Krishna Kalki's Posts (655)

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Anonymous:  – People Need To Know



“It’s called the American Dream, because you need to be asleep to believe it” – George Carlin

Anonymous is the most famous ‘hacktivist’ group in the world. The informal nature of the group makes its mechanics difficult to define. Subsequently, without a formal organizational hierarchy, it’s difficult to explain Anonymous to the general public and the media. In this article, I’ll explain the history of the group, and offer some clarity on what’s misunderstood about them.

‘Hacktivist’ is a portmanteau of ‘hacker’ and ‘activist’. When people have technical skills, have access to the Internet, and understand how network infrastructure and servers work, it can be tempting to put that knowledge into having some effect on the world. The ‘activist’ part of ‘hacktivist’ means that they don’t do their hacking and cracking without a cause.


 The various people behind Anonymous worldwide are united in the belief that corporations and organizations they consider to be corrupt should be attacked. If you’re an administrator for a network that has little reason to be a target for social activists, your network and servers are unlikely to become a target for Anonymous.


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WaTch Video At

Published on 23 Jan 2016The solar system may host a ninth planet that is about 10 times bigger than Earth and orbiting far beyond Neptune, according to research published on Wednesday.

Computer simulations show that the mystery planet, if it exists, would orbit about 20 times farther away from the sun than Earth, said astronomers with the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
**Doomsayers have prophesized for decades about a giant, rogue planet in our solar system — dubbed Planet X or Nibiru — that has the capability of colliding or passing near Earth, with catastrophic consequences

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The Real person behind the crown : 

By Judy Byington

In the second week of May 2014, British soldier Vivian Cunningham was drugged and institutionalized against his will. Apparently, his “crime” on May 6 was daring to ask superiors about Queen Elizabeth’s outstanding arrest warrant.

The order to arrest Queen Elizabeth was issued in 2013 by six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.

After nearly a year of litigation, Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Phillip, were found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia. Grieving parents haven’t seen their children since they left for a picnic with the Royal couple on Oct. 10 1964.

On May 10th, the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State was asking concerned citizens to demand Cunningham’s immediate release. The ITCCS successfully prosecuted Queen Elizabeth’s kidnapping, along with 50,000 cases of other missing children.

People could voice their concerns to the St. George’s Hospital in Stafford England (ph: 44 01785 257888). Complaints could also be made to Cunningham’s superior, Captain Murrell (ph: 44 07909 686198).

Regiment soldier Cunningham had innocently questioned a senior officer about Queen Elizabeth’s arrest warrant, only to be committed to a mental care unit in Stafford England.

He was injected with an atypical anti-psychotic drug olanzapine under orders of Captain Murrell and Doctors Khan and Sema. The soldier was committed for six months to the St. George Hospital Psychiatric Unit with a “diagnosis” of suffering from an acute psychotic episode.

“Queen Elizabeth had direct involvement in the kidnapping and death of aboriginal children” it was reported on the ITCCS website. “Royal Family members also appeared to regularly participate in Ninth Circle Satanic Cult rituals at the Mohawk Indian School in Brantford, Ontario, Canada.”

In April, a second international trial began in Brussels on global elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult.

A court document had been filed indicating that in Jan. 2012 UK Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby acted under the direction of Queen Elizabeth to destroy forensic remains of a Ninth Circle Satanic Cult child homicide. Two eyewitnesses have testified that as children they were present during this same murder of a native child.

The satanic rite evidently occurred in a sub basement catacomb under the west wing of the Canadian Branton Ontario Mohawk Indian residential school. The two eyewitnesses alleged that they saw a young girl being bound to an altar.

The five or six year-old child was gagged, repeatedly raped, killed, disemboweled and dismembered. Her blood was consumed by nine red-robed figures that included a member of the British Royal Family.

Unfortunately Cunningham was not alone in his victimization after exposing these Ninth Circle Satanic Cult activities. Several incarcerations and even a death appeared to surround exposures of Queen Elizabeth’s kidnapping case.

Former Kamloops School resident William Combes died after a 2010 radio interview where he discussed witnessing Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip leave the school with his ten friends and fellow Kamloops residents.

Directly after the interview the healthy Combes was ordered to report for tests at the Vancouver St. Paul’s Catholic hospital. There he was given an injection that put him into a coma. Within hours and without consent of his family members, Combes was permanently pulled off life support.

