This is from the DNA Tribes Digest published back in January 1, 2012. It proves that specifically the Amarna dynasty had more in common with South Africans, West Africans, and East Africans, than anyone else. Now it does say that they have other trai
People in the New Age and the so-called "Truth" Movement think and believe that we are seeing a transition for the better; that the government is falling, and that the nightmare is almost over. That misconception of what many of the gatekeepers have
A few while ago I was looking at information of the God Helmet, and along with that a book called Travel Guide to Other Dimensions. This was when I was still having a lot of remnant of New Age and supernatural beliefs of other dimensions. When time h
Today I'm going to dedicate this forum post to Melanin. Yes, the power and the magic of.... *melanin*. Here are some capabilities of melanin I got from a website.
It’s chemical structure allows no energy to escape.
Using the English Cipher (the particular one used by Marty Leeds which I recommend you search on YouTube), I'm decoding Life and how it is created within us.
A while ago I looked at what's called Vortex Mathematics. Now I have not found a definitive definition of what Vortex Mathematics is, but I do have some pictures of what it looks like.
What I have noticed is that this Vortex Mathematic modal is actual
Forget about Sumeria being the cradle of civilization, and forget about the Out of Africa theory - we're talking a whole expansion of the horizons of history when talking about Mu. A couple of days ago, I bought a book called Sacred Symbols of Mu by
People in the New Age movement now days talk of unconditional light without getting pass the darkness known as Choronzon, or as the late Robert Anton Wilson calls "Chapel Perilous". Choronzon is known as the Abyss that resides in the Da'ath sephirot
A lot of people in the so-called "Truth" Movement or "Awakening" Movement is branding the entire elites of the world as the "Illuminati". What's worse is that they define the Illuminati as some sort of shadowy, invisible group that controls things be
I was reading this book that I got earlier today called Ethiopic: The First Language by Ras Iadonis Tafari aka Wendim Yadon who heads the Lion of Judah Society.
I'm pretty sure I might get some flack from this website, but I'm going to post this anyway - to put it simply, God is the Devil! Yep, I said it. And now to expand further on this to prove it. Here's a video that does that.