Chris Comish's Posts (37)

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Enter 2013

There has constantly been talk about December 21, 2012 being the end of the world. If you believe that, please excuse me if I offend you. It is my opinion that the world will not end. It will embark upon a journey, which it has been on since at least the publishing of Dr. JJ Hurtak's book, The Keys of Enoch® if not before when Dr. Usui first received a Reiki attunement on Mount Kurama. The opening of December 21, 2012 is the fully grounded opening of the next Golden Age which will continue for many years to come. This marks the begining of the official merge between space and time and time and space.


What does this mean? Ascended Masters will be working closely with incarnated initiates. Polarized consciousness will go to the background in favor of Universal Love. Right now the battleground is for our minds. Constantly we are provided media stories and advertising with subtle messages to be judging and separative. These are the last throes of the so called "Dark Forces." This is what the polarized mind sees. As we have grown in Shamballa, we see lots of free will trying to impress free will and forgeting the love. As we seen through un-polarized eyes, the Dark Forces want our attention. From the standpoint of love, Love is the parent and free will is the child. Free will is birthed from love but love encompasses much more. Remember apply love with free will and you have a solution. Remember love is the way, love is the key to our universe. It is the glue to heal all wounds.

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A Descension occurs when a vaster part of a person's own Spirit comes to reside in the body. Descensions of Spirit are an integral part of the Lightbody Ascension process. Everyone will experience this at some time. Often, as Spirit descends into body, a person feels magnificent ecstasy and bliss. There may be a sense of revelation, expandedness, clarity of purpose, and the sensation of seeing everything through new eyes. The subjective experience spans from a pleasant bliss state to complete disorientation. How dramatic a descension feels depends upon the degree of Light that a person has integrated previously, the rigidity of a person's beliefs about who they are and why they are here, and how extensively the Spirit chooses to re-pattern the bodies at that time.

When a Descension begins, the first change that is noticed is usually the sensation of heat, tingling, or electricity around the physical body. This is caused by a massive infusion of Light into the etheric blueprints to activate dormant Lightbody structures. This immediately changes the spin and overall motion of the geometries of the mental and emotional body. At the same time, it signals the physical body's cells to increase production of ATP. The DNA then receives the higher Light encodements from Spirit and mutates to actualize more of the Lightbody.

The physical body's vibratory rate often raises dramatically from this strong infusion of Light at the cellular level and releases old patterns from the emotional and mental bodies. Sometimes, a person actually feels like the molecules of their body are separating. With these radical shifts at all levels, often a release of density is triggered from the physical form, resulting in headache, nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, fever, body aches, and dizziness. This usually passes within seventy-two hours.

Sometimes individuals feel disoriented because the old answers to, "Who am I and why am I here?" are no longer available. Despite any discomfort, most people feel exhilaration, ecstasy and freedom. As psychic and multi-dimensional awareness blossoms, a new vaster sense of identity and purpose manifests. Spirit provides the activation for a complete break with referencing to the past and an invitation to live NOW, as the vast, limitless, and multi-dimensional Light Master that you are.

The focus of a descension is to get all of that vastness of Spirit right into the cells, to release the limitation patterning and to get the new patterns firmly in place.

Body's reaction: In a Dimensional Descension, a discreet facet of your Spirit from a higher dimension comes to reside in the body. This facet has identity, life context, and its own description of essence and function. It may have a species planetary, or star orientation, as well as, be able to recall where it came in from. People who have experienced a Dimensional Descension are often confused with walk-ins. The body has usually felt like something is coming and may be in dread. Often there is a feeling that they are going to come apart at the seams or that they are losing molecular integrity. This is can be frightening from the physical perspective.


When the individuated, embodied part of Spirit: the Soul, has completed what it set out to accomplish in a lifetime, it has three basic options: take on a new life goal, die, or walk-out. If the soul chooses to walk-out, an agreement is made with another soul to walk-in and continue the embodiment. This is neither "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," nor possession. It is not a requirement that a person be a walk-in to ascend. It is simply an individual agreement and another way of entering onto the planet. The walk-in experience is so very individual that it's difficult to give a definitive description. Here is an overview of possible experiences.

Usually, there is a "try-on" period of a few days or weeks when the new soul tries on the body before the actual transfer. The personality may or may not be aware as it often occurs while sleeping, meditating or channeling. There may be a feeling of someone hanging around or loss of time. This period lasts for a few days or weeks. The new soul is getting the feel of the body. Remember, some beings coming in have never been in physical bodies and may need to get the feel of being so densified. The new soul is also reviewing the DNA encodements and the existing energy patterns stored in all of the bodies and deciding what to keep or release.

Sometimes, right before a walk-in, the personality may feel a sense of completion with the lifetime. This may manifest as extreme fatigue, severe depression, or suicidal feelings. This is the personality's way of interpreting that a transfer is about to occur. The personality made or may not be conscious during the actual walk-in. If unconscious, the transfer often occurs during a deep trance or sleep state. On occasion, the soul chooses to manifest trauma to the body such as, accident, illness, coma, concussion, or emotional shock. This allows the new soul to more quickly integrate to a deeper level. Because all of the body's systems are disrupted from the habitual patterns by trauma they are, therefore, more receptive to the new soul. In the past, this was the most common route the two souls would undertake for the transfer of energy. Nowadays, the walk-in process is somewhat easier for several reasons. Everyone on the planet has begun the Lightbody mutation. For a walk-in, this means that the physical body is better able to accept a new energy at the cellular level and the personality can adapt to a new identity. More and more walk-ins are fully conscious through the whole transfer.

At the time of the walk-in, the old spiritual, mental and emotional bodies are released with the original occupant and the new spiritual, mental and emotional bodies are attached to the physical one. New patterns and emotions are brought into the etheric blueprint bodies and some old patterns are released. The etheric and physical bodies, as well as, the Keepers of the Legacy, are what keep some form of continuity.

The overall feeling for the previous life experiences is one of neutrality. Most walk-ins retain life facts without emotional attachments. Memories of the previous soul's experiences are much like watching a movie with the emotional sound turned off. This neutrality often means a feeling of detachment from emotionally significant people such as: mate, children, parents, and friends. The old issues, unresolved situations and personal difficulties of the previous incarnee, are often easy for the new walk-in to handle. They are likely to leave the unsatisfying marriage or unfulfilling job that the previous occupants could not resolve.

Much to the dismay of the people around them, a new walk-in often goes through strong changes in the personality. The personality is completely malleable at this time and the new soul tries on new character traits until a good combination to serve the new life goal is found. Also, changes in personal preferences are common such as liking different foods, colors, clothes, and lifestyles than the original occupant.

A new walk-in is like a newborn baby. Because the emotional and mental bodies are "new," they have not yet been imprinted from the environment. Like a baby, a walk-in is a sponge for the emotions, traits and beliefs of the people around them. It is vitally important that a new walk-in choose carefully the people they spend time with for they will be imprinted with those people's qualities and biases good and bad.