British citizen David Compan was another victim of whistleblowing against Queen Elizabeth. In 2013 he was twice arrested, as was his wife. Compan’s “crime” was daring to post Queen Elizabeth’s arrest warrant on a Catholic Church.

Compan was never charged, but accosted, drugged and incarcerated in the London Park Royal Mental Health Center. After several days of protests irate citizens secured the couple’s release. Compan discussed the incarceration in this video.

Last October in Kitchener Ontario Canada Steve Finney was trying to expose this same Ninth Circle Satanic Cult case on 50,000 missing native children that included Queen Elizabeth’s kidnapping charges-conviction. Finney was arrested without cause and held in prison for three days. Protests around the globe organized by the ITCCS appeared effective in Finney’s release.

“Like my friends Combes, Compan and Finney, Cunningham is being cruelly drugged and imprisoned against his will because he simply mentioned the existence of a citizens arrest warrant against Queen Elizabeth” stated Kevin Annett of the ITCCS.

“As a British soldier and citizen, Cunningham has now become a Prisoner of Conscience at the hands of the British Crown in an effort to hide proven crimes of the Royal Family.”

Annett himself has felt the wrath of Queen Elizabeth. In 2013 when Annett was in London attending a rally for the 50,000 missing children, he was detained, held in jail overnight, then deported – all done without being charged.

In March the ITCCS began a second prosecution on global elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. Five international judges and 27 jury members were scheduled to hear the testimony of at least 16 adult survivors who have come forward to expose their witness to child kidnapping and murder.

The first prosecution in the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels concerned 50,000 missing native Canadian children and included Queen Elizabeth’s kidnapping case.

The court’s Feb 2013 guilty verdict by six international judges on 40 global elites appeared to influence the resignation that same week, of Pope Joseph Ratizinger.

