SuperDave's Posts (10)

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Technological prowess or cowardice?

      Shouldn't it appear curious to us that knowledge gained by man falls to the ground to be recovered by him much later? Do we pretend to be unaware of this, or is it that we are so terribly distracted in our activities that this remains unseen? Remaining unseen and inaccessible due to what reason? It would be like a seed being left to sprout, expecting some new manifestation of life both varied and greater than its predecessor; and this is done quite unconsciously and unintentionally. So the proper accumulation and use of technological knowledge must be in accord with man's sociologial and psychological development. Why has he decided this hidden process to be the way of things? Our modern technological age and it's supposed vast accumulation of knowledge in no way compares to even a miniscule portion of that possessed by our ancient ancestors. Previous civilizations held an immense understanding of not only their physical environ but other invisible metaphysical fields.
      Possibly it is the nature of the knowledge that effects this prodigious course of gain and loss which seems an unavoidable byproduct of our line of thinking. We seem to not be capable of apprehending scientific perception through any means that excludes this inexplicable deterrent to its use and development. Does man first need to gain an understanding of his own nature in order to correctly pursue and possess technological advancements?

      The more cunning and clever technological advancements have been made by the wealthy elite, usually connected to an effort to advance warcraft.  It is this ruling class that holds all else in subjection to its dominion through what can only be cunning and trickery. Can technological discoveries made by these species of humanity be classified as advancements if they only serve to further enslave it's fellow countrymen? Was our recent "discovery" of nuclear fission the antithesis of the more correct version of energy extraction known as nuclear fusion? Dark forces were much at work in ensuring that this form of explosive power was sought out due to it's more destructive characteristics. This has possibly been the downfall of each civilization that was brought to the apex of it's development, then somehow weakening, eventually succumbing to the error of pride. Mankind must find a way to move beyond it's technological attainments, utilizing any scientific genius in appropriate and essential ways. Already it appears too late, as our planet becomes more ravaged by an apparent desperation to pull a profit from its tortured surface.
      I would surmise that the damage we inflict on mother earth is a mere reflection of the condition of the human soul. It may be argued this is a contrived state of affairs, yet we've nonetheless allowed ourselves to be coerced down this avenue of slow destruction, through our hesitation to simply seek a more altruistic means of survival. It would seem whatever motives and methods man chooses to hasten his development, to these are added similar endowments by outside forces that mirror their nature exponentially. This is the inescapable universal law that we labor under. To take caution in man's evolution seems to be the last thought, with obviously drastic consequences. No one and nothing is more powerful than man when it comes to destructive and constructive abilities.

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Not Too Late?

      In previous generations, mankind confronted his dark side through wars fought with weapons and technology.  Today's society faces a far subtler manifestation of its proclivity towards evil, an evil that is far more pervasive and compelling.  We find also this war is far more desperate and decisive.  Evil can take many shapes, forms, and sizes, never molding itself to any common dictates.  Our generation finds itself embued in a conflict against tyrannical forces which require a resolve forged from spiritual resolve and strength.  We've rediscovered our spiritual nature, uncovering knowledge that has been lost for many centuries.  Some believe this recovery the result of serendipitous forces which awaited a certain period in time for revelation.  Anyhow, we've gained knowledge of our spiritual psyche, the inner device that causes change on a metaphysical level.  Labeled as a prayer field by some, this thought projection is what shapes and defines the reality we experience.  When focused in a specific way, it can have devastating effects far surpassing what we would reasonably suspect possible.  This is a weapon that can become far more powerful than any nuclear device.  With each new discovery of our hidden abilities seems to come a new enemy to be faced as well.  This enemy we're dealing with at present is as I said earlier, subtler and further entrenched in it's ideology.  This tyranny is global in scale and preys on our dependence on technology and material comfort.  Our spiritual natures being reawakened after a long dormancy must possess new vision and desire in order to confront these negative forces.  The emotions of hate, anger, fear, or greed must be eliminated from our psyches if we intend to overcome them.  Our weakness is the unwillingness to confront what evil lives through, our own dark natures. 

     Opposing global tyranny with force is impossible, and will only lead to its further growth.  What we need is to champion democracy through the furtherance of freedom's development.  Taking freedom to the next stage in it's evolution, which may require facing the unknown's of what we may be left with.  Nevertheless, we must plunge forward with what strength we have before it is too late.   Even now there are signs it may be past our ability to save much of what our forefathers bequeathed to us.  We can no longer look the other way while other nations suffer being plundered and ravaged by a greed and power fueled elite.  How many more need to lose so much before we call an end to the insanity?  Quite possibly it will require a great loss to awaken us to the dire need to take action.  


