Richard Presser's Posts (15)

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The following is a transcription of the messages from Jeshua and Mary Magdalene for the full moon of April 28, 2010.

This is Richard Presser and Carolyn and I are here to take messages in relation to the full moon of April 28, 2010 which has just passed us by, and Jeshua has come forth first to speak about this event, and he is saying;


This full moon continues the pattern of strengthening and reinforcement of the energies coming to Earth in
preparation for the end of 2012. As I have previously said, these energies will continue to intensify as you move closer to that time and this intensification is primarily happening with each of these gateways, these full

moons, equinoxes, solstices and so on. They are like steppingstones, you could say as you step up that path leading towards 2012 and then Ascension.

And so this event brought a significant strengthening of these energies and many of humanity will have
experienced quite a deal of disruption from these energies. Those who are sensitive to energies will have felt them quite strongly, because they represented quite a step up in power. And the key things that these energies are

bringing forth are further awakening of memories, an opening of that door to a much greater degree by which people will begin to remember what they have been in past lives, who and what they have been; and as this occurs, their

skills and abilities, those skills and abilities held by their soul will begin to re-emerge.

Also, these energies have significantly eased the effort, you could say of clearing past life negative karma and
Carolyn and Richard have begun to witness this in the use of the karmic clearing command. They are required to do less preparation, you could say to ensure that an individual is completely cleared of their past life karma with

the use of the command and this trend will continue such that it will not be very long before all healers who are given this command will be able to execute it and clear anyone who experiences the command. We are not yet at

that point but it is not far off, and so in a sense it is not yet time for this command to be placed in the hands of others so that it can be readily utilised in this manner; but that time will soon


And so these are the key changes that have come forth with these energies - an intensification you could say, of
the preparation that is necessary for humanity to be able to step forth as planned. And so it is.

From Carolyn Evers:

And now the beautiful lady, Mary Magdalene wishes to join her beloved and bring forth her thoughts about this full moon energy, and this is what she

Mary Magdalene

There are some who wonder about what happens when the moon is full or waning or the point when there is just a
sliver in the sky. Some recognize the fact that the moon does indeed affect the Earth and perhaps the most notable sign is the tide. And you know from everyday living that the moon affects the tide, though it's just accepted

and not too much is even thought about it. It just is. The moon is a celestial body and it moves through space, your planet moves through space, other planets and stars move through space. Each has an energy of their own and as

such, they affect one another.

You see, the Earth being so close to the moon, you accept far easier the fact that it has an influence upon the
land. What's harder to imagine and accept is that these celestial visitors, you might say that are so far out in the universe that it takes dynamic telescopes to even be aware that they exist, yet even from that distance they

have a dramatic effect upon Earth. And the reason for this is you are looking at something that truly is beyond time and space. It is the effect of time and space that has great consequences on Earth. Beyond that, things are in

the NOW, meaning there is potential that exists side by side from the past, present and future and as such, it is interwoven in a much different manner than what you feel here on Earth with time and space.

Therefore the dance between the planets and Earth in particular and the sun is quite different, and that means
wherever they are, whatever their place, the tilt of the axis, the changes upon the surface of these planets and the movement of the stars around them has a great effect upon Earth. You feel it as something subtle and what I

mean by that is when there is solar outburst on the Sun, you know that this affects Earth because sometimes satellites are affected, your telephones might be affected and if you followed it, you might even agree that your mood

changes, the body changes. But take into consideration that every planet in your solar system is in some way affecting your surroundings, and I'm going to just leave this with your surroundings and not the interplay between the

other planets, because that might be confusing to you.

Every movement, every placement of every planet has energy, and as these planets go through movements, the energy
would appear to be somewhat like a ray. Maybe if you are going to think of this ray, it would be the shape of a pyramid in some fashion; not equal sided pyramids, but different sided pyramids. And as they move, these energies

cross over the paths of each other. It is a dance and each time these paths cross over one another, it forms a slightly different tone, if you’re going to compare it to music. And if you think of a piano for instance, the

dark keys and the white keys, each has its own tone. And as these planets cross over their different fields of energy, each produce a different tone on the scale of melody.

So I call this a dance, and in this dance there are doors that open. It’s almost like a clockworks; the
doors open to the center of the cosmos. There is always energy coming from the center of the cosmos and it always reaches Earth, except sometimes it comes in a very indirect manner. It’s almost like you take a trip.

You’re going from point A to point B. From point A to point B, there might be a very direct route like a straight line, and then sometimes there might be obstacles in the way so to get from point A to point B, you have to

take a very indirect route. And most of the time, that is how the energy comes from the center of the cosmos to your planet Earth and in particular how it affects your physical body and how it affects events in your world. Very

seldom does the energy come in a direct line from point A to point B. Most of the times it comes to the Earth in a very convoluted manner, where it takes many side trips, so to speak before it gets there and when that happens

the energy is very much diluted in its intensity.

It is like these rays have a certain amount of energy in them, and the more convoluted the route, the more energy
is dispersed before it gets to your planet. It is always peace and love and cooperation that comes from the center of the cosmos; always. And when it is a direct route getting from point A to point B, that love, peace,

cooperation can be brought to Earth in its fullest extent. And that, my dear friends is what all of this is about. Yes it's energy. Some of it is coming in a more direct route than others, but the energy will be at its most

direct route in 2012; and that is what all of this is building up to.

Yes, I'm not going to get into the specifics this time, but we will develop this theme more as I think it's very
important for you to understand what really is “2012”. There are many threads to this, and my beloved has spoken of these threads in many different ways, but if you're going to simplify this and get down to what you

say is the nitty gritty, what it really is, is this direct alignment from point A to point B, where Source, your Creator, of you and everything else, will have a direct alignment to your soul, where it brings in the fullness of

love and peace and cooperation and all that that entails.

And from now to then, there will be these little dances where, you might say this energy is reflected or
refracted, so that this month there’ll be a little bit more coming in, bringing in different objectives than other months. But remember what I say; all of this is in preparation for the greatest event that will ever

happen upon your planet and during that event, many other things will be happening that will act like a light shining upon that moment, when all will feel the full strength, the full abilities, the full understanding, the full

knowledge of truly what peace and love and cooperation means as it is played out upon your beautiful planet.

It has never happened before, dear friends. All of those gifts have never had the opportunity to be fully played
out on your planet, and it just so happens that at that moment or shall I say not far after, the souls will ascend. They will find that next higher dimension as they move closer to the Source in the center of the cosmos; and

this, my friends is perhaps the greatest story ever told.

And this is your dear friend Miriam, who will bring forth more of this information as my beloved explains the
current energies for the current full moon.

