Laura and Mike's Discussions (6)

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I know I am a pleadian being

Hi there great to be in touch with other light. star workers walk ins. I am a pleadian walkin and have known this for many many years. I live in nelson nz and would love to meet others like me. I work as a clairvoyant chaneller with an entity called

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Dear diary

Today started off well and throughout the day i have felt very tired and with heavy heart as my son and his family are not communicating with us. I do miss my son and his family terribly and would love to reunite with them and have a light heart. we

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dear diary

the last couple of weeks have been really hard for me with family in the uk being very ill. I am getting lots of conflicting messages from spirit which is leaving me very confused and drained with te situation. nice to be able to get this o

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my name is Laura and i am married to mike we have just joined this site and wondered if there were any like minded people in New Zealand we could contact with. we are in Nelson on the south island but welcome anyone in nz. we would also welcome frien

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