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A Great Secret

When viewing our planet from an evolutionary standpoint, one should sense a fundamental glitch in the panorama.  The present mindset supports the assumption that something exists that cannot be identified.  This something, grandiose and macabre, lends a feeling of helplessness and eventual doom to an otherwise tranquil existence.  What is it that pervades our world like a vast vaporous monolith evading detection?  Centuries of pondering appears almost to aid in camouflaging it from the human psyche.  A great evil, although "evil' is an inappropriate term, lies at the cornerstone of all human endeavor, a formidable foe to our understanding of reality.  Will the coming enlightenment turn the tables on this epic proclivity towards error and superstition, or will we simply ignore this opportunity and succumb to another dark age?

      Mankind thinks in linear terms, bound to an ageless mindset that has served to keep his feet firmly rooted to the earth.  We invent mechanisms to measure time ever more accurately, while possessing an instrument that, if used correctly, would negate this necessity.  Our hidden potential as galactic citizens has been triumphantly denigrated by our inability to see ourselves as such.  With heads pointed downwards, slow, plodding steps move us in ever increasing circles, mindlessly unaware of any similar destiny.    A small, unregarded segment of humanity has been shown to possess an ability to mimic another reality.  Thought of as primitive and banal, this portion of mankind seems lightyears ahead of our highly technological dreamworld.  Seemingly rooted to the earth, their more natural lifestyle allows them a vastly different ability to transcend materiality to uncover new worlds and vistas.  Peoples untouched by education and `a convenience mentality show our society to be quite vain and superstitious.  So we are not controlled by a governmental body who meets in secret, so much as by our egos and vanity.  Why has it not occurred to us that we have traveled nowhere in our discoveries, and unlocked no mysteries until we have overcome this fundamental flaw?  And again, what has created this flaw that seems a sure harbinger of our eventual annihilation?  A Great Secret.


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The Fool

In the tarot, there is a card labeled "The Fool", also known as the zero card.  This card is directly related to the development of spiritual consciousness and discovery of the higher form of love and life.  This more profound sense of love we may define as unconditional, "no strings attached".  On this path, we rise above our egoic needs with the statement to others: "I don't care what you've done or been, I love you.  I release my cares and concerns about you, you are a fragment of God as I am, an eternal spark with the same needs as myself.  I allow for whatever you may do."  This sounds rather foolish to those who are more attracted to ego and personal security, but if one is capable of releasing themselves from these, they will find a new sense of freedom for themselves and others.  As we release others from any expectations we may hold concerning their behavior, we place a "buffer space" where infinite love has the opportunity to work it's magic.  The mystics see this card as representative of the energy of universal love and freedom.  So desperately needed in our world today, this new sense of freedom surpasses the limitations of the rigid ego structure that we use when carefully guarding our feelings from other's meddling.  It's well researched that people sense something past our words, they sense the expectations and vibrations we send out that define our true intent.  What our intentions are cannot be hidden, except for a short time.  Others eventually are able to pick up on what we truly want or expect from a situation.  When releasing expectations and insecurities, we send a signal to others that they are free to do as they please.  This enables them to feel more secure, and may obliterate their need to feel in control of themselves and their own feelings.  

     How we view the future and any expectations we may attach to it is an illusion.  Our thoughts project this illusion ahead of ourselves on the path we're on in life.  They are subject to change, thus they are in effect, an appearance, a contrivance.  They are not definites or absolutes no matter how much we wish them to be, but they possess potentiality.  They possess potential to become reality as we place power in them through our thoughts and concerns.  Regardless of how any situation may feel, it is a fact they are an appearance, granted reality by how much power we give them.  "The power of fear is enormously aggravated by the thoughtform we ourselves have built of our own individual fears and phobias.  This thoughtform grows in power as we pay attention to it, for 'energy follows thought', till we become dominated by it." -Djwhal Khul.   When we put energy into something, it becomes part of ourselves as much as anything could be.  By releasing fears and limitations, we bring the energy back to ourselves, allowing us to grant an unconditional quality to how we view the situation.  We free ourselves and allow others a basis for freedom as well.  We play the part of a fool to grant others the ability to in turn free themselves from insecurity and doubt.

