Luisa Vasconcellos's Posts (1571)

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Message from Matthew -- January 14, 2018


Message from Matthew


January 14,  2018

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is joyous to see so many of our beloved Earth family starting off the year with confidence and optimism—you shall see this approach is merited as the pace of developments starts to hasten. As much as we wish that everyone there had an uplifting outlook, we know this is more difficult for some than for others.
One reader’s long commentary includes, “There is NO sign of LIGHT disseminating the DARK. The Dark is getting darker by the hour.” And it ends, “If anything he [Matthew] states is true, it'll be centuries and centuries from now. Even to propose it may be forthcoming is misleading.” We feel sadness for this dear soul who has closed her heart and mind to the light in hope, thus its high vibrations cannot enter to dispel the discouragement she expressed, primarily about the direction the United States government is taking. 
We welcome this reader’s perspective: “How does Trump’s role as president help us get to where we need to go to be free?” To be sure, the United States is not the only country where stark divisiveness abounds, it’s that the president’s decisions can affect nations around the world. What you observe going on there, like everywhere else, is only the public face, so to say. From our awareness of what is happening off-stage and its gathering momentum in Earth’s energy field of potential, actions you may deem worrisome are catalysts for the ever-intensifying light to bring order out of chaos and usher onto the world stage reasoned discussion and ultimately reconciliation.
What we said in a message a year ago is taking form—nebulous still, but gaining in shape and clarity:
       Planetary vibrations will strengthen and advance only endeavors that best serve Earth and all her life forms; anything to the contrary cannot be long-lasting.
     Hard-won rights and progress in social justice cannot be dismantled. It is not the destiny of Earth’s peoples to go backward, but to move ever forward toward peace, mutual respect, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature. [December 9, 2016]

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Message from Matthew: December 16, 2017


Message from Matthew


December 16,  2017

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Each year during your season of holy days, the boundless goodness in your world is reflected in the sharing by those who have, with those who have not. Generosity, caring and compassion impart light in abundance, and in these days at hand Earth is aglow as never before.      
In previous messages we have said that your year 2017 ends the decade of delay in Earth’s peoples advancing spiritually and consciously because some souls reneged on their agreement to join the light forces after creating the circumstances that let masses of souls experience chosen karma. Now we shall put that into the context of what has happened to date and what is forthcoming.
Very few individuals were enlightened when Earth still was mired in deep third density only 80-some years ago. The profusion of light from other civilizations that enabled the planet to begin ascending was available to all of her residents, and volunteers came from their homelands to generate light as members of the society. Persons who responded by awakening started radiating their own light, and the increasing amount on the planet kept stirring others to open their hearts and minds. And so it was that throughout the decades the numbers of enlightened souls slowly, steadily grew. Henceforth, the numbers will swiftly increase until the light swells into a “love revolution” that encircles the globe and Earth’s Golden Age can begin to bloom in glorious fullness.  


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Message from Matthew: October 23, 2017


Message from Matthew


October 23,  2017

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. “Could you please ask Matthew to give us a message on how to get out of the fear circle.”  Let us first recommend that you not think of fear as a circle, which has no end, or, as expressed by others, a cycle, which implies automatic recurrence. The energy shifts that are happening with increasing frequency and profoundness are all to your advantage—beloved brothers and sisters, please do not forego a leap in spiritual and conscious awareness by letting fear dominate your thoughts and feelings.
Thoughts precede feelings by an infinitesimal gap, and when “what if” thoughts are about a dreaded outcome, fear about that imagined situation naturally follows. Change your thoughts! To you who wrote that you fear  not having enough money or losing your job, remember that the law of attraction brings to you whatever matches the energy of your thoughts and feelings—let those be of gratitude for what you do have, not fear about what you don’t or think you may lose. If your thoughts are about someone who is seriously ill or injured, pray for her or his highest good and send forth the unparalleled power of love energy, not the potent energy of fear. Do the same for the many millions who are in war zones or living in poverty or are homeless, and also to the dark ones, who most of all need it. And never fear that you are failing as a lightworker because you don’t know your mission—as divine souls created of the pure love-light essence of Creator, simply by BEing you are radiating that essence into the world.