If this link doesn’t work for you, copy it into your browser.

Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace,

Richard Presser


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Father God, the being that resides behind our sun, known as Ra and by many other names over time, has begun to give me daily messages. These messages relate to what is happening at the end of 2012 and Ascension at the March equinox of 2013. There are also messages from Mother God (who resides in the centre of the cosmos with All-There-Is) and from Gaia, brought forth by Carolyn Evers. These are powerful and very informative messages to help us prepare for what awaits us in less than 3 short years. Here is his 7th message to me:

Father God from Sistine Chapel

We are entering, as you know, a time of great change upon your planet; change that at this moment you could say almost no-one on your planet is aware of. There are many who are talking about 2012 and what that alignment at the time of the December solstice means and, as some of you know, there have been pointers to it not only in the Mayan calendar but indeed in the stories and histories of many of the original peoples. But really there is very little awareness of it upon your planet and those who have been speaking about it, by and large do not truly understand what it means.

Some are aware that it has a spiritual, you could say, significance. Some are aware that it represents on some level, in some way, a shift in consciousness. But really there are very few at this moment how truly understand what it means. There is nowhere recorded that the human body will go from having some two strands of DNA to over 2,000; that's right, I said over 2,000. And of course, there are no records which show that indeed prior to the fall in Atlantis, that is what the human body had. Science has long wondered why it is that most of the DNA in the human body is not utilised in the way that the DNA of the two strands is used, the so-called mitochondrial DNA which represents something like 98% of the DNA which is present.

Why is this? Well the answer lies in what I've just told you. When there are these over 2,000 strands present, whilst some of that is in the physical, some of it is also in the etheric because it opens up connections, communication you could say, and great abilities that at this moment you are completely unaware of. And so what will be established is, as I said the re-connection of these missing DNA strands and at this moment humanity cannot imagine what a change that represents. I just ask you to reflect on that possibility. Think of the capability of a human being with two strands. Think of the incredible things that you can do, and now reflect on what that might mean if you take that and multiplied it by 1,000. What might be possible? What kind of abilities might open up as a result of this?

Some have begun to be aware that light responds to the strands of DNA. In other words it is like a template that light responds to. Others have noticed that when the body is under stress, the DNA strand coils more tightly and when the human being is relaxed, it extends. And so even with these two strands, there is evidence that the DNA is much more than just a template to reproduce life as you see it. It is much, much more than that.

And so I mention this to you so you begin to get some sense of the shift which is coming; and for those who wish to control humanity, it is no surprise that they want you to ignore what is coming and also to ignore the need to prepare. There are so many so-called spiritual sources, so-called channels upon your planet who are reportedly bringing forth messages from beings of the light that mention Ascension and various other things related to it, but give you these “steady as she goes” messages, everything will be OK, everything is all love and light, all will be well. You’ll be taken care of or perhaps some extra-terrestrial beings will turn up in spacecraft and save you all. It, my friends, is so much nonsense and it is all there to keep you complacent, to keep you from recognising the work that needs to be done and that is the work that I have mentioned before. Those three simple steps:

Acknowledge your Creator

Clear your karmic past

Rejuvenate the physical body

I say simple because when you experience those activated commands, the body is already programmed to respond to those queues. There are no accidents in all of this. Your body is designed for what is about to happen. Your body is expecting it. Not only that, you came into this lifetime knowing that Ascension would occur whilst you were here. You just haven't remembered; and so I want you to get some sense of the scale of this shift. All I would say to you is you cannot imagine it and you do need to prepare.

And so it is.

To receive these daily messages, register at . Also, many of them have now been posted to YouTube –

Richard Presser

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The energies of change continue to come to the planet as they ring the changes necessary as we approach the end of 2012, that time of preparation for Ascension. This full moon brings further changes, as “power is being added to the drive system” of the conveyor belt Jeshua spoke of at the March equinox.

And once more, we see the evidence very clearly on the sun of the energies being sent forth. The following image is taken from


And so, to the messages.

Richard Presser: Today is Monday, 29th March 2010 and tomorrow, the 30th March is the full moon and Mother Mary has come forth to give us a message about this full moon, and she is saying:

This full moon is a powerful full moon, as indeed they have all been particularly since August of 2009, because the energies coming to your planet are indeed becoming very powerful. And this will continue, this increase in power, until we reach that solstice of 2012, that December solstice. And as always, there are specific focuses, you could say, with each of these events and so it is with this particular moon.

Some of you will be aware that indeed this full moon is actually a blue moon for some areas of the planet. Those who are earliest in the day, you could say, nearest the dateline experienced the last full moon on 1st March and so this moon is, you could say, a blue moon for those areas of the world; and a blue moon does indeed carry extra power, carries an extra message. And so even though only part of your planet in a sense is experiencing that blue moon, in truth the energies that it activates apply to the entire planet. So you could say it creates an additional window which is utilised for the benefit of all.

And so to the specifics of this full moon. It is coming forth in a time when you have just begun what Jeshua referred to at the recent equinox as being a conveyor belt that will carry you from that date through to the solstice of December 2012, a conveyor belt which will see much change. And he used the term conveyor belt because, in a sense humanity really has little choice about what will unfold between that date and the end of December of 2012, because what will unfold is essentially preordained. It was planned a long time ago, this period of preparation and this period of preparation is beginning in earnest. The changes that Jeshua spoke about will indeed unfold upon your planet, just as he said and nothing, I tell you all, nothing will prevent those changes from unfolding.

Those that have endeavoured to prevent this will not be allowed to prevail. They have worked long and hard. They have endeavoured on every level, in every way possible to prevent the unfolding of the inevitable and I want you to know that it will not be prevented. The preparation that is necessary will unfold upon your planet. The secrets, both of the dark and light that have been so well hidden, will be revealed. The secrets of the dark will come forth so humanity understands what abuses have been perpetrated upon you all and the secrets of the light will come forth because it is time for those to be shared with humanity.

They have been preserved by a select few since The Fall in Atlantis and carried through history until this moment, when they can now come forth. And they can come forth now because the energies present on your planet prevent these secrets being abused by the dark. They will only work for good and peace and love. They will not work if a being tries to apply them to the detriment of another. They simply will not work and this has not been true in the past. Many gave up their lives to protect these secrets. Many. And the story of some of those who did this will be part of what comes forth. It is time for humanity to understand this history, this history that has been very well buried and in many cases intentionally destroyed by those who wish to have their agenda dominate the planet.