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Meditation is excellent method to maintain our physical and emotional health and well-beingThe Challenge: Stress, work and life challenges can get the best of us.The Science: Research shows that meditation is linked to a host of benefits from happiness to health!The Solution: Meditate to feel calmer, happier, healthier, more productive and more in charge.Trying to find a New Year's Resolution that's really worth it? How about one that will boost your resilience?This coming New Year will hopefully be full of wonderful surprises, but undoubtedly - like every year - will also throw some challenges at us. I started meditating soon after 9/11. I was living in Manhattan, an already chaotic place, at an extremely chaotic time. I realized I had no control over my external environment. And I realized this would always be the case. No matter what we do, we never have full control over our jobs, partners, health, or environment.However, there is one place we can have a say over: the state of our mind. As a friend once said to me "When my mind is ok, then everything is ok." This statement is so simple yet also so profound. When I started meditating, I realized I was clamer despite any situations I encountered. What I didn't realize, was that it would also make me healthier, happier, and more successful. Having witnessed the benefits, I devoted my PhD research at Stanford to studying the impact of meditation. I saw people from diverse backgrounds from college students to combat veterans benefit. In the last 10 years, hundreds of studies have been released.Here are 20 scientifically-validated reasons you might want to get on the bandwagon come Jan 1 (if not today!)During meditation we process the deep tracks of our unconscious mind that will lead into better self-understandingIt Boosts Your HEALTH1 - Increases immune function (See here and here)2 - Decreases Pain (see here)3 - Decreases Inflammation at the Cellular Level (See here and here and here)It Boosts Your HAPPINESS4 - Increases Positive Emotion (here and here)5 - Decreases Depression (see here)6 - Decreases Anxiety (see here and here and here)7 - Decreases Stress (see here and here)It Boosts Your SOCIAL LIFEThink meditation is a solitary activity? It may be (unless you meditate in a group which many do!) but it actually increases your sense of connection to others:8 - Increases social connection & emotional intelligence (see here and - by yours truly - here)9 - Makes you more compassionate (see here and here and here)10 - Makes you feel less lonely (see here)It Boosts Your SELF-CONTROL11 - Improves your ability to regulate your emotions (see here) (Ever flown off the handle or not been able to quiet your mind? Here's the key)12 - Improves your ability to introspect (see here & for why this is crucial see this post)It Changes Your BRAIN (for the better)13 - Increases grey matter (see here)14 - Increases volume in areas related to emotion regulation, positive emotions & self-control (see here andhere)15 - Increases cortical thickness in areas related to paying attention (see here)It Improves Your PRODUCTIVITY (yup, by doing nothing)16 - Increases your focus & attention (see here and here and here and here)17 - Improves your ability to multitask (see here)18 - Improves your memory (see here)19 - Improves your ability to be creative & think outside the box (see research by J. Schooler)It Makes You WISE(R)It gives you perspective: By observing your mind, you realize you don't have to be slave to it. You realize it throws tantrums, gets grumpy, jealous, happy and sad but that it doesn't have to run you. Meditation is quite simply mental hygiene: clear out the junk, tune your talents, and get in touch with yourself. Think about it, you shower every day and clean your body, but have you ever showered your mind? As a consequence, you'll feel more clear and see thing with greater perspective. "The quality of our life depends on the quality of our mind," writes Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. We can't control what happens on the outside but we do have a say over the quality of our mind. No matter what's going on, if your mind is ok, everything is ok. Right now.It Keeps You REALOnce you get to know your mind, you start to own your stuff and become more authentic, maybe even humble. You realize the stories and soap operas your mind puts you through and you gain some perspective on them. You realize most of us are caught up in a mind-drama and become more compassionate towards others.And...the more you meditate, the more you seem to benefit, research studies such as this one suggest.Working our own psychological traumas through meditation will increase our compassion towards othersRead More @
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What Is Money ?Well, it's basically a piece of paper with images and text printed on it. Despite all the BS about currency as the reflection of the nation's economy, the backing of reserve assets, this bank note you are looking at is nothing more than that: a piece of paper with ink on it.A pre-1971 $20 note. Notice the mentions "gold certificate" and "twenty dollars in gold coins payable to the bearer on demand"Think about it. For the banksters to print a 20 dollar bill, all they need is paper and ink. How much do you think it costs to print a 20 dollar bill, considering that millions are printed at a time? About 10 cents. But when this note is presented to you, it has magically become worth 20 dollars of very real work, goods or services. The same goes for 50, 100, 500 etc. bills.That's the most important thing to understand: money is created out of nothing. But the lie is so big, so repellant to the mind that we have much difficulties accepting this fact.Of course it hasn't always been this way. For most of modern history banknotes were backed against a tangible asset, usually gold. So you could go to a bank and exchange your note for real physical gold (see picture on the right). But since 1971 the dollar is not convertible into gold anymore. It is backed by nothing.So its only value is the one we ascribe to it. Collective belief is a prime factor in the kind of magical economics we're talking about here. Market sentiment is a powerful factor for the best and for the worse. I will develop this point later.Who creates money?Money creation can be a good thing. In the past, nations could directly create money as a fair reflection of their economical states, interest free, in order to stimulate their development. But the time of sagacity in economics is long gone. Today, nations borrow insane amounts of money, with a positive interest rate. This money is created by a few private banks, also known as central banks and does not even reach the citizens pockets. Yes you read it right, this bank note you are holding was created by a member of the financial 'elite' out of thin air. But the sweat, the energy, the work you spent to earn it is very real.The fallacy used to justify the printing of money by private banks is that governments are unwise and if they were allowed to print money, they would create far too much and destabilize the market. That is a lie, the record for the most money ever created at one time occurred in the aftermath of 2008 crisis (see "quantitative easing", another jargon term that simply means "print like crazy") and it was private bankers, not governments, that created it.How much money is createdGrowth of M1 (red) and M2 (Green) monetary mass indicators (1981-2013)The short answer is: "We don't exactly know but it sure is a lot". The quantity of money is called "monetary mass". Depending on the kind of money (coin, note, travelers check, credit card, saving, etc.), monetary mass is divided in sub-groups labeled M1, M2, M3, etc.The problem is that the US Federal Reserve, (which is not American, federal or a reserve, but a private bank serving exclusively the interest of its owners) stopped publishing the figures relative to the total amount of money it creates. Only partial figures (M1 and M2) are disclosed and they show a dramatic unsustainable increase. But M3, the most extensive indicator, has not been released since 2006.Why not publishing M3 if its level was reasonable?Read More @ BRACES FOR END OF FED'S 'EASY MONEY'“Tightening by the U.S. Federal Reserve will have turbo-charged effects on a global financial system addicted to zero rates and dollar liquidity.”Supporting his concern, yields on 2-year U.S. Treasuries have surged from 0.31pc to 0.74pc since October, and this is the driver of currency markets.Under the leadership of Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, the Fed has engaged in a “pivot,” shifting concern from stimulating job growth to worrying about inflation, with the concern that without a tightening in Federal Reserve monetary policy, the U.S. economy could experience inflation as high as 5 percent in the next two years, a level not experienced in the U.S. economy since 2005.Read More @
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This video was designed specifically as a visualization tool to assist in vectoring Extraterrestrials and their Consciously guided craft's to your location. Reaching out far into the Universe and guiding the ETs smoothly to your precise location using intention and visualization. You can go through the sequence many times over if you wish, for a period of 10-20 minutes after you have reached a meditative state.Let your mind rest on, and then follow the tones as you move freely into a transcendental state.---------This is an upcoming event a few of us have been working on. We are really hoping to bring everyone from the ET Contact community together with this event. Working towards closer and someday open contact with our star family. Along with spreading the awareness of ET Contact and how it is possible. The more people that join us in coherence the more affective this initiative will be. I hope some of you will join us!Help us spread the word!ET Contact Day -- March 22, 2013Event page -!/events/32...Created and coordinated by The CE-5 Initiative Facebook page -!/groups/20...("The Creed" and Backround Meditation Music by: Dave Hillis [UfoNightHawk])
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Petroglyphs in the Oklahoma panhandle describe them as "breast shaped". Roman records call them "flying shields". They have even been compared to huge Mexican hats and flying saucers. Disc shape UFOs have been the dominant style of sightings for a long time. It's what we typically think of when we hear the word "UFO".In the last few decades, UFO sightings have included some huge triangles, wedges or "v" shapes, orbs and globes of light.Now it's cylinders, tubes or "cigar" shaped UFOs that are chic and high on the Paparazzi list. This "minimalist" design makes me feel uneasy... the simplicity of a silver metal cylinder seems to contradict the complexity of interplanetary space travel -- at least as I can imagine it. But what else could they be?Full Article With Photos And Videos @
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New Message From Matthew