The most difficult situation for a new walk-in is to be around people who pull on them to be or be like the previous incarnee. This can be very tough because those people were usually emotionally significant to the previous soul, i.e., mate, parents, family and friends. They may not realize or believe that a transfer of souls has occurred. When these well meaning people project their emotions and pictures of the old occupant on to a walk-in, an overlay of the old energy called "ghosting" occurs in the new energy bodies. Clairvoyantly, it looks like a double image. This is so stressful to the physical body and personality that the walk-in may become ill or feel quite crazy.

The bottom line in the process of the integration is the physical body. Most of the body's consciousness has nothing in its cellular memory banks for the walk-in experience except, "I'm dying." If the body strongly believes that it is dying, it may begin to shut down the entire system. Also, the body may reject the new soul at a cellular level, much like it can reject a new heart or liver. This usually manifests as rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and the pain, swelling and inflammation can be sudden and severe. In extreme cases, partial paralysis can occur. The other common manifestation of body rejection is severe allergic reactions to food, soaps, clothes, plants, household cleansers, the environment, and yourself. Sometimes, usually in the very beginning, a new walk-in may have epilepsy-like seizures as the brain waves and electro-magnetic functions of the brain change.

Most physical and personality symptoms of rejection and disorientation pass very quickly with a little integration. But the process of releasing the dysfunctionality and obsolete pictures of reality of the previous occupant may take years. Strong grief states are common as the body releases these old energies. The trick is not to resist and express the grief fully as it comes up. Then it seems to pass quickly.

If a walk-in was unconscious, there is usually the feeling, "I have something very important to accomplish-if only I could remember what it is." As frustrating as this feeling can be, having a veil over the life goal for a year or so can be a blessing. It allows time for integration of the body, personality, and the lifetime.

When a walk-in is a fully conscious one, he or she often hits the ground running, so to speak. Usually, the veil over the life work is not present so, they may not take the time to integrate the body. Often, "burnout" occurs and they may become sick at about the one year point.

Some walk-ins never know what really happened-just that they went through a dramatic life change. The range of awareness spans across the board. Some souls may just have a major karma that they wish to complete. Others, perhaps coming in from other dimensions or universes, may be here to assist in this planet's transition to Light. There are many reasons for a soul to walk-in but the main one is that it is usually quicker to integrate a new soul into a new body then it is to grow a body from scratch.

Reincarnation in the Same Body (RSB)

This is one of three choices that a soul has when it has completed its life goal: die, walk out, or reincarnate into the same body. RSB's take on an entirely new life goal, shift the personality to experience the goal, and restructure the DNA to bring forth new skills and perceptions for achieving that goal.

Once again the change in personality, tastes, habits, identity and focus can be so intense that it looks like a walk-in. RSBs intuitively know that they are not walk-ins. The changes put everyone around them in a tailspin and they often go off somewhere alone for a couple of years.

Oversensitive, overwhelmed, alienated, burdened with karma, in the void, purposeless, forsaken, and lost are all common descriptions given by people after an RSB. They keep the same energy bodies because it's not a total shift in occupancy of the physical body. Therefore all of the karma matrix, emotional body attachments and mental closed systems are still there to be dealt with. They don't get the Grace period that Walk-ins get. RSBs spend a lot of their time and energy clearing those patterns in the two years in the Void. They do lots of completions with family members.

A near death experience often triggers the RSB. A choice was made on the part of the soul at that time. Not all RSBs have near death experiences, but most do, and these commonly feel like they're living on borrowed time.

About three quarters of RSBs are wrapped in an etheric cocoon for the two to three years of integration. They are blessed by this. The few RSBs without the cocoon feel like they are walking around with no skin. Everything is over stimulating and they often get sick. The truly frustrating thing during those years of integration is a feeling of having no purpose. They pretty much get no information from Spirit on what the new goal is until the cocoon is off or the integration is complete. They may feel suicidal at times and may have trouble with astral entities hanging on them.

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Words used in conversation derive their power from the meaning they convey. Mantra derives its power from the energy effect its sounds produce. Pronouncing a mantra creates a particular physical vibration in the form of sound that in turn produces various "energetic effects" in the physical and subtle body.


Each of the fifty letters in the Sanskrit alphabet corresponds to one of the fifty petals on chakras one through six, from the base of the spine to the brow. Sanskrit mantra vibrates to the letters in the words of the mantra, which energizes the petal, and attracts ambient spiritual energy in the atmosphere to the person pronouncing the mantra. In this way, mantra affects both our physical bodies and our spiritual consciousness.


When we combine the physical energy of mantra, the sound vibration, with the mental energy of intention and attention, we increase, strengthen, and direct the energetic effect of mantra. Intention, the reason we are saying the mantra, is carried on the physical vibration, producing an effect. This is the essence of Sanskrit mantra.


Prana is our basic form of life energy that is capable of being transferred between individuals. Some healers operate through a conscious transfer of prana; a skilled massage therapist, for example, can often transfer prana with beneficial effect. Self-healing is also possible by concentrating prana in specific organs.

When we pronounce a particular mantra while visualizing an internal organ bathed in light, the power of the mantra can become concentrated in that organ with great beneficial effect. The act of visualization, in this instance, works as intent, focusing and directing the energy produced by the mantra.


Fire can cook your lunch or it can burn down the forest. It's the same fire. Mantras, too, evoke powerful energies and should be treated with respect. There are even some powerful mantra formulas that must be learned and practiced under careful supervision by a qualified teacher. These are kept as closely guarded secrets and have not left the Far East.


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Healing Mantras by

Thomas Ashley-Farrand ~



Anyone out there using Mantras and getting great healing from it? The OM MANI PADME HUM harmonizes me.

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To love thy brother as thy self



"The Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve."
Matthew 21:28
The veritable miracle to one who has the single eye
is the awakening of a deep and profound love
for serving the brethren
of every land and nation
without reservation and without any tinge of hypocrisy.



Feel free to discuss this great wisdom

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Gas price speculators exposed

 Get the word out- Koch Industries is taking the world's money by taking profits while the rest of us suffer with high gas prices.


Another illuminati snake-den that needs exposure, another one to add to Monsanto


Greed, bribery and corruption all over the place. The deep webs of deceit.


I'm normally one for love and light posts, but this stuff needs our awareness too: to effect change on Earth for the better. The question is, what are we going to do about it?

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Presence from the Afterlife

I was cleaning my wife's car the other day, and discovered a stack of CDs near the glove box. One of the CDs was odd to me, because it wasn't my handwriting nor was it my wife's handwriting. It was the handwriting of an ex-girlfriend of mine from back in 1999. In 2005, she passed away in a car accident. So, it was a message from the afterlife. The songs on the CD-R were all of her songs. I thought this might be important that I suddenly found this CD that was lost for 10 years.

So I decided to discover if this was a message. I kept seeing my ex-girlfriend, Lynne, sad but I couldn't understand why, because I watched her go into the light in 2007 after performing a purification on her. She moved from the astral realms to the heavenly realms. When she was sad in 2007, that was when she was in the astral realms, before the purification, waiting for resolution.