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Message from Matthew -- September 25, 2017

Message from Matthew


September 25,  2017

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Deepening concerns surrounding North Korea have led to inquiries such as “Can ships land
if ET presence would avert a nuclear war?”
 and comments like “It
would be really helpful if disclosure and spacecraft landings happen
Dear ones, let us assure you that escalating rhetoric will not
lead to nuclear war, and if any missiles are launched with nuclear warheads,
crews in spacecraft will prevent their

As for disclosure and landings, what we told you some time ago still stands: God is in charge of timing as only He can know when safety is certain for the landing parties and
Earth’s peoples. Final details of official acknowledgement of extraterrestrial
presence will be tailored to that timing, but we haven’t heard of any changes
in the basic plan. Via a telecast beamed into all national systems,
internationally respected persons will announce that benevolent civilizations’
crafts are in your skies and some will land imminently. Next, well-known
dignitaries greeting disembarking crews will be aired, and if not at that time,
then soon afterwards, members of our universal family who are assigned to
various missions around the world will be introduced in a conference-style telecast.
As the society becomes acquainted with their visitors—and light beings
throughout this universe will be overjoyed to see Earth’s peoples mingling with
these family members!—the scientists among them and your teams of specialists
will pool their ideas and technologies and restoration of the planet will begin
in earnest. 

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Message from Matthew -- August 26, 2017

Message from Matthew


August 26,  2017
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by addressing a reader’s email that is much the same as numerous others my mother is receiving: “Every light worker I know is either sick or in situations which are less then enviable. It makes us wonder if it's all for naught. People are on the verge of exhaustion and do not have the energy level to keep sustaining others in either teaching or just being present. Maybe Matthew could give us some insight.”
Beloved brothers and sisters, you knew before you eagerly volunteered to help Earth’s peoples awaken that you would not be immune to physical, mental or emotional conditions that dense bodies are vulnerable to and you wouldn’t be exempt from hardships that are commonplace in a third density world. Of the many, many souls who volunteered, only the strongest were chosen—you are among them because your abundant inner strength helps you surmount encountered obstacles.
We know from experience that it is far easier to confidently choose such a mission than to manage its challenges when everything known at soul level is forgotten. However, along with the advantage of advanced conscious and spiritual awareness, you have information that most people do not. To keep on topic, you know that low energy can be one of the effects of bodies adjusting to increasing vibratory levels and, for light-filled bodies, the changing of cells from carbon to crystalline. The side effects of the adjustment process can be alleviated, and rather than enumerate the suggestions offered in previous messages, I asked my mother to note the dates. [July 4, 2013 and August 12, 2014 messages posted on have the most comprehensive coverage. If you are feeling depressed, reading April 26, 2010 and July 19, 2015 messages on that site may be helpful.] Thank you, Mother.
You know, too, that discouragement—perhaps because progress is coming more slowly than you anticipated—emits the low vibrations that not only lower energy levels, but the universal law of attraction responds to those feelings by providing more circumstances that evoke them. And, dear ones, far from “if it’s all for naught,” there is good reason to feel encouraged! Light beamed from powerful civilizations afar and increasingly radiated on the planet is uprooting influence of the Illuminati and their minions in governments and economic, corporate and military sectors. The illusory cold war with Russia they concocted will not achieve their goal of starting WWIII and neither will their covert maneuvers. The Islamic State, which they have funded and fostered, is losing ground. You are avoiding their GMO foods and agricultural chemicals, and the dangers of their prescription drugs are becoming widely known. Expansion in renewable energy fields is cutting into their profits from fossil fuel industries; and although the United States president has withdrawn from the Paris Accord, many states are joining the other nations in the Accord in efforts to decrease “carbon footprints.” Iran will not produce nuclear weaponry, and if any country launches missiles with nuclear warheads, universal family members will prevent detonation. 

