How many of the following lightworker / starseed characteristics do you have?
✓You often feel very different from others, and often misunderstood. ✓You have a great sense of a "higher purpose." ✓You are a natural helper and / or have a problem tellin
I AM Life being lived, I go with the flow, I stay in the moment and filter my thoughts and feelings through my heart as I commit to loving action in service to others, I AM worthy, I give and receive love as the moment presents itself, I AM gratitude
Be universal Love. You are the river. You flow. Free will exists here and will always exist here as this is the nature of this density. Not everyone is ready to accept your love. These are the barriers, the rocks. The water simply flows where it is a
There has constantly been talk about December 21, 2012 being the end of the world. If you believe that, please excuse me if I offend you. It is my opinion that the world will not end. It will embark upon a journey, which it has been on since at least
I have been contemplating this recently, as several events have been happening for me this week. I had some wake up calls that reminded me that sometimes spirit has to find the easiest way around the mind and allow it to flow like water around the ro
Since we are in the middle of a rapid transformation experience I wanted to extend the invitation for ordinary people to also write their life stories on wikipedia to capture all of our great contributions to t
This post is transcribed from Marius Baicu's experience meeting his Higher Self. Currently he is away from a computer and asked me to post this for him. His email follows below.
thank you for answering my question :D it is great. i took
So what are you thankful for? Share whatever you are thankful for. From having the best birthday ever to finding ten cents on the ground. We often forget to thank the universe for the blessings we are given, no matter who you thank beyond the stars
Today I saw 11:11 and 12:12 on my watch spontaneously and was reading lots of JJ Hurtak books recently about merkabah activations and the saying of certain words to activate Light.
Later I was on the playground with my daughter near our apartment and
Question? Is sending love and light to someone who is Dark a violation of their free will? Would this be considered a psychic attack on them? Does this energetic exchange create a karmic debt that must be resolved?
In astronomy, the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters (Messier object 45), is an open star cluster containing middle-aged hot B-type stars located in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster most obvious
Channeler: Jennifer Hoffman Monday, 25 July, 2011
Amy Winehouse died this past weekend, as did over 100 people in Norway, victims of a shooting incident. This kind of news is unsettling because it makes us all too aware of the fragility of life, ho
We share this message with you directly, and we do advise reading the introductory letter. This long letter is worth your serious read, right to the end. Bless, Will I AM Executive Director @ Good Works On Earth
Discernment- there are many new age groups that have begun to form negative vibrations around new age concepts- much ego is involved behind the scenes and many are manipulating the thoughtforms to bring the vibration of the positives down. Please rem