Experience Oneness & Inner Peace
In this video, please join Matt Kahn for a transmission of healing energy to transform the pattern of loneliness into a doorway of greater connection and self-awareness.
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Advanced 5th Dimensional Universal Laws By Ronna Herman
& Archangel Michael
Beloved masters, over the many past years and in many ways, we have endeavored to convey to you the magnificence and all-inclusive meaning of Love/Light from the Supreme |
Beloved Jesus Ascension Anniversary
Greetings and Blessings of Divine Love.
Beloved family of the One God, the mighty I Am Presence.
Today marks the real ascension anniversary of our world teacher,
The ascended master Lover Jesus, The Christ!
May you t
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Earth is, at this time is a nexus point for so many different dimensions throughout our Universe. As Earth shifts so many other dimensions will also experience a shift including other dimensions of the earth-plane.
In this time of awakening and as
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Heart Healing With Mother Mary By Melanie Beckler
Dearest one, indeed I Mother Mary, am present with you in this now, opening my heart towards yours. Present indeed, with many nurturing and healing angels.
And so as you allow yourself to relax at th
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Patricia Cota-Robles leads us with Mother Mary in a beautiful and powerful invocation to help heal every human being with the Violet Flames.
In Here By Suzanne Giesemann
You are all off-spring of one Mother-Father. You are imbued with the same qualities, which include intelligence, creativity, and awareness. You are out-here for the experiences, whatever they may be. Where do you find y |
Focus On Everything Divine Within You: I Am All That I Am !
By Blossom Goodchild & The Federation Of Light
Well, Good Morning! The trend it seems, is moving into the understanding of who we are. Which is what you have always talked about. Yet now,
Art Of Transformation By Natalie Glasson &
The Andromedans
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Join Ascended Master Djwhal Khul as he explains being a Full Spectrum Human, accepting both dark & light within yourself, others, humanity and the Universe. He explains that you have free will to choose where you place your creation energy, yet are
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Rays Of Creation By Anrita Melchizedek
Bringing a focus to the breath,
breathing deep into the body, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in,
contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out,
grounding and centering to the energy of Mother Ea
Please join me for a transmission of healing energy to explore one of the most important insights to remember when interacting with others.
Experience the groundbreaking new full-length documentary film, Healed By Love, featuring bestselling author a
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