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Matthew's Message: July 27, 2017

Messagefrom Matthew


July 27,  2017

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Many of you have expressedmuch the same as this reader: “With so much craziness and corruption ingovernments all over the world, it is difficult to see how we can transform ourplanet and its people into the New Age we envision.” We can relate tothat feeling because many of us have lived in those circumstances in onecivilization or another, and we also have lived in those kinds of civilizationsafter they had transformed their worlds into magnificence beyond yourimagining. Someday it will be so on Earth.

For millennia brutality, bigotry, deception, betrayal, avarice, warring, impoverishment and ignoranceblanketed the planet. Then, about 80 years ago, came light in such measure thatit yanked back the cover and exposed all the ugliness. That is when the seedsof a profound learning process were sown in your world, and what you have beenseeing is the clash between the “education” and the “students” who areresistant to the enlightening new courses.     

Only a comparatively few students are fighting to keep the old courses because those have let them controlthe world, and their resistance to the new will be their downfall. The majorityof resistors are immersed in prejudice—pre-judging the unknown simply becauseit is different from the known—which is passed down from one generation to thenext. With more education, more enlightenment, they will conquer bigotry bymastering the course of respectful loving spirit. In time, all peoples will beunited in conscious and spiritual awareness, and lightworkers are leading theway.

“I have read repeatedly & from trusted sources, that there are multiple, negative ET factions waiting to capture us outsidePlanet Earth, where they have the technology to remove & permanently stealour souls.” There are negative,or dark, extraterrestrial civilizations, but not anywhere near Earth, and offar greater significance is this: Souls are the love-light energy of Creator,the most powerful force in the cosmos, and regardless how advanced technologymay be, never will it have the capability to remove or steal asoul. Perhaps the sources of that information were giving their interpretationof the series of events in the continuum that led to Creator’s decree. Even ifthat is not the case, knowing what was decreed and why will help you understandthe state of your world today, and I asked my mother to copy that part of abook.   


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Message from Matthew: June 28, 2017

Message from Matthew


June 28,  2017
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. When you hear of natural disasters, fires, vehicle crashes and terrorist attacks, sadness about the lives lost and compassion for those who love them are natural feelings. Thinking of all the souls affected by such events and the millions caught up in humanitarian crises in the context of chosen karmic lessons so they can evolve is not a natural reaction, and at times you wonder if violence and suffering ever will end.
Yes, dear family, it will. Earth’s karmic merry-go-round is slowing down. When physical lifetime ends for individuals who cause pain and traumatic circumstances for others outside of soul contracts, they will go to the spirit world of a deep third density civilization, then embody in that population and enter their karmic cycle. People still will transition from Earth at the time they chose in soul contracts, but the society will know about the wondrous life in Nirvana and that love bonds reunite persons and animals who are dear to each other.  


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BLOSSOM GOODCHILD: June 18th, 2017



The Federation of Light 

Blossom Goodchild


June 18th, 2017
Blossom: Hello, Oh wise ones! A question was put to you by a gentleman regarding last week’s channelling. In that, you said Mother Earth, on a scale of one to ten … was seven.  Which surprised me, as it was so high. His query was … when was it at six?  For instance, if it was back in the Renaissance era, we have a long way to get to ten … and it won’t be in our life time, which he found quite depressing! Do you understand the gist of the question, in order to give an answer? 
The Federation of Light: Greetings to One and All … Each One of you Magnificent Humans, dwelling upon Earth at this time.
Blossom: And Greetings right back at you. WOW! Instantly, your Energy today feels so Light and uplifting. Let’s go for it!
The Federation of Light: In answer to the gentleman’s question … IT MATTERS NOT.
Blossom: Oh, he’s just gonna love that! Considering he mentioned that he’d like some clarity, ‘something of which’ he felt, ‘you were not that fond of.’! (In a humorous way.)
The Federation of Light: Yet, the Truth is, Blossom … THIS IS THE TRUTH!
IT MATTERS NOT. His concern is, as to what year it maybe when ALL can wake up feeling at Peace, without it being so hard … and when Your World is in a place of content and Joy. The Pure and simple fact is … whether you like what we have to say, or not … with respect … You can have that NOW. For there is only NOW.
That which Everyone feels they are working toward, is available NOW. You do not need to wait another ten, twenty, or a thousand years!
Blossom: Yet, our world is not in a peaceful place NOW … by any stretch of the imagination.