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It's not about the money

I was abstracting today about how our economic system is actually representative of an occulted form of energetic vampirism.  Opportunistic power moguls seized the monetary system a few centuries ago, why?  Because they knew something that would take people by surprise.  They preyed on a basic assumption that all people believe others to be basically good at heart, working for the 'common interest'.  We know this to be entirely false.  However,  were those years in college or school worth what you are being paid now?  Do you automatically recieve a compensation in proper proportion to what the value of your effort is?  No, you receive exactly what the role that you're playing has been determined to be worth by those who hold the moneybags.  So at the end of your day, when you've given a great degree of personal effort and determination to do your best, you go to rest thinking you'll somehow be given your due share.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The energy you've put into developing your ability to make a contribution to society is vastly displaced by an inability to find a niche where you can put those abilities to use.  If you carve out such a niche, it still will come nowhere near enabling you to put those abilities to use.  Why is this?  Regardless of the reason, the inertia caused by this situation alone will place any reasonable person in the position of seriously questioning the purpose of education.  It certainly isn't about developing an ability to 'make it' in this world.  We've all seen and heard of the folks who are fortunate to find a position or place well beyond their current education or background.  

    Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.' - Mayer Amschel Rothschild   Of course a Rothschild must be the one making this famous quote.  Our current banking system, which is corrupt beyond compare could only be produced by a mind intent on controlling more than money.  The banking cabal wants your energy, your life force.  And they will get it one way or another, just you wait and see.  The more you fight against the status quo, the more entrenched the PTB become.  For you life is about your family and friends, mostly you don't care so much for acquiring a personal fortune, for the cabal it's about survival.  The more they have, the safer they feel, the more likely to survive.  The money you earn actually represents an energetic force which you expended to complete a task.  They have compensated you for  your energy expenditure with near worthless dross, paper that represents your wholehearted belief in a worth it possesses which is nonexistent.  Tomorrow your money may be worth 1/10th of what it is today.  Should you question this unsettling circumstance, you only lessen your chances of having your savings and income be worth anything at all.  

    We need to get back to a financial mechanism that eliminates any middleman who can unduly determine the worth of someone's labor, with the intent of making an unfair profit from someone's hard work.  Our energy is worth more than the value a scheming banking cabal will place on it.  As long as we don't place value on our own work, we'll soon find others who will make us regret this decision.

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Indoctrination vs. Education

Where did the concept of a school, an organized, systematic method of thought development, develop from?  Sumerian texts speak of groups which in ancient times carried the responsibility of mentoring the next generation.  This was called the "Order of Melchizedek", an institution that transmitted the knowledge in circulation among the elders to the younger.  Education prepared people for the rigors of life, developing social, hunting, building, and farming skills.  You might say they were more advantageous to those living from nature, as mankind should.  Our educational system has been distilled into a form of indoctrination into an industrial-military mindset.  To survive, you must mold yourself into serving an industrialized, scientific society.  This adjustment, over time, causes one to lose perspective of one's individuality to a degree, in turn raising the question of the reason for self existence.  One's senses are overwhelmed with a feeling one must do something in response to the ever present call of selfhood.  You feel the need to look from another perspective that sees the rewards of adherence to this programmed consciousness as valueless, lacking the ability to fulfill the depths of a soul hungry for self expression.  

     You look at life in a new way, from a new perspective, and wonder why you have so much in money and property yet happiness, contentment, and love seem more elusive than ever. You are also feeling something so 'gut' level as to be primordial.   A sense that a great change is about to occur yet at the same time not knowing how or what this change would bring. You know you are being lied to, have been lied to all your life, and expect to be lied to in the future. You are also aware that education has prepared you for nothing that is important in life, especially survival, yet your senses keep telling you to 'do something', your very survival depends on it. But what?

     Dare you cast aside all your efforts at what the ego has strived to achieve in search of what seems to be the only thing that will satisfy, not even aware of what that something is?  The trinkets achieved by your selfish ego seem to shrink in comparison to what is being offered you.  A vast treasure of unimaginable wealth in knowledge, ability, and freedom of expression.  What has held you back from accepting this?  How could you have been so foolish?  Your only ability to make a worthy contribution to society seems to lie in utilizing the small talent placed in your hand.  A small talent that can unlock worlds of knowledge and understanding within a fraction of time.  Is it possible that modern man has succumbed to the belief that he is more evolved than his primitive ancestors who held knowledge of the stars and their orbits in their minds?  How do we work to regain of such magnitude that was lost eons ago?  And could it be the only way lies before us in a simple acceptance of the truth of who we are?  

