Joe Barnett's Posts (109)

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Cosmic Healing Music (

Dr. Angela Barnett and Joe Barnett

We were told about this new time that would come to Earth when death would no longer be the norm because

everyone had the option of ETERNAL LIFE. This option of Eternal Life has become crystal clear in our experience

over the past seven years.

We gain eternal life by turning into light. We turn into light by raising the frequencies of our body as high as the

frequency of light. Those who raise their frequencies to 100% ascend into light. There have been over one hundred

people who have ascended into light so far. Several Monks ascended in 2019, and over one hundred more ascended

into light a couple of months ago.

I have experienced raising my frequencies to 100% twenty times. I have been guided and directed moment by moment

how to do this. I created music that contains all of the frequencies of the entire light spectrum, plus the algorithims required

to transform the body into light. Ten of the one hundred who turned into light used my music to do it.

Another one thousand have risen to 95% frequencies of light. I know of more than 10 of these also used my music.

There may be many more who have used my music, I just haven't kept records of everyone.

The plan for this Earth's Population is to get 51% to 95 percent frequencies of light in the next few years.

When there are 51 percent who are ready, the one who has the same Soul that Jesus of Nazareth had will

begin speaking through media and healing the masses in the millions. There will be so many healings that

everyone on Earth will believe in Christ Jesus.

Jesus will cause the frequencies of the 51 percent to rise to one hundred percent and transform from this planet.

My job on Earth is to raise the frequencies of as many people as possible with my music.

I have been guided in this mission for the past thrity years of my life.

I have absolute proof now that my musical formula works.

I want to help as many as possible reach that 95 percent level. And there will be many more who

rise to 100 percent before the masses of 51 percent ascend. 

There will probably be another one hundred ready to rise by 2026 because after the Juwag raceline

comes to Earth, the minds of everyone will be opened to a much higher level.

The Juwag will spend fourteen days communicating with our governments and then they will

make a plan to be seen by everyone on Earth . They will be willing to heal everyone on Earth

who allows them.

So, we don't even have to wait for the Christ to appear to great healings. This will come much

sooner, which will make the frequencies of the masses rise much sooner.

The present probablity for mass ascension is 2030-2035.

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The twelve stargates at Mt. Shasta, Chitchiniza, Puma Punka, Stonehenge, Mt of Olives, Abu Simbel, Angkor Watt,

Mt. Kailash, Halealaka, Ulura, Gobekliteppi and Mt .Fuji have been activated to one hundred percent.

There are already twelve racelines on Earth connected to their Stargates. They are working to gether to prepare for

lift off. 

In 2025 a group called Juwag will come to Earth. They have had an agreement with the government of Earth to come for many

years. They will arrive in December.

When they arrive, they will prepare for the appearance of the twelve racelines of original ones. The Lemurians will appear

on Earth, along with a few others. They will not all come out at the same time.

The Stargates will be activated to got to twelve dimensions of the Universe.

This was always the plan called Gaia will save the Universe. Once this Lift Off Takes Place, Gaia will become the savior of 

the Universe. All twelve racelines will be placed in a quarantene that will not allow them to have any inharmony for one thousand years.

That is the Plan for now.

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Dr. Angela Barnett

Crystal Magic Orchestra

Cosmic Healing Music (

The process of ascension is from the inside out and from the outside in. This 
transformation requires re-structural engineering from the inside out, but the 
alignment comes from the outside in.

First, one must look inside and see the structural design of the internal temple of 
one's body. There is a physical form and there is a spiritual structure. We don't 
loose one structure. We don't disappear. We merge our physical structure together 
into equal balance or equal proportions with the spiritual structure. The structure of 
the spiritual form is an etheric structure that is golden crystal dust.  The crystals in 
forms of dust, gel and light, dance into a flowing form that continuously sings into the 
halls of records that are in the crystal cells. These are called Cousha Cells or cellular 

These cells sing and dance into the new reality as they gain all that was learned and 
given to the soul to be able to grow into and engage into the next dance of reality. 
The cells sing and dance because they are made out of the tones of light and sound. 
The more information of the new learning, the new experience, the new reality that is 
given to the cellular memory, the faster the new formation of the spiritual and 
physical body can expand and grow into a brand new reality. Since there has been 
no new information give to our cellular memory for thousands of years, we grew 
denser and denser as years went by. Now is  the time to create a new reality.