I decided to contact her in the afterlife, using a method I learned. I always place protection on me first, and invoke Archangel Michael to protect me, to eliminate astral interference in the contact.

After begining the contact, I waited and then saw an image in my mind's eye. A white door opened and there she was looking at me, with her white gown on. I felt energy ground in my hand chakra and feet chakra points. The connection was established.

(Lynne): Appearing in a white gown, flying, not so etheral like someone from the astral realms (they are greenish hue or grey depending on their vibration), but she was more pure and with a more fuller look. "I'm so free!, you are going to like it over here," she said. I asked her to test contacting me, so my physical body could recognize it so that not everything was in my mind.

(Chris): She lightly touched my hand, but what I really felt was when she floated over me and rested gently on my body and I could feel some weight on me, and it was a little hard to breathe but it was fun. (I believe she could project energy into a density that is able to interact with the physical nervous system, chakra system, and depress my lungs a bit).

(Lynne): (Reading my mind). Yes the CD was a reminder of me. But it was not intentionally placed in your way. It was just something you kept. You can listen to it, I don't mind. Chris, I am very happy where I am and I can thank you for everything you have done. The sadness you see is a memory, an astral projection generated by your mind, your mind's memory keeps it alive. I am not sad now, I know you made amends. Everyone is taking care of everyone now. I was only sad when we first met, but I'm not anymore. But that was what generated the projection in your mind. When you see it, accept it as illusion that is generated when you have sadness of our loss of physical connection. It is a projection of your inner feelings. I am happy now and not sad and we wil meet again, so what you saw was illusion. This will be what you can work on yourself, to get rid of the illusion yourself. I am free! I can fly! I feel love! I'm with God and you will be with God too when you come over here. You are doing great, God has confirmed hasn't He? Since I know you are asking me about how you are doing, the evaluation of your current life would be a B+ to an A love vibration. You will come here when you pass, you have provided so much love and the world recognizes it.

(Chris): Tell me more about where you are.

(Lynne): She was all white. I asked her if everything is white in the heavenly realms, but she said, only when you want it to be and that was the color she preferred because it was the sum of all the colors, and the most pure, like God. She showed me how she can shift to color, and showed me her garden in full color, studying in the library, elements I saw before from visits to Shamballa. She was connected to everything, she could visit any planet, any galaxy, any timeline she wished. She also entered a white, pure, glowing room, and the Archangels were standing there with her. She said, this is God's Heart.

(Chris): I said, "When can I join you?" She said, "Whoah! Not yet. You still have a life to live and a daughter who loves you. You will return here in time." I couldn't think of anything more to ask at the time, so I said goodbye, but was happy I found a new guide.

The interesting thing for me, in my experience, is that someone in the afterlife can't really grasp me or tickle me (maybe they can but she didn't seem to do this to me or maybe it was too weak of a sensation for my nerves), but they can float over me and sit on me, and it sure is hard to breathe.

I had the same thing happen when I contacted Holly Bobo who was murdered in April. She told me her bones are in Tennessee. I asked her to prove that she was real. Well she floated over me and her energy density made it hard for me to breathe as she floated over me too. (I contacted her after purification, so that he vibration was positive for me when I connected).

Also the force someone in the afterlife exerts comes from feet up, so I think they mix in with your earth star chakra to exert physical force on Earth. That would explain why many times, the afterlife manifests on the foot of people's beds and sits and watches. It is close to the earth star and easier to manifest force toward the feet. The crown chakra activates and minds eye activates for the telepathic contact. The upper chakra telepathic/mind's eye connection is the easiest for the afterlife to maintain, but the earth star connection is what generates force to allow for physical-like contact.

So the next day, I listened to her CD and one song was a love song. I was a little sad, remembering dancing with her one night. Well she connected to me telepathically and said she wanted to express her love and showed me a trick. People in the heavenly realms can warm your heart chakra for you if you are sad or miss them- they are radiant love generators (as opposed to astral planes travelers who are energy, but they are cold, and their vibrations are somewhat distorted and not perfectly pure). The heavenly warmth is kind of like an astral hug. And I received warmth (love energy) from Lynne in my heart chakra, as she poured her love into my heart.

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Presence from the Afterlife

I was cleaning my wife's car the other day, and discovered a stack of CDs near the glove box. One of the CDs was odd to me, because it wasn't my handwriting nor was it my wife's handwriting. It was the handwriting of an ex-girlfriend of mine from back in 1999. In 2005, she passed away in a car accident. So, it was a message from the afterlife. The songs on the CD-R were all of her songs. I thought this might be important that I suddenly found this CD that was lost for 10 years.


So I decided to discover if this was a message. I kept seeing my ex-girlfriend, Lynne, sad but I couldn't understand why, because I watched her go into the light in 2007 after performing a purification on her. She moved from the astral realms to the heavenly realms. When she was sad in 2007, that was when she was in the astral realms, before the purification, waiting for resolution.


I decided to contact her in the afterlife, using a method I learned. I always place protection on me first, and invoke Archangel Michael to protect me, to eliminate astral interference in the contact.


After begining the contact, I waited and then saw an image in my mind's eye. A white door opened and there she was looking at me, with her white gown on. I felt energy ground in my hand chakra and feet chakra points. The connection was established.


(Lynne): Appearing in a white gown, flying, not so etheral like someone from the astral realms (they are greenish hue or grey depending on their vibration), but she was more pure and with a more fuller look. "I'm so free!, you are going to like it over here," she said. I asked her to test contacting me, so my physical body could recognize it so that not everything was in my mind.


(Chris): She lightly touched my hand, but what I really felt was when she floated over me and rested gently on my body and I could feel some weight on me, and it was a little hard to breathe but it was fun. (I believe she could project energy into a density that is able to interact with the physical nervous system, chakra system, and depress my lungs a bit).


(Lynne): (Reading my mind). Yes the CD was a reminder of me. But it was not intentionally placed in your way. It was just something you kept. You can listen to it, I don't mind. Chris, I am very happy where I am and I can thank you for everything you have done. The sadness you see is a memory, an astral projection generated by your mind, your mind's memory keeps it alive. I am not sad now, I know you made amends. Everyone is taking care of everyone now. I was only sad when we first met, but I'm not anymore. But that was what generated the projection in your mind. When you see it, accept it as illusion that is generated when you have sadness of our loss of physical connection. It is a projection of your inner feelings. I am happy now and not sad and we wil meet again, so what you saw was illusion. This will be what you can work on yourself, to get rid of the illusion yourself. I am free! I can fly! I feel love! I'm with God and you will be with God too when you come over here. You are doing great, God has confirmed hasn't He? Since I know you are asking me about how you are doing, the evaluation of your current life would be a B+ to an A love vibration. You will come here when you pass, you have provided so much love and the world recognizes it.


(Chris): Tell me more about where you are.


