Immortal game of football
Here Nath Yogi narrates to all.
Who understand his call
For them there is no fall.
To play this one needs no money
Nor does one require things any.
Vishaya is the ball
Maya kicks towards all
And wants to make a goal
To win over the soul
She plays sans a foul.
The ego is the goal keeper
And the mind is the captain.
The remaining players are nine
Who kick the ball very fine
As they are free of ‘my and mine’.
If the ball is missed by the nine,
The captain defends it before the line
And goal keeper holds it on the goal line.
Mercy and righteousness are the sidelines.
Character and contentment are the goal lines.
By scriptures defined is the centre line.
Unselfishness is the name of my court.
Selfishness is the name of maya’s court.
Maya fails to post a goal
For he plays without a foul
As the ego is under the soul.
The loss to maya is ever certain
As the captain likes wisdom to restrain.
Truth is the umpire,
He plays sans a desire.
The world is the playground.
Him, peace and bliss surely surround,
Who hits the goal, defended by maya, of devotion
While defending his goal post of renunciation.
His coach is the Guru true
Who sees him ever through.
He plays the game for all the time
Of course in the day and at night.
Beholding self-illuminating light
He ever plays with delight.
The innumerable Perfect Beings are the spectators
Who are eager to cheer at and welcome the victors.
Whoever wants to reach Heaven
This game should be played for 24X7.
Nath Yogi’s football game thus I brief
By winning which you will have no grief
You can pass from mortality to immortality.
Note: Vishya = Object of the senses
Perfect Beings = Siddhas = Accomplished Beings
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
There are teachers many
Who rob the disciple of his money;
Very rare is the Guru who
Can show him the One in many;
Is there, like my Guru, any?
Who unites with the One in many.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
A rat if you do not smell
What I can tell and yell
Does he not go to hell?
If one follows the one
Who has followed none.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Gurus Grace Has No End!
Only two causes behind,
If Him, you fail to find.
One your Guru is not full,
The other you are dull.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
Only two causes behind,
If Him, you fail to find.
One your Guru is incomplete,
The other you are incompetent.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Eternal Father Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
For him booked in Heaven, is a seat
Heart is whose retreat.
From there He gives His beat
For heart is Atma's seat.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
How does one become a cheat?
If one obeys one’s heart beat.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
Him a cheat
Can never meet
For he is replete
With deceit.
Who hates to meet
One’s heart beat
Becomes a cheat.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
Course of truth is hard, of course.
Either by delivering a discourse
Or by listening to a discourse
Cannot change life’s course.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
If taught, truth can be spoken by a poll
Nevertheless, his mind he cannot control
Hence, the senses force false Gurus roll
As they lack required intelligence to patrol.
No use if people they may enroll;
What is the value of the Gallup poll?
However, false Gurus look for hero’s role
By maya, each is caste in a joker’s role.
Before God’s children, each is a talking doll,
A crane cannot become a swan whatever you cajole.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
Gaining good qualities is the end of addition.
Removing bad qualities is the end of subtraction.
Knowing ‘you’ is the end of multiplication.
Knowing ‘I’ is the end of division.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
If parents-in-law are venerated
And by whom no guest is frustrated
And husband’s lotus feet are concentrated,
By God, she will be venerated,
Her lotus feet are worthy to be prostrated
For by her my Guru will be generated.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
They are the blessed
By whom the senses are suppressed;
They are the blessed
In unselfishness who are immersed;
They are the blessed
By whom none is depressed;
They are the blessed
By whom none is stressed;
They are the blessed
By whom love is dispersed;
They are the blessed
By maya who are unimpressed;
They are the blessed
By whom mercy is never missed;
They are the blessed
On ‘I’ who have pissed;
They are the blessed
By whom ego has been dismissed;
They are the blessed
Whom God has kissed;
They are the blessed
By whom Guru has been impressed;
They are the blessed!
They are the blessed!
They are the blessed!
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
Closed is Heaven’s gate
When you engage in a debate;
With truth they negate
Who engage in a debate.
They are the great
Who avoid a debate.
A debate goes
On among egos.
There cannot be any debate
If ego they ate.
Winning a debate
Opens only hell’s gate.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
Have you ever heard “Adi Nath Lord Shiva teaching to a female disciple?”
Have you ever heard “Adi Guru Dattatreya teaching to a female disciple?”
Have you ever heard “Guru Gorakh Nath teaching to a female disciple?”
Have you ever heard “Adi Shankaracharya teaching to a female disciple?”
Have you ever heard “Lord Buddha teaching, not preaching, to a female disciple?”
Have you ever heard “Lord Zoroaster teaching to a female disciple?”
Have you ever heard “Lord Jesus teaching, not preaching, to a female disciple?”
Have you ever heard “Prophet Mohammad teaching to a female disciple?”
Have you ever heard “They accepting the service of women belonging to others?”
They preached the woman to serve her husband.
They were being so, but false gurus and false prophets
Boast of the female disciples and order the women of others to serve them.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Kanhaiah Ram Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
Truth can be laid with a pen
But fools require a machine gun;
People can be changed with words
But fools require swords;
Hearts can be won with alms
But cowards require arms.
When kind is tone
No need to stone;
Their minds are narrow
Hence fools require an arrow;
When truth is my brand
Why do I hold a steel brand?
When we all belong to the human bracket,
’Tis foolish to make a missile rocket;
When mankind is a single caste
But fools propose a nuclear holocaust;
When life is from womb to tomb
But fools boast of the atom bomb.
When hearts are open
Why required is a weapon?
When mercy has no bars
Why required are wars?
When merciful tears are shed
Why required is bloodshed?
When mind is in control
Why required is arms-control?
When mind is won
All becomes only One.
(Dedicated to the lotus feet of my Guru Siddha Nath)
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
Tigers wearing a coat
Made of skin of goat,
Resemble as they dote
On a currency note.
Them people vote,
People they tote
In a wrecked boat
But people re-vote,
One day they’ll revolt.
This I note
As today’s quote.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Siddha Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
Him no book can reveal,
Him no priest can seal,
Him no education can conceal,
Him no science can deal,
Him no enjoyment can feel,
Him none can steal,
Him none can offer a meal.
Know, all is His zeal
Our lives reel and wheel
Under His lotus feet’s heel.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Siddha Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!
If one’s speech is frank
But his practice is prank,
Him where to rank,
I say he is a crank.
**** Salutations To The Shoes Of My Guru Siddha Nath ****
The True Guru's Grace Has No End!