John's Posts (16)

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I talked a girl on another community site that is for Hungarians.An she claims she know much about spirituality and she looks others like her students...Is this egoistic?So.She told that i miss the "spark" and she told that she leaves me too learn in own path.I told her that what we know is today spiritualism is intellectual maybe.And she sayed that i'm negative ok i'm but.Why she refuse to help then?And let me this not about my truth is the only truth nor her truth i'm her to get together the puzzle.And we both can learn something from each other.I'm not thinking that that i know much about spirituality because i'm try to stay humble.What about you?Please leave a comment.
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It's not me on the video.Keep that in mind.

"My reaction to the attempted assassination of Arm Kaleka's father in a professional Illuminati revenge-hit in a Wisconsin Sihk temple. Arm Kaleka's dad barely survived but we didn't know at the time I made this. The cabal shooters (a witness says 4) apparently couldn't get the job done because he was only wounded attempting to tackle one of them."

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Take your time and read a bit our history in the end you will understand why i posted both.

I will not moderate your comments here or not approve them.I'm not afraid of truth.I don't care what it is.

Bring it on!And out!
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I have to ask all beloved brothers and sisters there to send love to 777Alaje or Alaje he sadned because of evil people attacking him.Please take a look at his videos.He needs all the help he can get now.Please help him.Also you can take a look at his channel here.People need to remember what is true pure love is, trough his videos.

Thank you!
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Moon and everthyng about it.Lost civilzation?

Hello!There is question i wanted to ask.Who is that woman or when she lived..?Two our atronauts have find her on the moon.The mothership size is bigger then the Eifel tower.I just wonder Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians, and Andromedans,and others.Who is she what civilization she belonged to?I post the two video i found.Her body. the ship.: if there is someone who know what is really on the moon plese don't hesitate to write a comment here.Any information would be good.Thank you!
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Hello!I just want to share with you some video due the bug in firefox i can't post the video here...i just link it to you and wait for your comments.Here is the fisrt one the guy asked what happend to that people. here is a reponse to that.But i also interested about what you think? comment.Be good!
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ZIppCast Invitation to Ashtar Command Crew

Hello everyone!

As you know Youtube or may not(ThemTube,Youpoke...etc....)is being or to begun the goverments and corporations tool...i'am talking about the Privacy Policy or Copyright Policy....Youtube is transforming into something looks like become a tv or some short.

So please everyone come to ZippCast and Ben-Arion you as well:)Because there is no Privacy Polcy and anythinng like that on ZippCast..please support them any little donation will help them there is no minimum.:-)

So start upload your videos and images and you music there...and we can chat there too..bay the way the site is still under development..but you can register an account there for free of corse.

So again please everyone start upload videos on ZippCast.

Be Love.Be Light.Be Breave.

I wish everyone more love to your heart and more light to your mind.:-)

See you on ZippCast

My Channel there is...

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TeamSpeak 3 and opportunities.

Greetings to everyone!

I just come up an idea to you to set up a TeamSpeak server and just let people talk about things they wanted to.So what is this TeamSpeak?Teamspeak is a microfone talking program,but you don't need a microfone you can also use your keyboard to talk.Everyone can have  or ask for a room to talk about diffrent topics.Well in summary this all about with teamspreak.
Personally i don't have server machine to run a server,but if someone will provide us one for free it would be better.So first we need to try it out.Maybe this server where site is on can handle a few people 100 or more.Write and comment please.What do you think?Do you have better idea?Please share with us!Do you agree or dissagre with me please tell me why?I hope you like the idea.:-)

Thank you!
And may the Love with us forever!

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I thought there is a lot of book we can learn form.We just don't know what is the book name.So you can actually ad your book or books name here.
For example...
I search for a book called:Report From the Iron Mountain.

You can link it or write the of the book
down here any spiritual books and teachings.

If someone found one please let us know via this post and the comments below.If someone searching for a book write it down here in the comments below.

So please help others, and us to find books.

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