And the purposes of the energies of this full moon are really to reinforce that conveyor belt unfolding, you could say. They bring more power to that. You could say they power up the drive system for that conveyor belt as it gets underway. They reinforce the inevitability of what is unfolding and it is why I am speaking to you in such direct terms, because you need to understand this. You need to realise what is happening. This preparation has been held back for as long as it could be so, you could say the cycle that you have been in could be followed for as long as possible and the transition from one to the next be kept as short as possible. That is the nature of how these things are handled. And so now we are in that window of transition, that window of preparation and so the conveyor belt is engaged and power is being added to the drive system with these energies from this full moon. And so it is.

Carolyn Evers: The one who is coming into my awareness to give another message pertaining to this full moon is another beautiful lady of spirit, Mary Magdalene. She holds in her heart the love for her consort, Jeshua and she also holds in her heart the love for humanity. And she is here at this moment with her grace and her understanding and she smiles, because:

The world is finally lifting the cover of the dark away from its view. It is like a wave moving to the shore, clearing new channels in the sand. Sometimes new islands, pristine and beautiful and the waves move away all that has been, you might say, filtered into this Earth. It is clearing away all that does not belong here.

And with it, there is an announcement, you might say of the future. It is like a picture of the future, a picture of power and support for the human being; not only support, but a change. It is a magnificent evolutionary change for the human body, the human heart, the human soul and all of the abilities that have been buried for so long. And we on the other side of this veil can see what is coming forth and each month these energies come in and it is like a step closer to the ultimate goal, to this spiritual unfolding of human destiny.

My dear friends, it has been so long since those dark moments in Atlantis, when humanity fell to such a low, deep level. The denseness of this dimension that you find yourself in has compacted the elements, not only on the plane in which you live, but the elements of your soul abilities. It is like they are constricted in such a manner that they can’t come forth and this flower of ability is starting to open. It is springtime here in this part of the world from which I speak and the little buds are starting to open up. Flowers are starting to bloom, birds are starting to sing. It is announcement of a new season and it is so appropriate that I stand here and I give this message in the midst of this blossoming spring, because it is what these energies are like.

It is blossoming ability in the third dimension where you are presently; well most of you are there. Some are struggling forward and have energetically entered much higher levels of being, but the majority of the human race is in the third; constricted, almost bound, blinded so to speak, of the beauty of what their soul holds, of the potential of what tomorrow can bring. And in a sense you sleep. So many of you sleep, like the winter where the buds of the spring have gone underground because the snow and the ice comes; and we're in a thawing process, if you want to look at it that way, and the human psyche is starting to warm up, starting to awaken, starting to understand that their belief systems hasn't been but blinders upon their eyes and the energies are dropping away those blinders as a new light, new life is coming to your world.

Feel it. Feel it in the energies of this full moon. Feel the awakening. Feel the blessing. There is a view in this, the view of who and what you were. It is just a whisper now, but each month the tempo becomes a little stronger, a little louder until at last you have moved through the spring and you will be into the summer of the full enfoldment of your world, of those energies around you. The blinders will have fallen away and you will be victorious once more. Feel it coming into your awareness. And so it is.

You will find the recording of these messages at

Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.
Richard Presser

The 2012 Countdown -
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"The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for it" -
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Check out what Steve Fossett is saying about our times and about Ascension at


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Message for the March 2010 equinox

Jeshua and Mother Mary came forth today (March 19th) to give Carolyn and me messages regarding the March equinox. Some of you will be aware that Ascension will occur at the March equinox in 2013, so this time represents three years to that event, something Jeshua comments on in his message. He speaks of the power of this time for expressing what you wish to see manifested in our lives and how this event marks the beginning of a process he compares to a conveyor belt leading to 2012 and on to Ascension. It is very explicit and quite detailed.

Here are some brief quotes from Jeshua:

...this marks three years to the moment when Ascension will occur upon your beautiful planet... ...those energies which arrive with the solstice of December 2012, because if you have not prepared by that date then you simply will not survive the experience of those energies......much will change upon your planet between now and that moment. Much will change. You will very shortly see physical rejuvenation come forth upon your planet and that, my friends, will be a is like you have engaged a conveyor belt, that kind of conveyor belt that you have in a factory where a piece of equipment is built and there are many steps in the process and it begins with a particular point on the conveyor belt and things then move through that process; and in many ways what is happening is that the conveyor belt is beginning for all of humanity with this particular event......because apart from the rejuvenation process that I spoke of you'll see many other events......the pulling apart of created belief systems, beliefs that have been perpetrated by the dark and have been accepted to be truth upon your planet. You will see this all come crumbling down. Some of this you could say has a religious basis... many ways your consciousness has been manipulated by those beings...

And some brief quotes from Mother Mary’s message:

You are my children. I am your mother. I love you as a good mother loves her children... matter what has happened in your lives, I have been they are on some level seeing and feeling what you have gone through and I have done this through all of the many aeons upon this planet. I have been there in the background observing, doing what I could do to make your journey easier......I have worked long and hard for you. Through all of the aeons of Earth history I have had a representative on Earth; in every age, in every moment, in every speck of time I have been with you. I have come under many names, many Earth goddesses. You know me as the mother of Jeshua-ben-Joseph, but I tell you I have been there under many names from the beginning and I will be there until the very end......I am here once again supporting my son and telling you time is short. I am here as your mother; that is all you need to know. I've come forth with a mother's love in the interest of her children and I say to you heed my son’s words because they are truth...

I have not transcribed the entire message as this is a message that needs to be listened to in order to gain its full impact. To listen to it, go to

Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

Richard Presser

The 2012 Countdown -

For our healing work -

"The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for it" -

For all of our products and services, see

Our other websites include:

Check out what Steve Fossett is saying about our times and about Ascension at

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Mother Mary was very pleased with the way our video of her Feb 28th full moon message came together and the response it has received, so she asked us to take a message from her about karmic clearing.

In this message, she introduces the background to Ascension and that we will be returning to the abilities we had before the fall in Atlantis – and more.

She then explains why the clearing of negative karmic energies is required before the end of 2012, what it means and how to go about it.

Here are some brief quotes:

This message is for humanity, those that I love, that I have always loved. I and others have watched over humanity, have seen them march through the aeons of time on this planet. We have been with you as you have suffered. We have been with you in your joy and we are here now to escort you through perhaps the most joyous of all of your journeys, because you are being released from the tediousness, sometimes, of living as you have interacted with the dark, with challenges. I have heard you cry out in your agony, sometimes, asking for help and I was always there for you but you didn't always recognize me. If you would've taken a moment and searched for me, you would have felt my comfort; but in your agony, you didn't. And I treasure this moment as we are soon upon a path where you won't be crying out for help anymore because all of the challenges will be dropping way.