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9th June 2017. Mike Quinsey.
Time marches on and waits for no one as it heads for Ascension. Meanwhile the day approaches when it will be safe to release a mine of information that has been held back from you for a very long time. A great number of changes are waiting to be released that will transform you and your society in a very short time. The transition period that you are in will not last much longer, and will end soon with you having  being prepared for your ascension.
Matters have reached a level where there is no going back to the old ways put upon you by the old regime of the dark Ones. Their control over you is weakening and they do not have anything like the power that they used to have. Groups that run the black operations continue to command Space around the Earth, but are totally restricted from taking their weaponry outside of your Solar System. Steps are being taken so that they are unable to continue with their plan to dominate Outer Space, and the Blue Avians are also overseeing your progress to ensure success . They cannot otherwise interfere but are allowed certain exceptions due their historical association to you, and reasons that go back further than your known history.


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2nd June 2017. Mike Quinsey.
Matters are progressing well and the Illuminati can no longer dictate the course of Humanity’s progress towards Ascension, or prevent it from taking place. Meanwhile many aspects of the preparations for it have been completed, including the most important need for a new U.S. Congress that is ready to take over immediately the present one is dissolved. As you can imagination, there is still much work to do to curtail the activities of those secret groups that are working towards a one State Union. It will not come about as the power of the Illuminati can no longer dictate your future. Perhaps your main concern would be about Humanity’s future and you can be assured that it is in safe hands. Once the real changes commence you will realise that the Forces of Light have set up the foundations for NESARA to be announced. At the appropriate time when the emphasis is upon your safety it will happen, and from thereon beneficial changes will come in quick succession.
So go about your work with the knowledge that great powers oversee your lives, including the Blue Avians. Their numerous craft are stationed throughout the Solar System to ensure that no other entities are allowed to interfere with your evolution. They are very advanced Beings that are closely monitoring events to ensure that you are given every opportunity to fulfil your life plans, and assist Mother Earth with her own changes. The result will be a successful period of changes that will ensure both you and the Earth are fully prepared to ascend. Consequently, many of you are leading a hectic life by facing your final challenges to clear all old karma that you are carrying with you. Naturally you are not alone as you prepare yourselves for Ascension, and you will be guided in such a way as to give you every opportunity to be successful.


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Matthew's Message: May 30, 2017

Message from Matthew


May 30,  2017
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Irrational acts of terrorism and governments violently putting down citizen protests are inevitable as a third density civilization completes karmic experiencing so it can evolve. Please don’t focus on the sad aspects of such events, but rather steadfastly radiate your light, the mission you chose to help Earth’s peoples awaken spiritually and consciously and be inspired to transform their world into the Golden Age. 
We have been asked how “just radiating light” can help Earth, and others have questioned how light absorbed by bodies’ cells promotes growth in spiritual and conscious awareness. Most simply stated, light is consciousness, the information in cells’ DNA, and DNA is what designs all life in this universe. Some years ago I spoke about this topic and I asked my mother to copy that part of the message.  


