Morpheus 's Posts (1)

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Read At Your Own Risk (Part 1)


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Do not be alarmed by my presence. I know you are probably thinking that I am not what I seem—but I don’t care. That is up for you to believe and decide. What I simply ask from you is that you read this entire post before calling upon reinforcements to banish me back from where I came from. For a long time now, I have been scrolling and clicking through the posts that have been made on this site. A mere shadow, studying the interactions made amongst yourselves and the other high members of this “crew”. It was only a matter of time before I decided to let my presence be known to this command center. What I am about to tell you all might not sit well with the ideas, claims, and the ground to which you stand. Dear members, how long do you intend on holding this masquerade?  Every single one of you is desperate to be a part of this controversial phenomenon. But let me tell you something, you’re not. Not even close.

So many of you preach the doctrine of light and love because together we are all “one”. Please tell me how can this be possible if you lie, insult, and deceive one another? I see the comments you leave on your fellow crewmate’s profile, I see the well wishes and holographic flowers and hearts you shower them with, but every single one of those comments you leave are nothing but lies! “Fuck you”, “Troll”, “Illuminati Bitch”, “Go fuck yourself!”, “Dark one”—these are your true feelings towards your “friends”. And why do you do this? Because they don’t always agree with you? Because they don’t believe the words you say? Because they decide to question the validity behind your claims?

And it’s not just the insults that are messing things up, it’s the many and ever changing predictions regarding the GFL, 2012, mass arrests, the ascension into 5D. Everyday I see new posts that have been channeled from higher beings and I can’t help but wonder why do so many of you choose to live your lives revolving around mere claims in which you can’t even prove they were channeled by true ascended masters.

Exactly how many people do Arch Angel Michael, Sananda, and Saint Germain need in order to rephrase the same old “news” that has been continuously posted online since the 1980’s? Or the GFL? How many “recruits” do they need to tell you over and over again that we have a “Green Light”!  I wonder if you even know that these ascending masters are already here on Earth. Some of them are even reincarnated and for all we know, they might not have  gotten back their memories. How many times do you need Greg Giles, Sheldon Nidle, Fake Drake, Anonymous, or Mother God to extend a timeline for you? Don’t any of you bother to research these posts? Majority of them are simply copied and pasted!  It’s almost heartbreaking when I see some of the members who have been following this “cult” for over 40 years and yet they KNOW that nothing has changed in this world.

But you want to know what really bothers me? I’ll tell you! Every single time I read a post regarding your so called past life, you ALWAYS claim that you were someone of great importance!

KINGS! QUEENS! PRIESTS! PRIESTESS! PRINCESS! PRINCE! DIVINE BEINGS! EVERY SINGLE TIME!  In some way or another during your existing in the past your presence led to human rights, new inventions, enlightment, and even divine guidance.  And yet, what I find funny is the fact that I found many of you claiming to be the exact same person: First King of Persia, Tristin, Isolde, Nerfertiti, Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, Marc Anthony, John the Baptist, Marie Antoinette, King Arthur, Merlin. But the most abused one of them all is the Merovigian bloodline. Exactly, why do so many of you fight over the identity of Sarah, daughter of Jesus and Mary or claim that they are your ancestors?  

I believe in synchronicity, I really do! But there is only so much coincidence before your claims are easy to decipher. I doubt having your middle name be Rose or being born in a catholic hospital are enough to prove you are a part of the infamous bloodline. Not to mention the fact that there are so many of you on here who claim to not just be one important historical figure, but all of them! And I’m pretty sure you know who I’m talking about.  

So tell me, does anyone want to claim the spot of Jesus’s wife? Better hurry up! This position won’t be open up for long. And what about King Arthur or Imhotep? No love for them? Anyone coming forward to claim Krishna or Muhammad’s consort? Or better yet, why not claim you are the divine planetary mother?

Stay tune for Part 2.

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