You will be moving into the era of peace and plenty and love and you will be bringing forth one of your greatest gifts that the Creator has given you - the ability to manifest your thoughts into the hard fabric of reality; to turn a thought into the fabric of life, that you can put on like a gown, a robe and wear it for your edification, because what you desire you will be able to bring forth...

...Can you imagine what that means to have all distortions that you find so difficult to live with today just drop away, so that you could bring forth the real you; so that you will understand your connection to your Creator?...

...And beyond 2012, actually going into 2013, the call will be there, when the doorway will be opened and those who are ready will be walking through that doorway, and these few things that I have mentioned will be yours and much more...

... Some of you feel that Atlantis was just a fictional place but it wasn't; it truly existed. And it's not important to go into why Atlantis fell through an energy band (I said everything is energy) and it brought human consciousness down to a level so low that the spiritual hierarchy didn't think humanity would even be able to come back into form; that they would fall away and there would be nothing. But you survived, even though it was on such a low level of consciousness and energy, you did survive...

...We're calling it Ascension; you can call it whatever you want; that doorway past 2012 into 2013, or you can call it a realization of who and what you are. It's why I'm here...

...For those of you who follow the history of your planet, you know that there have been many wars, many conflicts, many disagreements among nations, many tragedies to humans in all forms and it was a struggle against the dark. There's no need going into that now, but what I'm bringing forth is in all of those lifetimes there was energy; energy of disillusionment, hatreds, victimhood...

...We heal the past energies and we clear them away and this clears the connection to the present lifetime. You might say it is the thumbprint, this recognition of the past in your present life. And this is part of preparing for Ascension. All of this energy, these emotions, the trauma that you have been through, through so many lifetimes in the past is influencing the present and this all must be healed and cleared...

...what that dispensation is that has been given to humanity from the karmic board is that there are such things as the ability to clear all this negativity through one command...

...You call it DIS-EASE and I would propose that all illness has a foundation that is spiritual and we say spiritual in the sense that it is operational in the NOW; it is not part of the third dimensional particles. That's why I use the term spiritual...

...And I can't teach you that through this discussion; however you can connect with resources where they help you walk through that, where they hold the space for you and then you are able to clear it yourself...

...What you call disease can be healed through clearing the past, harmonizing the past healing with your present physical body...

...And so, my dear friends, this is the next step for you to understand in that path towards this beautiful energy of 2012, walking through that doorway and achieving what we are discussing in 2013...

This message, as Mother Mary requested, has been made into a YouTube video – actually two.

Here is the link to Part 1 –

And here is the link to Part 2 – =9IjDoUrNE4A

If the links do not work for you, copy and paste them into your browser.

Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

Richard Presser

The 2012 Countdown -

For our healing work -

"The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for it" -

For all of our products and services, see

Our other websites include:

Check out what Steve Fossett is saying about our times and about Ascension at


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I am excited to tell you that we have just loaded our first YouTube video and it is a message from Mother Mary on Ascension. It is the message she gave us for the full moon of Feb 28th and it was such a powerful message, it inspired us to make this our first YouTube clip.

You can find it at . I hope you enjoy it and gain something from it. If it does not open for you, copy the link into your browser and press Enter.

As we plan to release a lot of material on YouTube over time, you may wish to “Subscribe” to my YouTube site whilst you’re there. And if you find it of value, please forward the link to your friends and colleagues.

Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

Richard Presser

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Today, February 28th and the day of the full moon, Carolyn (Evers) asked me to come and work with her, because she was “holding the space” for a dark energy. She said that Jeshua wanted to speak to me about it and that he wanted me to record it.

What transpired was that this energy had been present in the Earth undetected and was greatly influencing the unfolding of events upon the planet and had been flushed out by the powerful full moon energies sent forth for just such a purpose.

This recording shows how we cleared the energy and how Carolyn saw it leave the Earth. Jeshua wanted it recorded because he wanted those interested to witness an example of the kind of work Carolyn and I do virtually daily if not more; work that almost no-one knows about. What you will hear is completely extemporaneous – it is just as it unfolded.

He asked me to post it to the 2012 Timeline page, so I have. You can listen to it at the bottom of If the link doesn’t work, copy it into your browser and press Enter. I trust you find it of interest.

Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

Richard Presser

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Energies of the full moon of Feb 28th, 2010

Below are the messages Carolyn and I took from Jeshua and Mother Mary regarding the full moon. You would not describe either of them as subtle... I encourage you to take them to heart.


This is an important full moon, and perhaps you could say they are all important full moons in this time and this time leading right up to the end of 2012, because the energies which are coming forth now are very intense. I recently gave a message to Richard in relation to the increased level of sunspot activity, and you may or may not be aware that you are about to complete a month where there has not been one day where there has not been sunspot activity, and this has not occurred for a considerable time; some years.

And so this level of energy coming forth onto your planet has accelerated dramatically in 2010. However, as I said in that message this does not mean that these key gateways; the full moons, the solstices, the equinoxes will not continue to be used for key events, you could say, key transitions as we work our way towards the end of 2012. And so this full moon is consistent with that picture.

The energies associated with this full moon will accelerate the emergence of the preparation work which is being undertaken to assist humanity to prepare for that alignment with the Galactic Centre, indeed that alignment with Cosmic Centre which occurs at the time of your December solstice in 2012; and the particular focus of these energies is to, you could say, lock in the progression, the opening up of the work which needs to be done to bring forth karmic clearing and rejuvenation for all of humanity who wish to participate in Ascension.

There are many beings who have worked long and hard to prevent this coming forth and we have given a number of messages to Carolyn and Richard in regard to energies coming forth to support this emergence and some of those messages they have not shared, because they insisted on awaiting the evidence and that evidence has not come forth because of the efforts of those dark beings who have worked exceedingly hard to prevent this event.

Few of humanity understand as yet the significance of this Ascension event upon your planet for the rest of the cosmos. Mother Mary has come forth in the past and explained that consciousness, in one sense, can be viewed as a vase and you could say consciousness rests on the base of that vase and planet Earth, as the lowest vibration at which you could say soul level consciousness exists represents the base of that vase. And so if that consciousness is lifted up, then what follows is a lifting up of consciousness right throughout the cosmos; and the beings of the dark understand this.

They also understand that it was decreed that the date that I referred to at the end of 2012 was the date upon which the cycle of the dark would come to an end and they have applied every tool, every effort that they could find to ensure that this cycle did not come to an end and Ascension did not come forth upon your planet. But I am here to assure you that those efforts have been and will be futile. Steps have been taken to ensure that this unfolding occurs and it occurs now and one of those steps is the energies that are being sent forth through this full moon.