(Lynne): She was all white. I asked her if everything is white in the heavenly realms, but she said, only when you want it to be and that was the color she preferred because it was the sum of all the colors, and the most pure, like God. She showed me how she can shift to color, and showed me her garden in full color, studying in the library, elements I saw before from visits to Shamballa. She was connected to everything, she could visit any planet, any galaxy, any timeline she wished. She also entered a white, pure, glowing room, and the Archangels were standing there with her. She said, this is God's Heart. 


(Chris): I said, "When can I join you?" She said, "Whoah! Not yet. You still have a life to live and a daughter who loves you. You will return here in time." I couldn't think of anything more to ask at the time, so I said goodbye, but was happy I found a new guide.


The interesting thing for me, in my experience, is that someone in the afterlife can't really grasp me or tickle me (maybe they can but she didn't seem to do this to me or maybe it was too weak of a sensation for my nerves), but they can float over me and sit on me, and it sure is hard to breathe.


I had the same thing happen when I contacted Holly Bobo who was murdered in April. She told me her bones are in Tennessee. I asked her to prove that she was real. Well she floated over me and her energy density made it hard for me to breathe as she floated over me too. (I contacted her after purification, so that he vibration was positive for me when I connected).


Also the force someone in the afterlife exerts comes from feet up, so I think they mix in with your earth star chakra to exert physical force on Earth. That would explain why many times, the afterlife manifests on the foot of people's beds and sits and watches. It is close to the earth star and easier to manifest force toward the feet. The crown chakra activates and minds eye activates for the telepathic contact. The upper chakra telepathic/mind's eye connection is the easiest for the afterlife to maintain, but the earth star connection is what generates force to allow for physical-like contact.


So the next day, I listened to her CD and one song was a love song. I was a little sad, remembering dancing with her one night. Well she connected to me telepathically and said she wanted to express her love and showed me a trick. People in the heavenly realms can warm your heart chakra for you if you are sad or miss them- they are radiant love generators (as opposed to astral planes travelers who are energy, but they are cold, and their vibrations are somewhat distorted and not perfectly pure). The heavenly warmth is kind of like an astral hug. And I received warmth (love energy) from Lynne in my heart chakra, as she poured her love into my heart.



Chris / Qan Dek

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Purification of Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy was a distorted individual. I underwent the task of purifying him, fully knowing this would be one of my most difficult purifications.

I intended to purify both him and all of his victims, all of those listed in wikipedia and all those that were not found, were unknown, but still were his victims. This is an effort to relieve the Earth from all negative vibration and distortion that is in the earthbound realms and lower astral planes reflecting back to Earth.

Looking at the history of Ted Bundy, he appeared to have negative influence as early as the age of three, when he surrounded his mother with knives. In my opinion, this was a strong possession of him by a greater negative being...a being of carnage. A demon. He was puppetted by this demon his entire life and this strongly influenced his behavior. His entire family history indicates a strong negative presence in the house, with his grandfather possessing very hateful, abusive traits. Whatever was feeding in the family house was very attracted and attached to Ted strongly.

Knowing this would be difficult I added multiple levels of protection prior to proceeding. First I invoked Archangel Michael's perfect protection from all harm and all ill will and visualized blue light of protection swirling around me 3 times. Then I used dai ko myo, cho ku rei, sei he ki and hon sha ze sho nen reiki symbols on me 3 times each. Then I invoked God's perfect Light and perfect Unconditional Love to be with me at all times and that God was One with me during this process and beyond, I visualized myself in a beam of White Light directly from God. Then I invoked a circle of warrior angels around me protecting me from all harm, then I added the Seraphim, Cherubim, Elohim..then I invoked Archangel Metatron to place a circle of symbols all around me....the star of david, the flower of life, metatrons cube. Then I invoked Lord Melchizedek and Great Cosmic beings and Masters of Shamballa for this process. I was ready.

I visualized the group in front of me. Ted was trying to escape the process back to the shadow. Back to a very tall shadowy demon with red glowing eyes. First I invoked a team of warrior angels to secure the demon and keep it from interfering. This process was like separating conjoined twins. Ted and the demon were powerfully connected. Next I invoked Medicine Buddha (using the mantra 3 times...teyata om behekadze behekadze maha behekadza radza sammungate soha!) and visualized Buddha over the crown chakra of each..then I started...Buddha of Signs, Sound, Gold, Glory, Ocean, Light, Medicine...each purifying each with the nectar of purification saying each name seven times. Then each was pulled by the hara chakra into Medicine Buddha's heart for purification (again using the mantra 3 times...teyata om behekadze behekadze maha behekadza radza sammungate soha!) . I watched huge white flames purify the group, Ted Bundy being purified the most. Each was perfectly prevented from being reborn in the lower realms. I thanked Medicine Buddha. Each person was glowing. Then I invoked Quan Yin to spread the compassion of God on each...Namo Quan She Yin Pusa 3 times. Quan Yin covered each with rainbow healing light. It was done. Each was perfectly purified.

Now I invoked Archangel Michael to escort each into the Light. The victims of Ted all walked into the Light quickly. Ted just stood there confused and didn't walk forward. I said (and I believe AA Michael repeated)....Ted, you have just been you want to go to the Light? He still stood there. I repeated....Ted, you have just been you want to go to the Light?...Archangel Michael stopped the process. Archangel Michael said to cannot go back to the regions were you were, you have two choices to go into the Light or to have your soul purified and re-created in the Pure All Loving Fires of Purification of God. Ted thought about the options and reluctantly walked toward the Light. Several healing angels came out the Light and gently nudged him to walk forward. They held his arms as he slowly walked forward. Ted said..."I will go to the Light...I don't know about it and I never was will be an adventure," he said with child-like excitement. The angels walked with Ted into the Light. Archangel Michael informed me that, "Ted will have to be rehabilitated in the Light and will go to one of the healing hospitals in the Light, it will be a slow process but he will recover. He lost many fragments of love and luckily through your intention, you saved him in time. He will be well now."

The demon stared at me angrily but was unable to reach me. The team of warrior angels pulled the demon back into the hellish portal. It resisted and looked for more targets/hosts but then was pushed into the portal by the angels. Archangel Metatron performed a special sealing ritual and closed the door to evil through special magic and symbols.

It was done. More negative evil has departed the planet and its influence is waning.

I thanked all of the beings I invoked. It was done. The beings of Light applauded happily at me.
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Purification of further distortion

Introduction Part I- Before the ritual: Reading more wikipedia I ran into this guy. Very distorted.

I will purify him along with his victims. A) I don't want ghosts here and B) The guy was puppeted by an extemely negative vibration being feeding off of the acts, from its needs, it probably was a demon. I don't want this negative evil here anymore, I want Love here

The astral planes need to be cleaned up. These things do not need to influence us here anymore.




The Ritual

Part II, The purification process: Prior to this process I placed Reiki protective symbols on myself, invoke Archangel Michael's perfect protection, surrounded myself with his blue flame, invoked a circle of warrior angels around me, invoked God's perfect pure light so that I am in it and only unconditional love is with me, and finally I invoked the Cherubim, Seraphim and Archangel Metatron to do his magic.

Then I performed the purification ritual.