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Blossom Goodchild, May 20, 2017


The Federation of Light 

Blossom Goodchild


May 20th, 2017

Blossom: My Dearest Beings from somewhere else! Here we are again then. Actually I have a bit of a quandary which I thought you may be able to help me with. A certain gentleman is very keen to hear the Truth about whether or not this Earth of ours is flat, under a dome etc. I have told him that this is not ‘my position’ to bring this Truth out … IF indeed it was/is a Truth! For reasons of my safety and Divine Plan timing … along with many other reasons why I feel it is not for ‘me’ to delve into this. He wrote back with this:
After all this years of reading your blog I guess going round and round in circles has me screaming to get off - or at least has me exasperated that if one supposedly has the ‘ear’ of higher entities, one might just get down and dirty with specifics.  It’s a bit like wandering into the greatest library in history and spending hours admiring the shelving and the colour of the carpet.
I get what he means about the library, and it made me think about it. Yet, there is something in me that feels right about not asking certain things. I think you know how I feel and what I mean. So rather than ramble on, I will pass it over to you. Thank you.
The Federation of Light: Welcome Dearest Blossom and all who walk along this journey with us. Firstly, we would say that for those who do not communicate with ‘Higher Beings’ … in THIS way … for indeed, you are all capable of communication … there is an understanding between both parties as to how communications shall be conducted. You are correct Blossom in that, there are indeed, MANY topics that we are not prepared to discuss. We ‘skip’ over certain agenda because it is not for US … we feel … to delve into it. There are many, many, many Truths that are to come out … as we have mentioned before. Truths that will completely stun practically the entire population of the Human race. Yet, these TRUTHS are certainly not for us to reveal … AT THIS TIME.

Blossom: Does that mean you will at a later date then?
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Hi Friends, I shall now be going to take a break for the next two weeks. So my next message will be on the 2nd June. I am off as usual to visit my two sons in Devon in the beautiful West Country of England. So I am
looking forward to a nice relaxing break.
                   The rest of this year should be very interesting and by the end of it the first major announcements should have been made.
                   Wishing you all a great Summer time - with Love and Light.
                   Mike Quinsey. 
12th May 2017. Mike Quinsey.
It seems that the negative forces are being driven out of their underground bases and unable to maintain global control. The cleansing will continue until they no longer represent a threat to Humanity, allowing greater control by the Forces of Light. It can only be a matter of time before their control over your news sources is released, and enable the real news to be given. Up to now you have to scan the Internet for the truth when many websites feed you false information. However, if you have already identified those sites that are reliable, you will at least have a reasonable idea of what is really happening.
So much news is waiting to be released and it will cover the events of the last seventy years or so that have been covered up. In general people will not just be amazed but actually shocked to believe that the truth has been held back for so long. The Illuminati have prevented you from evolving and at the same time they have “stolen” your money to fund their enormous secret projects. It is not just free energy that would uplift your lives immediately, but advanced technologies such as the food replicator. At a stroke these two advancements would lift people out of poverty and starvation. However, do not despair as it will not be much longer before beneficial changes will be introduced, and you will then know that the Light is in total power.
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5th May 2017. Mike Quinsey.
Each day you are getting closer to the point when the dark Ones will have been sufficiently subdued to allow welcome changes in yourcurrencies. Currently much activity is taking place to remove those that hidewithin the Earth, who are being told to surrender or face annihilation. Thisleaves the changes to be taken to clear their weaponisation of Space, making itsafe for welcome visiting craft to land on Earth. All these are necessary toallow the New Age to be safely introduced and without delay. Be assured thatpreparations for this time have been going on for quite a long time, and assoon as the “obstructions” have been removed events will go speeding ahead. Thechanges are overdue and inevitable and within a few years will have alreadystarted to transform your society.
You are now in a time when you must keep control of your emotions and not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind. It cannot besufficiently emphasised how important it is to maintain a calm approach toearthly matters, that at times may be disturbing. These will be the last signsof any significance in the reactions of those who do not understand that acleansing has to take place before the new can be introduced. The change invibrations will unsettle those who cannot accept them as they will be unable tocomprehend what is taking place. Until there is a free Press it is difficult toconvey the truth to all people, as those still under the control of theIlluminati will continue to be confused.