These energies will lock in place in ways that no member of humanity can understand. These energies will lock in place this unfolding. There is no way that the dark beyond the moment of this full moon will be able to interfere with this process. And so I say this with clarity and with some power, you could say, because it is indeed a powerful moment; a moment that many have worked long and hard to see unfold, and those that determine what energies are sent forth through any particular gateway have decreed that this will be so.

And so it is.

Mother Mary

Carolyn - Mother Mary has stepped forward. The beautiful lady, one we have come to admire and respect, one that we know cares greatly for humanity and one who has been given great power and responsibility for the entire Ascension process. And so it is of great interest to her to bring forth information on this topic; and she is saying this:

You are correct. I have a great longing to see humanity rise to the next highest dimension, the soul encased in the body so that the body itself rises to a higher vibratory level. And for those who understand some of the facts surrounding this statement you know that rejuvenation will occur, for most people will go back to the age that they expressed physically at 35. If you make a plan to be younger, you will appear younger. It depends upon your intent as this is a planet of intent. If that were the only key feature, being able to rejuvenate the body and live in a higher level of vibration, perhaps everyone would wish to attain this result.

But that result is one of the most, shall we say, startling appearance to the human frame. It means a level where you can begin, where one can start to materialize what they want in their lives on a level that is unheard of today, meaning the souls start to remember how to take energy and turn them into hard physical evidence of what they desired. You might think that that is utter nonsense; how can you do that? But if you stop and think about it, it happens all the time in your plane, in the physical world, not so much the human world, but in the physical. And you learn these things from science and accept it quite readily because your scientists proved it.

We have photosynthesis, where plants make food simply by using the Sun. They bring forth a result from energy. And there's other places that we can look for that too, where in your world energy is converted to something that is solid, something that can be traced, something that can be proven. So you know that exists. What you don't know is that after one ascends, you will be able to do those things. You will be able to take energy and turn them into hard building block foundations that's controlled by the efforts of the mind only. And even though these seem like things that are far-fetched, it is simply a demonstration of the abilities that you might say mimic your Creator, and this happens because your soul consists of particles that came from your Creator.

So what seems impossible on a lower plane is actually very accessible on a higher plane, simply because you've already been programmed to do that. You were programmed to do that the moment that your soul came into creation, and that is because you received particles from the Creator and they came directly to you. Therefore the abilities that the Creator have came to you; true, in a diluted form but nevertheless they're there.

So if finding, you might say, the waters of youth again and keeping the physical body at that level of youth, keeping the physical body in a state that it does not need to face what you call death, transition, if that is not enough to encourage you to do all that you can to work towards Ascension, then perhaps in addition to that being able to create with energy would be another reason, why you would do all that you can to be on board when this, you might say, availability to move into this new state presents itself to you as a human being; you would want that for yourself for your families, for your country would you not? And yet we find even though the results are so startling, as you might say in your dialogue, so mind blowing, yet people are so complacent we don't understand it. They are so complacent as to even start to take some of the steps that are necessary to obtain these results.

And I pause here so this thinking can sink in. All the money that you spend on products to keep you looking young really, as you know, only have a temporary enhancement. Nothing is really permanent to allow the physical body, especially the face, to look young yet we say to you, you can really turn back the clock; not temporarily but permanently. And I pause again so that this thought sinks in. What is being offered by this cycle that we call 2012 perhaps should be called an opportunity to create using nothing but energy and to obtain eternal youth. Would you then think of Ascension from a different point of view?

That, my friends, is what we're really talking about. Actually we're talking about a whole lot more than this. We are talking about many other skills, the abilities that reflect the Creator's abilities that we choose not to go into at the moment, because we feel that if these two benefits do not attract your attention so that you are willing to do what is necessary to walk through that doorway of Ascension, then nothing will attract your attention. And so I stop at these two things and I say focus on that. Are these two events important enough to you that you would stop what you're doing for a few moments and listen to the real, you might say, workings of Ascension and what it means to you? And so I say no more. I say let the possibility of this be the tool that will open your eyes to what lays before you in a few short years. We are not talking about a lifetime away; we're talking about just a few short years, and if you haven't begun in this planning you need to do it now!! Now!! And that's all that I have to say on the matter.

You can download and listen to these messages and download a transcription from the bottom of

Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

Richard Presser

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The Christmas of 2009 was the first Christmas the Carolyn and I have spent together. Carolyn loves Christmas so much; the joy that comes forth from people, the love that is shared, the coming together of families, the Christmas lights, the memory of what Christmas is celebrating. It was in this context that she decided to ask Mother Mary some questions about that first Christmas.

Mother Mary

What really happened? Did she know she was going to be Jeshua’s mother? What was life like for her growing up as an Essene? What were her parents like? Did the wise men really come?

Gradually, the questions evolved. Was it really a virgin birth? Were Jeshua and Mary Magdalene married? Did they have children and how many? And the questions began to range far and wide. Mother Mary explained who Jeshua was, who she was, and what unfolded was a glimpse of a play behind the play, so to speak; how great spiritual beings have come time and time again at critical times in human history to assist humanity along its development path.

She explained who the Knights Templar were, the Cathars and their connection to the mission of Jeshua and Mary Magdalene. She explains how the mission of Jeshua and Mary Magdalene was primarily about preparing for Ascension at the end of 2012. How the DNA of their children was critical to Ascension and how the Catholic Church sought to stamp it out – and much more.

Here are some brief excerpts from her replies:

...It was all so long ago when you look at it from your linear time perspective; and yet, from where I look at it, where past, present and future are, you could say, all one and all very accessible, it's like it was just yesterday and so I can easily view the records and my memory because I have, where I now reside, full memory of all that I've ever been in every lifetime back to the moment of the creation of my soul and that is truly wondrous...

Speaking of her mother, Anna (Saint Anne):

...And so, even though she was in your terms quite old at the time of Jeshua’s birth, in truth anyone who saw her would have taken her to be about 35 years of age. Quite extraordinary, you would have to agree, when she was, perhaps, close to 500 years of age. So she was a great Master; a great Master of many skills. She had studied with the Druids; she spent many, many, many years in Egypt. She spent time in the Himalayas with the likes of Babaji and others, and she studied very widely. She was a great teacher. She was in charge of the teachings at Mt Carmel, which was one of the great Essene “monasteries” is perhaps a term you might use, but she was a great Master and a great leader and greatly acknowledged by many...