Well the children entered the Light but for the first time this has ever happened, Albert was only a shell, he was completely eaten by the demon that possessed him so long, Archangel Michael told me that he could not be escorted into the Li...ght at this time but had to go through soul purification, as the demon ate him up to his soul level and the ties were severly severed. That is really too bad, but it is the best for all of us. So his soul will need to be purified and he will need to restart elsewhere. So he was sent elsewhere for soul healing and the demon, although viciously trying to attack was put back by Archangel Metatron to where it belongs, in hell regions far from here

The children victims were saved, no longer wandering the astral planes of earth. I did my best with Albert, but he had 65 years incarnated possesion and then he was possessed as a shell since 1935, his energy body was almost completely eaten and only at the soul purification level could he be saved.

Quan Yin informed me she will take an active part in his recovery process, providing him infinite love and compassion

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Purification of more negative vibration

Today I purified many Mafia members who actions cannot be spoken of, but they were quite negative or there were a few that were murdered victims.

The purifications, the attunements, the wisdom...all part of the dharma of my mission in this incarnation and beyond.

I'm not going to repeat the Medicine Buddha purification ritual here but I did it with a large amount of protection as the group being purified was large and each was of negative vibration.

The following have been purified: Harold Paul Rico, Roger Wheeler, John Joseph Gotti, Jr, Constatino Paul Castellano, Carlo Gambino, Joseph Bonanno, Sr, Salvatore Scala, Thomas Bilotti, Angelo Bruno, Antonio Caponigro, Philip Testa, Angelo Corallo, Vincent Louis Gigante, Carmine Fatico, Albert Anastasia, and Meyer Lansky

Prior to this process I placed Reiki protective symbols on myself, invoke Archangel Michael's perfect protection, surrounded myself with his blue flame, invoked a circle of warrior angels around me, invoked God's perfect pure light so that I am in it and only unconditional love is with me, and finally I invoked the Cherubim, Seraphim and Archangel Metatron to do his magic.

There were many astral beings and hell beings trying to stop this process- black death wolves, wormy hydra creatures but between the angels and Archangel Metatrons Metatronic Cube, Star of David and Flower of Life, the negative creatures went quickly back to where they belonged.

Those purified were crying in joy and were worn out much like I saw with the case of those in the SS I purified earlier. I mean Medicine Buddha and Quan Yin purified them, I only invoked their help and watched the process under the protection of Archangel Michael.

May the Divine Light increase and heal the darkness and unite all into the One. May separation be vanquished forever. Wishing you each Abundant Love and Joy.
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Timeline of an incarnation

Chris Comish, a history:

Chris Comish six years prior to awakening, highly immersed in the Ego, 2000 (link above)

Prior to 2001 Chris is veiled and unawakened but has odd interest in parts of the Bible and in the Stars

Lynne broke up with Chris a few months after this photo and got together with his friend Pete from college, 2001

2001-2003 Chris is in the role of sitting on the fenceline (undecided)

Chris almost died in 2002 due to near car accident (too fast on the autobahn with sportscar)

Chris deployed to War in 2003 and has bad feelings about his purpose there

Chris almost died in 2004 due to near car accident (hydroplaning on water, vehicle spun around at high rate of speed)

2004-2006 Chris shifts to role as aspiring student

Lynne was killed in a car accident on November 14, 2005- car slid on ice and fell off cliff into icy creek. Cause of death blunt trauma and drowning

Chris got his first Reiki healing in Summer of 2006 introducing him to spiritual energy

Chris vows to God to be of service to all beings

Chris left the Army in 2006 at the rank of Captain for a greater spiritual service & purpose

2007-2008 Chris shifts to role as Student

Chris found out about the passing of Lynne in 2007

Chris decided to bridge the spiritual world and physical world by learning after life contact techniques from Steve Murray in 2007

2007 Chris contacts the spiritual earth (lifting the veil)

2007 Chris takes every Reiki attunement he is able to

Chris contacted Lynne and attempted to pass messages 2007-2009 (Chris received 3-6th initiations) Lynne was in 4D

2008 Chris takes Lightarian series

2008-2009 Chris contacts the solar, galactic and universal levels for the first time (beyond ring pass not)

2009 Chris takes Axiatonal Lines Connection

2009 Chris begins attuning others on Ning sites

2009 Chris believes he will pass into Light, but does not. Sanat Kumara explains he has a greater purpose and more work to do.

2009-2010 Chris writes his first 6 books, attuning the world and Chris also begins the City of Shamballa social network to reach more

2009-2010 Chris shifts to role as Teacher

Chris purified Lynne in 2010 after learning the Medicine Buddha Ritual (Chris received 7th initiation). Lynne is now in 5D+ and blessed

Chris got in touch with Pete over the internet, called him and forgave him in 2011. They are friends again

2011 Chris shifts to role as Guide

2011 Chris finishes his 6 Ascension Rays books sharing Rays with the world

Chris continues sharing Divinity with the world and purifying all and also refining himself to be of the greatest service to all beings
(Chris working on 8th initiation)
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Purification of Osama bin Laden

Last night I performed the purification ritual for Osama bin Laden.

As with all other purification rituals I have performed, they take place in the void also called purgatory. It is the meeting place between areas. It is the separation between heavenly realms and hell realms. It also contains a tunnel which leads to Earth. It is a place of reflection, a place of decision prior to returning to the wheel of life, a place where many who pass that are not of heavenly or hellish vibration remain until they make the decision to return to Earth. In the void there are portals to the heavenly realms and also to the hellish realms (they are on different sides of the void). It is all a matter of vibration in the afterlife. The purer lighter vibrations of the void head towards the heavenly realms, and the denser heavier vibrations head towards th hellish realms. It appears the heavenly realm inhabitants only enter the void when asked. The hellish realms inhabitants are blocked by vibration from entering the void but do try to coerce those in the heavier vibrations of the void to enter the hellish portals on occassion.

First, because I felt this process may be dangerous, due to the vibrations that were surrounding Osama bin Laden, I invoked Archangel Michael's protection for my highest and greatest good. I intended to perfectly purify Osama bin Laden for his highest and greatest good and return him to the Light. I saw Osama bin Laden in my mind's eye. He was looking like he did 10 years ago but was appearing serious. He saw me and looked a little perplexed when he saw me. (I am on Earth and viewing the void through a tunnel/we see each other through the tunnel, which on my end, ends at my mind's eye). I performed the Medicine Buddha portion, invoking Medicine Buddha with his mantra Teyata Om Behekadze Behekadze Maha Behekadze Radza Sammungate Soha 3 times. Osama looked up and saw Medicine Buddha floating over him. Then I watched the Buddha of Signs, Sound, Gold, Glory, Ocean, Light and Medicine clear Osama with the nectar of purification. His serious demeanor changed to a smile after the Buddha of Gold's nectar. Then Medicine Buddha pulled Osama into Buddha's heart. At that point there was something that I last saw when I purified Adolf Hitler: A niagra falls type rushing of purification water washed over Osama bin Laden. It was a very very deep cleansing. I intended Osama was prevented from being reborn in the lower realms. Then I invoked Quan Yin to spread compassion of God to Osama by says Namo Quan She Yin P'usa 3 times. I watched Quan Yin bathe Osama in rainbow light of compassion. It was done. He was purified. At the end of the process, a tear fell from his eye, maybe because of joy maybe because of reflection on his Earth life, I am not sure.