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Blossom Goodchild -- April 27th, 2017

The Federation of Light 
Blossom Goodchild


April 27th, 2017

Good morning to you up there … or wherever it is you actually are. Ready for a session?
Indeed we are. It is interesting how one thinks of us being ‘up there’, as if somewhere above the clouds there‘lives’ a whole new world!
Where would you say you reside then?
In a space …
In a space, or in space?
And there we enter a whole new chapter. For let us speak of space …
What you term as Space has a few conceptual meanings. You have the space around you … You may say ‘Oh, there isa space, I’ll put that there’. Or, ‘Give me some space’ etc. Then again, youhave that which you call ‘Space’ … out in the cosmos. A never ending spectrumof Universes, Galaxies, Planets, Stars … and where are we?
We are ‘In our space’! Everybody has a space. There is no end of space for people to occupy.
Ok. So, I occupy a space in Noosa, Qld, Australia, Earth … what’s your ‘space address’?

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28th April 2017. Mike Quinsey.
There is much activity taking place in Antartica and discoveries are being
made that will alter your history that barely covers your true Human
development.  There are very interesting finds such as the bodies of
extremely tall Beings, frozen exactly where they were when the freeze came upon
them. They came from a period many, many thousands of years ago and it is not
intended that you should get to see them. Those controlling such events want to
continue keeping you in the dark and keep the full truth to themselves. However
there are also those who are fighting for full disclosure and that is likely to
happen if they get their way. Certainly with only a small number of years
likely before Ascension takes place, there is a sense of urgency to get the
truth out into the open. It is your history that needs to be rewritten and you
have a right to learn the facts and they cannot be withheld forever.
These times are very testing for most people, particularly for those who
have little knowledge of the truth. They cry to God asking for release from
their experiences, without knowing that they are necessary for their evolution.
It applies all around and for many it is their final life in the lower
dimensions and why it can be hard going. However, the toughest times on Earth
are the ones that give the best opportunities to overcome much karma, and
progress to a higher dimension. Whatever level you are at these are times of
great opportunities that can propel you ever onwards. As always your Guides
follow your progress and do as much as is permitted to help you succeed. Call
upon them when you feel in need of their help, and more often than not they can
give it.

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Matthew's Message: April 23, 2017

Message from Matthew


April 23,  2017
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You are hearing sobering rhetoric in connection with North Korea, and we assure you there will be no all-out war with that country or any other. You also can ignore the media hype about Russia’s new cold war with Europe and the United States—Russia is one of the “backbone” countries whose goal is peace, economic stability and environmental preservation. And, North Korea’s nuclear missile tests pose no threat—ever-diligent crews in your skies would cause warheads to malfunction just as they have on more than a dozen occasions in the past few years. Acting upon the recommendation of colleagues on the planet, one of the crews caused the recent explosion of a missile seconds after launching as a psychological setback for the testing program and a means whereby the tough talk could be deescalated.
Earth’s energy field of potential indicates that dissatisfied citizens in numerous countries will initiate or continue anti-government protests and combatting terrorist groups will be necessary for a while longer; however, communication lines that will be opening will lessen and ultimately eliminate hostility between all “enemies.” Your compassion, sympathy and prayers flow naturally for the many millions who are enduring life-threatening deprivation or other severe hardships, but please don’t become caught up in the karmic drama that is playing itself out. Your steadfastness in the light is aiding and inspiring the peoples to co-create Earth’s destiny as a peaceful world where all share in the abundance and live in harmony with Nature.  