December 10, 2012Seasonal emotions; benevolent resolutions to current unrest; Dec 12 and 21 effects; Earth's ascension process; souls "partnering" with descendents; accomplishments toward Golden AgeWith loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.  Always this season of various religious observances and celebrations in your world comes with intensified and mixed emotions. Those who are thriving feel grateful for the blessings in their lives and they enjoy merriment with family and friends; those who are alone or grieving or are hungry and penniless more keenly feel their lot in life.  It is joyous for us to see that in this season of “good tidings to all,” so many caring, warmhearted souls reach out to help those who are needful.   This year is no different in that uplifting respect; however, the energies are stunningly different from this season in prior years. The highest vibrations your world has known for eons are affecting everyone, and while many are benefitting, masses are not in favorable positions.  As the days of 2012 are winding down, the negative extreme of duality is making a strong last gasp before meeting its imminent end.    Of chief concern is unrest in the Middle East with the threat of chemical warfare in Syria, plutonium development in Iran, rebelliousness in Egypt, continuing Israeli-Palestinian enmity.  There’s action toward a missile launch in North Korea, dire state of several national economies, mounting numbers of refugees and their plight, warring and oppression in some African nations, random acts of violence around the world, corruption in governments and multinational corporations. Certainly it is not to dampen your holiday spirits that we mention those situations of world interest, but to assure you that in ALL cases, benevolent resolutions are coming!  In the area of greatest concern, if chemical-laden weaponry were put into play, our universal family’s technology would prevent its functioning.December 12th and 21st have long been considered as pivotal dates for the planet.  To be sure, major energy surges due to planetary alignment are important thrusts forward, but Earth has been on an ascension course through successively higher vibratory levels and surges for over 70 years.  This will continue throughout her travels in fourth density on to her destination in fifth, where the planet and Gaia, the soul who embodied as the planet, originated. That is why we do not see a momentous event occurring on the 21st that will be equally profound for all worldwide.  Each individual is a unique being and will experience a uniquely personal response to that day just as each has been doing all along Earth’s ascension progress.  Some individuals may have a powerful energetic reaction while others may not sense anything at all unusual. Beloved souls, please do not feel discouraged if you don’t experience something dramatic!  As the light intensity has been increasing on Earth, so has your conscious and spiritual awareness been increasing, and your bodies have been adjusting to cellular changes from carbon to crystalline.  You don’t need a startling event or sensation to feel elated about approaching the doorstep of Earth Golden Age!  Rejoice with us about a recent development in your linear time regarding the greater numbers of souls who may physically accompany Earth into that Age! God is granting the soul level petitions of ancestor souls to “partner” with their descendents who are struggling valiantly to divest themselves of emotions that are curtailing the amount of light they are absorbing. Their emotions, which are not rooted in darkness and hurt no one except the souls themselves, are intense or prolonged grieving, remorse, guilt, judgment, hopelessness and difficulty shedding belief in falsehoods they have been taught.  All of those can be transmuted into light with the focused energy of the more spiritually evolved partnering souls.  Some are living among you and others are inspiring their descendents who are there to direct love-light to those who simply need that extra boost to surmount their hurtful feelings. As wondrous as this effect of unconditional love is, we know that you are eager to see long-promised changes come to fruition.  At soul level you know that the transformation of your world is happening with astounding scope and speed, but consciously you are impatient, even at times doubtful.  Please understand that while the low vibrations emitted by darkness cannot enter the Golden Age, the results of millennia of dark ones’ activities cannot be healed until Earth is journeying within fourth density’s light-filled vibrations. Much ground work toward restoration and reformation has been accomplished.  Mainstream media have exposed corruption in many quarters and efforts undertaken behind the scenes soon will become public knowledge.  Situations vital to peace are being negotiated between some of your leaders and representatives of our extraterrestrial family.  Environmental projects will be initiated as soon as the priority measures that we enumerated in a recent message have been managed [September 24, 2012].  And yes, the highest universal council still is awaiting God’s “GO!” for our family members’ official introduction.Dear ones, we know that you would like linear timeframes and if we could give those to you, with gladdened hearts we would do so, but we don’t know. All we can do is repeat our oft-given assurance that in the continuum, your co-creation of a loving, peaceful, pristine Eden world where everyone lives in harmony with Nature and knows the Oneness of All is a “done deal.” Beloved family, you are SO close to third density’s finish line—a triumph unprecedented in this universe!  You are loved and held in highest honor by all light beings everywhere.                                        ______________________LOVE and PEACESuzanne [Note from Suzy:  Loving wishes for happy holidays and health, joy and prosperity in our new year. If you received this message as a forward and would like to receive future messages directly, the link to join the Yahoo group is at the top of Matthew’s Messages page on]
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A lot of you have been asking whether or not it's possible to reverse the damage caused by fluoride calcification. The answer is YES! You can decalcify the pineal gland, and restart your natural production house of seratonin, melatonin, and DMT.