Then I invoked Archangel Michael to escort Osama bin Laden into the Light. A portal of Light opened and Archangel Michael stepped out in front of Osama bin Laden looking at something. Perhaps attracted by Osama's original vibration trying to keep him in the hellish realms, a giant 30-40 foot tall Cerberus type black hell dog was gnashing its teeth and trying to grab Osama to return him to the hellish realms (although purified, Osama was not in the Light yet and the darkness tried to bring him back to hell. I last saw this monster when I purified Adolf Hitler. See for pictures of it. It is an enormous monster of destruction and carnage and seems to feed off of this violent carnage energy. After reading about this monster, it is one of the guard dogs of hell, and typically does not enter the void and stays in the lower realms of hell. But somehow this monster followed Osama bin Laden out of the hell portal and tried to grab him. Accompanied by this monster were 2 firey hell hounds (the type I saw when purifying Gaddafi's son). It appears the firey hell hounds are from lesser regions of hell, while the Cerberus type giant dog is from the lower greater regions. Archangel Michael picked up Osama and lightly tossed him into the portal of Light. Apparently he knew this thing was extremely dangerous and it was trying to bite and destroy everything around it. He also jumped into the portal and closed it. Then this monster sensed me viewing the process and snapped at me. Thankfully Archangel Michael had placed a force field of protection around me (remember I invoked his protection before the process). The monsters bite was reflected off of me. Then suddenly Archangel Michael returned. He was leading many many warrior angels. The angels eliminated the firey hell hounds. The Cerberus dog was extremely powerful and could not be eliminated by the angels' swords. Suddenly blue glowing ropes of Light appeared out of the air. Each end wrapped around this monster's feet and more ropes tied the monster's mouth shut. Then all the angels including Archangel Michael secured the monster and pushed it slowly back into the hellish portal where it came from. The being was returned to where it came from and Archangel Michael placed another wall of Light near the portal to keep it from escaping again. It was done. Archangel Michael returned to me, placing his sword into the ground and said, "You did something great today. It is an honor to serve you." He smiled and returned to the Light with his fellow angels.
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Here is a summary of my experience clearing the Dachau Concentration Camp.For a background on the Dachau Concentration Camp please read anyone reading this blog is in the area of Poland or Czech Republic and interested in space clearing Auschwitz it would be an honor to have additional support. of all I am going to start this blog with a quote from a prisoner about his fellow prisoners:"They had faith that could not be shaken. They were patient without artifice and it was not uncommon that they shared the little food they had with a more hungry prisoner. Their faith, which could not be shaken, enabled them to endure with utter scorn all the terrible harassment that the SS subjected them to."- "Island of Military Law" Prisoner account by Alfred Hübsch (1937-1945) in the Dachau Concentration Camp.Remember this quote well. The Light, Love and Presence of God within you is your support through the difficult times.Now to move into what horrible things happened at the camp:"The SS forced labor was a sign that recalled ancient egyptian slavery"A quote from an SS Doctor (hallmarks of the service to self attitude): "The work is going very smoothly because the heads are already typed...I eat in the camp today, at midday there was lentil soup with bacon in the mess, and then omelet for after the meal we went for a walk in my bed, I am sleeping extremely well. Hopefully things are as good for you as they are for me; I feel splendid." - Letter by Friedrich Mennecki (SS Doctor) from the Dachau Concentration Camp while the prisoners suffered, the SS lived in luxury.With invented diagnoses SS doctors, who had sworn the Hippocratic oath sent hundreds of persons to death daily. Mennecke viewed his activity as satisfying work- Doctors became murderers.Another quote: "Although I could only begin half and hour later early this morning today a record was broken...I completed 230 registration sheets." -SS Doctor Mennecke referring to the murdered.The Prague chaplain Jaroslav Zamecnik was arrested by the Gestapo in September 1942. On October 1942 he arrived at the Dachau concentration camp. On November 10, 1942 together with 19 other clergy, he was selected for phlegmon experiments and transferred to the sick-bay. He was infected through an injection of pyogenic organism in his thigh. He did not survive the treatment due to ineffective biochemical tablets. He was the first to die in this series of experiments from sepsis on November 23, 1942."You will be my witness" - Prisoner account of Kazimierz Majdański (1941-1945) to another prisoner in the Dachau concentration camp upon his selection for the phlegmon experiments.Overall 185 clergy (176 Poles) were infected with malaria by SS Doctors. Phlegmon experiments were carried out on 40 of them (38 Poles). 12 lost their lives.Referring to the SS torture of the prisoners- hanging them from poles by the limbs:"These are the torments of hell! The whole body weight hangs from the arms that are twisted backward. And the monsters stand in front of you and laugh at your pain, ask you whether you want now to confess, slap you in the face, and pull and tug at your body. When you stay silent they swing you, often they whip you at the same time." - The Powerful and the Helpless, prisoner account of Edgar Kupfer-Koberwitz (1940-1945 in Dachau)"During the real beatings "Herr" SS Hauptsturmführer Zill placed great value on the SS men using all their strength. But it was not allowed to proceed too quickly. Calmly smoking his cigarette, he repeated again and again: 'slowly, slowly, he's to thoroughly enjoy this'"- We Accuse, Prisoner account of Julius Schätzle (1939-1944 in Dachau).This service to self polarity, also called negative polarity did terrible things to people at Dachau and at Auschwitz and many other places.So I undertook this work as an instrument of God to cleanse these spaces to release the darkness on Earth and return Love to the planet.With God flowing through me, I blessed all. I intended that those that suffered in misery be at peace and in a place full of abundance. I prayed that the SS were forgiven for their actions and that all beings were blessed by God. I surrounded all with Archangel Michael's blue light of protection and visualized an enormous portal of light opening with thousands of etheric bodies leaving the darkness and entering the light escorted by the Archangels and Angels.It was hardest to look at the pictures of the SS Commanders smiling looking at the prisoners as bodies/caged animals and not human beings. The prisoners had the look of misery as both were on different sides of the barbed wire fence.In contrast, I never saw so much joy in the faces of the prisoners until they were liberated. Thousands of misery faces became thousands of smiles. I did not notice any former prisoner without a smile on their face in the picture I looked at of hundreds of happy faces. The picture was taken in front of prisoner buildings 22 and 33. 22 is code for in the middle of/on the road to ascension and 33 is code for decision. The decision made that day by the liberators brought all on the road to ascension, returning to the Light.My work involved connecting to the pictures, video footage of life in the camp, and individual places and then cleansed them with white and golden light.Here is a positive quote I discovered on my visit to the bunker (a site of tremendous pain):Paul Wauer (1900-1979) was a prisoner assistant (prisoner that had to clean and maintain the bunker for the SS) in the bunker of Dachau until December 1943. He was a Jehovah's Witness and arrived in Dachau in July 1942 after being in a satellite camp. There were positive reports about Paul Wauer from his fellow prisoners. He sometimes secretly snuck water and bread into the cells of other prisoners.I felt significant psychic activity in the bunker, the solitary confinement maximum security prison inside the concentration camp. There were 4 pictures fo the SS Prison Wardens on the wall. They each were responsible for many brutal beatings and prison deaths. I prayed to God for their forgiveness and that they be blessed. Then my crown chakra activated. I walked through each cell and bathed it in golden/white light purifying all dense energies of fear and misery. Also I bathed the entire concentration camp in golden-white light and prayed hard to God- Father please release all souls imprisoned in this place and let them be in eternal peace and love for their highest and greatest goods. Please purify this place. Please make Dachau a place of Love. And it is so. God's Will be done. It is done. Amen.Finally this place was a place of negative polarity. The SS were expressions of the service to self polarity.The helping of fellow prisoners and liberation of the prisoners was an expression of service to others.I was quick to pray and bless those that were the prisoners. But I was slow to forgive the SS, but I did it anyway. It was a test of existing from a place on non-duality and oneness. Another hard task but a learning step in in the direction.Bless All. All need Love. Both polarities. All need Love. All are expressions of God. Love. Don't condone actions or take sides between people. Just Love.So as I was touring the museum, there was a tourist that read a sign outloud to their fellow tourist friend that was a quote from the SS speaking to the newly arrived prisoners- "From now on you have no property, no rights, no dignity and are a pile of sh*t"I was looking over their shoulder when they read it. This tourist thought it was funny and laughed to the other tourist. This response was no different than the SS laughing at the pain of others. I was immersed in compassion for the prisoners and felt deep sadness putting myself in the place of the prisoners and held back tears. I forgave the tourist and asked God for their forgiveness for their unawakened actions that were of the mind and not of Love.We are all things. We are the prisoners and we are the SS because of free will. And we have a we choose free will over love or do we let love guide our free will? Shall we open the heart or follow the mind and its workings?May we learn from this point in history that Love is what is needed. Unselfish unconditional Love for all. Separation and fear do not exist in those conditions. May all be blessed, purified and one with God.Father, even in the darkest hour in the place full of the deepest misery and terror you are with us. You are there within us loving us unconditionally. Your radiance flows through us, we are your instruments. We are your humble servants always and forever.As I express my gratitude to God for the ability to be an instrument of God overcoming where my human strength is limited, resting in God and receiving great strength from God to fill all with Love, the Masters in Shamballa are applauding and God is smiling at me saying you are blessed and will ascend soon. May all be blessed, may all unite with God and ascend into God's heart of perfect unlimited Love.Sending my Love and Greetings your way.Namaste,Chris / Qan MelchizedekP.S. Here is a song encouraging radiance of Love & Light:P.S. Someone asked me specifics of how I cleansed certain difficult spots. First before I arrived I called for Archangel Michael and the Army of Angels to sweep down and cleanse the area binding the darkness and transforming the entire area to Love & Light- team effort from both spirit and human is very helpful- humans bring the Light to Earth and Spirit (Angels in this case) connects to the Spirit Worlds and does its part (like binding demons, escorting the dead into the Light etc). So, then I went to several areas. I felt residual demonic presence in the bunker (felt resistance to my energies like a push/pull magnetic feeling...two magnets turned around not attracting but repelling each other). This was where the SS carried out murder and horrible torture. Also I felt some demonic presence in the crematorium areas where they stacked the dead bodies of the prisoners prior to cremating them. I called upon Archangel Michael to please cleanse the Dachau concentration camp from all demonic presence (two areas) and ghost presence (all areas). Archangel Michael responded: "Do not worry. Have faith. It has been taken care of. All ties have been cut. All darkness has been shattered. Love exists now." (Darkness shattering refers to how dark energy builds like black sticky sludge in the energy fields blocking the Light....the darkness was broken apart by the swords of the angels)
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Daily Protection

