not alone and never have been, and getting that message out there without upsetting others or their own comfort zones, which I respect and appreciate, but still have this urge within to move forward and be my own truth.

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Abby Rose taught me about my psychic self. Melanie Tonia Evans taught me how to empower self and confidence to teach as she did. Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, and a few others in between (writers/channellers) that helped me to 'see' and 'feel' my 'truth' and these were the foundations of the rest to come. Reiki attunements and various earth angels came as friends, some stayed, some moved on. My beautiful son that I almost never had but thanku to IVF he was born almost 16 years ago, he has been an amazing teacher. My husband whom is hard to live with, but I love him anyway and his warts as I see and feel his heart more than his sad. Dr. John Demartini whom taught me about passion and purpose. Thetahealing taught me about how my belief systems can be changed and that all is but based on beliefs. My Daily Om friends whom taught me about multidimentional realities and about our ego personalities and the sharing of unconditional love even with those who vented at me for being a loving sometimes fluffy, othertimes not so fluffy 'Gina'. Life and Gaia and her insects and animals to know that we are all interconnected, and learning about my fairy self/side and learning about my emotional me. My Dad and Mother for giving two directions to learn from spiritually speaking, my step father for loving his Bible even tho I found it exhausting and being able to marry up experiences with stories showing me his belief systems, I found all served all in one way or another, that it did not matter how you believed, it was in how we were being with ourselves and others. Also my pets, wonderful and gorgeous animals that just loved me to bits and me them, God I miss them so much, but am blessed to have two new furry angels in our lives whom have been healers to us in many ways 'sorry am crying whilst writing this' I am blessed they were there when they were so needed, when love was so needed to help us heal as a family, so they have been wonderful teachers in our/my life.

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The Christmas is coming.......!!
Have a nice Christmas and weekend..........
Thanks..........take care..........^^
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