Simple steps to decalcify:

1. Stop consuming fluoride in all it's forms. (Reverse osmosis water filtration, fluoride free toothpaste, mouthwash and gum.)

2. Eat a healthy, vegetarian diet, consisting mainly of fresh, organic, non GMO fruits and vegetables! (This step was left out of the video- but very important! The bodies ability to heal and reverse the damage of fluoride poisoning is greatly accelerated when we consume foods that cleanse, rather than foods that build up.)

3. Meet your daily requirements of essential fatty acids through raw foods! (Coconut, avocado, sesame seeds, nuts, superfoods like acai and goji berries, etc.)

4. MEDITATE! The guided meditation shared here is ideal for the decalcification process, as it focuses on third eye awareness, and the reversal of verbalized thought process. Do it as often as possible, and look forward to vivid dreams, deep meditations, spiritual joy, and a natural ease of life.

When the pineal gland is working properly, life is bliss!


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UFOs - Ships of Light - Full Length Feature Film


80 Minute Feature Film - 2 Time EBE Award Winner - Directed by UFO Researcher and Anthropologist Michael Hesemann. On a dark and lonely road in the mountains of Mexico, Carlos Diaz had an encounter with UFOs that changed his life forever. Thousands of eyewitnesses including journalists, scientists and even the Mayor of Mexico City have also shared this same story of an alien encounter with UFOs. Learn about messages received by Carlos Diaz from his UFO alien encounters and what meaning they hold for us here on Earth. Features stunning film footage, video and photos of alien UFOs.

NOW on DVD from UFOTV® - Ships of Light 2-DVD Special Edition - Cat# U440 - Go to

©2012 UFOTV, a UFO Video, Inc. Company
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Mystery of the Sphinx - Expanded Feature Film



THE EXPANDED DIRECTOR'S CUT OF THE EMMY AWARD WINNING NBC NETWORK SPECIAL. 95 mins. This program presents geological evidence that the world's most famous monument, The Great Sphinx of Egypt, may be thousands of years older than we have been taught.