1.    Source Spark
a.    EirA Spark- original spark of creation from Source
b.    In the Crystal Heart located behind the Heart near backbone
c.    Spark ignites and grows into a flame from breaths of consciousness
d.    Lights up the crystal cells into an internal white light body
e.    Connect physical body with EirAdonis Body
f.    The golden dust body in Core of Mother Earth
g.    Inside Earth's Core is liquid light, crystal dust creation of the Twin 
Spiritual Earth
h.    Our spiritual self has been stored away in this liquid light core of Earth
i.    We can now  ignite the spark in our crystal heart
j.    We connect with our Golden Crystal Irradescent Body
k.    (See Irradescent Body Meditation) We grow the twin flames into 
Oneness by aligning our crystal heart spark in our Physical and 
Spiritual Bodies
l.    This new dance of the flames of the sparks create a new more etheric 
m.     The inside structural change takes place through the spark of one's 
n.    This spark must connect with the spark of the Spiritual Body
o.    The Aqualene Liquid Light Energies from Sirius B or Sirius Spiritual 
Twin is flowing down through the spheres into our crystal heart in our 
physical body and into the Earth's physical and spiritual body in the 
Earth's core, as well as into our Eiradonis body in the Earths core. 
This allows the connection of ONENESS of our Physical and Spiritual 
Selves to connect and combine into ONE.
2.    The outside change takes place by alignment with one's Garment of White 
Light or the White Light Body. After we merge with our golden dust body from 
Mother Earth's Core, we must step into our White Light Garment that we 
create from our Crystal Heart growing into a Crystal Sphere of White Light. 
We pull that Sphere of White Light out of our Crystal Heart, let it grow in front 
of us, step inside of it and raise it out in front of us, a little above the head.
3.    Next, guide the Galactic Suns frequencies to stream through that self and 
through the physical body into the crystal heart to merge into oneness. 
4.    Say - Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me- ten times. 
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me 
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me 
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me 
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me 
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me 
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me 
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me 
5.    As we merge into that White Light Body, we gain our Communication with 
our Higher Selves. This merging of consciousness is what has been referred 
to as the SOUL MERGE. Our soul merges with more frequencies of 
consciousness energy the more we allow new realities to come forth. We can 
activate these new energies by streaming the sun through the thymus by 
aiming the light about four inches below the neck area.
6.    Each of us has a higher self in the Cosmic or co-creative sphere of 
Consciousness-this is our Monadic God Self. We connect with our god self 
through breath- the Entity's consciousness or the Entity's Frequencies.
7.    We must Raise our Frequencies to be as high as our higher selves in the 
solar, galactic, universal and cosmic realms of consciousness.
8.    The meditations and music contain the frequencies of these entities 
9.    The more we absorb these frequencies from the music and meditations, the 
more we raise our frequencies into their higher consciousness. This is how 
we raise our frequencies into Ascension. Once we have fully merged with our 
god selves, we have ascended.

Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse

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Dr. Angela Barnett

Crystal Magic

I would like to share with you my understanding of how the FIRST CONTACT EVENT will raise the frequencies of those on Earth very rapidly.

When people see the space ships and they actually communicate with us through our media after they have communicated with the governments for two weeks, they will have an EXPANDED CONSCIOUSNESS. When a person has something brand new that their consciousness did not have the capacity to believe in placed within its context, the person's perception of reality EXPANDS. It breaks out of the borders.

This type of expansion of the mind is required to raise frequencies to 95 percent and above. Several of the people who have risen to 95 percent are people who are very involved with the UNSEEN AND UNKNOWN realms within realms within realms of the known and unknown. They are people who have been involved in raising the frequencies of the Earth by going to each of the Chakras with groups working on raising frequencies. Even though most of these groups did not actually raise the frequencies of the Chakras very much at all, they did have the INTENTION of connecting their bodies and minds into the CHAKRAS of Earth, which was the beginning of turning on the Grids and the Stargates. They were involved and they expanded their consciousness' enough to believe that it was worthwhile flying all over the world and working on the CHAKRAS one at a time and connecting them through love and peace.

