Sw33tAwakening's Posts (4)

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My Testimony

Hello out there to all of my Brothers and Sisters! I wanted to take some time to share my story with you guys.  Hopefully it can inspire others as it continues to inspire me, and maybe others are experiencing the same thing.


First off, I'm a 28 year old male, I consider myself in the "nerdy" category :P (video games, comic books, etc), I am an Iraq war veteran, I'm polyamorous with 2 loving girlfriends, and I'm currently attending college.  I grew up in a Southern Baptist home, with a very nurturing environment.  I spent a majority of my young life involved with church activities and such, but realized at 14 that my heart wasn't fully in that belief system.  I hung out with the wrong crowd as a teenager, and thankfully avoided any serious trouble.  I was drawn toward rock music, metal, and gothic clothes.  I felt comfortable with that image, with those people. Many of them were good people, but simply misunderstood by their peers and their elders.


At 18 I joined the ARMY as an analyst.  Five days later the World trade center was destroyed.  We were terrified because they told us we would be sent to Afghanistan to all fight as infantrymen regardless of our contractually-obligated job description.  Thankfully that didn't happen, and I was able to wait 2 more years before my 13-month trip to Iraq.  That was a tough time.  I was going through a divorce while simultaneously dodging mortar rounds every night. I believe that was one of the hardest times in my life, but it led me to one of my first realizations.. I was still ok.  I realized that I would always be ok, and be able to figure my way out of any situation.  At that point in my life I kinda considered myself agnostic, so the inner strength that I was experiencing, was perceived as solely originating in my sheer stubbornness to not give up, and didn't necessarily affect anything outside of my body. I also noticed while I was in Iraq, that if I'm smiling and joking, other people would start smiling and joking.  And in Iraq, where the divorce rate is nearly 80% and people are dying.. a laugh goes a long way. I then kind of assumed my role then as "the positive one".


Man that's hard though.. keeping that positive energy flowing all the time.. but it sure helps. I've always been good at noticing patterns, and my analytical training really helped. After a couple years I began to notice that my personality had been changing.  And it seemed directly related to my newly found positive attitude.  Then in the summer of 2009, I saw Bill Mahr's Religulous. After that night I considered myself atheistic.  Luckily I have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, so when it came time to pick my college courses, I loaded up on histories, social sciences, humanities, etc.  I wanted to understand what compelled people to maintain their faith.  After classes such as Anthropology, New Testament Studies, World Religions, etc.. I felt like I had covered a lot of ground.  Then in August 2010, my life changed.


August 9, 2010 I watched 10 hours of The History Channel's "Ancient Alien Series". That was the day I woke up. After all that I had learned in school, the evidence right in front of my eyes completely contradicted all of it.  I previously had ideas about researching the Pyramids, Mayans, Freemasons, etc.. but now I was in full gear.  The very next day I started sending my questions out into the internet, processing as much as I possibly could as fast as I could.  I've always been the smart kid who loved learning, but this was different.. My soul was craving this information.  I couldn't think of anything else more important.  I researched at home every day for at least 5 hours for about 4 months.  My Higher Self knew that this was the last piece I would need to set my dominoes falling down the row.


At around the end of September 2010, I had my first spiritual experience.  From what I understand, I'm pretty sure it was the opening of my Heart Chakra.  An incredible experience with the Divine.  I had NEVER had any kind of experience with ANYTHING unexplainable.. And then I did.. it changed my perception.  I became increasingly aware, up from an already steady natural-awareness that I was blessed with. My awareness has always been one of my strong points, but now it's accelerating every day. I tuned into my body and spent the next couple of months actively ALLOWING my Chakras to open.


In November I started seeing numbers.  I've done a lot of looking into Synchronicity and I fully believe that it is a vital key to understanding how everything fits together.  Here's the way I look at it: (Luck = Positive Coincidence = Synchronicity = Divine Intervention) AKA Synchronicities are God's little Miracles.  So I started pointing them out and appreciating each one. Then I started noticing :33's.. then after a couple days of that I started seeing :22's, then :11's, then :44's.... etc, etc, etc.. Basically the Numbers that pop up in my path are there to remind me that I'm on the right path.  That I'll get to where ever I'm going right on time.  It's calming, centering, and effectively pulled me into the moment.  Within a couple weeks I started seeing the numbers on license plates.  EVERY time I get in the car to go ANYWHERE.. EVERY DAY! This too is accelerating. Every time I get a receipt for anything, the numbers are there. God's miracles are filling my path with synchronicity every single day, simply so that I can smile to myself whenever I see one. It's like life is a giant "Word Search" and I KNOW if I keep my eyes on the moment, the numbers WILL be there.  The numbers I see are 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,00,13,23,32,42,52.  (Coincidentally I'm currently taking statistics, and I know that the probability of these numbers popping up EVERYWHERE, EVERYDAY is REALLY REALLY LOW.) These are my little miracles, and I thank the Creator for each and every one.


Then I started experiencing CHI in December.  I awoke quickly from a deep sleep to feel my heartbeat strong in my chest (like usual). Then the heartbeat began to move in my body.. It moved around in my torso a few seconds, then went out to my right arm and sat in my hand.  I knew then that it couldn't have been simply a heartbeat.  The very next day I again woke up very suddenly, to feel that same beat.. but this time, it was already in my hand! I called my girlfriend over quickly to put her hand over mine.. Instantly I felt a ball of energy form in my palm, literally pushing my right hand closer to the ground. I was so excited!! The next day I started working on forming balls on my own without help. Sure enough I could.  I could make these balls as big or little as I want very easily.  I can pass them from one hand to another, leave them suspended in air, pass them across the room to another person, or around in a group of people. It was when a friend of mine was bitten by a dog that I put this energy into her hand, and guess what... the pain went away! WOW!! Then I started looking into Reiki, and I learned that Healers do the same things! I've also taught myself how to use this energy to move a PSI wheel, and some of my friends are kinda "fire bending." (safely :P)


The point of my story is this.  The Kids are waking up.  I've been posting and linking everything that I can find to my wall so I can wake as many people up as I can! :D  I have many friends that enjoy coming by my apartment, so excited to finally be allowed to think outside the box.  The youth have had so many cartoons, comic books, and Sci-Fi movies to encourage our imaginations, that now all we need is just ONE good reason to believe.. And when we do.. Man, we are powerful Beings!  I ask that as all of our Paths unfold, to please keep an open mind regarding the youth.  Thanks to mediums such as cartoons and video games, most of us were able to keep many of those childlike qualities. We're ALL Divine underneath.  Try not to be afraid of us or any new ideas we may introduce to the message.


I thank you so very much for listening to my story.  May God Bless all of You on your Path back to the Source! *HUGS*

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