The Mystery of the Sphinx - NOW ON DVD with Bonus Features - 95 mins. Cat. #U526. Go to

How were the massive 200-ton limestone blocks lifted and stacked five high to build the Sphinx Temple? John Anthony West and a team of seismologists, headed by Boston University's Professor Robert Schoch, discovered a square cavity directly beneath one of the paws of the Sphinx. According to the experts, it does not appear to be a natural formation. Could this be the Hall of Records of Atlantis? Includes the facts about this amazing mystery along with a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, scientists and the best-known most credible ancient authorities in the world today.


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DANIEL: The Uncommitted Investigator



The Uncommitted Investigator

Somewhere along the line,
that which is true is being made to appear false,
because that which is false is accepted as truth.
—Dewey Larson
Larson's quote nicely sums up the current world situation, regardless of the field of study, whether it be science, [1] mathematics, [2] religion, [3] politics or the Great Pumpkin.[4]
One of the first questions people ask me after they find out what I know is, “why did you wait 30 years to say something?” Well, I didn't! For decades I tried to get people to listen, but no one would. I was insulted, attacked and ridiculed for daring to say that what people were taught in schools is flat-out wrong. Eventually, one concludes that it isn't worth the effort to try. So I stopped trying to get the information out and focused on understanding the things that I encountered during the Phoenix project, but as an “uncommitted investigator.” Dewey Larson, [5] one of my all-time favorite researchers and fellow “uncommitted investigator,” said this in a presentation to a class of chemical engineers, back in 1968: [6]
About twenty years ago Dr. James B. Conant, at that time president of Harvard University, gave a talk to a group of chemists and chemical executives in which he expressed serious concern over the effect on scientific progress that was likely to result from the virtual disappearance of what he called the “uncommitted investigators,” a term which he applied to those individuals who carry on scientific research work on their own initiative, without support from or direction by the established research agencies. As Dr. Conant put it, these individuals “could investigate what they pleased when they pleased, or break off research at any point. They were as free as the wind because they had no program except the everchanging one in their own minds.”
The reason for his concern, Dr. Conant explained, was that although the great majority of new discoveries in the scientific field are made by professional scientists working under the auspices of universities or research laboratories, the really revolutionary ideas, those that actually change the course of scientific progress, have come mainly from the free-wheeling activities of these uncommitted investigators, and if such individuals are no longer active, there is no assurance that these much-needed ideas will continue to materialize. In Dr. Conant’s own words: “The revolutionary advances in theoretical science were made very largely by amateurs… Few will deny that it is relatively easy in science to fill in the details of a new area, once the frontier has been crossed. The crucial event is turning the unexpected corner. This is not given to most of us to do. If you want advances in the basic theories of chemistry and physics in the future comparable to those of the last two centuries, then it would seem essential that there continue to be people in a position to turn unexpected corners. By definition, the unexpected corner cannot be turned by any operation that is planned.”
During my own research, I turned more than a few “unexpected corners” that pointed out, quite clearly, the things we are taught are “bits of truth,” but almost always lead to dead ends. It is as though human knowledge has been guided into these dead ends and strong walls erected to keep people from thinking outside the box. True research, having been taken over by corporations, became a tool for profit—not a tool for understanding. It is only the few, uncommitted investigators working in back rooms, basements and garages, that have obtained new knowledge and tried to make it public—usually to be bought out by corporations, silenced under “national security,” or ridiculed into obscurity.
The research I put forth is not secret, it is just the “common factor” to a lot of other research done by dozens of other uncommitted investigators over the last 200 years. The references I give can be found in most public libraries.
Take a dose of Larson, Maxwell, Steinmetz, Keely and Tesla, mix with some medieval Christianity, Vedic epics and Hermes Trismegistus, shake well (shaken, not stirred), and season with a good dose of Sumerian mythology and Celtic folklore. What you get from that concoction is the knowledge that was forbidden by the gods—the “secret science” that contradicts everything you know!
It takes the mind a while to unlearn everything it has been programmed to believe by those powers that be. My papers directly contradict everything you've been taught as “truth.” For example:

  • The substance of the universe is not matter, but motion, an abstract ratio of change that we call space/time.

  •  Faster-than-light speeds are commonplace; the rule, not the exception, which is a slap in the face to Einstein.

  •  Astronomers have everything backwards; stars begin their life as red giants and end it as blue giants exploding in a supernovae. [7] Galaxies form from globular clusters, to irregulars, to spirals, to giant sphericals and also explode, producing quasars.

  • The geological dating system is based on a false premise; things are much younger than stated by geologists. Correlations are missed because of this, such as the Biblical appearance of Adam and Eve coinciding with the sudden appearance of Cro-Magnon man.