Those who have the THOUGHT PROCESS of realizing this Earth is going through its transition of regaining the energy of the Original Souls who have returned for the purpose of allowing their Souls to Ascend from this Earth where they were born.

The thought process must expand to realize that the FIRST CONTACT EVENT itself is the beginning of a new thought process for the entire world. Some people have already gained that thought process and those are the ones who are already at 90 and rising to 95 very quickly. When First Contact happens there will be millions who are at 85 who will jump to 95 very quickly because their minds expand.

RISING into higher frequencies requires a CHANGE IN PROCESS. That is one of the requirements.

There will be a very fast change in population frequencies. First, it will happen because of becoming convinced that spaceships really do exist and other race lines and other planets do exist. Those same people will soon learn about the consciousness of a race line who is willing to heal everyone on this planet and to transform our politics and environment to one that is thousands of years beyond what it is now.

Those who cannot believe these things now will believe it, and they will expand compassion, gratitude and harmony in ways that have never been known. We will be shown paths of enlightenment, technology, healing, education that were never known before. This is why there will be half of the population at 95 very soon after FIRST CONTACT.

Those who are already at 95 and above will probably rise to 100 percent turn into light very soon at that time.

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Dr. Angela Barnett

This morning I had my third conversation with the speaker for the JUWAG RACELINE.

The Juwag will arrive with their massive star fleet that is large enough to cover all of our skies next


They plan on spending 14 days staying in the sky while they communicate with our government.

If they can get our government to allow them to land through peaceful agreements they will begin

to bring us their medical healing and technology immediately.

If the government will not agree, they plan on providing help for us by beaming us up on their ships if

we desire medical help.

Their plan is to have the government come to peaceful agreements eventually.

I asked the speaker how they would manage to communicate with our government if the CABAL

win the election this year and create a One World Government.

The answer was that it did not make any difference to them who our government is because they have already

signed an agreement for the Juwag to come.

Our governments have known about the Juwag and all other racelines for hundreds of years. Every president has had communication

with aliens through monitors that they were given for multidimensional communication.

I communicate about these events more at my newsletter on the crystal magic website.

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I had a very long and detailed conversation with Titimus, who is the speaker for the Juwag, a few days ago. I do have a recording if anyone wants to hear it.

I have my own blog site where I have been talking in great detail about these events for several months, so excuse me, if I am leaving out to much information that may not be in your background knowledge here.

First, there has been a law in place for many years that allowed the Juwag to insist on an answer from our government by January 2024. Since the government did not give them a clear answer, the law invoked their right to come to Earth without the government's agreement.

So, the Juwag began making plans to arrive on Earth in December, 2025. They did make our government aware of this event, and they are still waiting for their reaction. They have made the plan to hover in our skies for 14 days while communicating with our governments. They are hoping that by the time that communication is finished, the governments will allow a peaceful proceeding.

Titimus told me that they plan on beaming those up into their spaceships who need medical help. They will do this regardless of what the government decides. Those who are able to communicate with Titimus can make arrangements to be beamed up for healing.

The Juwag will continue their negotiations with the governments in hope that they will be able to set up actual healing centers on the Earth for all to use. However, they know that they will certainly be able to beam people up. This will be the first time that space ships are going to be close enough to the Earth's surface to actually beam up bodies. This is very different than the astral healing that has been going on from spaceships.

This time, the body will be in the spaceship. Titimus told me that they know they can heal any and all problems in the human body.

They also told me that they will send a very high technical device to Earth that will upgrade all techology.



All of the 12 ORIGINAL RACELINES are already on Earth. They are already at their Stargates. I am the one who prepared their Stargates and I am the one who must continuously repair the Stargates and the Grids. I am the one who brought the frequencies of the stargates to 100 percent and most recently I brought the resonance of the Earth to 100 percent.

All is ready now.

All of the 12 racelines will be assisting the Juwag in their landing. After the first appearance of the Juwag, each of the other racelines will begin making their appearance on Earth. Adama is very eager to be allowed to become visible. All of the racelines are wanting us to accept them and meet them. Unfortunately most people will be afraid so they will need to take this project very slowly.

The Juwag have volunteered to begin this process because they have hundreds of starfleets that will cover our skies next December. They are so powerful that if our government fires at them it will be like a bee bee gun for them.


