


Edmonton, Alberta


August 7

About Yourself

I have a very logical black and white brain, but can day dream and love immensely. My life changed for the better after suicide attempts in 2010, and I felt the love of the sun filling my soul. Led a pretty simple life in health and safety for a mechanical construction outfit. In Oct 2021, I got a little fed up with everything spiraling out of my control, wanted to at least make sure my stiff muscles got better, so I booked some treatment. That led me to correct spinal alignment Oct 27th and I saw a celestial being while stretching with my eyes closed. The being looked like my profile picture and I felt the immense love, I opened my eyes crying with happiness. That experience led me to do more muscle manipulation and more self care. My dog got injured in Nov, and I tried dog massage for the first time and the lady had pictures on her wall of zen and chakras, I asked her about it and that led me to taking her quantum reiki course. Tonnes of youtube videos later I summoned a UFO to appear outside my house on December 27th 2021 at 4pm in broad daylight - it was just an outline of a ship hidden behind mist, but the summoning ritual I did worked !! The ship turned to look right at me!!!

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Darryl Anka & Bashar teachings Kathleen Gaylynn - Quantum Reiki Master Matias De Stefano stories