  • Anthropology became the study of how to hide the true origins of homo sapiens. Fact is, mankind may have more in common with Godzilla than with the Neanderthals.

  • Religion is not what you think… it's the code of enslavement, not enlightenment.

So when you read my papers and start screaming, “That's wrong! I was taught that…,” remember that I've heard it all before. I was taught it all before! And I use to believe it! Then I found none of what I was taught came close to explain the things I saw and worked with, forcing me to accept that everything I knew was wrong. It took a lot of time and effort to work around all those built-in biases—and they put up quite a fight—but once I was able to steer myself clear and take a clean look at what now seems obvious, a much simpler view of the universe emerged—one that opens the doors to some amazing possibilities.
The research contained in my papers is not channeled, received telepathically, supplied by ExtraTerrestrials, ExtraDimensionals, angels, demons, gods or any other source outside of a lot of hard work and good, old-fashioned “know-how,” by a few dedicated, uncommitted investigators that want to figure out what is out there, not be handed a book on The Universe for Dummies by the next Vogon constructor ship that happen to pass by Earth, laying out a route for a hyperspace bypass. [8]
This approach was a matter of choice by those involved, because we wanted to demonstrate, first hand, to those very ETs, EDs, angels, demons, gods, devils and whatever else is out there, that mankind has  learned to think for himself, and is ready, willing and able to take his place in the Universe as a peaceful explorer that other worlds want as a good neighbor and friend.
I think we are all fed up with the violent, domineering agendas of the few reptilian wanna-be's that are out to control every aspect of our lives. It may be who THEY are, but it is not who WE are. We are Mankind, the children of the Sons of God and the Daughters of Earth, unique in this galaxy. We have a place in the scheme of things, not as conquerors, not as slaves, but as fellow travelers on this Great Path that all life walks to understanding the mysteries of the Universe.
So Sayonara Saurians, Homo sapiens has had enough and is ascending without you, to stand as equalswith those of the stars.
I started with a quote from Larson, and I'm going to finish with one, which is from the last paragraph in the book, Universe of Motion:

The more complete understanding of physical existence opens the door to an exploration of existence as a whole, including those nonphysical areas that have hitherto had to be left to religion and related branches of thought. It is now evident that our familiar material world is not the whole of existence, as modem science would have us believe. It is only a part—perhaps a very small part—of a greater whole. [9]
1. Dewey Larson's Reciprocal System demonstrate that conventional science tends to have things inside-out, upside-down and backwards, and when the situation is corrected, the Universe is a much simpler place than we thought it was.
2. The mathematics of Miles Mathes demonstrates the whole concept of infinitesimals is wrong; in nature, nothing ever “approaches zero,” it reaches unity. Calculus became another dead-end, not an open door.
3. Research of forerunners like Lloyd Pye, Mauro Biglino and  R.A. Boulay into anthropology show an entirely different history of mankind: a slave race engineered by the gods, not evolved from apes.
4. Schulz, Charles, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown; From Linus Van Pelt's memorable line, “There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics and the Great Pumpkin.”
6. Larson, Dewey B., Around Unexpected Corners, 1968.2 The Uncommitted Investigator
7. There are two types of supernova, based on the thermal limit (blue giant explosion) or the age limit (stars of other spectral class). See Larson's book, Universe of Motion, for details.
8. Adams, Douglas, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
9. Larson, Dewey B., Universe of Motion, p. 438.
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Hello All:
We should be drawing close to the end. Sheldan says several things are happening.
God Bless Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart

8 Men, 3 Xul, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! Everywhere around your planet, teams drawn from a special coalition of our sacred allies, Agarthans, and our liaison personnel are preparing a grand surprise! The present reality is beginning to experience difficulties as the many timelines that determine how it operates collapse. This massive temporal deconstruction is forcing the dark cabal to realize that the present construct can no longer hold. We have watched these cabalists obstinately refuse any and all proposals to step down and allow your divinely decreed freedom to manifest. Apparently, they still believe that some sort of 'event' can somehow reverse their predicaments and keep them in control. This is simply not going to happen! The Creator's edicts state that the time for a new consciousness gestalt for humanity has arrived. The dark cabal needs to step aside and let us do what the divine plan mandates. Our role, at this point, has been reduced to using our abilities to bring this situation to a head, and this we are doing by setting up the final procedures which are to topple the besieged and outdated power structures of your globe.