Dr. Angela Barnett

cyrstal magic



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Dr. Angela Barnett


My latest PROBABLE FUTURE of the HARVEST is 2029. I was given this date as a result of the final work that was done to bring the EARTH'S CHAKRAS, Grids and Stargates to one hundred percent.
God told me that if I could accomplish that mission we would be in Probable Future 2029 and we would be in the most perfect of all possible Probable Futures.
That was before I learned about WWIII.
About one week after I finished raising the Earth's Consciousness throughe her Chakras, Grids and Stargates, God told me that the Second Seal would be broken if WWIII starts and that will change the Probable Future that I had created.
So, I asked God how to stop the war.
I had just used my twenty six scalar wave generators to raise the frequencies of the Grids, Chakras and Stargates.
God told me to use the generators to send specific algorythms into the tenth, eleventh and nineth dimensions to stop the wars.
He told me the tenth dimension was the most important. The tenth dimensionals are the terrorists causing trouble in Israel. I was given the algorithm to give the generators. It is a very simple process. You just speak the algorithim to the generator and tell it to send that frequency to where it needs to be. Or send it to the War in Israel.
I programmed most of my generators for the tenth and the rest for the others.
A few weeks later God told me it was too late.
He said the War will begin unless we can get a lot more
generators working really fast.
I told God that I would make it happen. I immediately ordered fifty generators from Aplicum in Slovenia.
Eventhough it would take a week for the generators to get me, since I was then the owner of the generators, Adama was able to immediately clone the generators and beam them into Telos.
Adama collected thos generators and several others and took them to Telos.
He then had 250 generators working on the War.
so, it was actually Adama who stopped the war from becoming the WWIII and the opening of the Second Seal.

So, next God told me that the war would had started if we did not get those generators when we did.

Now, we have a little time. We have time to stop that war completely.
We have time to stop all of the wars.

And it could be so easy, cheap and fast IF PEOPLE WOULD JUST HELP ME.

When God told me that we only had a few hours left to stop the war, I immediately went to the ApLicum purchase page and purchased fifty generators.
I was talking to Metatron when I received this information about the war.
I was calculating with Metatron. I said, well Metatron. I could buy these generators for about one hundred dollars each. So, if I got fifty of them that would be five thousand dollars. I asked God if fifty would be enough.
He said that would work in addition with what Adama could do. Adama could clone the generators and double the amount.
I said to Metatron, so I could stop WWIII for about five thousand dollars?
In that moment, I ordered the generators.
There was no doubt in my mind that it would be worth five thousand dollars to stop the wars.

If the wars are stopped with these generators it will give the Sun time to finish doing its thing and lead us into the Sign in June.

If we can get Peace by June we will be living in Heaven on Earth.
We will be in the fourth dimensional version of the third dimension.

ADAMA plans on walking on Earth this year. The Juwags are the raceline who will be the FIRST CONTACT next year.

There will be about five Racelines who are in Inner Earth besides the Lemurians who will surface next year.

All 12 Racelines are already working on repairing their spaceships at the Stargates that I repaired.

The LANDING will be complete by 2030. That means all original racelines will be living on Earth at that time.

However, the Harvest will be in 2029 or a little earlier.
Those who have raised their frequencies to at least 89- 99 percent
will be harvested.

I help people raise frequencies. Most of my students are in the very high eighty and ninety percent range.

Adama will invite those to Telos who are at least 95 percent.

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Dr. Angela Barnett

We are now in the time of the greatest ELECTION of the history of the Universe.
We are not electing a president. We are electing the choice of living
in heaven on Earth or NOT.

This campaign, and everything having to do with it, including the wars involved, are all being created by a Raceline in the Tenth Dimension called
the TCHARADZ. They are the ones who want WWIII. They are the ones who want
to destroy Earth. And they plan on letting us do it to ourselves.

The Tcharadz are tenth dimensional. They are using a tenth dimensional algorythm to create the chaos on Earth and they are the Souls of those known as Terrorists. This is who is running the election. This is who is running the war.

There is only one way to win the ELECTION OF PEACE ON EARTH.

