While out on one of my walks the idea of starting a page on here that gets into anything health came to mind and since we post health related videos on the comment wall all the time I figured why not start a health discussion page. All our welcome as
Thought it would be cool to expand my Sheldan Nidle and GFL discussion and add even more info regarding anything that gets into the UFO ET topic on this new discussion so if anybody finds anything UFO or ET related feel free to post on here. Could be
This discussion here will get into the work of Dr. Steven Greer who is one of the most important people involved in bringing disclosure on the UFO and ET topic. Dr. Steven M. Greer is the founder of the disclosure movement and one of the world’s fore
For anybody interested this discussion will be all about Billy Meier who has been in contact for almost all of his life with a Human civilization from the Pleiades known as the Plejaren or as others call them the Pleiadians. Billy has written many bo
We have all heard the term fake news being used and many are now asking could this be true. This discussion here will show videos that talk about the CIA's manipulation of Media through a project they call Mockingbird. Operation Mockingbird was and s
Sheldan Nidle when he was younger was contacted by 5th dimentional beings from the Sirius star system. Over the years they taught him everything that has been going on in this galaxy and on Earth and what is to come. In his teachings he has also lear
With the defeat of the dark cabal coming soon what will happen shortly after will be the announcment of Nesara in the United States which will then spread world wide making it Gesara. Heres a list of what will happen during this process.