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Blossom Goodchild: 21st April, 2017

The Federation of Light 
Blossom Goodchild


April 21st, 2017

Hello there! I would like to continue on from last time, as I have had so many letters regarding this feeling of ‘observing’ one’s life etc. So manyseem to be feeling the same. For me, it is getting stronger. Oddly enough, Iwas talking to my husband about the old movie ‘Cocoon’ … about a bunch ofOldies being taken off to another planet to start afresh. I have a strangelystrong feeling of that! I know I won’t be whisked off … It’s more the symbolismI feeling, I guess. Any thoughts?
Greetings of a most bountiful and giving nature to One and All, Dearest Friends. Yes, we are aware of the Energy upon your Planet that is making somany feel ‘out of sorts’, as we have mentioned before. The plane fact is, thatthere are Energies transforming so much at this time, that it is impossible foryou not to be wrapped up in it.
So much on your Planet is offering the news of gloom and doom and yet, we offer news of a different variety … of a different Energy.
For you see, Dearest Friends … now is the time when the Energies and the transformation … this change … is so strong, so prominent, that you areactually experiencing it in a physical/emotional perspective … more so than atother times of shifts and changes. The Higher the Vibrational pull that isflowing in to your Planet, the more deeply you are connecting with it … For youhave ‘worked’ your way up to this point … and so much more is now possible.
The feeling of being ‘ready to go elsewhere’ as in ‘Cocoon’ … is indeed symbolic of ‘moving into’ a NEW place. A new perspective on life itself. Thesechanges that are taking place and the imminent ones to come … on a bigger scale… and leading you into the promised land.
This I do know, my friends. Yet, in all Truth I just cannot get too excited due to the time scale being so different between us. You have none … welive by every second. Yet, I must say, I don’t think I have ever felt such ashift, personally! And therefore, very much looking forward to it settling downand looking out upon the new perspective. In the immediate future of thisparticular shift, how will things be apparently different to us?

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April 13th, 2017

Transcript from the White Cloud Easter message 2017. ( Transcribed by Isabelle Harford.Many thanks.)

A very warm welcome to each one of you who has taken this opportunity to listen with your hearts, not just your ears to these wordsthat I offer this day.

My friends, I understand as I have worked with Blossom now for many many years,that you can sometimes feel despondent about the way things are going. And itseems that we, helpers and guides, offerers of wisdom from other realms, arecontinuing to relay the same old message, as you sometimes put it.

Indeed the message is old. It is from when Love, Life, Energy, formed.

These messages that come forth from me and others in Truth come from thebeginning. And in the beginning, there was Love.

And throughout, into infinity and beyond, my friends: the only message is


No matter what is taking place upon your Planet, no matter what is happening inyour own personal understanding of life itself. Whatever trials, whatevertribulations, whatever Joys, whatever happiness is your way:

Love is the thread throughout all that is.


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21st April 2017. Mike Quinsey
Events are ever moving at a faster speed and they are heading for the days when the truth of your existence will be revealed. In reality there is not much time left before the changes come upon you, and it would be as well that you are prepared for them. Your main objective should be to maintain your poise and keep a calm temperament at all times, as you will find many people become upset and at a loss to understand what is happening. The turmoil and continual problems of simply living from day to day are not helped by the continuing cut backs and threat of war. Some will ask why we do not intervene and as we have stated previously, you are the creators of your destiny and must reap the results. However, you are not allowed to take actions that are in direct opposition to the Plan for Man’s evolution that has been laid down by those who oversee your progress. Any such attempts will be blocked or diverted in a way that prevents any major changes taking place.
Decisions have already been made to keep you on the path that gives you the opportunity to ascend at the end of the cycle. Patience is still necessary whilst the opportunity is being created that will finally allow you to learn the truth about yourselves. You are great souls on your way back to the Light from whence you came, and the truth will set you free from all of the misinformation that has muddled your thinking so that very few of you understand your true selves. We reiterate that you are Beings of Light who dropped down into the lower vibrations having accepted the challenge to find your way back again. However you have never been alone in your travels and Guides help you follow a path that has been pre-ordained to help your progress. Having been given freewill it follows that you alone are responsible for the outcome of your actions, from which you will see where you need to uplift yourselves.

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