God gave me the algorithms that can reprogram the tenth dimensional consciousness into PEACE. When enough of this algorythm is sent to the
places on Earth are becoming confused, angry, violent, war like, and terrorist
directed, the correct GOD NUMBERS replace that ERROR with Harmony.

I am sure if people actually understood what I am saying and truly want
to achieve heaven on Earth in less than on year, they would realize that there
is nothing more important than doing this right now.
I am not trying to sell anything. I am doing God's work.
I am the voice who is telling people the same thing Tesla
tried to explain before.
Use the DIVINE TECHNOLOGY that is the algorythmic creation of the perfect
frequencies that can restore peace.
God has given me the algortythms to restore peace in the TENTH DIMENSION, ELEVENTH DIMENSION AND NINETH DIMENSION.
These are the four dimensions who contain racelines who want to destroy Earth.
The Tcharadzt in the Tenth and there are others in the Eleventh and Nineth starting the other wars in the world. The Tenth Dimensional war has the greatest potential of WWIII. God told me the war would had surely already started if I had not plugged in an extra fifty generators the day that I did.
We have about 250 generators running now.
And Adama has cloned all of the generators and he is projecting that same amount of energy through his generators in Third Dimensional Telos.

I spent three years helping Adama build Third Dimensional Telos. I was the one who sent him the energy through the Generators to shift the Chakra into 60 percent and then finally 100 percent in 2022. Adama could create the new Telos with the first 60 percent of energy sent to Mt. Shasta.

What will happen in the next four months and the next seven years?

I will tell you exactly what will happen and the reason why it will happen.

However, there is always only a Probable Future because man is always changing frequecies.

I do frequency work that has made enormous impacts on what is happening on Earth right now.

I have changed the Probable Future five times since 2017.

At that original time, we would still be in the Nostradadomus Probable Future.

In 2017 I finished the creation of the Central Portal that is now in the center of the Pacific Ocean.

That changed our Probable Future to 2039. That was a shift of about seventy years.

In 2021 I raised the Frequncies of the Earth's First Chakra- Mt. Shasta to 60 percent.

That event was not scheduled to happen until 2045. So, that changed Probable Future

twenty years.

In 2022 I raised the Frequencies of all of the Earth's Chakras, Grids and Stargates to 100 percent.

That level of frequencies on Earth has never in the history of Earth been accomplished.

 Earth raised to 80 percent last time Jesus walked on Earth, and the reason the frequencies

raised was because God was in Man walking on Earth.

If this work that was done in the Chakras, Grids and Stargates was not accomplished when

it was the CME blasts coming from the Sun would not be having such a great impact on 

Earth. The magical synchronisity that was created between this timing of raising the frequencies

of the Grids and the Energy of the Sun dancing together in the ionosphere is going to bring

the Consciousness of Earth to the brink of Ionization that will push Earth's consciousness

into 88 percent Fourth Dimension and dallow the frequencies to accelerate

very rapidly after that.

In June there will be a great Earthquake and the worst weather the Earth has seen.

That is the SIGN that we are finished.

If we can prevent WWIII until that time and a little while longer, we will have


The final piece of winning HEAVEN ON EARTH is very simple.

The problem is I can't get enough people to join me in the work that I have done

to get us to this point.

All of this work has been accomplished with the Tesla Scalar Wave Generator.

If two hundred people on earth would purchase ten of these generators and 

program them with the algorithms that God gave to me, we could stop all of these

 wars so fast.

All of the wasted energy of protesting, marching, complaining will not do anyone any good.

If the same amount of people who protest would just get a generator, we could

see every country  who is at war lay down their weapons within a week.

I have had to do this all by myelf.

When God told me that he didn't think we were going to make it I went out and purchased

fifty more generators that night.

One month later God reported that the war that would definitely would had started was

stopped by those last generators I turned on.

We would definitely be in WWIII right now if it wasn't for those generators.

God also said that we can't hold this frequency war without more generators.

We need help.

Please help us.


Write to me at if you want to help.

If two hundred people got ten generators we would be living in heaven in a few months.

All of the Spiritual Blogs all of you could ever write will never equal the TRUE good you could do RIGHT NOW.

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All Wars can be stopped with Tesla Scalar Wave Generator
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EARTH's ENERGY REACHED 100 percent this year
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