Writing this blog to give you an idea of some daily protective rituals that I do.

You may choose to emulate or do you own.

Before I start my car I pray to Archangel Michael that I am perfectly protected from all harm and all ill will today for my highest and greatest good. I place the cho ku rei symbol on myself and watch blue light from Archangel Michael swirl around me 3 times. Then I repeat the process for my car, then for my wife, then for my daughter, then for my wife's car.

Then I drive and while commuting to work I place the cho ku rei symbols and blue light of Archangel Michael on those I feel that need it....if there are distortions or if there is imbalance. Examples: accidents, cars on the side of the road needing towing or help, people driving too fast/tailgating, trucks that pull out in front of fast moving cars etc. Also I do this for ambulances and fire trucks. If I see the people on the side of the road I will blanket them with symbols & light as well as their vehicles. For the accidents or injuries I will also pray and send Reiki to help their situations. Also during the day (and night), not just with cars but anywhere...people having trouble briefing their bosses at work, pedestrians crossing the busy road, bicyclists, anywhere where I see or feel imbalance.

Never has the protection failed. Many distortions have been balanced and successful outcomes achieved. Have faith you are here to be compassionate to your brothers and sisters. All is well. Each act of service you do is remembered.

Just a snapshot of what I do every day, wishing you the best of success in your service to others as well.

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Purification and Dreams

First of all, Gaddafi's youngest son, Saif al-Arab was killed in a bombing. I performed the purification ritual on him. As I completed I thanked Medicine Buddha and Quan Yin. Then I called for Archangel Michael to escort him into the Light (entering the Light enters the Master Vibration of God which releases all negative implants, templates etc). He looked very scared but was happy to be blessed. Archangel Michael was standing with his usual 8 foot tall stature. He was standing in front of the portal. Then he looked and noticed something. Chasing Saif was a large firey hell hound. Archangel Michael saw it and quickly escorted Saif into the portal of Light, then blocking entry to the portal he pulled out his blue sword and beheaded the firey hell hound before it could catch Saif. It instantly disappeared and Archangel Michael entered the portal and closed the portal. I was watching the spirit realm actions from Earth.

As I fell asleep I asked that my human body be filled with my oversoul and purified. I intended to be a vessel of Divine Will and Divine Love. I intended to release the human self for the Divine Self. I felt my monad entering my feet and squeezing into my finite body. Then I fell asleep.

As I slept I had 3 dreams.

Dream # 1

I forgot I was to get an award and was reminded by my boss that my award presentation was to begin downstairs in 9 minutes. When I arrived I was the last of 2 awardees. An entire crowd was in a large room including many higher ranking/prominents in the audience. I had a black overcoat on but I forgot my pants and had only shorts on. As my name was called I was concnetrating only on hiding my exposed legs. I got to the front and bowed before the presenter. It was a formal function. They gave me the award. I said thank you (the audience waited for a speech) but I quickly left the audience because of my discomfort with only shorts on. Afterward, I didn't know what the award was for, I read the certificate in which very much love was put into the writeup. I decided on my own accord in the past to donate blood during a blood donation at my work. It turned out, unknown to me, that I was the perfect match for someone who was dying and needed blood. I saved their life without knowing it and was a hero. My boss stopped by and asked how the presentation went and I said it was good. Then he said if anything needed changing on the award certificate to let him know. I said it was perfect.