These procedures are in effect as we speak, and we have informed the cabalists that it is time to let in the new governance and to allow the rise of the new economic system founded on prosperity and global debt forgiveness. This new global setup is ready for all to enjoy but for the continued roadblock thrown up by the dark cabal. Therefore we have put into play a series of edicts and have duly informed these stubborn and blustering old men and women of this move. Your home world is in the midst of creating new grids and new realities, and the current ways of running your societies stand counter to what Mother Earth now intends. The use of oil and the many other types of fossil fuel to provide energy for your global economies is to end. Humanity needs to bring on line those discoveries that use the limitless natural energies of physicality. In effect, your world is at a crossroads which extends not only to consciousness but also to energy. You can no longer live on the surface of Earth in the unthinking manner that you do at present. New attitudes based on new understanding and information is needed in order to move into the new epoch decreed by Heaven.

This is simply a matter of survival dictated by the laws of physicality. We have come across the galaxy to prepare you for first contact, not to be a witness to your extinction! Our divine orders are to push this mandate through to completion if we are unable, after a sufficient amount of time, to achieve our minimal set of goals. We are approaching this magical point of no return. We need to give our many associates the time to carry out a legal coup and change your present governments; however, the time is fast approaching for us to take action. There are currently many lawsuits in courts throughout the world that are set up to eventually arrest those in charge of instigating the general morass that is responsible for one climatic and geophysical disaster (as you see it) after another. We intend to quickly resolve this environmental instability once our associates are in power. To do this, we intend to 'propel' them into power so that much-needed change can manifest around the globe. Your world is getting to a level of distress that cannot go on much longer. You need a means to lift you up and move you in a new direction!

Our technology is capable of resolving all current issues instantly. The only question is how Heaven intends to direct us. We have received many 'green lights' in recent times but were then stopped. It is not our wish to placate the dark cabal in any way; it is rather a matter of how Heaven sees this present impasse playing out. This is how we operate: we let Heaven have the final say in all matters. We make neither judgments nor a single move that is not in line with this policy. There exists a certain set of procedures that is predicated on how humanity's collective life contract is to be transformed by Heaven, and this sets up a divine timetable that we need to follow. Heaven is using this timetable in the manner of a prime directive to determine how you are to come face-to-face with us on a global scale. The final times are set and we expect you to shortly receive several grand, historic announcements. We suggest you view these surprises in this light as a whole parade of wonders is now ready to roll out before you! We are getting closer and closer to a mass first contact with you!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today with some important news about an upcoming event. Our sacred associates are completing a series of projects that will lead to the fall of the dark cabal. These projects have so far created the rudiments of a new monetary system; produced the basics of a new global financial system; and fleshed out the foundation of a new international era of global peace and cooperation. These things are only the thin end of the wedge. The many dark governments of your world now realize that the blessings of the Light are not just so many words but a powerful reality. As we wait on the verge of the announcements that will transform your world, we gleefully watch our associates filing multiple court cases and preparing the evidence for trials that are to push the dark from power. The time for our grand victory arrives!

The Agarthans are contributing to what is happening by giving us the means to contest the dark cabal by legally denying it its claims of legitimacy. The cabal derives its power from a set of structures whose legitimacy is now being called into question. Equally importantly, we have established the foundation for a new rule whose structure is rooted in the Light. This gives each of you your Creator-given personal sovereignty, prosperity, and the grounds for a return to full consciousness. These documents are close to where they can safely be brought forth to be discussed in full with you when your new governments are in place. This day is rapidly approaching. As the time of this reality collapses, so too does the power the dark has long held over you.

The natural progression of this solar system is to produce a new reality, one that is predicated on, and dedicated to, the Light. Here, the blessed decrees of Heaven will be made manifest, but this new realm's configuration cannot sustain the dark and its creations. In accordance with this up leveling, Heaven has proceeded over the past decade with a number of new alignments that prepare your body, mind, and Spirit for full consciousness. In this mode you become another glorious expression of Heaven. Our blessed journey has guided you toward this. Despite a great deal of resistance from the dark, we have maintained this full-conscious mode due to our blessed duties to the Light. Our song and our united energies have established this path, and now you are following it to your own ascension. We are ready, in the Light's full glory, to welcome you back to the wonders that we daily experience. Hosannas to the Lord!

Today we expounded on what is happening across your globe. We rejoice at what our sacred secret allies are doing to bring a new reality into being and grateful for what our liaisons report to us daily. A new reality, with full disclosure, is ready to appear on this Earth! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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