     As we awaken to ancient memories that are being stirred within us, we feel a longing for a soul-level connection, an affinity for others unrealized by mechanized man.  Soon the separation between those who will follow this heart-felt desire and those who remain fear based will become more apparent than ever.  What will be the result of this?  Certain forces have already been gathering momentum toward a disastrous end, forcing a divergence into an entirely new stage of existence.  We have no alternative but to advance, either to eternal destruction or eternal evolution.  


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Beliefs and Opinions

What are your beliefs?  How were they formed? Did you choose them, or were they pushed on you by parents or siblings?  Our beliefs determine much of how we structure and color our world.  Without our knowledge, they may be perceived and picked up by others , filtered through what society has largely dictated as acceptable, and pushed back in your face as how they see you viewing yourself and your world, and may actually be far removed from how you really are.  

    Beliefs are about power and choice.  We choose to agree with certain societal acknowledgements about what is important and valid and what is not. In western society, life is seen as something that happens to us, much of which is beyond our control, with no causal agent other than some type of divine "plan"; life happens outside of individual choices..  Other societies may see life as composed of varying contributions individuals make as part of a larger scheme or plan, following an intuitive knowing or feeling; life happens inside of individual choices.  Both ways of viewing life are based in beliefs formed by societal dictates and customs.  Individual choices provide but a small voice to influence a particular societal belief or tenet.  Beliefs commonly exist outside of the choices we make concerning our place in society if we view ourselves as having little influence.   Do you see yourself as having an influential opinion with which to create a ripple of change?  If not, why not?  What causes you to believe your expression is not important?  Is his due to the fact that others appear to carry a stronger opinion?  How do you know your voice isn't as strong or stronger?  What caused you to believe this about yourself?

     When we change what we believe about others, it provides a space for us to see ourselves more clearly.  We validate what we believe about ourselves by how we perceive others and their beliefs regarding personal power.  In american society, power is usually associated with position and status, which mainly are granted by abilities possessed by the wealthy and influential.  The common people, those without status or influence, see themselves as mostly powerless and unheeded.  Positions in government and business are filled by people who possess charisma and personality, as opposed to wisdom and sagacity.  We believe wealth and influence are the hallmarks of individuals capable of leadership.  

     Where do collective societal beliefs stem from?  If a society is influenced to believe certain things about itself, could a ruling class find it much easier to control?  Where is the individual in all of this?  Imperceptibly and incredulously nonexistent due to a denial of self awareness.  Society is comprised of people with no individuality, no expression of personal influence.  The cause of this has been a slow disintegration of basic beliefs about who we are and our place in the world.  Personal and collective beliefs have been what has structured our world.  If we fear what we believe in will not affect change in our world, then it will not.  


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path of empowerment -excerpt from book

     The current fashion in Western civilization promotes doubters and skeptics who are recognized and rewarded for their worrisome speculations.  And because of an ancient ingrained fear of the body and it's wisdom, people can no longer tell the difference between what they are told is the truth and what makes sense to them.  This collective denial has now achieved a critical mass, and ages of emotionally toxic debris are rising to the surface to be identified and safely released.  From a bigger picture of reality, the people of Earth are emerging from an amnesiac-like state of collective shock, which has blocked the influx of spiritual knowledge into the human gene pool.  And while it is quite obvious to many that "you create your reality," the vast majority of humans still need to be awakened from the unconsciously controlled trance of powerlessness that they voluntarily took on.

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HR 347

URGENT" Obama signs anti-protest bill - Free Speech & Protest will get you JAIL TIME!  1st Amendment guarantees free speech; " Congress shall make no law prohibiting the exercise of free speech", this amendment has just been abridged to provide felony charges against citizens engaged in political protests anywhere in the US.   Secret service can decide whether a person is a threat to the president or other member of gov't with HR 347.  

Check it out on YouTube:

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self awareness

Has anyone felt or wondered why it seems that others seem to have little or no recognition of why they're here (seems they dont want purpose in their life, or wish to relive teenage dramas)?   It looks as if a lot of people do not have a real purpose or something truly meaningful happening in their life, as if they wish to "trash" their existence.  Possibly a jab at the creator for not allowing them a happier or more fulfilling life?  Any ideas?

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