My interpretation: The exposed legs were self explanatory. Last night I forgot to wear my pajama pants and my legs were cold. This was disrupting the dream and returning me from the dream world/astral plane to my cold human body. The award was maybe symbolism for the reward for work of spirit being done on Earth, costing much of my own blood but saving lives.

Dream # 2

I was watching a long line at the bank. A father was there with his teenage son. The teenage son wanted to do what he wanted and argued with the father that he wasn't always going to do what his father wants. The son wanted to leave the bank and the father said for him to stay in the line. I blessed them both and invoked Archangel Michael's protection for each, balancing the situation as much as could be done.

Interpretation- this dream is filled with duality, with an audience. I am to perform Earth service despite the audience/perspectives of the Earth's inhabitants and perform unity despite the dualistic nature.

Dream # 3

I dreamt I was on a busy bus full of people. I saw an angel sitting with each person. The people didn't notice the angels but they were smiling at me.

Interpretation- the angels are here with us to protect us and wait for us to ask for help, even if we don't seem to notice them.

I woke up this morning and saw the news that Osama bin Laden was killed. I will not let duality and the mind win in this interpretation. Although many are celebrating his death, I may remind you Al Qaeda celebrated the death of the Western nations' populations. So may I ask you in this situation, who is the murderer? The answer is easy...both. The bombs killed Pakistanis and Afghan families, as did the World Trade Center bombing and all the military losses in the wars. So we are in the tennis match of duality. It is similar to my dream. From each angle one is correct in their own way. I advise you to step back from duality and enter unity. Unify the forces, don't take sides. The solution to release of separation and duality is universal unconditional Love. So I will be performing the purification for Osama bin Laden tonight as I would for Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld if they passed. I performed it for Saddam as I would for Gaddafi. I perform it for the vicitms of war and the oppressors. I perform it for anyone who passes. Why? All beings deserve Love. The purification ritual invokes the master vibration, releasing all that is not it only helps. As we purify those that are deemed "dark" we purify the sections of us that are deemed "dark" which separate us. As we purify others, so we purify. As we release others from duality, so we release ourselves. We are all One, and since we are One...what we do to others is done for us.

Wishing much Love to all of you,
Chris / Qan Melchizedek
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About Faith

(Chris/Qan Dek): As I write this I want to express my deepest gratitude to God, the Archangels, the Masters and the Great Cosmic Beings who have supported me and many others during this time while my day job was at risk of cancellation due to politicians arguing over budgets. As I was shopping for food, swarms of people were stocking up on food in case of store closures due to the government shutdown, the human resources department called me to let me know I may not have work on Monday, fears were being projected by coworkers and even some on Facebook about concern of missed paychecks. There was nothing left for me to do. I turned to you Father and the many beings who support and I prayed. I prayed that a compromise was reached, that all those affected still had jobs to meet their obligations and support their families. I sent Reiki to the situation. I surrendered to you Father and could only have faith. I invoked your help Father in resolving this situation because I trust you Father. While going to bed last night, the last news article I read was that an agreement could not be reached and my job was to expire at midnight April 9th USA eastern time. All logic pointed to fear and failure. But I would not give in. You are my Rock Father. I rest on you for support. I trust you in time of need as you rescued many who trusted you. You are unconditional Love and a Father for His children. As I prayed I looked up and saw you God with the angels and Masters in Shamballa surrounding me in a circle looking down at me.


(God): Surrender is the way to me. Faith in my Love is the way to me. Surrender the mind and give in to the heart. As your heart beats ceaselessly for you out of Love, so my heart beats ceaselesssly for you. You have knocked, sought my help and you have received. You are blessed eternally and Loved always.


(Chris/Qan Dek): Thank you Father with deepest gratitude. As I woke this morning and looked at the news it was exactly as you said to me. They would reach a compromise and I and many others would still have jobs. You tell me "All is Well and All will be well. You are blessed always." I believe you and trust you. I have great faith in you even during the greatest fear. I rest on you. I lean on you. I lean on your Love. You are my Rock and I love you, the angels, masters and all. Thank you all for your support. In deepest gratitude.


(Chris/Qan Dek): I read recently that Sai Baba was ill and that his illness was transmuting Karma for the planet. Can you tell me more?


(God): He is blessed. He is doing service. Do not worry. He is succeeding. He is blessed and all are blessed.


(Chris/Qan Dek): Father please tell me your words. I am like Enoch in the Bible. Your scribe. I long to be with Archangel Metatron.


(God): Metatron has already identified you to be by his side in service. That is why you are on the path you are on.


(Chris/Qan Dek): Recently two friends of mine passed. I performed the purification ritual for them. I watched Archangel Michael open a portal of Light and they both entered it and were escorted by him. One said- "thank you man...have a good one" and he used to do in the past while I knew him alive. Then I knew it was done and All is well. I watched the Masters in Shamballa provide a standing ovation.


(God): There are many thankful for your service. Be Love is all I ask for service. With each step you get closer to me.


(Chris/Qan Dek): Thank you Father for your words. I am blessed and all are blessed.

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  • Life is about connections with people and themes. You may ask yourself, why do people show up in the strangest of places and points in your life? It is because they are connected to you and have a role to experience a theme with you and you have a role to experience with them. It is Source learning from both, and thus itself.
  • You are as much your brother and sister as they are you. To hold back from loving others is to hold back from loving yourself.
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I just had an OBE last night. It actually occurred because I woke up at 4 or 5 am and then fell back to sleep. I've been thinking a lot about OBE recently and maybe it was engrained into my subconscious enough to become reality while sleeping. I don't remember leaving my body (maybe because I was too tired to focus) but I could clearly remember it and I know it wasn't a dream because I remember walking through a wide dark hallway and a female with dark hair teleported in front of me but then walked in front of me. I could see through them- like the ghosts you see in the movies. I was consciously trying to interact with this other person and at the time I didn't realize where I was (in an OBE) and thought it was a ghost. So I tried clearing the ghost by thinking- By the power of Archangel Michael....". I could telepathically communicate and think but then I wanted to speak the words. Then I couldn't speak. I was frustrated because I didn't know where I was. I could think the words but I couldn't open my mouth to speak in the OBE. I tried to touch the person on the shoulder but my hand went through the "apparition". They turned around (since I was following them) and they looked at me and smiled. Then I tried to speak again and was so frustrated I suddenly entered my body and heard myself mumble tongue-tied words while I woke up. I guess speaking with your mouth is a function of the physical body and not an OBE.

I read this here to confirm it:

"More rarely they also claim to be able to influence distant events, although the frustration of being unable to speak to people or touch objects is more common."

From this link:

I plan on buying either Robert Bruce or Robert Monroe's book on OBE/Astral Projection
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