…The Essenes were a group who could trace their origins back to Atlantis. They were a group that had kept much of the knowledge and skills that were available in Atlantis, indeed some technologies that were available in Atlantis and were sustained. And in order to preserve some of the skills from that time, operating in this form of consciousness that has existed on the planet since The Fall in Atlantis took great discipline and training; and, no, it was not possible to retain all of the skills from Atlantis because so much in the physical body had changed, so much vibrationally had changed with The Fall…

...And so there were many threads to Jeshua’s mission, one of which was this repair work and there were others, one of which you have spoken about in the “The Soul Journey of Jeshua” material which related to the role of the DNA coming forth in the children of Jeshua and Mary Magdalene and I will not cover this here, however I simply have outlined this so that those listening to this will understand that we knew who Jeshua was. We knew the origins of his soul. We knew why he was coming. We also knew that there was the risk of the crucifixion, because we could see into the future, but it was not something which was preordained, you could say. It was not something that we wished to see happen and it was not part of his mission...

...But there is a much broader answer to your question and that is, few yet understand the dance, you could say that has gone on upon this planet at this higher level. Few yet understand and this is the first time I believe I have mentioned this, is that I am an aspect of the one known as Alorah, that high cherubim angel, the first being created after the seraphim angels, and I am an aspect of Alorah. And aspects of Alorah have always come forth upon your planet to be the mother of those aspects of Marietta when he comes forth. It has always been so, and it will always be so; and so on that higher level I came forth as his mother in that lifetime, as I have always done.

And there is that expression as above so below because, with the creation of that great soul Marietta, particles of the soul of Alorah were contributed to that creation and so you could say on that level, Alorah is the mother of Marietta; and so that is a piece of the story that is not well understood. And there are aspects of Alorah that are woven throughout the history of your planet and that continues until this day. And so I well understood that I would be the mother of this one in the continuation of that tradition...

...What you have begun to open up here are aspects of the background to Jeshua and his mission and also of Mary Magdalene and so let us look at some of these issues. As I mentioned, Mary of Magdala, who was Mary Magdalene's mother was the daughter of that one known as Balthazar, that so-called wise man who was the king of Syria and so, needless to say, she was a woman of great means and she also chose to study the esoteric traditions in great detail and the name Magdala was attached to an esoteric training centre, you could say, not so much a temple but perhaps what you might consider a monastery and so Mary, that Mary, because of her knowledge became known as Mary of that monastic location and so that is how her name evolved; and where she was located was in an area where Joseph of Arimathea had one of his great houses, because he was a man of great wealth through both his own trading abilities where he built a business trading in ore, particularly tin and he owned much of the tin mining within Cornwall in England...

...There is one who is, you could say, Alorah’s partner on high who sends forth an aspect to be the father of the aspects of Marietta, of which Jeshua was one and Joseph ben Jacob was an aspect of that being; and so this is part of the untold story which is beginning to emerge. You could say there are three great beings on high who have participated together in the unfolding of so much upon your beautiful planet - Alorah and her partner and that one known as Marietta have come forth many times to be mother and father and child and there are other examples in your history that are recognised in some cases by some and in many other cases not recognised; but it is a pattern and so Jeshua was the son of myself and Joseph his father and my husband...

...And a key aspect of the knowledge of the Templars related to Sacred Geometry. One thing that has begun to come forth into your knowledge, into your reality at this time is the connection between Sacred Geometry and modern physics and the understanding of how Sacred Geometry is used to bring forth the expression of the physical, of matter you could say.


These things are inextricably interwoven and so the Templars gathered this knowledge and they brought it forth, particularly in those wondrous buildings known as the Gothic cathedrals, which have been honoured as great Christian cathedrals and extraordinarily, built under the nose of the Catholic Church when indeed they had an entirely different purpose; and some have begun to understand this. The key buildings created by the Templars created an Ascension path and much more knowledge about this will be brought forth in the coming times; however that was a key purpose of the Templars...

What started out as a simple interest in the facts of the first Christmas grew into an amazing tale, bringing forth so much knowledge that has been hidden, confirming some notions that have been widely speculated upon and scotching some long held beliefs. It is an extraordinary document.

Download it now from to see the subjects covered and read the Introduction. If you are a Mac user, download it from

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Richard Presser

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If you follow the sunspot activity, you will have noticed that it has increased dramatically since the beginning of 2010, and as Carolyn and I were discussing this, Jeshua came forth to comment on it. He explained this was the beginning of an increase in sunspot activity that would continue right through until the end of 2012.

Jeshua- Feb 10th, 2010

As you know, there have been great energies coming to the planet via the various gateways that we have so often discussed and as we enter 2010, the rate at which energy is being sent forth has increased dramatically. And as you also know, the sun is the major source of these energies, the major key gateway, you could say, by which these energies ultimately flow to the planet, and so as part of this increased energy flow to the planet, you will see a significant increase in sunspot activity and this will continue from this moment forth until the end of 2012.

Many have said that they expected a heightened level of sunspot activity in this cycle and indeed that is so and yet it has been very quiet up until now, apart from when key individual sunspots have come forth to bring forth the energies at particular alignments as has been reported upon at the 2012 timeline page – - however this pattern, if you will is changing and as of this date there are currently three numbered sunspots active; 1045, 1046 and 1047, with 1045 sending forth a significant number of solar flares and sending great energy to the planet. And so expect to see, as I said a significant increase in solar flares between now and the end of 2012 as these energies continue to accelerate.


And this does not mean that the major gateways that have been used in the past, such as the equinoxes and solstices and eclipses and full moons will not be used, because they will. They will be used for key energies and in many ways act as key markers as they have done in the past. So this is simply reflecting, if you like, a heightened level of activity in energy flow into the planet as we move closer to 2012, the end thereof, and the increased level of preparation that is necessary for humanity and for planet Earth as we approach that date. As you know, it is less than three years and so much needs to be done. You could say that, in a physical sense, very little work has been done up until now in terms of things which are visible, but that is about to change and these energies come forth to support this change; and so I mention this to put on record, to alert you to this changing pattern, and for you to know that it is all planned. It is no accident that this increased solar flare and sunspot activity has begun. And so it is.

Mother Mary
And Mother Mary also wishes to comment upon this changing sunspot activity and she is saying:
This message from my son is an important one because it flags a key shift in the activity associated with the preparation for the end of 2012 and beyond. It marks the transition from those activities which have been undertaken in background, you could say, and those activities which will be visible in your physical dimension. Some of this activity will be associated with the planet and that activity will be in terms of increased volcanic activity, increased earthquake activity, increased weather activity and these are the actions of the planet itself as it clears its own karmic energies, you could say, as it prepares itself for its own Ascension in early 2013.

