Lady Kira's Posts (2)

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Tonight, take the evening off

A friend of mine on FaceBook posted this a few minutes ago & I thought I'd share it with you.
Hope you enjoy.
‎(This one's for me and I trust it's for you too.)

Tonight, take the evening off.

Put the world back on its axis and let it turn without your assistance. It worked just fine before you arrived and it will carry on when you've moved on. You don't have to stand at the ready.

Get quiet. Take long, even breaths (5-8 count inhales and exhales). Be here now.

When you're fully present, begin to see each inhale as a pure white purifying light and each exhale as a surrendering to the power of Creation. Let it handle your every concern.

As the light removes the burdens you've been carrying, you can relax and be held.

You are a divine emanation, a vessel imbued with the Spirit of Life. Your highest calling is to honor this truth. When you lose your connection to this purpose, you are weakened. Outside forces, other people's negative energy, and over-working deplete you and take you off track.

Retreat. Return to your center. Stay here and let the Infinite restore you. Turn within, again and again.

Nothing "out there" is greater than what you are inside. Rest.

When you've reached a deeply peaceful place, choose a word or phrase that represents this space for you. It will be your anchor, a technique that will (in time) help you jump the gap from frazzled to fortified, instantly.

For many years mine was: Love (Spirit/God) is right here, right now. I used it everywhere. Use yours.

Tonight, I rest in the temple of my Spirit. I am safe, loved, and restored.

Sweet dreams.
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It seems we have some, that although well meaning in their original questions about current events, have turned their attention & focus to that of trying to discredit & in some instances slander other members of the Ashtar Command.

This is a very sad thing, as we are here to help RAISE vibrations for the things to come, not tear them down further.

Among some of the topics & people in question are a few links that were mentioned on another site. True there have been things that were told that have not happened on the scale originally planned, but that does NOT mean that they have not happened, or that they are not yet to happen.

Humanity has the freedom of CHOICE .. this does not exist in many different galaxies & universes. Humanity itself holds control of much of what happens here, and those who have come here to help have done so by Request of Humanity & Earth herself.

Because of the choices of humankind, there are steps that need to be in place & strictly adhered to by others not of this planet, galaxy or universe.
During this time, members of the Ashtar Command and other Command centers are very busy preparing things & making sure that those who are sincerely ready for the future events get the help they need as well as helping with the awakening of the planet as a whole.

NO ONE is intentionally being ignored.

WE ALL have our own callings & gifts, and there is no time or room for condemnation by those who are only here to cause disruptive situations.

Please be patient when asking those of the administration questions.. you are not the only one that sends messages and the time frames of Earth are different than those from other dimensions & galaxies. What may seem like months or years on Earth is only a moment in another space.

As with any other information, if you do not get a response as fast as you feel is necessary, DO YOUR OWN Research. Use YOUR  OWN judgement & discernment. If you seek with an open heart & mind, the answers will come to you or you will be guided to the information you seek.

Thank you for your time

Lady Kira

Astar Command

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