And it also concerns humanity as the preparation for the Ascension process, which begins with those energies at the end of 2012, begins in earnest. The changes will soon become visible as individuals begin to rejuvenate. It is a change that will be difficult to ignore and in truth all individuals who choose to participate in Ascension will rejuvenate; and this is not simply a matter of returning to the state that your physical body had at the time of the age that you choose. It is indeed more than that. It is about perfecting the human body at that age that you choose because, in truth all of you have come into this life with karmic energies that needed to be cleared and those karmic energies cause certain expressions in the physical body; certain imperfections, you could say, and so really what this rejuvenation is about as much as anything else is about achieving perfection in this level of consciousness.

And so apart from rejuvenating the physical body, it will also involve perfecting the human physical body and this includes individuals who might have even been born with missing abilities. There are those who are totally deaf because they are missing physical attributes of the ear. Those individuals who choose this path will be able to hear normally; so I give you this example. There are many others. So I wanted to come forth and give you this understanding because many of these changes will be seen as being miraculous, and in a sense they are, and yet as you grow in your understanding of the true nature of humanity and the true nature of consciousness itself, these will seem far more natural than they do today for humanity; and so I simply wanted to add this to the message from my son. And so it is.

You can access the recording of this at the bottom of

Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

Richard Presser

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"The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for it" -

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The coming full moon straddles the New Year as closely as it could get, being on the 31st for perhaps half of the world and on January 1st for the remainder. It is also a partial lunar eclipse and a blue moon for those areas of the world where it occurs on the 31st.

See or

Mother Mary came forth with a wonderful message for us and below are some key elements from it:

You do not have to reflect upon this to realise that this carries great power. These energies launch this year of 2010...

...this year of 2010 carries great change within it; a time of great transformation. It will be the beginning of the time when truly the preparation begins in earnest for what begins to unfold with that solstice of December 2012. 2010 will bring great change. The evidence will begin to emerge with great rapidity that illustrates the changes which are upon you – and they have taken longer to come forth than we anticipated, but the energies of this full moon represent an important transition.

This is the moment when, you could say, the power is disconnected from the efforts of those who would manipulate humanity...

...I remind you of Jeshua’s message of September 9th this year... ...there was a separation of paths, a bifurcation point, where those walking the path to Ascension would have life unfold in front of them in a glorious way and those who did not choose that path would find life becoming more and more difficult... could look at this date as the moment when that separation becomes truly energised...’s important that you understand that this separation does not only apply to your planet, but indeed impacts the entire cosmos... is a moment of great change, a moment of great preparation that has begun...

This is only a brief abstract of her message. Jeshua then shared a vision with Carolyn, which showed how these energies impact us and flow into and through the human body. I have not reproduced it here, because this is a recording to listen to and to meditate upon. If you are truly committed to this journey towards Ascension, take the time to download this message or listen to it several times on-line.

Jeshua then gave Carolyn a brief but powerful message, which I will leave you to listen to.

You can access this recording at

Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

Dr. Richard Presser

To understand what waits us in 2012, see

For our healing work -

"The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for it" -

For all of our products and services, see

Our other websites include:

Check out what Steve Fossett is saying about our times and about Ascension at

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As you may know from our earlier messages, Jeshua and Mother Mary have told us that they will be seen all over the world as a message to humanity leading up to the end of 2012. Another example of this is in Apia, Samoa, where Mother Mary has been seen on the side of a building for some months.

Mother Mary in Samoa1.jpg

Mother Mary in Samoa2.jpg

Taken from

A week or so before Christmas, Carolyn took a message from Mother Mary regarding this image. Below are some quotes from her message:

This is just one example of a demonstration of my love for humanity and for the Earth. My son and I walk amongst you. Do you understand what that means? Our feet do not touch the Earth, because it is too dense for us to do so, but we walk among you in the astral plane, which is as close as we can get to you. But from that vantage point, we see the eventsthat come into the world.

We see those souls who are there, working in the light. We also see those souls who chose not to work in the light. We are that close. We hear your thoughts. We feel the energies of your hearts as they are opened. We also know when the heart is closed. We see the darkness there, and it saddens us because you can open your heart if you will it. And soI say to you, open your hearts to the possibility of love. It is that, my dear beloved friends that opens the heart. Open your heart and search for all the possibilities of love.

The world abounds in them. It is just that you focus too much upon the news that carries such dire energy. It is a constant barrage of the dark agenda. There is very little within the news that is joyful or uplifting. These are moments of joy, my friends, if you open your heart and allow it, if you look towards those moments when the great energy iscoming to your planet...

...Sometimes the heart becomes weary and you forget this. You forget that you hold particles of All-There-Is within your soul. This is what your soul is yearning for – connection to the owner of those particles, to the Creator. And so, sometimes it is easy to become lost in the energies of this dense dimension, where those who have dark thoughts and darkagendas send forth their energy into the world and you pick it up, because you are radio antennas. That is what the body is like – a radio antenna, and you pick these dark energies and so take a moment; feel my love; hear me tell youhow I love you, how home is not as far away as it seems, because it is simply in these new energies, the opportunity to feel what it is like at home...

...Send your thoughts to your Creator. Tell your Creator that you love Them. Listen for Their messages and you will start to see your heart change. You will start to see your world in which you live change, because you will transform not only yourself, but those around you, and eventually you will join with others to help transform the world. The messageof peace and love is clearly being carried on waves which come to Earth and especially at this time of the year when people celebrate Christmas, where they celebrate the love energy, where they celebrate that child that came toBethlehem so many years ago and I, his mother, was there present and I am here present with you...

...And so my son and I have walked these paths these 2,000 years and we see so many people in difficulty, so many souls that we love; we peer at them and they seem confused. And so what we are doing is we are making ourselves known in your 3D world. We are telling you as clearly as we can; we are with you, and we point the way towards your Creatorand we’re doing everything that we can; and these sightings in Samoa, which have been going on for some time is just another moment, another place where we touch our feet upon your world as best as we can. And we say, take this momentand understand we are with you. We have not left you and we don’t intend to leave you. We will be everywhere, so that there can be no doubt. We hold your hand; we stand next to you and we love you...

You can access the entire message from our 2012 website from the page where we are placing all of these messages - - since these sightings are intended to help prepare us for 2012.

Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

Richard Presser

To understand what waits us in 2012, see

For our healing work -

"The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for it" -

For all of our products and services, see

Our other websites include:

Check out what Steve Fossett is saying about our times and about Ascension at

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There has been a lot of feedback to us on the subject of the Norway blue spiralling light of December 9th and this prompted Carolyn to ask Father God for his views on the various theories. Our original message from Jeshua explaining it was from CERN can be found at

Some have also asked who/what do we mean when speak of Father God. Father God is, you could say, a clone of All-There-Is, Source, the Creator-Of-All in the centre of the cosmos. Father God is in our part of the cosmos and exists interdimensionally “behind” our sun. He is the onewho has also been called Ra, the one to whom those who have worshipped the sun have acknowledged. From this explanation, you can see these sun worshippers wereless off track than many have believed.

There is such a being in every sun throughout the cosmos. It is one way that All-There-Is distributes authority throughout His creation, yet keeping control of it. These are real beings with emotions like us and we can communicate with them at any time when we know how and havepractised - and they know each and every one of us.

Here are some excerpts from Father God’s answers:

Energy that is sent to your dimension, either from me or from All-There-Is comes in a form that your science is well familiar with, and that is the traditional sine wave shape, because it is simply the propagation of energy that you arelooking at. Straightforward, sine wave pattern. So it is quite different from the pattern that was displayed over Norway...

... The image that was displayed was not doctored by software such as Photoshop...

Energy sent by our space brothers?

...the energy that comes from your so-called space brothers is again in the sine wave format...

...there are many who hold tightly to the belief, a belief that is well fostered by a number of well known so-called channels, who continue to indicate that there will be visitations from your so-called space brothers to, you could say, savehumanity... ...your space brothers understand who and what you are better than you do. They understand the power that you carry. They understand your abilities, even though theyhave been shut down in various ways. And so, they know the power that you carry and they stand in support of your awakening to that power...

...they know they are not allowed to interfere in that direct way, because that would contravene cosmic law... ...if they were to come and assist, that would not be a mechanism by which you would be empowered;quite the opposite... ... there will be no what is termed first contact...

...those of you that are holding out for such an intervention, I recommend you drop that notion and get on with saving yourself. That is what you are here for...

...there is a very powerful communication mechanism that has been used for thousands of years and they are what is generally known as crop circles...

...the pattern in the sky over Norway had nothing to do with communication from your so-called space brothers...

Note that first contact is NOT the same as disclosure.


...there is a base relatively close to where the pattern was observed in Norway... HAARP is used by those forces who wish to control humanity and indeed wish to control the entire planet. There have been some quite powerful effects generatedby the use of HAARP. This technology was a factor in the major earthquake in China, some two or so years ago. It was a factor in the earthquakes in Japan which impacted theirnuclear reactors some two or three years ago. It has been used to influence weather patterns. It has been used to impact the consciousness of humanity. This ispowerful technology and it is very dangerous.

Jeshua made comment about the impact that CERN can have on the, you could say, conscious make-up of your reality and whilst HAARP is not as extreme in its risk as CERN, HAARP also represents a substantial risk to aspects of the consciousnessthat makes up your reality than those who created it perhaps understand... ...some have indeed conjectured that the pattern that was produced came from the HAARP base and let meassure you that it did not...

He goes on to discuss HAARP in more detail and acknowledges that considering HAARP as the source had merit.

A stargate?

A stargate is one of the mechanisms by which energy can be transmitted to the planet. In a sense, it is no different from the way the spiritual hierarchy uses solstices, equinoxes, full moons, eclipses – these significant events – asenergetic gateways. So, again the energies that would come through a so-called stargate would be of a similar nature and that is in a sinusoidal pattern, not in this spirallingshape that you see over Norway.

A failed Russian missile launch?

This theory has perhaps been the most widespread cover story, you could say, to endeavour to explain away this pattern. It is the simplest story, the one which has the least risk to those who control so much upon your planet, and so it has beenthe story that has been given the most airplay, you could say, the most attempted credibility. But, if you examine the nature of this energy pattern, it is an extraordinarilypowerful spiralling interference pattern and there have been those who have done some analysis on what the energy produced by a failing rocket might looklike, and anyone that has looked seriously at that will realise that the energy from a failed rocket is never going to produce the kind of pattern that you seehere. And it’s a classic example of how the truth of things gets buried by those who control how messages come forth on your planet...

To listen to this entire recording, click on If the recording does not begin to play, copy the link into your browser and press Enter.

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Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

Dr. Richard Presser

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Mother Mary seen in Donegal, Western Ireland

In mid-October, I shared with you the story of Jeshua being seen in Gibraltar, along with messages from Jeshua and Mother Maryon this. Part of that message was that they would be seen in many places.Whilst we are aware of others, we have not had sufficient confirmation of thosesightings as yet to share these with you. This week, however, one has come toour attention – at the Donegal Shrine in Kerrytown, Donegal, Western Ireland.

The sightings began in 1938, a well accepted event and seen by many as foretelling of the Second World War,which began some ten months later.

In recent times, events began with the experience of Joe Coleman in September, 2007 Joe is a gifted spiritual healer and medium. Joe said, “She said that thereare great changes coming to the earth and we must pray and ask for guidance andhelp on our earthly journey.”


This has been followed by a series of sightings this year:

May, 2009, Mother Mary was reported to have appeared before a group of visiting Sisters from England and warned them bysaying, “In the land of the moving stones I will show you a sign from thesea that will soon wash upon your shores”, and which a week later sawthe appearance of agiant 600 foot jellyfish crop circle in Oxfordshire, which is home to theancient and mysterious RollrightStones.

September 29th, 2009, a weeping image of Mother Mary was visible to a group. See the following links:

Then October 31, 2009, along with Mother Mary coming forth once more, the sun was seen to be spinning, behaving in a mannerinexplicable by modern science. Similar spinning of the sun was reported associated with Mother Mary’s reportedapparition in Fatima in 1917 -

So, Carolyn and I decided to ask Mother Mary about these appearances and she came forth with a message for us, explaining that iswas one of the appearances that she and Jeshua would make more and morefrequently throughout the world leading up to the end of 2012, as part of theiralerting humanity to what is coming. They will appear in all countries and withsuch frequency and in such places that the mainstream press, which will seek tosuppress it, will be unable to do so.

You will find her beautiful message at

Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

Richard Presser

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NASA’s bombing of the moon a fizzer

On October 9th, NASA endeavoured to shoot a missile into the moon. The stated objective was to search for water to support future space missions....

Anybody buy that? Carolyn and I didn’t, so we asked Father God about it and found out they were endeavouring to destroy an underground base there that they did not want to have discovered.

Well, they failed. Notice how the TV pictures disappeared at the time it was due to impact the moon? Pure coincidence of course.

You may like to listen to the explanation from Father God at the bottom of the following page -

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Richard Presser

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